2016 D.C. Packing List The purpose of this list is to help you plan in advance, not to buy a whole new wardrobe for the trip. Remember that broken in comfortable shoes are essential since we will be doing a lot of walking. We will only be gone for five days and you will not be able to change outfits during the day, except on Thursday night. As the nation’s capital, Washington is a professional city. Students should be conscious of the more formal environment of many of our destinations. In general, students’ attire on the trip should be a step up from their regular school dress. Teachers may ask students to change if they are no dressed appropriately. Boys: Belts are necessary in order to keep pants up and underwear exposure down. Hats are great for protection from the elements, just be aware of places where hats may need to be removed. You should expect that teachers, guides or workers may ask you to remove your hat and you should comply without question. Also because of the professional nature of our capital city athletic shorts and tank tops are not allowed to be worn on the trip. Please avoid torn pants/shorts. Girls: Many current fashion trends are problematic for the DC trip and therefore, we have to rely on school rules and your best judgment. If you decide to wear leggings at any point during the trip, they must be worn with an appropriate length top. Any shirts that expose the midriff or undergarments are not appropriate on the DC trip. Finally, athletic shorts and very short skirts are not appropriate for this trip. The following items are necessary: ____ 4 pairs of shorts, 1-2 pairs of pants ____ 1 sweatshirt ____ 6 shirts (long sleeve / 5 Polo’s or T-shirts) ____ 5 to 7 pairs of socks ____ 5 to 7 pairs of underwear ____ 1 to 2 pairs of sneakers in the event of rain ____ 1 other footwear (at least) ____ a warm jacket/fleece for touring after dark ____ reusable water bottle ____ pajamas (something to sleep in) ____ toothbrush and toothpaste ____ deodorant (non-spray) ____ clipboard, pens, pencils, paper ____ drawstring bag or small backpack ____ soap and shampoo ____ sun block and hat for sun protection ____ if you wear contacts, bring your glasses! ____ watch (not your phone) The following items are optional: ____ rain jacket ____ books or magazines ____ sunglasses and/or hat ____ approved individual electronics, playing cards (only for long bus rides down & back) ____ camera (teachers will be taking photos and will post them on our twitter feed to share) All medication needs must be clearly communicated to Nurse Hoban by April 8 th THE FOLLOWING ITEMS ARE NOT TO BE BROUGHT (NO EXCEPTIONS): Students may not pack their medication for use in the room. Valuables that if lost will cause your trip to be ruined. More than one suitcase (and make the one you bring as small as possible) More than $75.00 in spending money (trip and meals have been pre-paid) Unauthorized electronics (DVD players, video game systems, laptops, tablets or iPads that are not school issued, etc.) On May 6th, a tweet will be sent out on the DC twitter page (@WMS8thgradepage) between 5:30 and 7:00 pm to notify parents of our expected arrival time. We will also remind students to call/text our arrival time to their parents when we are about an hour away from Weston. We expect to arrive in Weston between 7:30 and 8:30 pm, but traffic always dictates our arrival time.