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"Leaving" Short Story Study Guide

Short Story: Leaving
Summarise the story in 7 lines
Multiple Choice:
1. Mr. Vassanji is a writer from
a) Russia
b) India
c) Tanzania d) America
2. Kichwele St in Tanzania is now known as:
a) Upanga St b) Uhuru St c) Dar
d) Taba
3. Mr Datoo was
a) a former school administrator
b) Aloo’s Principal
b) Aloo’s class teacher
d) Former Student and Teacher
4. Aloo had applied to study medicine, but was given a place to study:
a) cosmology b) agriculture c) literature d) Psychology
5. If the mother raised a loan, Aloo would send money from America by working as a:
a) doctor
b) waiter
c) teacher
d) baby sitter
6. The Mother decided to meet Mr Velji to:
a) borrow money b) Convince Aloo to stay c) seek his advice d) accompany Aloo to America
7. Advice given by Mr. Velji was: “If you send your son to America…”
a) your family will prosper b) you can go too
c) he will marry a white woman d) you will
lose your son
8. How old was the Mother when the Father died?
a) Thirty
b) thirty five c) thirty six
d) thirty three
9. Why did the Mother refuse several offers of marriage?
a) She did not want to send her children to an orphanage b) she wanted to live as a widow
c) she did not like to go away from her home
d) She did not like wooers
10. The mother asked Aloo to promise:
a) He would study hard
b) he would not marry a white woman
c) he would not
smoke and drink
d) b and c
Short Answer
1. Describe the members of Aloo’s family?
2. Why did they change residential areas? What’s the difference between the two areas?
3. Who is Mr Datoo and why is he significant for the story?
4. What was Aloo’s dream after meeting Mr. Datoo?
5. Why was the response from the local university a surprise to Aloo?
6. Why does Aloo raise his voice?
7. Why does the family go to Mr. Velji for advice? Why was he a good person to ask?
8. What are the promises given by Aloo before he goes?
9. What changes does the narrator observe in his mother? (look at his reflection)
10. What are the internal and external conflicts?
11. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this first-person observer point of
12. Draw a plot structure of the story.
13. Describe the family in the story.
14. Discuss the different types of conflict in the story.
15. What did you like about the story?
16. What did you not find appealing about the story? Why?
17. Is Aloo good or bad? Why?
18. What would you do if you were in Aloo’s shoes?
Extended Response
(2 small or 1 large page) (10 – 15 marks)
Discuss the obstacles in Aloo’s life.
Do you think Aloo is an irresponsible son? Justify your answer.
Do you sympathise more with Aloo or the Mother?
Genre – Contemporary Realistic Fiction
Narrator – the Author
Narration Point of View – First person point of view
Setting – Uhuru St and Upanga St
Technical Devices – Prologue and Flashback
- Internal Conflict – conflict with himself or herself
E.g. Aloo vs Aloo
Mother vs Mother
- External Conflict – conflict with an outside force
E.g. Aloo vs Mother
Aloo vs society/Bureaucrat in the ministry of education
Mother vs Mr Velji
Author: a young man attending a university
Aloo: his younger brother
Razia: author’s elder sister who is married
Mehroon: author’s elder sister who is also married.
Firoz: Author’s elder brother who is an assistant bookkeeper
Mr. Datoo – a school teacher who studied in the USA
Mr. Velji: a family friend.
Sisters marry and leave
They move away
Author is attending university
Mr. Datoo arrives and inspores Aloo
Aloo applies for colleges, but his mother is doubtful
Aloo receives a place at a local university studying agriculture.
He also receives a scholarship to CIT.
He discusses with his other. She talks about expense and that she doesn’t want him to
A few days later they decide to meet Mr. Velji for advice.
That night she shows interest in the universities and catalogues. They discuss.
The author reminisces about his mother.
The mother relents and indirectly says he can go.
Aloo sends a letter from London on his way.
An American university
Capital letters for places and people.
NOT the Aloo
Whose family?
Mr. Datoo only inspired, he didn’t help.
Mr. Velji gave advice, not courage.
Financial problem
One main point per sentence. No run on sentences.
No point form for extended response.
Internal conflict.
1. Wooers
2. Chores
3. Secured
4. Sturdy
5. Distraught
6. Racket
7. Croaking
8. Desolate
9. Illumination
10. Baobab
11. Tumultuous
12. Adulating
13. Shilling
14. Culling
15. Catalogue
16. Tantalising
17. Bureaucratic
18. Patriotic
19. Stupefied
20. Elated
21. Grinned
22. Content
23. Incredulous
24. Protested
25. Saucer
26. Dimmer
27. Sagged
28. Frowning
29. Glint
30. Slump
31. Caricature
32. Archetypal
33. Stiffly
34. Jovially
35. Meekly
36. Cursorily
37. Fraternities
38. Humbled
39. Bursary
40. Anxiously
41. Briskly
42. Rustled
43. Stroll
44. Intermittent
45. Nonchalantly
46. Facades
47. Dither
48. Brooding
49. Sequins
50. Chubby
Multiple Choice:
1. Mr. Vassanji is a writer from
a) Russia
b) India
c) Tanzania d) America
2. Kichwele St in Tanzania is now known as:
a) Upanga St b) Uhuru St c) Dar
d) Taba
3. If the mother raised a loan, Aloo would send money from America by
working as a:
a) doctor
b) waiter
c) teacher
d) baby sitter
4. The Mother decided to meet Mr Velji to:
a) borrow money
b) convince Aloo to stay
c) seek his advice
d) accompany Aloo to America
5. Advice given by Mr. Velji was: “If you send your son to America…”
a) your family will prosper
b) you can go too
c) he will marry a white woman
d) you will lose your son
6. How old was the Mother when the Father died?
a) Thirty
b) thirty-three
c) thirty-five d) thirty-six
7. The mother refused several offers of marriage because she didn’t
a) want to send her children to an orphanage
b) want to live as a widow
c) like to go away from her home
d) like wooers
Short Answer
1. Summarise the story in 7 lines
2. Why did they change residential areas? Contrast the two areas.
3. Who is Mr Datoo and why is he significant for the story?
4. Why was the response from the local university a surprise to Aloo?
5. Why does Aloo raise his voice? (pg 88, pgh 8)
6. Why does the family go to Mr. Velji for advice? Why was he a good
person to ask?
7. What are the promises given by Aloo before he goes?
8. What changes does the narrator observe in his mother? (pg 90-91)
9. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using first-person
observer point of view?
10. Discuss the different types of conflict in the story.
11. What did you like about the story? What didn’t you like? Justify.
12. Discuss the obstacles in Aloo’s life.
Extended Response (1 page)
1. What would you do if you were in Aloo’s shoes?
2. Do you sympathize more with Aloo or the Mother?
Multiple Choice:
1. Mr. Vassanji is a writer from
a) Russia
b) India
c) Tanzania d) America
2. Kichwele St in Tanzania is now known as:
a) Upanga St b) Uhuru St c) Dar
d) Taba
3. If the mother raised a loan, Aloo would send money from America by
working as a:
a) doctor
b) waiter
c) teacher
d) baby sitter
4. The Mother decided to meet Mr Velji to:
a) borrow money
b) Convince Aloo to stay
c) seek his advice
d) accompany Aloo to America
5. Advice given by Mr. Velji was: “If you send your son to America…”
a) your family will prosper
b) you can go too
c) he will marry a white woman
d) you will lose your son
6. How old was the Mother when the Father died?
a) Thirty
b) thirty-three
c) thirty-five d) thirty-six
7. The mother refused several offers of marriage because she didn’t
a) want to send her children to an orphanage
b) want to live as a widow
c) like to go away from her home
d) like wooers
Short Answer
1. Summarise the story in 7 lines
2. Why did they change residential areas? Contrast the two areas.
3. Who is Mr Datoo and why is he significant for the story?
4. Why was the response from the local university a surprise to Aloo?
5. Why does Aloo raise his voice? (pg 88, pgh 8)
6. Why does the family go to Mr. Velji for advice? Why was he a good
person to ask?
7. What are the promises given by Aloo before he goes?
8. What changes does the narrator observe in his mother? (pg 90-91)
9. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using first-person
observer point of view?
10. Discuss the different types of conflict in the story.
11. What did you like about the story? What didn’t you like? Justify.
12. Discuss the obstacles in Aloo’s life.
Extended Response (1 page)
1. What would you do if you were in Aloo’s shoes?
2. Do you sympathize more with Aloo or the Mother?