Biology 11 Vaccinations Research Assignment Over the course of the past few weeks we have learned about bacteria and their structure, how Antibiotics work as well as Viral Reproduction – The Lytic and Lysogenic Cycles. We’ve also learned about the innate immune system and adaptive immune system Response. Now we are going to look at how Vaccines work, and how effective they have been over the course of history. 1. Explain in general how a vaccination works. What is it designed to do? What is the science behind how a vaccination works? (you may draw pictures) 2. From the list below choose a vaccine. a. Name the disease. b. Describe what type of pathogen it is. (viral or bacterial?) c. Provide a picture of the pathogen. d. If one wasn’t vaccinated, explain the how the pathogen effects the human body. I.e.: Signs and symptoms you have the disease. 3. For your disease, how effective has your vaccine been since it was created? 4. What is Thimerosal? Why is it used in certain Vaccines? What is the difference between Ethylmercury Methylmercury? Is thimerosal used in childhood Vaccines? (Please provide a specific resource for this question) 5. Find two magazine articles about vaccines, one fore and one against vaccines. a. Summarize the articles in your own words. b. Explain why you think this is either a good or bad article and why. Be very critical. 6. How is it possible that people can get a flu vaccine but still get the flu? Why do you need to get a flu vaccine each year? 7. What is meant by “Herd immunity”? How does it prevent the spread of diseases? 8. After learning about vaccines, what is your view about getting vaccinated? List of Vaccines Cholera Dengue Fever Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) Diphtheria Human papillomavirus (HPV) Hepatitis A Influenza Hepatitis B Japanese encephalitis Measles Meningococcal meningitis Mumps Pertussis Pneumococcal disease Poliomyelitis Rabies Rotavirus Rubella Tetanus Tick-borne encephalitis Tuberculosis Typhoid Varicella Yellow Fever Biology 11 Marking Criteria: /30 Students will exercise a healthy, informed skepticism and use scientific knowledge and findings to form their own investigations to evaluate claims in primary and secondary sources. Critically analyze the validity of information in primary and secondary sources and evaluate the approaches used to solve problems Communicate scientific ideas, information, and perhaps a suggested course of action, for a specific purpose and audience, constructing evidence-based arguments and using appropriate scientific language, conventions, and representations Information Not yet meeting expectations 1–2 Student didn’t describe how vaccines work in general, and the science behind vaccines. Didn’t describe Thimerosal. Student provided very little information about the disease their vaccine was designed for and some of the signs and symptoms of the disease. Meeting Expectations 3-4 Student somewhat described how vaccines work in general, and the science behind vaccines. Somewhat described Thimerosal. Exceeding Expectations 5-6 Student fully described how vaccines work in general, and the science behind vaccines. Fully described Thimerosal. Student provided ample information about the disease their vaccine was designed for and the signs and symptoms of the disease. Student described concerns about vaccines. Student provided some information about the disease their vaccine was designed for and some of the signs and symptoms of the disease. Student described concerns about vaccines. Student somewhat summarized 1 article about its views on vaccines. Student somewhat summarized 2 articles about views on vaccines. Student fully summarized 2 articles about views on vaccines. They didn’t provide an opinion about the article. They provided a short opinion about the article. They provided a detailed opinion about the article. Communicate Scientific Ideas Student didn’t communicate their view on vaccines. Analyze cause and effect of vaccinations Students did not explain what is meant by herd immunity. Sources two sources were given APA formatting Student somewhat communicated their view on vaccines. Students only explained what is meant by herd immunity. Three sources were given APA formatting Responsibility Assignment was handed in within 4 days of the due date Student coherently and fully communicated their view on vaccines. Students fully analyzed and explained what is meant by herd immunity. More than three sources were given APA formatting Assignment was handed in on time Critical Thinking and communication -10 Assignment was handed in within two days of the due date -5 Student fully described concerns about vaccines. 0