BRANDON IS WORKING WITH: MALACHI ESSAY OUTLINE INTRODUCTION PARAGRAPH ● Hook—Grab your reader’s attention. (1 sentence)question, quote, statistic, anecdote –short personal story, What first comes to mind when hearing the word “death?” Provide relevant background information. (2 to 5 sentences) connects your hook to your thesis. Talk about One Acts, Sonnets, authors, themes, research, etc. In One Acts and Sonnets, the authors characterize death in many ways. For example, in “The Game”, the characters talk about death as a way to end one’s suffering. Though in the end, the characters think of a way to defeat death. In Sonnets, the authors state that death is powerful but in the end, it will be conquered. Thesis statement—Main idea, Opinion/claim about topic and at least three points (vary) that are presented in the order that they will be discussed. In other words, a road map telling the reader where the essay will go. (1 sentence) Ex. Snickers is the best candy bar because it contains rich chocolate, smooth caramel, and salty peanuts. Death is a significant part of the life of a human being because it can be recognized in other words, can influence people to do bad things, will not be strong enough to overcome in the end, and can be conquered. BODY PARAGRAPH 1 ● Topic sentence: One sentence that starts with a transitional word or phrase and then introduces thesis point #1 as its topic. (1 sentence) First off, the candy bar is coated in delicious milk chocolate. To begin, death can be identified by other phrases. ● Evidence: At least one example that proves the Topic sentence is true; quotes are examples. (1 to 4 sentences) According to the article, “Black Death,” “The Black Death was the name given to a devastating plague that swept across Europe in the mid-fourteenth century.” (“Black Death” 1). ● Analysis: An analysis and explanation of how your Evidence accomplishes proving the Topic sentence is true. (1 to 3 sentences) The text furthers the understanding of how death is shown negatively as a deadly disease. ● Evidence: At least one example that proves the Topic sentence is true; quotes are examples. (1 sentences) to 4 Moreover, another piece of text, titled, “Euthanasia” states, “Euthanasia is the act of causing or permitting the death of someone who may be suffering from an incurable or terminal illness, often as a way to end the suffering of that individual.”(Euthanasia 1). ● Analysis: An analysis and explanation of how your Evidence accomplishes proving the Topic sentence is true. (1 to 3 sentences) This is a way how death can be seen as a good thing because it puts a person out of misery. ● Link sentence: A sentence that relates to this paragraph’s Topic sentence and transitions to the next paragraph. (1 sentence) EX. Not only does it contain smooth chocolate, but also a decadent caramel. No matter what form death takes, it can cause people to do unreasonable things. BODY PARAGRAPH 2 ● Topic sentence: One sentence that starts with a transitional word or phrase and then introduces thesis point #2 as its topic. (1 sentence) Secondly, the rich caramel in a Snickers bar provides the perfect sweetness and texture. Furthermore, death can influence people to do bad things. ● Evidence: At least one example that proves the Topic sentence is true; quotes are examples. (1 to 4 sentences) In the article “Hamlet” the text finds, “After Laertes returns to Denmark in light of his father’s death and Ophelia’s madness, Claudius sets a plan in motion to kill Hamlet.” (“Hamlet” 1). ● Analysis: An analysis and explanation of how your Evidence accomplishes proving the Topic sentence is true. (1 to 3 sentences) The text explains the series of events that caused Claudius to want to murder Hamlet. ● Evidence: At least one example that proves the Topic sentence is true; quotes are examples. (1 to 4 sentences) Also found in “Hamlet,” “...Death, which has caused Hamlet to seek revenge, is the expected consequence of his revenge.” (“Hamlet” 1). ● Analysis: An analysis and explanation of how your Evidence accomplishes proving the Topic sentence is true. (1 to 3 sentences) After the death of his father by his brother, Claudius, Hamlet seeks revenge in hopes to avenge his father. ● Link sentence: A sentence that relates to this paragraph’s Topic sentence and transitions to the next paragraph. (1 sentence) Although death seems like it is able to take control of individuals, it will not be successful in the long run. BODY PARAGRAPH 3 ● Topic sentence: One sentence that starts with a transitional word or phrase and then introduces thesis point #3 as its topic. (1 sentence) At the same time, death will not be strong enough to overcome in the end. ● Evidence: At least one example that proves the Topic sentence is true; quotes are examples. (1 to 4 sentences) In the sonnet, “Holy Sonnets: Death Be Not Proud”, it states, “Death, be not proud, though some have called thee Mighty and dreadful, for thou art not so;” (Donne 1-2). ● Analysis: An analysis and explanation of how your Evidence accomplishes proving the Topic sentence is true. (1 to 3 sentences) This part of the sonnet explains that death has gotten hold of people and it may be mighty but not for long. ● Evidence: At least one example that proves the Topic sentence is true; quotes are examples. (1 to 4 sentences) At the same time, the text also states, “And death shall be no more; Death, thou shalt die.” (Donne 14). ● Analysis: An analysis and explanation of how your Evidence accomplishes proving the Topic sentence is true. (1 to 3 sentences) The text states that death will not be part of anyone's’ lives and that death will be the one to die. ● Link sentence: A sentence that relates to this paragraph’s Topic sentence and transitions to the next paragraph. (1 sentence) While death will not be strong enough to overcome in the end, death will also be conquered. BODY PARAGRAPH 4 ● Topic sentence: One sentence that starts with a transitional word or phrase and then introduces thesis point #3 as its topic. (1 sentence) Additionally, death can be conquered. ● Evidence: At least one example that proves the Topic sentence is true; quotes are examples. (1 to 4 sentences) This is displayed in the one act “The Game” which states, “Yes, and Youth has found Love--real Love at last. Love that burns like fire and flowers like the trees. You shall not die. (To Death) And I will fight you for her! Love is stronger than Death!” (Bryant 1). ● Analysis: An analysis and explanation of how your Evidence accomplishes proving the Topic sentence is true. (1 to 3 sentences) Bryant explains that death can be defeated and can be fought against with love. ● Evidence: At least one example that proves the Topic sentence is true; quotes are examples. (1 to 4 sentences) Also found in “The Game” the text reads, “Yes. But we will have lived. Until then, Death, you are Powerless. I fear you not, and I will guard her from you.” (Bryant 1). ● Analysis: An analysis and explanation of how your Evidence accomplishes proving the Topic sentence is true. (1 to 3 sentences) This shows how death is powerless over something that is stronger than it. ● Link sentence: A sentence that relates to this paragraph’s Topic sentence and transitions to the next paragraph. (1 sentence) Although the claim has been proven by several examples, there might be other claims that interfere with this one. BODY PARAGRAPH 5 -Counterpoint ● Topic sentence: One sentence that starts with a transitional word or phrase and then introduces your counter argument (1 sentence) Type Topic Sentence Here ● Evidence: At least one example that proves the Topic sentence is true; quotes are examples. (1 to 4 sentences) Type Evidence Here ● Analysis: An analysis and explanation of how your Evidence accomplishes proving the Topic sentence is true. (1 to 3 sentences) Type Analysis Here ● Evidence: At least one example that proves the Topic sentence is true; quotes are examples. (1 to 4 sentences) Type Evidence Here ● Analysis: An analysis and explanation of how your Evidence accomplishes proving the Topic sentence is true. (1 to 3 sentences) Type Analysis Here ● Link sentence: A sentence that relates to this paragraph’s Topic sentence and transitions to the next paragraph. (1 sentence) Type Link Sentence Here CONCLUSION PARAGRAPH (4 to 6 sentences) ● Restate your thesis in a new a way To sum up, the fact that death can be acknowledged in different terms, can impact individuals to do terrible things, will not be powerful enough to excel in the end, and can be vanquished, proves that death is quite an important part of one's life. ● Summarize the essay’s argument Firstly, death is recognized in many phrases and many people and groups see them as different ways as well. Secondly, death can make people do bad things based on their emotions. Thirdly, death will not be strong enough to overcome in the end. Then lastly, death will be conquered. ● Explain the greater significance; explain the author’s point/message In the end, what should come to mind when thinking about the word “death” is something that is crucial to life in general. Death has so many different effects that can potentially change one's life forever, but it can always be overpowered and conquered, despite the difficulty of a certain circumstance. Whether having an outcome that is positive or negative, death truly is a significant part of the life of a human being.