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Excel & Presentation Problem Notes 2007-2011

June2011 (olympics)
Solved: 2009,2010,June2011
ifand function in November 2008
2007 and 2008 are done
june 2009= supa scuba presentation, excel is done
November 2009= if function
June 2010= Presentations not related to syllabus
//= excel is solved, avrage difficulty
Nov2010= excel is solved, but a bit hard. be sure to revise.
//= Presentation is not related to syllabus.
June2011(paper21)=Presentation is solved
//(paper32)= excel is solved. not that hard
//(paper31)=One of the hardest ifand functions, revise from this paper.(olympics shot putt one)
Nov2011(paper2)= Presentation is solved, its the port one(not that hard).
Nov2011(paper3)= Excel is olympic one, just javelin is added, revise from here.