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Macbeth Vocabulary & Literary Terms


Macbeth Vocabulary Words

Macbeth Vocabulary Words

1. Minion-a submissive follower or dependent; slave



relayed the news that that the Scottish forces were victorious.

2. Corporal-of or relating to the body


punishment is outlawed in many states.

Macbeth Vocabulary Words

3. Chastise—rebuke or reprimand severely; punish

The Thane of Cawdor was traitor.

chastised for being a

4. Prophetic—containing a prediction; predicting

The witches gave Macbeth a into his future.

prophetic glimpse

Macbeth Vocabulary Words

5. Surmise—make a guess; assume hesitantly



the plot to kill Duncan would be difficult to carry out.

6. Appalls—horrify; shockingly unpleasant

The murder of Duncan


and the rest of the king’s court.


Macbeth Vocabulary Words

7. carousing—Drunken merrymaking

The porter was out

King was killed.


the night the

8. equivocate—to use ambiguous language

Many students think Shakespeare


speeches in his plays to add suspense.

Macbeth Vocabulary Words

9. Scruples - To hesitate as a result of conscience or principle

Macbeth practiced low scruples by killing his king.

10. Augment - to make larger; enlarge in size, number, strength, or extent; increase

The King was able to augment his army while the other side was distracted allowing him to win.

Macbeth Vocabulary Words

11. Malice - desire to inflict injury, harm, or suffering on another

Macbeth claims he killed the guards out of



12. Purged - to rid of whatever is impure or undesirable; cleanse; purify.

Lady Macbeth


water on her hands.

her sin with a little

Macbeth Vocabulary Words

13. Muse - to think or meditate in silence, as on some subject

Macbeth king.

muses over the problems with killing the

14. Homage - respect or reverence paid or rendered

Banquo pays homage to Duncan’s memory by promising to avenge his death.

Macbeth Vocabulary Words

15. Eminence - high station, rank, or repute

The king’s


was clear by the clothes he wore and the horse he rode.

16. Malevolence - the quality, state, or feeling of being malevolent; ill will; malice; hatred

Banquo is filled with


the killers of the king.


Macbeth Vocabulary Words

17. Diminutive - small; little; tiny

Malcolm and Donalbain seem to have become more important later.

diminutive parts at the beginning of the play, but they

18. Appease - to bring to a state of peace, quiet, ease, calm, or contentment; pacify; soothe

Lady Macbeth tried to ghost.

appease the banquet guests when Macbeth was seeing Banquo’s

Macbeth Vocabulary Words

19. Integrity - adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral character; honesty



was a result of his desire to remain King of Scotland.

20. Oblivious - unmindful; unconscious; unaware

Macbeth was


to Lady Macbeth’s downfall until it was too late to help.

Macbeth Literary Terms

Imagery – Language that appeals to the senses.

Descriptions of people or objects stated in terms of our senses.

Paradox – An apparent contradiction that is actually true.

Foreshadowing – The use of hints or clues to suggest what will happen later in the story.

Aside – Private words that a character in a play speaks to the audience or to another character & that are not supposed to be overhead by others onstage.

Soliloquy – A long speech in which a character who is usually along onstage expresses his or her private thoughts or feelings.
