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Fight Against Racism: A Call for Equality in America

Richard B spencer. A very racist man and white supremacist. These are the people responsible for
the hate crimes incited in the United States of America. These people can’t ingest the fact that
every person living in the US regardless of colour, gender or race is a part of America. People
from different ethnicities make America what it is today. If people like Spencer will continue to be
projected in the public as heroes then the great country of America as we know it will cease to
exist. We the people of America can decide the future of this country. The right to free speech only
applies till the speech does not personally offend someone’s feelings. When people like Spencer
decide to use their right to free speech for reasons to spread hatred and we have no power to
stop it then we know that the democracy of our country is failing.
All the education we have had teaches us to embrace love and refuse hatred. We have been
taught to combine our knowledge and power to make a difference. Today I stand here in-front of
you to share with you my idea of a free and democratic country. A free country is where ALL
people can make full use of their rights and can demand justice if they see injustice being inflicted
onto to them or someone else. America is done fighting wars within the country. The good wars
and the bad wars. The good wars were fought by great people like Abraham Lincoln and Martin
Luther King Jr. These fights were fought against the prejudicial thinking of the people at their
times and fought for people who could not fight for themselves. The bad wars were fought when
the justice system let murderers who murdered black people go free and jailed all who raised a
finger against the white.
One of the worst nightmares to hit America was Jim Crowism. For people who don’t know what
Jim Crowism is: They are a set of rules and regulations used by many states which segregated
people according to their races and maintained a hierarchy where white people were on top.
Racial Discrimination runs in the veins of this country and it is time to rip the venomous blood out
of the veins of this country and replace it with pure blood, blood without racism. The pride of the
white supremacists was the burden of their foolishness. For most of our lives we were told how
NOT GOOD ENOUGH we are and how NOT GOOD ENOUGH we can be. But I stand here today
without listening to a single thing people say. Till this day people like Spencer try to make America
the underdeveloped and supremacist country it used to be.
America has grown to be beautiful but the truth is that no one or no country is perfect but that
does not mean we use it as an excuse to hurt others. Instead we should try to improve ourselves
and make our self good enough because good enough isn’t good enough if it can be made better.
America should not be the country where people need to live in fear but it should be the country
which gives everyone a chance to flourish. America should not be the country where unarmed
people can be killed in the false name of self defence. America should not be the country where
black children are shot and the murderers are let go. America should be the country which
punishes people like Spencer for their hate and for instigating hate crimes against people of
colour. America should be the country where black children, brown children, white children are not
afraid to go to school because they might get shot. America should be the country for equal
opportunities regardless of the race.
To end it all I would like to say that when we Americans feel that we have hit rock bottom we need
to realise that sometimes rock bottom is the strongest foundation to build upon. We should not
lose hope and never give up and must fight for what is right. We need to continue the fight our
ancestors started. Not a fight against white people but against people who think that they can rule
this country by oppressing others. We need to make America a better place for everyone. We
need to stop people like Spencer and we need to stop Racism and Segregation. America and its
citizens should get what they deserve: FREEDOM.