Technological Institute of the Philippines 938 Aurora Blvd. Cubao, Quezon City College of Information Technology Education ITE 006 – Database Systems 1 (Oracle 1) Final Period Ensuring Quality Query Results Name: Perez Jr., Jose A. Date: February 20, 2019 Program / Section: IT22FA1 Instructor: Ms. Roxanne A. Pagaduan Assessment Task: Laboratory Activity No 1 The following questions support the attainment of CILO: 1. Write SQL statements based on given problems and retrieve data in the database Instructions: - Read the questions carefully. - Provide the screenshots of your query and output. (include your full name in each screenshot) - Write your final answer query in your answer sheet. NO Erasure. - Total Points: 27 (1 point each) 1. Problem: - Create a list of all tables whose first two characters in the name of the table is JO. - The tables must be owned by the current Oracle User. Tables Used: - User_tables Screenshot: Query: SQL> SELECT table_name, owner FROM all_tables WHERE table_name LIKE'JO%' 2. Problem: - Create a list that includes the first initial of every employee's first name, a space, and the last name of the employee. Tables Used: - Employees Answer Query: SQL> SELECT SUBSTR(first_name,1,1) || ' ' || last_name FROM hr.employees; 3. Problem: - Create a list of every employee's first name concatenated to a space and the employee's last name, and the email of all employees where the email address contains the string 'IN'. Tables Used: - Employees Answer: Query: SQL> SELECT first_name ||' ' || last_name, email FROM hr.employees WHERE email LIKE'%IN%'; 4. Create a list of 'smallest' last name and the 'highest' last name from the employees table. 6. Create a list of every employee and his related job title sorted by job_title. • Tables Used: – Employees, Jobs Answer: Query: SELECT SUBSTR(employees.first_name,1,1) || ' ' || employees.last_name "Employee Name", jobs.job_title "Jobs" FROM hr.employees, WHERE employees.job_id = jobs.job_id; • Tables Used: – Employees Output: Answer: Query: SELECT last_name AS "First Last Name", last_name AS "Last Last Name" FROM hr.employees ORDER BY "First Last Name" ASC, "Last Last Name" DESC; 7. Create a list of every employee's job, the salary ranges within the job, and the employee's salary. – List the lowest and highest salary range within each job with a dash to separate the salaries like this: 100 – 200. • Tables Used: – Employees, Jobs Output: 5. Create a list of weekly salaries from the employees table where the weekly salary is between 700 and 3000. – The salaries should be formatted to include a $-sign and have two decimal points like: $9999.99. • Tables Used: – Employees Answer: Query: SELECT TO_CHAR(ROUND(salary/4,2), 'fm$99,999.00') AS "Weekly Salary" FROM hr.employees WHERE salary BETWEEN 700 AND 3000; Output: Answer: Query: SELECT SUBSTR(employees.first_name,1,1) || ' ' || employees.last_name "Employee Name", jobs.job_title "Jobs", MIN_SALARY ||'-'|| MAX_SALARY "Salary Range", employees.salary "Employee's Salary" FROM hr.employees, WHERE employees.job_id = jobs.job_id; Output: 8. Using an ANSII join method, create a list of every employee's first initial and last name, and department name. – Make sure the tables are joined on all of the foreign keys declared between the two tables. • Tables Used: Departments – Employees, Answer: SELECT SUBSsTR(first_name,1,1) || ' ' || last_name "Employee Name", department_name FROM hr.employees NATURAL JOIN hr.departments; 9. Change the previous listing to join only on the department_id column. • Tables Used: Departments – Employees, SELECT DECODE (manager_id, null,'Nobody','Somebody') "Works For", last_name "Last Name" FROM hr.employees; Output: 11. Create a list of every employee's first initial and last name, salary, and a yes or no to show whether or not an employee makes a commission. – Fix this query to produce the result. Answer: Query: SELECT SUBSTR(first_name,1,1)||' '|| last_name "Employee Name", salary "Salary", DECODE (commission_pct,null,'No','Yes') commission FROM hr.employees; Answer: Query: SELECT SUBSTR(first_name,1,1) || ' ' || last_name "Employee Name", department_name "Department Name" FROM hr.employees e JOIN hr.departments d ON(e.department_id = d.department_id); Output: 10. Create a list of every employee's last name, and the word nobody or somebody depending on whether or not the employee has a manager. – Use the Oracle DECODE function to create the list. • Tables Used: – Employees Answer: Query: 12. Create a list of every employee's last name, department name, city, and state_province. – Include departments without employees. – An outer join is required. • Tables Used: – Employees, Departments, Locations SELECT E.last_name, E.salary, J.grade_level FROM hr.employees E JOIN hr.job_grades J ON E.salary BETWEEN J.lowest_sal AND J.highest_sal; SELECT E.last_name, D.department_name,, L.state_province FROM hr.employees E JOIN hr.departments D ON E.department_id=D.department_id JOIN hr.locations L ON D.location_id = L.location_id; 15. Produce a list of every employee's last name and department name. – Include both employees without departments, and departments without employees. • Tables Used: – Employees, Departments 13. Create a list of every employee's first and last names, and the first occurrence of: commission_pct, manager_id, or -1. – If an employee gets commission, display the commission_pct column; if no commission, then display his manager_id; if he has neither commission nor manager, then the number -1. • Tables Used: – Employees SELECT first_name Name",last_name "Last Name", COALESCE (commission_pct, manager_id, commission_pct, -1) AS "Which Function???" FROM hr.employees; "First 14. Create a list of every employee's last name, salary, and job_grade for all employees working in departments with a department_id greater than 50. • Tables Used: – Employees, job_grades SELECT E.last_name, D.department_name FROM hr.employees E JOIN hr.departments D ON E.department_id=D.department_id; 16. Create a treewalking list of every employee's last name, his manager's last name, and his position in the company. – The top level manager has position 1, this manager's subordinates position 2, their subordinates position 3, and so on. – Start the listing with employee number 100. • Tables Used: – Employees 17. Produce a list of the earliest hire date, the latest hire date, and the number of employees from the employees table. • Tables Used: – Employees 18. Create a list of department names and the departmental costs (salaries added up). – Include only departments whose salary costs are between 15000 and 31000, and sort the listing by the cost. • Tables Used: – Employees, Departments