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Galvanized Iron Sheets: Properties, Uses & Maintenance


In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the course

Construction Materials and Testing (CIVMATL)

Presented to the Faculty of the

Department of Civil Engineering

College of Engineering, De La Salle University

Individual Project Paper

Galvanized Iron Sheets

Submitted by:

Kyle Earlwin G. Chan



Submitted to:

Engr. Kenneth Toral

Date Submitted:

August 3, 2018

1.0 Purpose of Material

Galvanized iron sheets are basically zinc coated steel sheets that include hot-dip galvanized and electro-galvanized steel sheets. Hot-dip galvanizing is the process of immersing the steel in molten zinc while electro-galvanizing is the immersion of steel in electrolyte which is a zinc solution of sulfate or cyanide. Galvanization is simply the prevention of corrosion by hot-dipping the iron or steel in zinc. Zinc provides a cathodic or sacrificial protection for steel because it has a greater electro-negativity than iron. This means that if the base metal is chipped or damaged, rusting will least likely to occur as long as there is a zinc layer. With zinc, the steel will retain its full initial strength and provide the steel a protection to corrosive attacks from the atmosphere.

(Satyendra, 2013)

The various types of galvanized coil and sheet steel consist of: Commercial Steel (CS Type

A, B and C), Forming Steel (FS Type A and B), Deep Drawing Steel (DDS Types A and C), Extra

Deep Drawing Steel (EDDS), Structural Steel (SS: Grades 33, 37, 40, 50, 80), and High Strength

Low Alloy Steel (HSLAS). (curtissteel.co, n.d.) Commercial Steel is a mild steel that has a ductility to be bent flat on itself and be involved in moderate forming processes. Forming Steel is the type used for hot-dip galvanized products. Deep Drawing Steel is a carbon steel that has a higher ductility than commercial steel and can be severely deformed under low costs. Structural Steel is used as reinforcement to provide tensile and flexural strength. Lastly, High Strength Low Alloy

Steel provides a greater rate of resistance to corrosion compared to carbon steel.

(thefabricator.com, n.d.)

The grading systems of steels are based on a number of physical properties. These physical properties include density, elasticity, durability, ductility, and resistance to corrosion. Also, mechanical properties are used to classify a material. The mechanical properties of steel include yield strength, tensile strength, elongation, and hardness. The typical results for the mechanical properties of a hot-dip galvanized commercial steel are 48 ksi for the yield strength, 59 ksi for the tensile strength, 28% for the elongation, and 62 RB for hardness. (conklinmetal.com, n.d.)

Galvanized iron sheets are well-known as corrugated galvanized iron (CGI). These are


commonly seen as roofing of houses. Purlin/batten are used to support the CGI and keep them in place. These iron sheets are corrugated to increase its strength and stiffness. Without the process of corrugating, the sheets are easily deformable. (sheltercluster.org, n.d.) Furthermore, these steel sheets are corrugated with the use of roll forming. There are different types of of corrugated metal roofing: Type B Wide Rib, Type F Intermediate Rib, 2 ½” Rib, 1 ½” Composite, 2” Composite, N

Deck, Thermalwall Roofing Panels, 4” Rib, 7/8” and ½” Corrugated Metal Panels, and R Panel.

(corrugatedmetalroofing.net, n.d.)


2.0 Manufacturing Process

Figure 1. Coated Steel Sheets Production Process (NSSMC, n.d.)


3.0 Installation or Application

GI Sheets is extensively used in various ways such as in agriculture, automobile sector, construction, house hold things, electrical appliances, furniture and fixtures, and others.

Agricultural applications include grain silos, sprayers, pans and feeding troughs, and more.

Automobile applications consist of cars, buses, trucks, filters, tanks, pipes, etc. Applications in construction include roofing, side walls, panels, highway bumpers, etc. Household applications are comprised of trunks, ice boxes, water tanks, machines, bathroom doors, and more. Electrical appliance applications include air conditioners, freezers, refrigerators, etc. Furniture and fixtures include desks, racks, chairs, etc. Lastly, ducting, containers, thermal cladding, sign boards are other applications of galvanized iron sheets. (Satyendra, 2013)

Despite the various applications of galvanized iron sheets, roofing is one of the most common. Parts of roofing comprise of downspouts and elbows, gravel stop and roof edgings, metal roof trim, aluminum soffit and trim, valley flashings, gable trim, gutters and fittings, wall to roof trim, and wall coping and cleats. (allproofing.ca, n.d.)

4.0 Safety Precautions and Environmental Impact

People in charge of handling the manufacturing process of steel sheets should be equipped of the necessities such as gloves, steel-toe shoes and goggles, and a first aid kit should be accessible and convenient. (sheltercluster.org, n.d.)

Environmental issues arise with the fabrication of sheet metals. Cuttings costs and preserving the natural environment should always be taken into account along with various processes. The process of turning sheet metals into useful products require a high consumption of energy. These processes include the fabrication, transportation, and distribution. To reduce the use of excessive energy and emission of greenhouse gases, manufactures are looking into eco-friendly innovations that will help solve arising problems. (Wilmot, 2017)

Using of raw materials such as iron and ore are needed to produce and fabricate steel sheets.


Raw materials will pose risks of scarcity if these are not reused and recycled in a more sustainable way. Dangerous chemicals are also an environmental issue that researchers have also been giving attention to because this pose as a threat to human health. Fabrication requires the use of different solvents, surface treatments, and cutting agents that are often toxic and difficult to dispose of.

Similar to chemicals, wastes should also be disposed of or reused/recycled. Handling wastes needs to be addressed as this adds to the degradation of the environment. (Wilmot, 2017)

This process also needs the use of lots of water. According to REGA, “Water acts as a dust suppressant, coolant, and cleaner.” However, water is the most important natural resource that should be well taken care of. In other countries, alternatives to freshwater includes the desalination of sea water or grey water to be used in the fabrication of sheets. (Wilmot, 2017)

5.0 Maintenance Procedure

Some procedures are done to improve the longevity of the material. In GI sheets, various stains and marks require treatment. The aggressiveness of “scrubbing” depends on the matter at hand. Frequently, a hard plastic bristle brush is recommended instead of a steel bristle brush because this has an effect on the coloration of the material. However, similar to other types of materials, the aesthetics of treated surfaces will inevitably differ to the ones of adjacent untreated surfaces once cleaned. (GAA, n.d.)

Cleaning areas that contain mild stains, dirt and the like, ordinary laundry soaps and common household ammonia cleaners can be used as long as freshwater is used to wash these off after applying. In some situations, when the contaminants on such surfaces are persistent, it is recommended to use a low pressure wash such as a gurney gun that cleans cars and trucks can be effective. Commonly, cleaning areas influenced by rust can cause brown staining. Brown staining is when the water draining from rusted areas flow on to galvanized steel. Branded solutions used for descaling pots and pans and commercial oxalic acids are used to treat brown staining. Also, oxalic acids are used to remove excess hardened cement and mortar. Unwanted paint on galvanized steel can be removed using thinners. Normal thinners are used for wet paint and non-alkaline strippers are used for hardened paint. If scraping is needed, plastic or wooden scrapers are


recommended. (GAA, n.d.)

The most important thing to consider when maintaining galvanized steel is to rinse with freshwater after cleaning to remove residues and other properties that later on encourage corrosion.

(GAA, n.d.)

6.0 Advantages and Disadvantages

The use of galvanized iron sheets has its advantages and disadvantages. Compared to other protective coatings such as stainless steel that should contain a high content of chromium and molybdenum, galvanization is more cost-effective. GI sheets require less maintenance. These can be examined through the naked eye and non-destructive thickness testing methods are used. This means that GI sheets are also time efficient because no further testing is needed. In addition, it has the best value for money since it is galvanized. A zinc coating would mean that the iron sheets would wear at a much slower rate, hence, making it long-lasting. The reliability on GI Sheets is high as this conforms to the specifications and standards of metal coating. The hot-dip galvanizing provides a coating that has a unique metallurgical structure which contains an exceptional resistance to mechanical damage. Furthermore, rust is least likely to occur on small damaged areas as long as the zinc layer and its cathodic protection is present. If the metal is scratched, the remaining zinc layer will still protect the exposed area. Lastly, various weather conditions do not affect the galvanization of metals. (metalsupermarkets.com, 2014)

Even though the main purpose of galvanization is to prevent corrosion, rusting is inevitable. The zinc layer will eventually wear and the steel will be exposed to the atmosphere. Corrosion is due to the oxidation of the steel where oxygen comes in contact with hydrogen. High rates of corrosion are attributed to exposure of salt water that encourages rust and rainfall that is acidic. Furthermore, another way to prevent corrosion is the application of paint on corrugated galvanized iron as roofing to prolong the life of the steel sheet. GI sheets are disadvantageous in many other ways.

When yellow brass comes in contact with galvanized steel, dezincification occurs. Also, there is an electrolytic action when this is combined with non-ferrous metals such as brass and copper. It is not advised to use GI sheets underground unless it is assured that the coating is done well because


high maintenance will be required and will defeat its advantage. It is crucial to use a single type of material because chemical reactions may be produced that will affect the structure negatively. For example, connecting galvanized steel and copper produces a chemical reaction that weakens the joints. (Ketcham, n.d.)

7.0 Prices and Costs

Table 1. Price List of Galvanized Iron Sheets

Type Price

GI Corrugated Ordinary 26 x Php 176.00

8 feet

GI Corrugated Ordinary 26 x Php 264.00

12 feet

Galvanized Iron (GI Sheets) Php 189.00

Corrugated 26 x 8 feet

Galvanized Iron (GI Sheets) Php 245.00

Corrugated 26 x 10 feet

Galvanized Iron (GI Sheets) Php 290.00

Corrugated 26 x 12 feet

GI Plain 26 Php 194.00


SBU Construction Supplies &

General Merchandise

SBU Construction Supplies &

General Merchandise

Oroquieta Construction

Supply, Inc.

Oroquieta Construction

Supply, Inc.

Oroquieta Construction

Supply, Inc.

Oroquieta Construction

Supply, Inc.

GI Plain 24 x 8 feet

GI Plain 24 x 10 feet

GI Plain 24 x 12 feet

GI Plain 24

Php 269.00

Php 345.00

Php 415.00

Php 274.00

Oroquieta Construction

Supply, Inc.

Oroquieta Construction

Supply, Inc.

Oroquieta Construction

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Oroquieta Construction

Supply, Inc.


8.0 References

CURTIS STEEL COMPANY (CSC). (n.d.). Galvanized Steel Sheet & Coil.

Retrieved from http://www.curtissteelco.com/galvanized-steel.html

CORRUGATED METAL ROOFING. (n.d.). Types of Corrugated Metal Roofing. Retrieved from https://www.corrugatedmetalroofing.net/types.html

Satyendra. (2013, July 8). Galvanized Iron Sheets. Retrieved from http://ispatguru.com/galvanized-iron-sheets/

ALL PRO ROOFING & SHEETMETAL LTD. (n.d.). Sheet Metal Design, Fabrication and

Installation. Retrieved from http://www.allproroofing.ca/sheet-metal-specialty- services/sheet-metal-design-fabrication-and-installation/

GAA. (n.d.). MAINTENANCE AND CLEANING GALVANIZED STEEL. Retrieved from https://www.gaa.com.au/maintenance-and-cleaning-galvanized-steel/

Wilmot, C. (2017, November 15). Environmental Sustainability Issues Within The Sheet Metal

Industry. Retrieved from http://www.rega.com.au/environmental-sustainability-issues- within-the-sheet-metal-industry/


FOR ROOFING. Retrieved from https://www.sheltercluster.org/sites/default/files/docs/ cgi_specification_150708.pdf

METAL Supermarkets. (2014, October 8). GALVANIZING: WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? Retrieved from https://www.metalsupermarkets.com/galvanizing-important/

Kaempf & Harris. (2018, January 15). What Are The Benefits of Galvanized Sheet Metal?

Retrieved from http://www.kaempfandharris.com/blog/benefits-of-galvanized-sheet-



NSSMC. (n.d.). Steel Sheets: Manufacturing Process. Retrieved from https://www.nssmc.com/en/product/sheet/process/

Ketcham, S. (n.d). Disadvantages of Galvanized Steel. Retrieved from https://www.hunker.com/13403074/disadvantages-of-galvanized-steel

CONKLIN METAL INDUSTRIES. (n.d.). Material Specification Sheet: Galvanized Steel.

Retrieved from http://www.conklinmetal.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/Galvanized-

Steel-Spec-Sheet.pdf affordableCebu. (n.d.). List of Construction Supplies (Materials) Prices in Philippines. Retrieved from https://www.affordablecebu.com/file_catalog/articles/business/Construction_

Materials_Pricelist_in_Philippines.pdf thefabricator.com. (n.d.) Metal Fabricating Glossary. Retrieved from https://www.thefabricator.com/search?q=deep-drawing%20steel

