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Power of Light: Case Studies in Light Therapy

o f t he
2 2nd
Septe m ber 2 0 1
Power of Light
Case Studies
Preface................................................................................. 4
Anna & Tony Cocilovo................................................... 5
Lyn Doole........................................................................... 6
Denise Hadden................................................................... 7
Karl Ryberg........................................................................ 8
Deva Boersma....................................................................10
Kjellfrid Engen, Hanne Halseth, Grete Rynning......12
Ma Premo............................................................................14
Phil Stickland.....................................................................16
Aste Stankute.....................................................................18
Pauline Allen......................................................................20
Theresa Sundt....................................................................22
Gabrielle M. Buresch-Teichmann.................................24
Mark Wentworth...............................................................26
Christiane Werzowa ........................................................28
Simon Hansen....................................................................30
Mary J. Ross.......................................................................32
Tatini Petra Buunk............................................................34
Eva de Jong........................................................................36
Michelle Thomas..............................................................38
Abraham Haim..................................................................40
Nishant Matthews.............................................................42
Edward Kondrot................................................................44
Donald L. Barniske .........................................................46
Asthma Attack Relieved With Light From Photon Stimulator
“As we work to create light for others, we naturally light our own way.”
Mary Anne Radmacher
When the thought first came to me to suggest that we inaugurate an International Light Day (ILD), to celebrate our work with Light, it seemed a natural
progression to formulate the idea to collate case studies from our international
and diverse group of light practitioners. Upon further reflection and discussion
with the ILA Board, it still seemed like a good idea.
Exploring further the many and varied forms of light used by the members of the ILA, it only highlighted the importance of such a collection. Light
therapy practitioners, health professionals, artists, architects, scientists, educators, product manufacturers, interior and exterior designers and philosophers – what other organisation has such a rich and eclectic mix of talent?
The formulation of ILD was a way of marking the importance of Light and the
collection of Case Studies would be a tangible display of our work. Once agreed
by the ILA Board, a case study request was duly despatched to members and
we were delighted at the marvellous and varied responses.
For the first time we have assembled a collection of feedback that encompasses the breadth of the ILA members’ work and expertise and it is truly
breathtaking. I am so proud to be a founder member of such a forward thinking and dynamic group and I trust that as you read through this material you
will also feel a similar glow of pride. A big thank you to Simon Hansen for the
great job he has done in producing the booklet, a marvellous tribute to our all
When such a talented and diverse group of people unite to work in the
field of light, it can have no other effect than to light a path forward. This is
epitomised by the launch of the first International Light Day on 22 September 2013, and is something to be celebrated annually on the Autumn Equinox along with all our collective achievements, at our ILA Conference this year,
where once again we unite with other colleagues working in associated fields.
The Board of the ILA work tirelessly and diligently in our interests, informing the wider world of our work as demonstrated by our recent Press Release
and not least, in pursuit of a university to host our Light Degree Course. I would
like to take this opportunity to thank them, both past and present members,
for all their unstinting service and for this wonderful conference, where we can
gather to exchange thoughts and ideas, celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the
ILA, and as always, leave inspired and reinvigorated. Please continue to light
our way!
Anna & Tony Cocilovo
LightForms Research
928 445 1643
Tony’s research has led him to obtain a US government patent on the
Photon Stimulator in 1998 and he holds a “patent pending” for the dual use
of positive and negative ionic electrolyzed waters. His company, Lightforms
Research LLC, designs and manufactures a variety of light devices and related equipment for use on the body, the iris, acupuncture meridians and the
chakras. Tony has been a practicing iridologist since 1978.
Anna Cocilovo is trained in traditional Japanese acupuncture. She has
held positions in internal medicine, mental health, family medicine, women’s
health, adolescent health, pain research, pain treatment and integrative holistic medicine. She has developed, taught and published on the subject of Colored Light Therapy, which she incorporates in her practice.
Male Age 11
An 11 year old boy with chronic asthma suffered an attack while playing
with my son at our house. Since he was not in acute distress, I offered the color
treatment and he agreed. He had an inhaler if we needed to resort to that.
Since he was in the middle of an attack, we needed to sedate the lungs, and
stimulate the adrenals. Purple was applied to auricular Lung, and body points
Lung 1, and Conception Vessel 17 in the center of the chest. Then scarlet was
applied to auricular Kidney and Adrenal points, and body point Kidney 3. He
calmed down considerably within 5 minutes, and was totally better within 10
minutes. He commented that when this happens and he uses his inhaler, he
continues to cough throughout the day, but he was symptom free and felt
great after the auricular light treatment.
Pauline Allen
Chair, ILD
Principal, The Sound Learning Centre, London
Lyn Doole
Lily Street Light
+618 82729259
+61 438 811 482
Lily St. Light in Adelaide, South Australia, offers Samassati Light Therapy,
a practice engaging with each client on the basis of a current light and colour
energetic picture. Lumalight crystalline lens torches and MDT Molimed colour
scans and colour pens are used on acupuncture meridians, as well as both
on and off the body where Ayurvedic practice identifies energy centres and
Additionally, we offer colour testing to measure somatic light levels, and
Sensora technology for colour support.
Age 60
Client was diagnosed in 1992 with Multiple Sclerosis and had been dealing with the condition for thirteen years when first seen. He had been active in
researching, trialling, and promoting treatment options which had clearly had
some positive effects and delayed the progress of the disease. Nevertheless,
he needed a mobility scooter outside the home and often a wheelchair within
it. His symptoms included intermittent left side hemiparesis with anopsia, migraines, restless leg syndrome often coupled with the sensation that his legs
did not belong to him, issues of continence, digestion, insomnia, exhaustion
and temperature regulation. Not surprisingly, though an innately cheerful person, he battled depression.
Treatment was initially twice weekly Samassati 60 to 90 minute home
visits using Harmonisation 1 and alternating protocols of Toxin Clearing and
Immune Support. After eight weeks the sessions were reduced to weekly but
the protocols were redirected and refined in response to the changing symptoms and gradual regaining of function. Treatment continued regularly for the
best part of a year.
All chronic symptoms of MS have gone, though vigilance in diet, supplements, and ensuring adequate rest remain important. The wheelchair has
been relegated to the shed and the mobility scooter only used now to play golf.
Client has returned to work as a teacher, trained as a Samassati light therapist,
and opened his own practice.
Light Therapy Heals Chronic Effects
Of Traumatic Brain Injury
Samassati Light Therapy In A Case Of
Chronic Multiple Sclerosis
Denise Hadden
Denise Hadden Optometrist
2721 7977 291
Denise Hadden is a Syntonic Optometrist and Visual Coach in private practice in Cape Town, South Africa. Her search for a new way of seeing led to her
pioneering work in the understanding and analysis of our fields of awareness.
Denise’s first book, New Light on Fields, was published in 2010 and describes
her diagnostic use of an iridology chart to analyze our energetic visual fields.
Her second book, Coaching the Invisible Fields, will be available later this year.
Female Age 40
This patient attended for an eye examination and light assessment. She
had heard of light therapy and wanted to improve her deteriorating vision.
Her field assessment revealed a traumatic brain injury. She told me of a motor
vehicle accident that she’d been in 20 years prior. She did not indicate that she
had any side effects from this experience. She began a light therapy treatment
protocol immediately with the intention of treating her advancing myopia.
The light therapy program required, began with a Trauma Releasing Program, which is also used to treat traumatic brain injury.
It spanned an 8 week period during which time a follow up field assessment was completed every two weeks. The therapy involved watching a specific light frequency for twenty minutes, five times a week. The colors chosen
were violet, indigo, blue and blue/green.
After two weeks the patient returned for her first visual field assessment.
Before we began mapping her field, she expressed, ‘my heartfelt thanks and
gratitude for the absolute transformation that I have experienced.’
It transpired that this lady had been unable to drive after the accident,
however following treatment she felt confident to drive herself for the first
time in 20 years. Additionally after doing 4 sessions of light she healed a difficult relationship by suddenly being able to see the other’s point of view.
This patient continued on with her light program until her field was wide
open, indicating a relaxed nervous system and a happy and confident individual.
She was so grateful that she gifted three light therapy programs, saying
‘I hope that this gift will enable others to experience the same miracle I have.’
Monocrom Light Therapy In A Case Of Severe Anxiety
Karl Ryberg
Karl Ryberg is trained in architecture and psychology with a special focus
on color and humanity. He manages a light therapeutic institute in Stockholm
and offers international training seminars. He has invented several light projectors and written the book “Living Light”.
Introduction - Presenting Condition
Female Age 40
A woman around 40 years of age wanted light treatment to alleviate her
chronic stomach pains. These were coupled with longstanding symptoms of
asthma and tinnitus. She used medication for the symptoms but knew the
problem to be psychological. She now felt it was time to face the underlying
problems. In spite of her positive presence, her professional life was a disaster.
Working as a graphic designer she had plenty of talent but never gained any
recognition and had in desperation tried to commit suicide. Conventional verbal psychotherapy and group dynamic treatment had been unsuccessful.
Happily married, she and her husband had decided for a life without children, it was a choice they had not regretted. She had been the youngest in a
home with divorced but understanding parents. School had been easy despite
limitations due to her shyness. Her happiest memories were from university
where the free form pedagogies gave her a sense of self confidence.
were still trusted favourites but she really wanted to try green.
The next time we met she was very proud. The stomach pains had abated
and she no longer needed medication. Her strongly dynamic energy had obviously found new escape routes and at work she no longer felt dense and compressed. Her boss had been impressed by her newly found openness and asked
her to make a profile presentation at a large corporate sales meeting. This was
an inspiring beginning for her professional career but also a frightening threat.
She wanted to discuss strategies to handle the fearful scenario.
A significant dream of hers gave encouragement. A snow white winter
landscape was bathed in glistening sun and a young girl rode bobsleigh sitting
on her mother’s lap. The child joyfully mastered the speedy downhill ride but
the parent figure kept falling off and getting hurt. Putting the image symbolism
clearly – the newly born personality would easily accomplish what the habitual
old self never managed to handle.
At our last session the dreaded sales meeting at work had been a thundering success and her colleagues now respected her as a skilled consultant.
She radiated love and jubilant appreciation for daring to show herself in the
world. As a departing gift she told me of a dream sequence that became a lucky
charm for her onward journey.
She hesitatingly told of a ghastly murder – she had assassinated a close
friend without the slightest remorse. To make things worse the slaughter had
been celebrated with a cannibal orgy where the bleeding cranium was passed
around as a trophy. She was at first reluctant to relate the loathsome tale after
the preceding sunshine story. The Phoenix bird emerging refreshed from the
pyre of funeral ashes and the old story of spring eternal surviving the bitterest
winter. Obsolete soul patterns must disappear and give place to the new. The
decrepit old queen was thoroughly massacred and it was time for a great symbolic celebration. The cruelty may be brutally archetypal and modern readers
would rather advocate an honest abdication – but when princess Snow White
appeared on the mythological scene the old ruling mother was not very keen
to renounce power.
Details of Treatment
During the initial diagnostic color test she consistently chose bright and
clear hues – an indication of energy and active will power. She found violet to
be most enchanting but shunned all green colors and would never wear them.
Unsurprisingly she excluded all green during her first self-chosen light dose.
On our second meeting she looked much brighter. She had felt upbeat for
a few days followed by soothing deep night sleep. Although still complaining
of her stressful stomach she mentioned an awakening sense of social contact.
At work she could focus better on important matters and proved herself to be
efficiently productive. She had spent a weekend clearing out a lot of rubbish in
the attic and found an old diary with forgotten recollections from the past. The
old images contained clues of the past and showed a way towards the future.
She no longer systematically avoided verdant tones and showed a much
greater boldness during the composition of her light sequence. Violet and red
Light Mask
Chronic Pain Management Using Sensora Light Therapy
Deva Boersma
Telephone +1 450 229 7992
Deva Boersma is a retired clinical psychologist with access to a Sensora
system. The outcome of 30 years of research, Sensora combines light, sound
and kinesthetic stimuli to create a healing environment. It is based on “light
modulation” technology embedding pulsations within light projections, allowing interaction with brainwaves and other psychophysiological rhythms. Sensora installations have been in clinical use since 2011, with sites in depressiontreatment and public health centres.
Female February 2012
Age 61
Introduction – Presenting Condition
The subject had been suffering from chondromalacia in both knees since
the age of 28. Some years before she had undergone full knee replacement
surgery for her left knee. At the time of treatment she was having chronic pain
in her right knee and was a few months away from her second full knee replacement surgery. The condition of her knee was such that the cartilage was
so worn that bone rubbed against bone.
Subject had daily access to the Sensora system during a 3 week period.
Before treatment the subject reported having a high level of pain. On a scale
from 1 to 10 with 10 being the most pain, she reported levels varying from 6 to
8 depending on how much she moved in the day.
She could not walk more than a block at a time. During each session she
felt the pain level go to zero. She never felt any pain during the sessions and
was delighted with this. The pain would return after the sessions but each time
a little less so that by the end of the 3 weeks she reported that the pain was
now at a level of 3 out of 10.
The subject found the sessions very beautiful and was particularly delighted with the pure colors. She said it relaxed her and made her forget her
pain to the extent that the pain completely disappeared.
The subject had no access to the Sensora when she was away from home.
She would have liked to continue using the Sensora to manage the pain until
her knee replacement surgery but this was not geographically possible.
Since the surgery in July 2012 the subject no longer has any pain but she
returned to experience the Sensora for several days in February 2013 when
she was feeling particularly stressed and reported having felt more and more
relaxed with each session until the return of complete wellbeing. She testifies
that for herself the Sensora is effective for deep relaxation as well as chronic
pain management.
Details of Treatment
Sensora multi-sensorial system sessions combining light, sound and kinesthetic stimuli. Various sessions were selected according to the time of day of
• Morning: selection from “Meditation” Core Sessions series
• Mid day: selection from “Energy” Core Sessions series
• Evening: selection from “Relaxation” Core Sessions series
• 2x to 3x 20 minute Sensora sessions per day.
Does Light Have A Synergistic Effect With Nutrition And
Movement On Children With
Reading And Writing Problems?
Kjellfrid Engen, Hanne Halseth, Grete Rynning
+47 917 76 207
NOVO Helse og Kommunikasjon, Oslo
Three women with different theoretical and practical backgrounds took
the initiative to do this study. Their professions were: Teacher (Kjellfrid Engen),
nutritionist (Hanne Halseth) and light therapists (Kjellfrid Engen and Grete Rynning). They all have a holistic viewpoint, and they wanted to put their different
working tools together, thinking that it will give a synergistic effect on children
with reading and writing problems.
Before the project, both Kjellfrid Engen and Grete Rynning had used
colored light stimulation on children with reading and writing problems with
good result, now they wanted to find out if the results would be even better if
nutrition and movements were included.
Client Description /commencement Date
10 children from 9 to 11 years of age (boys and girls) The project lasted for 5
weeks in fall 2007.
The project started on September 1st 2007. The children were tested with
Carlsten’s reading and writing test, measuring visual field and an electronic
color test.
Diet and nutrition
The blood sugar balance has a great impact on mood and our ability to
concentrate and learn due to the brain’s preference for a stable glucose level.
This directly implies that a high intake of sugar and refined carbohydrates has
a profound impact on mental performance .
During the project we recommended a normal healthy diet, and children
and parents learned about nutrition good for the brain.
Different activities stimulating brain and body
We wished to stimulate the brain through the use of hearing, movements
and touch in play and in activities.
Quick movements make us mentally aware and focus is directed outwards. Slower movements give a different reaction mentally, where the focus
is directed inwards to one’s own body and mind.
Practitioner observations
Light stimulation was easily done during the school day by the teachers.
Physical movements and nutrition depended on the parents. They were motivated during a weekend workshop and according to them they kept the focus
during the treatment.
Client feedback
The children were positive about the treatment all the time. Most of the
families spoke of the child having better concentration, better reading skills
and better performance in matters which had been difficult earlier. They were
more focused on healthy nutrition. The children reported having more energy.
The average improvement in speed of reading is 36.6%, with a range from
8.7% to +85%. These are such encouraging results that we believe we can attribute them to a positive interaction between the three basic elements we
have applied during the project - namely diet/nutrition, colored light stimulation and movement.
There were three main elements - or tools - in the project:
• Colored light stimulation
• Diet and nutrition
• Different activities stimulating brain and body
Colored light stimulation
In the 4 weeks to come, the children received colored light stimulation using the Photon Wave lamp 3 times per week for 10 minutes. Their treatment
was applied according to Leona Vermeire’s for sympathetic or parasympathe
tic nervous system designation.
Cancer Pain Management Using Sensora Light Therapy
Ma Premo
Sensortech Inc.
Telephone +1 450 228 4085
Ma Premo is a holistic psychotherapist, co-developer of the Sensora system, and she focuses on its therapeutic applications. The outcome of 30 years
of research, Sensora combines light, sound and kinesthetic stimuli to create a
multisensorial healing environment. It is based on “light modulation” technology embedding pulsations within light projections, allowing interaction with
brainwaves and other psychophysiological rhythms. Sensora installations have
been in clinical use since 2011, with sites in depression-treatment and public
health centres.
Presenting Condition /commencement Date
Female 63 years April 2013
Subject was diagnosed with inflammatory breast cancer in 2008,
stage IV palliative care. One breast was surgically removed. She refused all
chemo and radiotherapy medical treatment, and focused on self-treatment.
She also did courses of Herceptin and Aredia. During the winter 2012/2013 the
pain became unbearable and under medical supervision she had to increase
the dosage of multiple pain killers. She was bedridden and depressive. Having
previously experienced Sensora light therapy, she decided to try it to relieve
her symptoms.
Four-stage Sensora sessions optimized for pain management, fibromyalgia, MS and other neuropathic symptoms:
• 10 minutes Lateral Light, Soft Reverse type (psycholeptic)
• 25 minutes “Fire Within” Core Session, based on warm colors (red,
orange, yellow)
• 5 minute’s stimulant energetic Core Session
• 10 minutes integration in total darkness and silence.
Frequency of delivery of treatment
Ongoing use as long as pain management is required
• One 50-minutes session every 2-3 days
Beneficial effects are felt starting with 1st session and may hold for
2-5 days; treatment can be continued as long as needed
Subject came out smiling and with brighter eyes from her 1st session,
with intense pain in her arm having disappeared within 20 minutes of
light, and was able to walk more easily.
Client Feedback
Pain: My metastatic bone pain and neuropathic pain are substantially reduced by Sensora; less and less pain, and less and less pain medication needed.
Fatigue: I went from extreme insurmountable fatigue and associated depression to moderate fatigue without depression. This gives me hope, light at
the end of the tunnel.
During sessions I feel an energy boost lasting a few hours. After sessions
I sleep deeply, but not crushed by fatigue. Pain usually disappears right with
beginning of “Fire Within” session.
Within one month of treatment I have been able to stop most of the following prescribed pain medication:
Fentanyl patch 100mcg/h
Sativex p.r.n. every hr as needed
Hydromorph-contin 9mg every 12 hrs
Dilaudid syrup 5ml for breakthrough pain, Rx every hr as needed
Ritalin 5mgx2 every morning to counteract effects of such strong prescription drugs
The only Rx I continue taking regularly are Fentanyl patches.
Outcomes - practitioner update
Now in her 6th week of treatment, subject has regained substantial energy and autonomy; her depression and anger generated by constant pain in
spite of heavy medication, have lifted. She has regained a quality of life and she
is at peace with dying. Her palliative care is greatly eased because of substantial reduction in prescription pain medicine.
View of sensora treatment environment, with wide projection screen
encompassing the client’s field of vision
Use Of Lightwave Stimulation And Auditory Integration
Training For Dyslexia
Phil Stickland
The Sound Learning Centre, London
Telephone +44(0)20 8882 1060
Phil’s background is in engineering and he changed professions when
his wife Pauline Allen opened The Sound Learning Centre. He trained in
Lightwave Stimulation (LWS) and Auditory Integration Training (AIT) to help
children and adults with learning and sensory difficulties. Phil is Senior
Therapist and General Manager and is involved in the smooth running of
the Centre.
Client Description /commencement Date
Female Age 8
Bethany (name changed) was assessed in January 2011 for poor working memory and poor reading and writing ability. She had a diagnosis of
Presenting condition
Bethany is a classic example of a lovely, bright, friendly and sensitive
child who has a great deal of potential but who, due to her dyslexia and
sensory difficulties has been unable to fulfil that potential academically.
Born two weeks early by Caesarean section with the umbilical cord around
her neck. She was slow in reaching her developmental milestones. She had
difficulties learning to read, learning to write, doing maths and retaining information in memory. She was worried that she was forgetful, losing things
and getting angry with herself. During the assessment she asked ‘Can you
help me change me?’
Details of Treatment/Therapy/Programme.
Lightwave Stimulation (LWS) - involves looking in a darkened environment, at low intensity, pulsed coloured light emitted from a Lumatron machine.
Auditory Integration Training (AIT) - involves listening to specially altered music, through headphones, from an Audiokinetron machine.
Duration of treatment
18 February – 27 February 2011
• Lightwave Stimulation (LWS) –Two 20 minutes sessions twice a day
• Auditory Integration Training (AIT) – Two 30 minutes sessions twice
a day
• Neuro developmental programme (NDP) – Home Programme – 15
minutes a day for approximately 6 weeks and then reviewed, as per
recommendation and depending on progress.
Frequency of delivery
Lightwave Stimulation (LWS) – One programme of treatment
Auditory Integration Training (AIT) - One programme of treatment
Neuro developmental programme (NDP) – One programme of treatment
Total number of treatments
Lightwave Stimulation (LWS) – 20 sessions
Auditory Integration Training (AIT) – 20 sessions
Neuro developmental programme (NDP) – completed.
Client feedback
Parents reported:
Has cut out Coco Pops – sugar intake down.
Has wanted to go to bed later and got up on her own.
3 month feedback: Mother reported: Previously Bethany was stuck on
only being able to read three letter words for a year. After LWS and AIT her
processing speed improved and she could learn her sounds ai, ay, oi etc and
read phonetically. ‘Her memory also improved so much she learnt to read in 6
weeks! - she made 2 years progress in 6 weeks. ‘
6 month feedback: Bethany has ‘been totally transformed’ by LWS + AIT,
‘previously she could not learn or remember anything. Now she is much much
Most recently, in February 2013, Bethany’s mother commented, that before the treatment Bethany’s slow processing was ‘so severe and her memory
so bad that although she was in Year 3 she had daily 1:1 support.’
Bethany has more energy, her social interactions improved, she is happier, calmer and more confident. Her concentration improved. She is now one
of the best cyclists in the UK in her age group and expected to compete in the
future Olympic games.
Use Of Lightwave Stimulation And Auditory Integration
Training For Adult Adhd And Depression
Aste Stankute
The Sound Learning Centre, London
Telephone +44(0)20 8882 1060
Aste has a Master’s degree in psychology and has extensive experience in
working with various client groups, including children and adults with learning
and sensory difficulties, as well as emotional and behavioural issues. Aste is
an experienced Assessor and Therapist and contributor to SLC training programmes.
Client Description /commencement Date
Female 44 years old at time of treatment
Nora (name changed)
Treatment commencement 10 June - 19 June 2011
LWS at home: November 2011
Nora was assessed in May 2011 for a lack of energy and constant tiredness. She has a diagnosis of adult ADHD and has been struggling with depression for years. She is trained as a lawyer.
Presenting condition
Nora had an emotionally difficult childhood. Diagnosed with depression
and has a long history of taking antidepressants. Was also prescribed Ritalin
for ADHD. Suffers from Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD). Most of the
time experiences extreme tension and requires a lot of sleep, bordering on
Details of Treatment
Lightwave Stimulation (LWS) - involves looking in a darkened environment, at low intensity, pulsed coloured light emitted from a Lumatron machine.
Auditory Integration Training (AIT) involves listening to specially altered
music, through headphones, from an Audiokinetron machine.
Auditory Integration Training (AIT) – Two 30 minutes sessions twice a day
Frequency of Delivery of Treatment
Lightwave Stimulation (LWS) – One programme at the centre and one
home programme
Auditory Integration Training (AIT) - One programme of treatment
Total Number of Treatment/Therapy/Programme Sessions
Lightwave Stimulation (LWS) – 40 sessions
Auditory Integration Training (AIT) – 20 sessions
Practitioner - Observations during Treatment
Found the sessions pleasant and relaxing, although worried initially about
coping with tiredness
Client – Feedback during Treatment
Day 1: ‘Mood – more relaxed than I remember for ages, less tired in the
afternoon for ages’
Day 2: ‘Energy much improved, sleep improved, Ritalin – ¼ normal dose!’
Day 3: ‘Felt quite tired today but muscle tension – gone’
Day 4: ‘Much less tired, muscles do not hurt anymore. Eyes less tired, coping with shop lighting’
Day 5: ‘Much calmer than I remember, afternoon headaches lifted, coping
with family better’
Day 6: ‘Cut anti-depressant by 50%, tired today but no Ritalin’
Day 7: ‘Tired today but no Ritalin’
Day 8: ‘Energy good, not tired, no Ritalin’
Day 9: ‘Feel less tired on waking. Energy good, appetite feels more normal, no Ritalin’
Day 10: ‘Everything is less tiring. Energy good. Enjoying family again first
time in ages. No Ritalin.’
Client Feedback after Treatment
Better able to function without feeling very tired and that listening to the
sounds is less stressful. Calmer and better able to enjoy life. Improvements
in attention, following instructions and understanding, as well as eating and
Outcomes – Practitioner
Quote from client: ‘I booked the light machine again in November/December, and it had a very positive effect. I coped with Christmas better than
ever and felt very good for the first half of January, usually the lowest time for
Duration of treatment
Lightwave Stimulation (LWS) – Two 20 minutes sessions twice a day
Use Of Lightwave Stimulation And Auditory Integration
Training For Asperger’s Syndrome And Dyspraxia
Frequency of Delivery of Treatment
Pauline Allen
The Sound Learning Centre, London
Total Number of Treatment
Telephone +44(0)20 8882 1060
Since founding The Sound Learning Centre in 1994, Principal, Pauline
Allen has pioneered the use of innovative programmes to treat learning and
sensory difficulties. With a background as a dyslexia tutor and neurodevelopmentalist, she has extensive training and experience in the areas of light and
sound, and neuro-developmental therapy. Pauline trained personally with the
developers of Lightwave Stimulation (LWS) and Auditory Integration Training
(AIT) recognising early on, the synergy between light and sound.
Client Description /commencement Date
Benjamin (name changed) was assessed in February 2010 for sensitivity
to sounds, as well as emotional and behavioural difficulties. He had been diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome and Dyspraxia.
Age - 9.5 yrs old at time of treatment DOB - 4.10.00
Presenting condition
Born two weeks late by emergency Caesarean, at three months old he
suffered adverse reactions to the DTP vaccinations which caused severe nystagmus and blindness. At fourteen months his eyesight started to return. His
motor development was delayed. Benjamin suffered numerous ear infections
and gastro-intestinal problems. Benjamin’s self-image was poor and he was
easily frustrated. During the assessment he reported the following: ‘My ears
are not working well’, ‘I want to lock my bedroom door’, ‘Most people know
me as an angry person’.
Details of Treatment
Lightwave Stimulation (LWS) - involves looking in a darkened environment, at low intensity, pulsed coloured light emitted from a Lumatron machine.
Auditory Integration Training (AIT) - involves listening to specially altered
music, through headphones, from an Audiokinetron machine.
Lightwave Stimulation (LWS) – One programme of treatment
Auditory Integration Training (AIT) – One programme of treatment
Lightwave Stimulation (LWS) – 20 sessions
Auditory Integration Training (AIT) – 20 sessions
Practitioner - Observations during Treatment
Day 7 – Benjamin is going to the bathroom more frequently.
Day 8 – This morning Benjamin told his Dad he is looking forward to going
back to school.
Client feedback during Treatment
Day 7 – Dad said - Benjamin is noticeably calmer. Used to ignore my questions but today answered all of them. Benjamin mentioned that he could find
his bed in the dark. He said he can never do that as he always bangs into things.
He thinks his coordination is better. Dad said: He feels Benjamin is really like a
different child.
Client Feedback after Treatment
Great improvement in self-esteem, mood and emotional stability. Benjamin used to walk out of class up to 5 times a day. We didn’t realise this was
because of noise but after he did treatment he stopped this. Immediate improvement in fine motor skills. Anxiety, which was his worst symptom, was
reduced. Started to do dramatically better in class, probably because he was
able to engage in class more.
Outcomes – Practitioner
Benjamin is less sensitive to sounds and able to ignore sounds that would
have bothered him in the past. His balance and coordination have improved
and he has better awareness of his surroundings. The quality and duration of
his attention span has increased and he’s better able to focus. Parents also observed that his self-esteem has increased. Benjamin is sleeping more soundly.
He is calmer, happier and more at ease with himself.
He won a young writers’ competition and had his story published in a
Duration of Treatment
Lightwave Stimulation (LWS) –Two 20 minutes sessions twice a day
Auditory Integration Training (AIT) – Two 30 minutes sessions twice a day
Creating With The Seven Spectral Colors
To Relieve Mild Depression
Theresa Sundt
00441273 303571
Color Discovery
07799 045785
Theresa Sundt founded Color-Discovery in 2003 in order to popularise
Color Awareness. Her expertise in Color and Art, unlocks inborn creativity.
When our childlike creative nature surfaces, healing happens at a deep level,
effortlessly. Theresa uses playful ways to encourage a most relaxed approach
to color therapy so that her students will continue benefiting from color in
their own space and time. In September 2013, Color-Discovery is launching an
exercise program using Color and Light, for flexibility and pain relief.
2. Thank you for the wonderful workshop today. The children really enjoyed the day and the parents were delighted with the resultant work and
the happy children that they picked up at the end of the day (Ovingdean Hall
School for deaf children).
3. … with your gentle competent guidance the flow of miracles began,
and hasn’t stopped! I could feel the reality of using color - for myself- and begin
again to connect and follow its calling towards the harmonious peace that can
emerge through seemingly impenetrable darkness…(Kea retreat)
4. I am happy that I met you in your remarkable seminar in Sofia and have
such a wonderful teacher who sparked my longstanding interest and gave it
new dimension! I use this opportunity to thank you very much for the exclusive
and very useful book that you wrote! For me it is a textbook! A book with beautiful lucid language, read with ease, containing so much valuable information,
with its relationship to the applied arts is interesting!(Sofia Masterclass)
5. You have done sooo well Theresa. It is an amazing thing to be able to
touch so many people & make such a positive difference to their lives (student)
6. On behalf of the Hungarian Medical team sales and the more than
1000 participants, I would like to thank Mrs. Sundt for a most professional and
motivating training presentation given to us on Saturday (Budapest)
7. You course opened my eyes to color! Life will never be dull again!(White
Mountain Retreat Greece)
Client feedback on discovery sessions
1. Your color-course was my perfect “remedy”! It really opened me up
and I intend to enjoy more and more color in my life! I started wearing more
color to work – and this has been noticed (positively!). Your work is really an
eye-opener for me. I enjoyed your book tremendously (Skyros retreat).
The Monocrom Color Dome Light Therapy
Used In A Case Of Burnout Syndrome
Gabrielle M. Buresch-Teichmann
+43 2244 33360
+43 676 37 29 600
Gabrielle M. Buresch-Teichmann, who has pioneered the use of color and
light, has been a holistic color consultant for 26 years and a color/light practitioner for 20 working in the fields of clothing, beauty, photography, interior design, media and health in Vienna, Austria. She has studied Light and Color with
Theo Gimbel and Jacob Liberman, has extensive training in “Inner Child work”
and is a Systemic Constellation facilitator. She inaugurated the term “Holistic Color Consulting” in Austria and has trained holistic color consultants. She
teaches Color and Light and gives presentations, talks, workshops and trainings in Austria, Switzerland and the UK.
Client Description
Elizabeth was sent to my practice by a psychotherapist. Elizabeth showed
strong emotional and physical fatigue (close to a burn out or depression) partly
caused by the suppression of anger after a separation 8 years previous and
grief for her parents who had both passed away around the same time. She
was constantly tired and felt a strong need for quietness. She felt a lack of immunity for other people´s thoughts and felt over vulnerable. She had the will to
change her lifestyle and wanted to become more conscious about herself. She
wanted to rediscover her self-worth and trust, and acknowledge her spiritual
Details of Treatment
Monocrom Color Dome Light Therapy,
Hygeia Color Diagnosis Chart
Inner Child work
1 Systemic Family Constellation
Elizabeth came for 5 Monocrom Color Dome light sessions within the
time span of 11 weeks.
The Hygeia Color Diagnosis Chart shows imbalances and areas of wellbeing in the mental, emotional, metabolic and physical area of the spine (expressed in colors) This shows how the person feels in these life areas, is the
basis for the counselling and shows which colors are “needed” by the client.
This is the basis for the counselling process with the client.
After the counselling Elizabeth received her light session with the
Monocrom Color Dome with my special advice as to which colors are most
important for her to look at.
I introduced “inner child work” into the sessions.
After 8 weeks Elizabeth did a systemic family constellation
Duration of Treatment
Elizabeth came for sessions that lasted 1 to 1 1/2 hours.
The phototherapy with the Monocrom Color Dome is for 10 minutes .
Frequency of Delivery
Elizabeth received 7 sessions:
5 Monocrom Color Dome sessions with counselling
1 Family constellation workshop
1 Counselling after the constellation
Treatment intervals were: 12 days, 14 days, 11 days, 5 weeks, 13 days.
5 treatments with the Monocrom Color Dome Light device.
Practitioner - Observations during Treatment
At her first session Elizabeth looked very pale and felt distressed and exhausted, almost depressive.
She reacted very strongly to the color/light sessions. The light unlocked
her “frozen” feelings of grief , anger and despair, which had been preventing
her from feeling. The inner child work supported this process. She worked on
letting go (Yellow) of her grief and negative feelings and thoughts and on getting in contact again with her self-worth and trust in herself (Violet)
The Inner child work and the systemic family constellation also had a
strong impact in her regaining balance, joy and a new sense of inner stability.
Client – Feedback during Treatment
Elizabeth noticed during color light sessions that when she was looking at
a single color this color seemed to disappear for a while as if she was drinking
it away (This happens when the client is in strong need of a color or the color
is “blocked” in the Hygeia Color chart) feelings of forgiveness emerged. Violet
was important. Green and Blue felt very relaxing.
The Hygeia Color Chart showed the yellow spine colors to be blocked. Yellow as needed color - felt to be difficult to find - was seen very pale at first. (This
happens when color is “blocked”) In the first session Elizabeth experienced a
vibrating sensation in her body. She had the feeling of being refreshed, as after
a rain shower or after drinking a glass of cool mineral water.
Client Feedback after Treatment
Elizabeth wrote me an email after the 6th session, in which she thanked
me for again feeling joy and happiness. She said she did not need further sessions, because she was busy with her new life!
Elizabeth went through a tremendous quick process of transformation in
only 11 weeks. Combining the color/ light sessions with inner child work and a
family constellation proved to be very effective.
Elizabeth completely recovered from her physical and emotional fatigue
and near depression. She managed to let go of her stuck feelings of anger and
grief which made room in general for all her feelings. She regained trust and
self-esteem and the capability of feeling joy came back into her life.
Personal Growth Process Through
Color Psycho-Dynamics
Mark Wentworth
Colour for Life
+44 (0) 7949 282 384 / +351 91 602 6373
Mark Wentworth has been studying and working with Color for 26 years,
he is the founder and principal of Color for Life, as well as the creator of Color
Psycho-Dynamics and co-creator of Dynamic Theatre. Both use expressive arts
as a way of bringing color to life in drama and storytelling as a way to understand and bring balance to individuals and businesses. Mark travels the world
with his color work, and was recently described by a journalist as seeing rainbows of hope where most people just see cloudy grey skies.
Client Description /commencement Date
Male Age 32
Simon’s (name changed) presenting condition was depression and lack of
focus. His depression, he felt, was also connected to his HIV+ status, despite
various drug combinations his blood count and viral load (amount of HIV virus
present in the blood) had not changed in 4 years.
Practitioner - Observations
Simon expressed a variety of emotions during the sessions, which is
something I was aware that he was not used to doing. In the first session he
was quite sceptical as to whether he would experience anything at all, during
the first session he had a strong somatic reaction to red light, which he felt in
his stomach. I invited him to stay with the feeling, and he went on to imagine a
story of a young man committing suicide due to not being able to be with the
person he loved, he understood straight away the connection and symbolism
between the story and his own life, and how a part of him today had also given
up on life after the ending of an intense relationship. The last thing the young
man in Simon’s story saw before he took his final breath was his blood running
down his arms, the young man’s final thought was “life is not worth living” This
statement was the first of many such revelations for Simon, which helped him
to understand the metaphorical roots of his presenting issues.
Client – Feedback during Treatment
After the 3rd session Simon reported that he had had one of his regular
blood tests and check-ups, he told me that for the first time in 4 years his white
blood cell count had increased and the HIV virus had decreased. He also was
feeling more energetic and hopeful about life. He told me that he wasn’t expecting anything like this to happen and said that he had originally come for a
session more out of curiosity than expecting anything to actually work.
Client Feedback
By exploring Simon’s likes/dislikes of color through colored light we were
able to determine which colors made Simon feel calm and peaceful and which
ones caused a negative feeling or discomfort, we then used his extreme dislike
of red as a somatic bridge into a psychodramatic regression to understand the
connection between his dislike of red and his presenting condition. Through
Jungian active imagination Simon created and acted out many stories, the majority of these stories had the common theme of main character dying young
and without hope. In each story red was clearly present in some form or another, either as blood, or the color of flag or a lover’s dress.
At the fourth and final session Simon told me that he did not want to continue further with our work. He said he realised that since being HIV+ he had
gotten more attention from his family than he had ever had before. He told me
that he realized that there was the possibility that if we continued our work he
could actually improve his HIV status and the thought of not having it and not
having his parents’ attention was too much of a risk.
No matter how much I talked with Simon nothing would change his mind.
I felt admiration for his determination and clear mindedness and equally sad
that this was the only way Simon could see of getting his needs met.
When I asked him if the therapy had been useful for him, he said that he
felt more positive and had gained a better understanding of his emotional and
psychological reactions to his HIV. He said that his dislike of red had reduced
considerably and he could now experience it as a color representing life rather
than loss and death.
Duration of Treatment
Details of Treatment
2 hours per session
Frequency of Delivery of Treatment
Fortnightly for a period of two months
The last I heard of Simon was that he was building a stronger and healthier relationship with his parents and talking more openly with them about his
feelings and his needs. His focus was to be seen and acknowledged by his parents as a gay man with HIV.
The Coloured Light Pyramid Used In A Case Of Secondary
Christiane Werzowa
CHORAM light.trans.forms
with it I had an impression of ‘everything is okay’. I also liked orange which gave
me kind of courage.
We started sessions in February 2012. After 3 or 4 weeks I had my first period in four months. Nevertheless I had sessions inthe Coloured Light Pyramid
for about 3 more weeks. What I liked the most was the soothing, calming down
effect and a feeling of being ‘centred’.
+43 676 6374428
Since February 2012 the young lady is having her period regularly without
any complications. A possible side effect might be that during the sessions she
realised that her greatest wish was to travel - this is what she has been doing
since autumn 2012
Christiane graduated as a translator, was a yoga teacher and has been
fascinated by colour and light ever since she can remember. She completed
the three year study of IACC and founded the Institute of Colour and Style
where she is still the CEO since the late 1980s (see www.farbe-und-stil.at).
Being aware of the great impact colour and light may have on people she
started to experiment with coloured light which led to the development of
the Coloured Light Pyramid and finally to the foundation of CHORAM light.
trans.forms, (www.choramlight.com)
Client Description /Commencement Date
Female DOB 11/11/1981
This young woman came to me as she was suffering from secondary
amenorrhoea. She had not had her period for more than three months and
her doctor wanted to start with hormone therapy. As she refused such an invasive treatment, she wanted to try out sessions in the Coloured Light Pyramid.
Details of Treatment
After having found out which colours would fit her case we started with
colour sessions. During the first week she had sessions every day for 20 minutes. The second week 5 sessions, third and fourth week 4 sessions and the last
two weeks she had one or two sessions per week. The main colours used were
red, amber/orange and violet. Altogether the program lasted for six weeks. A
total of 26 sessions.
Practitioner observations
After two sessions starting with red (630-660nm) I realised that traumatic
experiences popped up and I introduced violet as an additional colour. This had
a relaxing effect. Afterwards the young lady chose orange instead of red, which
she preferred. Sometimes she chose green also.
Client Feedback
After the first session I knew this could help though I did not quite feel at
ease with red at the beginning. Violet had a really soothing impact on me and
Use Of Light Therapy In A Case Of Necrosis Of The
Fingers In A Premature Baby
Simon Hansen
of the baby. After about nine weeks the finger and thumb were beginning to
look quite angry so the mother put on some mittens to keep them from bumping the cot. That evening she removed the mittens to find the black end of the
finger was gone with a new finger underneath.
Light Touch Colour Light Therapy
Client Feedback after Treatment
+61414 884 447
There is no doubt that Simon’s light therapy played a vital part in assisting
Mason’s body to grow new finger tips. We will be forever grateful for Simon’s
help, and highly recommend his non-invasive light therapy to anyone!
Simon Hansen is a teacher. He had to give up teaching because of Multiple Sclerosis. A part of his recovery from MS has been receiving colour light
therapy. It has been so successful that he has now trained in the Samassatti
approach to colour light therapy and has been practicing for more than four
years. Having had first hand experience to a chronic disease he can relate to
his clients in a sensitive, intuitive and empathic way, thereby helping them to
find their path to wellness.
Client Description /commencement Date
Male Age new born
Presenting Condition
When he was 12 hours old a failed attempt at an IV line insertion resulted
in necrosis at the end of his index finger and thumb – looking like frost bite.
The doctors believed that in time the end of the finger and thumb would drop
off – or they’d operate and amputate the ends.
I had to receive permission to treat Mason because he was still in ICU
since he was premature.
Lights of various colour applied directly to the ends of the finger and
thumb, taking signals from the baby to gauge the length of time that he required each light.
Mason’s finger and thumb showing the extent
of the necrosis.
The thumb was the first to recover. The
index finger is growing out from under
the necrotic tissue.
Duration of Treatment
Treated Mason initially 3-4 times per week. Each time I treated him my actions were noted on his records by a nurse. The treatments went on for about
9 weeks – four of which he was at home – at which time I moved the frequency
from once to twice per week.
Delivery of Treatment
At times the treatments would fail to show any response from Mason. At
these times I would treat his mother. There was a direct correlation between
the fatigue of the mother and the responsiveness of the baby. I began to treat
the mother at the beginning of each session and finish off with the treatment
Mason’s finger and thumb showing the extent
of the necrosis. The thumb was the first to recover. The index finger is growing out from under the necrotic tissue.
Small scar on
thumb seen here has since disappeared while
the index finger started to push out from under
the nail.
The Use Of Colored Light For Anxiety In A Young Adult
Mary J. Ross
Different Scripts
Telephone US 940-322-1131
US 940-224-5628
In 2008, Dr. Ross switched from offering neurotherapy to her clients to
offering light therapy. Different Scripts focuses on the treatment of mood
disorders and specializes in the treatment of depression. Different Scripts
also has an ongoing research project that explore the use of color light with
various personality and emotional problems and explores the relationship of
color preferences to various health states.
Client Description /Commencement Date
Female Age 19 DOB 22/10/1987
Presenting Condition
The client was referred for treatment by a registered nurse at the center
who was a family friend of the client’s and had known her most of her life.
The client had a long history of depression and anxiety. She was socially withdrawn and isolated from family, peers and strangers. She had numerous physical complaints and had verbalized that she thought she was dying.
eye contact, made no spontaneous verbalization, and responded to questions
or comments with a minimal response.
Client-Feedback during Treatment:
When I asked how the client was doing she typically responded, “OK”. I
thought she was not responding but feedback provided by the mother via the
referring RN indicated that she began responding with the first session and
made excellent progress. After the first session she told her mother that she
didn’t know what was in the lights but she had never felt better. She went out
that night to a night club with her friends and was more outgoing and engaging
than she had ever been. She even initiated conversation with several strangers. With the sessions her outlook became brighter. She was less anxious and
stopped having various physical complaints and no longer mentioned a fear of
dying. She has continued to be more outgoing with her friends and more open
and engaging with her family. Both the mother and the referring registered
nurse were amazed and pleased with her progress.
Client Feedback:
The graph below of one of the assessments shows response over time.
All other assessments showed similar patterns of not only holding her level of
improvement but continuing to improve.
Three years after treatment the client continues to be symptom free. She
is actively involved with her family and friends. She has been steadily employed since the termination of treatment and she is now happily married with
a one year old child. Although she has never indicated so to me, she has told
her mother that she attributes her changes to the light sessions.
Details of Treatment:
Only modality used was light sessions. Twelve colors were used and they were
projected to the abdomen area and to the crown of the head. The client was
alone in a darkened room and seated in a recliner. The order of the presentation of the colors, the length of time each color was presented was determined
by the computer program and was based on the colors the client selected in
the color preference test. The color preference test was administered prior to
each session. Session length was 27 minutes weekly. From 4/30/2008 through
6/2/2008 with a total number of treatments being six.
Practitioner-Observations during Treatment:
The client kept her appointments and was on time but she always avoided
Kirlian Research On The Effects Of The Sensora
Tatini Petra Buunk
0179-70 34 756
Tatini Petra Buunk (born 1965), is a naturopath, counsellor and mindfulness teacher (MBSR). She has worked with the methods of Peter Mandel
(Germany) for more than 20 years (Colour Puncture, Induction Therapy and
Kirlian Diagnosis). She also teaches Peter Mandel’s “Esogetic Medicine”. She is
currently specializing on the applications of Kirlian Diagnosis for research.
Client Description /commencement Date
24 subjects in April 2012
Male and Female Age between ages 30 - 60
Practitioner - Observations
A Kirlian picture takes the bioelectrical emission of fingers and toes and
projects it on a photo paper. It reveals many levels of a human being. The interpretations were developed in Germany (mainly by Peter Mandel and a team
of scientists around Prof. Fritz-Albert Popp) through the careful observation of
more than 3 million pictures over the last 40 years. From these observations a
detailed topography of the finger and toes energy emission patterns was created. The layers one can look at in a Kirlian picture include the informational,
energetic and physical levels.
Results Summary:
Number of subjects showing significant reactions on 13 different levels is
given below, for each of the two types of Sensora sessions
Measured Parameter
Session #1
Session #2
Session Type
Color Balancing
Total Number of Subjects
Endocrine reactions
Medulla reactions
Polarity reactions
Unconscious root causes
Activation of underlying potentials
Activation of basic emission qualities
This study describes a research done on the effects of the Sensora integrative multi-sensorial therapy tool, using Kirlian photography Emission Analysis according to the method developed by Peter Mandel. A total of 24 subjects
each experienced one of two types of Sensora sessions. Kirlian photos of each
subject were taken before and after the 20-minutes long session, and their
differences were analyzed to evaluate the effects of the session at the three
interpretation levels of Peter Mandel’s Esogetic Medicine.
Details of Treatment:
Each subject followed this study protocol:
1. A 15-minutes presentation was given to each subject, enabling him/
her to understand the nature of the Sensora session
2. Pre-session Kirlian photos were taken
3. A 20-minutes Sensora session was given
4. Post-session Kirlian photos were taken
Each Subject received one of the following two types of Sensora sessions:
Session Type #1: Relaxation (“Aqualight” Core Session was selected. It is a
soft, delicate and deep session based on the water element)
Session Type #2: Color Balancing (based on the color system developed by
the “Van Obberghen Color Institute” from Switzerland)
Duration of Treatment/Therapy/Programme
1 session at 20 minutes with the Sensora
Brain communication
Lymphatic reactions
Physical reactions
Stomach/Solar Plexus
Nervous system in general
No significant change
Very briefly, it can be seen that (in Esogetic medicine terminology) reactions of the endocrine type are high, while toxic and degenerative ones are
low. The Sensora sessions display an effect more related to brain communication and lymphatic reactions than to physical ones.
Eva de Jong
Aura Soma Holland
year. Choosing colour leaves the influence of the intellect out of the equation.
She said that becoming aware of her ability to change and the support of the
coloured oils made her still want to go on.
Frequency of Delivery of Treatment
At first when the client was very troubled the frequency was once a
month, as the 50 ml bottle needed to be used frequently at home to support
the change process. After a while we could bring it back to once every 6 weeks
and now it is once every two months. This is however a free choice of the client, not a regime that needs to be followed.
Total Number of Treatment
0031 23 5482018
0031 06150 86 88 7
I have worked with Aura- Soma for over 20 years now and the mirror of
colour is still fascinating to look into and brings relief and support on many
of life’s journeys
Client Description /Commencement Date
Female Age 19
In 2008 My client came to me in quite a confused state. It was not the first
time we had met professionally and so I could clearly see her decline.
She had trouble finding words, was lost in her own thoughts, frightened
and her sentences were confused. She had taken a year off to travel and went
to South America where she fell under the spell of a strange religious community and a ‘nice’ young man with whom she’d fallen in love.
Luckily she was staying with family part of the time and they sent her
home as they sensed what was happening. Here she had psychiatric treatment
as well as Aura- Soma.
She came to see me and use Aura- Soma regularly. Over the following
So far the number of treatments has been many and still support of consultation is needed.
Practitioner - Observations
I saw that from a very confused state a very observant and serious young
women arose. Someone with perseverance, intelligence and one who can now
reflect upon her behaviour and issues of dependency. She still needs to let
herself experience fun.
Even though this client’s process has not yet ended, many have benefitted
from three or fewer sessions and find the oils very supportive in their daily life.
With the two photos below I want to briefly illustrate the change in 4 sessions.
In the first one we see in a first position an all-orange bottle. This shows
us the client is in great distress, shock even. She continued to choose that same
bottle the 2nd and 3rd session without recollecting she had done so before. The
4th session we see a different bottle in the first position. This bottle is called
Florence Nightingale and shows us that even though there is still a lot of confusion, there is healing as well. This is indicated by the magenta.
Many sessions and even a fall back to the orange have passed, but the
client has stopped medication completely last year and now uses Aura Soma to
support her development into a stable young woman.
Description of a Session:
The sessions began with a short meditation and the client made a bottle
selection of 4 bottles. This is the diagnostic phase as my client described what
the colour combinations meant or represented to her. Tuning in more to the
colours, information flowed to me as well as the energy support of the bottles
to speak to her.
Client – Feedback during Treatment
My client was very precise and experienced. She spoke of a warm or tingling feeling when applying the oil to her body. The first few times this was not
the case or she was not able to describe it yet. Still, she kept on coming as she
did feel the support on a mental level as she mentioned it was calming her.
The colours can bring deep awareness and that often leads to tears of relief or
very deep insights. Which happened a few times during the sessions of the first
Insomnia Relief Using Sensora Light Therapy
The program lasted for two weeks with a frequency of one session per
week. There were three sessions over a fourteen day period.
Michelle Thomas
Maison Clothilde community health centre (MontLaurier, QC, Canada)
Telephone +1-819-623-3843
In spite of her age and anxiety, subject was open to trying something
new and hoped to eventually stop needing her antianxiety sleep medication.
She needed reassurance about the process and wanted to understand how it
Client – Feedback during Treatment
Michelle Thomas is a social worker, and director for the past 20 years
of Maison Clothilde, a government-sponsored community facility for mental
health in Mont-Laurier, Québec, Canada. In this facility she operates since April
2013 a Sensora installation, which quickly became popular with its regular clientele. The outcome of 30 years of research, Sensora combines light, sound
and kinesthetic stimuli to create a healing environment. It is based on “light
modulation” technology embedding pulsations within light projections, allowing interaction with brainwaves and other psychophysiological rhythms. Sensora installations have been in clinical use since 2011, with sites in depressiontreatment and public health centres.
Practitioner - Observations during Treatment
Subject loved the first session and came out of it very happy and relaxed,
with a big smile, wondering if she will sleep better that night. Two days later
she reported that from this first night onward she slept very well (uninterrupted nights) without any medication. The depth and quality of her sleep changed
and were better than she had felt since two years.
Client Feedback after Treatment
Subject feels her insomnia and anxiety problems have disappeared after
3 sessions, and therefore can discontinue treatment.
Currently 2 months later, subject continues sleeping well without medication, and her related anxiety is gone. She is now more active and participates
in creativity group sessions in the community centre. Her energy feels generally uplifted and she is well adapted to her new home.
Client Description /Commencement Date
Female Age 73 commencement of treatment April 2013
Subject was diagnosed 2 years ago with bladder cancer for which she received radiotherapy and underwent surgery. Since then she suffers from chronic insomnia. Following her husband’s death, she then had to sell her house and
move to an apartment in the city; this has triggered chronic anxiety as well. She
was prescribed antianxiety medication (Ativan). Due to the insomnia, surgery
and radiotherapy, her energy level is low and she feels constantly tired.
Details of Treatment/Therapy/Programme
Sensora multi-sensorial system combining light, sound and kinesthetic
First Session:
10 minutes Lateral Light, Soft Reverse type (psycholeptic)
25 minutes “Fibonacci” Core Session
10 minutes “Rainbows” balancing Core Session
10 minutes integration in total darkness and silence
Subsequent sessions (administered in late afternoon/early evening):
10 minutes Lateral Light, Soft Reverse type (psycholeptic)
25 minutes “Night Light” Core Session, based on delta brainwaves frequencies
10 minutes integration in total darkness and silence
View of Sensora treatment environment,
with wide projection screen encompassing the client’s field of view
Short Wavelength Illumination
Should Not Be Used During Scotophase
Abraham Haim
Professor of Biology University of Haifa at Oranim,
Tivon 36006, Israel
Telephone (972) 4 9838702
A full professor since 1996 at the University of Haifa, Departments of Biology and Evolutionary & Environmental Biology, chairperson of the Department
of Natural Resources & Environmental Management, School of management
University of Haifa. Head of the Israeli Center for Interdisciplinary Research in
Chronobiology, University of Haifa. Has a Ph.D. in Environmental Zoology (Ecophysiology) from, The Hebrew university of Jerusalem, Israel (1976). Post Doctoral research at the Mammal Research Institute (MRI) University of Pretoria,
South Africa. For many years studied daily rhythms and seasonality metabolic
and thermoregulatory mechanisms in rodents from different environments. I
have studied with colloquies and students the mechanisms of coexistence of
Acomys species from extreme arid habitats. In recent years studied I also studied the environmental signals for reproduction in desert adapted rodents. For
the last 13 years I am involved in research of light pollution and its impact on
rodents and human health. I have published with colleagues and students over
170 papers in pre-reviewed journals. Recently, published a book with Portnov
on light pollution breast and prostate cancers.
Short wavelength illumination
should not be used during scotophase
lumination. Can we researchers and light therapists ignore this resolution? The
answer should be no. We can ask, why short wavelength (SWL) illumination is
toxic? The answer is, because it suppresses pineal melatonin (MLT) production, which occurs, during scotophase under dark conditions. LED technology
is entering our habitats not only by direct illumination sources but also, from
all modern devices we use such as TV, computers cell phones and their derivatives which are becoming an integral part of our bedroom. LED has a dominant
emission of SWL and therefore it will suppress MLT production. MLT as a hormone is considered a “Jack of all trades” and among others it is an anti breast
cancer (BC) agent and facilitates the immune system function and involved in
In a study carried out in our center, short day (SD) acclimated female mice
were inoculated with 4T1 BC-cells and exposed to LAN at an intensity of 450
lux with a dominant wave length of about 470 nanometers for 30 min, at the
middle of their scotophase. Post-mortem tests revealed metastases which did
not appear in the group of LAN exposed mice treated with MLT. This result
supports the fact that MLT can avoid metastases evolving from BC. Bearing
in mind that BC does not start from a million modified cells at once, it seems
MLT plays a crucial role in avoiding BC and its metastases. As a result, the question to be asked, is this worth the possible saving of energy and CO2 emission, which can be done by using more sustainable way for illuminating? Light
therapists should definitely be aware of the negative effects of suppressing
MLT in regards to sleep quality and the function of our immune system. All artificial light illumination at night should be reassessed in order to minimize the
suppression of pineal MLT production. Furthermore, SWL-illumination characterizes midday illumination as in the afternoon the long wavelength illumination is dominant, by using SWL illumination we also disrupt our daily rhythms,
which govern our lives and are entrained not only by light intensity but also by
wavelength. Environmental and health agencies should support research on
the negative impact of SWL illumination on the one hand and development
of new sustainable illumination on the other, as most of us will not want to go
back to living in a dark night. Furthermore, strict regulations should be used
in decreasing light pollution not only in urban areas by dimming the light and
using it where we need it.
The aggressive introduction of so called “Environmentally Friendly Illumination” in order to reduce CO2 emission from electrical power stations, by
the use of more efficient and energy saving illumination should be reassessed.
The increasing use of LED as a source for artificial night illumination should be
of great concern in regards to health issues. A year ago the American Medical
Association (AMA) passed a resolution that light at night (LAN) is a source of
pollution and among others they call upon developing new technologies for il-
Use Of Samassati Colour Therapy In A Case
Of Hepatitis After Effects
+46 (0) 729 378 152
of colored light and a qualified practitioner, many darker issues in the body
mind will spontaneously resolve in the direction of their original health. These
shifts happen gracefully and naturally, and often offer insight into new ways of
Client was asked to describe the color fields as she perceived them in her
liver. Reported a liver with muddy green exterior and red spots inside. Therapist applied a mid-tone green light to the liver region and asked for reports on
the shifting colors around the liver.
The treatment was applied once for 20 minutes
Practitioner - Observations
Nishant Matthews
Maitri AB
+46 (0) 729 378 152
Client reported a field of stress and lingering inflammation around the
liver. Treating her field with a green field of light and steady presence rapidly
brought about a complete shift in the presenting issue.
Client – Feedback during Treatment
Nishant Matthews is an American therapist who specializes in psycho
therapy based in meditation practice. He trained in therapy skills in New York,
and then lived in the Osho commune in India, where he was taught the art of
meditation and how meditative awareness can be a new foundation for therapy.
For over thirty years since, Nishant has offered workshops, training, and
individual sessions with the aim of sharing skills for the art of being Present
with ourselves and others.
Nishant was born in a farming community in the southern USA. He graduated from Williams College and went to Union Theological Seminary, where he
received a Master’s degree in Systematic Theology in 1974.
Nishant currently resides in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. There he offers
a therapy practice and a series of skill training seminars for therapists. Additionally, he offers trainings in The Psychology of Love.
Nishant can be reached through his websites: Body and Beyond.nl or NishantMatthews.com
Client reported that the muddy green of her liver became a lighter color,
like spring green as the treatment progressed. The painful red spots in the liver
dissolved into a pink tone. Symptoms of pain and stress cleared away.
Client Feedback
Client reported herself pain and symptom free after the treatment. Follow up 6 months later with same result. Three years later still reporting no
signs of stress.
Outcomes – Practitioner Update
There are fields of consciousness within all of us. These fields respond
brilliantly to the warm presence of a practitioner and the resonant tones of
color light. Profound and simple.
Client description
Female Age 43 years
Client suffered severe hepatitis in India. Four years later complaining of
recurring pains in liver area and a general sense of sluggishness through the
whole body.
Details of therapy
Samassati color therapy is an interactive approach to offering colored
lights to the fields of consciousness around and within people. In the presence
Syntonic Light Therapy In The Treatment Of Glaucoma
Edward Kondrot
Healing the Eye and Wellness Center
• 3 hours 15.2 (8-23)
• 4 hours 14.9 (7-23)
• 5 hours (only 3 patients) 13.7 (8-18)
Outcomes – Practitioner Update on outcomes
Mu delta (yellow green) has a pressure lowering affect in the majority of
patients - 9 out of 11 patients or 82%. The average lowering of pressure using
mu delta was 5 mm Hg and this effect persisted for 4 hours after a brief 10
minute exposure. These results confirmed the study reported by Zaretskaya in
the American Journal of Ophthalmology in 1948.
Green light should be considered a safe alternative in the treatment of
glaucoma. More research needs to done regarding varying the intensity and
duration of the light to see if there is an additional effect.
An expanded version of this case study can be found at: http://www.healingtheeye.com/Articles/Syntonic_Light_Therapy_Glaucoma.html
Dr. Kondrot is the world’s leading Homeopathic Ophthalmologist who
devotes his practice to traditional and alternative therapies for the treatment
of eye disease. His extensive research has taken him around the world and
places him in a unique position to share this knowledge. Dr. Kondrot’s two
best selling books, Healing the Eye the Natural Way and Microcurrent Stimulation: Miracle Eye Cure, share this knowledge. Both books are solid introductions into his philosophy and practice. His latest book is the 10 Essentials to
Save Your Sight has received rave reviews.
Introduction – Presenting Condition -
These patients were recruited from my practice and from readers of the
Healing the Eye Newsletters. Patients involved in the study were instructed to
continue all glaucoma medications and were required to be in the office all day
after a 10 minute exposure of green light.
Method of Study
There were 11 patients in the study. The Average age 72.6. Range was
between 55-84 years of age. There was only one patient not using any glaucoma medications, 7 patients were using at least one medication and 3 patients
with one or more medications.
Before application of light, the intraocular pressure was measured using
a Goldman tonometer. 10 minutes of light treatment with Syntonic Light of mu
delta at an intensity of 1.4 lux was administered. Pressures were then measured at 30 minutes and then every hour until pressures returned to baseline.
Practitioner - Observations during Treatment
• Average pre-light pressures 19.8 (15-34)
• 30 minutes 15.5 (10-20)
• 1 hour 13.8 (8-19)
• 2 hours 16.1 (8-21)
Syntonic Phototherapy For Monocular Visual Loss
Details of Treatment
Vision Care Center of Southeastern California
Phototherapy using the Lumatron instrument developed by John Downing, O.D. Nascentisation using red-blue glasses while viewing white light for
3 minutes, ruby light for 6 minutes, and yellow-green for 12 minutes due to
chronic condition.
Duration of Treatment
Donald L. Barniske
Four weekly program with 20 office visits total.
Frequency of Delivery of Treatment
Donald Barniske, Doctor of Optometry from California,USA. Former
President of the College of Syntonic Optometry. He first performed Color
Visual Field research in 1973 and his interest in Color Phototherapy remains
today. His clinic provides diagnosis and treatment of Eye and Vision Disorders
with traditional and phototherapy methods. He lives and works in the Southern California Desert 150 feet below sea level.
Introduction – Presenting Condition -
Five office visits each week for 4 weeks
Practitioner - Observations during Treatment
During treatment patient was compliant and arrived on time for phototherapy sessions.
Client – Feedback during Treatment
Better sensitivity to light-less irritating and awareness of visual field enlarging.
Baseball umpire for kids having difficulty seeing the ball in lower left visual field while behind batter in umpire position. Phototherapy program recommended to open up his useable field of vision.
Client Feedback (+ dates) after Treatment
Outline of Treatment
He was very thankful for the phototherapy sessions to open up his visual
fields of awareness.
Syntonic Phototherapy for visual field loss in left eye of a 62 year old baseball umpire for kids. Left eye was hit with a tennis ball 30 years before. Visual
Fields indicate scotoma in lower left visual field of left eye with corresponding retinal scar. Documentation of visual field with campimetry and HumphryZeiss Frequencing Doubling Technology field analyser and retinal photographs.
Syntonic phototherapy was instituted to enlarge his visual fields in the scotoma
area of left eye. Visual Fields after phototherapy indicate a greatly reduced
He is now able to see in an area of vision that was previously impaired.
Outcomes – Practitioner
Submissions for case studies 2014 should be made to Pauline Allen at
Booklet and graphics created by Simon Hansen
Light Touch Colour Light Therapy
McLaren Vale, South Australia