1.0 Introduction It is important to recognize turfgrass species as a failure to properly identify a turfgrass species can lead to mistakes in maintenance . Therefore, before establishing a turfgrass company or work under it, one should know how to identify and recognize a turfgrass species. Turfgrass species can be identified and recognize via their morphological characteristic, dichotomous keys and also by a picture. Regarding to their morphological characteristic , the characters that used to identify are leaf sheath (vernation ,surface ,margin) ,auricle ,ligule ,colar, growth habit ,leaf blade (margin ,surface ,width ,texture). While identification by a picture is done by looking at a picture from books or the internet and then compare the sample and the picture obtained to see if they match the given characteristic. This method is valid as long as the owner of the picture gives valid information. By doing the identification of turfgrass species, one can identify, draw and describe the important characters that determine the identity of the turfgrass species. 3.0 Materials and Methods 3.0.1 Materials Materials used in this experiment were three samples of turfgrass. 3.0.2 Methods The turfgrass samples provided was observed, located and the characters were sketched. Descriptive information for each turfgrass samples was fill in a table. The morphological characters of the turfgrass samples provided were then discussed. Turfgrass Identification. (n.d.). https://turf.purdue.edu/tool/index.html Retrieved February 26, 2019, from