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Stock Information Sheet

Stock Information Sheet
Radio Corp
Radio Corp is quickly becoming one of
the highest sellers of radios in the U.S.
thanks to innovative new technology.
The future of this company depends on
the continued demand and the success of
their innovations.
Ford Motor
Offering low prices for a massproduced automobile, sales are high
for the Ford Company. If the economy
continues to prosper, more people are
likely to be purchasing a car.
Mammoth Oil
Mammoth oil is owned and operated by
Henry Sinclair, and one of the larger
investors is Secretary of Interior Albert B.
Fall. Mammoth has recently borrowed
large sums of money to explore for oil
rich lands in the West and Midwest.
This company is offering public stock in
hopes of raising enough money to massproduce a dial telephone. This is
considered a highly risky investment, yet
appears to be attractive to speculators
hoping to turn a quick profit.
Kroger Foods
A regional food processing company
based in the West coast. Rumors are
circulating that Kroger intends to
integrate with a highly successful East
Coast food chain as well. Favorable farm
conditions and a successful merger could
result in high stock prices, yet this
remains highly speculative and therefore