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Mobile Phones in Schools Debate Instructions

Debate hosted by CBBC Television Studio
Should mobile phones be banned in schools?
1. Select one person from your group to act as a host for your debate
2. Divide the rest of your group into two (for and against)
3. Write down your points of view (use the information, questions & pictures to guide you)
4. Your host will need an introduction and a conclusion
5. Remember to check the success criteria (formal, persuasive and polite language)
1. Why should they be banned in
2. Who would agree with this statement?
3. Why should they be allowed in
4. Who would agree with this statement?
5. Who in school uses them?
6. Practise to make sure you are ready for your debate to be video recorded.
Now get the camera person to video your debate ready for
broadcasting later this morning.
Success Criteria for a Persuasive, Balanced Argument
1. We have stated our point of view clearly in the introduction and the conclusion
2. We have backed each argument with relevant evidence and detail
3. Our argument is mainly in the present tense
4. We have used connectives
 To structure the argument: first, finally
 To link ideas within the argument: so, also, but, therefore, furthermore,
because, consequently, as a consequence, in addition, however, on the other
hand, in conclusion, to sum up the argument
5. We have used persuasive devices such as
 Statistics: ‘More than 50%.....’
 Emotive language; strong adjective
 Rhetorical questions: ‘Are we to believe that ….’
6. We have used verbs: Present tense, passive, conditionals (would, could, might, if, unless)
7. We have used rhetorical questions: ‘Are we to believe that ….’
8. We have used emotive language: No one can deny, some people believe