Uploaded by Paul Schumann

Electrical Conductivity Introduction Using Thomson's Atomic Model

What is electrical conductivity?
Electrical conductivity – how well a substance will let
electricity pass through it.
Electricity – moving electrical charges (electrons)
Conductor – substance that conducts electricity
Non-conductor – substance that does not conduct
Conductivity and Elements
Conductivity and Elements
• Some elements are good conductors. We call these
• Some elements are poor conductors. We call these
• Left of zig-zag line
• Shiny (luster)
• Malleable (bendable)
• Right of zig-zag line
• Dull (lack luster)
• Brittle
• Ductile (make into wire)
• Good Conductors of
Heat and Electricity
• Poor Conductors of
Heat and Electricity
Explanation Using Thomson’s Model
Atoms composed of negative (-) electrons floating in
positive (+) stuff
Electrons are mobile and can be transferred
Electrons in conductors can easily move from atom to
atom – “soupy” pudding
Electrons in non-conductors can’t easily move atom
to atom – “sticky” pudding
Electricity Simulations
John Travoltage
What did John do to get “extra” electrons?
If he continued to rub his foot, what eventually happened?
What was the result of moving his arm closer to the doorknob?
What can we conclude from this?
Electricity Simulations
Balloons & Static
What is the “net charge” of the sweater?
What is the “net charge” of the balloon?
What is the “net charge” of the wall?
Electricity Simulations
Balloons & Static
What happens when we bring the balloon to the wall?
What happens when we “rub” the balloon on the sweater?
What happens when we bring the balloon to the sweater after that?
Why does that happen?
Electricity Simulations
Balloons & Static
What happens when we bring the balloon to the wall the second time?
Why does that happen?
Which one has a stronger attraction and why?
Electricity Simulations
Electron Flow Animation
What is the movement of the electrons when there is no electricity flowing?
What is the movement of the electrons when the electricity is flowing?
Van de
Al Foil Whiteboard
1) Recreate the diagrams found on your paper to your whiteboard.
2) Using the notes on page 139, draw the electrons for the Al atoms when
they not near a charged object (left side of dash).
3) Based on what we know about conductors, draw what you think is the
arrangement of electrons in the Al foil near the charged tapes.
4) Below, write an explanation for your drawing.
5) Have Mr. Schumann your work when you are done.
6) Submit a pic of your whiteboard to Google Classroom and copy down
what you did to your page