List of research topics as of February 17th, 2010 Limitati No. Research Area Title of research (Give a www site for more information) Name of Supervisor Student on of Accepta Duration Comments nce Principles of Informatics Research Division 1 2 3 4 Principles of Automated Reasoning and Hypothesis Finding Prof. Master and 2 to 6 Informatics Techniques for Bioinformatics and Systems Biology Katsumi INOUE Ph. D months (井上克巳教授) students Principles of Abduction and Induction in (Multi-)Agent Systems Prof. Master and Informatics Katsumi INOUE Ph. D (井上克巳教授) students Principles of Logic and Constraint Programming (including ASP, Prof. Informatics SAT, SMT and CSP) 2 to 6 3 months Master and 2 to 6 Katsumi INOUE Ph. D months (井上克巳教授) students Principles of Graph Algorithm Prof. Ken-ichi Ph. D Informatics KAWARABAYASHI student 1 2 months (河原林教授) 5 6 7 Principles of Semantic Web / Linked Data Prof. Master and Informatics Hideaki TAKEDA Ph. D (武田教授) students Principles of Social Web / Social Network Analysis Prof. Master and Informatics Hideaki TAKEDA Ph. D (武田教授) students Principles of Semantic Web for Academic Publication and Prof. Master and Informatics Communication Hideaki TAKEDA Ph. D (武田教授) students 3 to 6 months 3 3 to 6 months 3 to 6 months Basic knowledge on Artificial Intelligence and/or Computer Science is required. It would be better to 8 Principles of Lambda-Calculus and Type Theory Informatics Prof. Master or Makoto TATSUTA Ph. D (龍田教授) student 1 2 to 6 months know lambda-calculus, type theory, or mathematical logic. 9 Principles of Numerical linear algebra, numerical analysis Informatics Ultra-Large 10 Principles of Informatics Scale Sequence-Based Prof. Master or Ken HAYAMI Ph. D (速水教授) students Basic knowledge in 1 2 to 6 numerical linear months algebra or numerical analysis is desirable. Genome Informatics Toward Understanding of Bio-Diversity Prof. Asao FUJIYAMA (藤山教授) Ph. D students 2 2 to 6 months ml 11 12 13 14 15 Knowledge Processing Knowledge Processing Principles of Informatics Principles of Informatics Principles of Informatics Data mining methods for linked data Assoc. Prof. Master and Ryutaro ICHISE Ph. D (市瀬准教授) students Machine learning methods for semantic integration Assoc. Prof. Master and Ryutaro ICHISE Ph. D (市瀬准教授) students Behavior Imitation on a Humanoid Robot Assoc. Prof. Master and Tetsunari INAMURA Ph. D (稲邑准教授) students Intelligent tele-operation system for network robots Assoc. Prof. Tetsunari INAMURA (稲邑准教授) months 5 3 to 6 months 3 to 6 months Master and Ph. D students Integration of Robot Simulation and Social Agent Assoc. Prof. Simulation Tetsunari INAMURA Master and students (稲邑准教授) 3 to 6 Ph. D 6 3 to 6 months 3 to 6 months Optimization 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Complexity Formal Language Theory Principles of Informatics Principles of Informatics algorithms with robustness guarantees Assoc. Prof. (theoretical work, theorem proving) Takeaki UNO http:/ (宇野准教授) Open Problems on Multiple Context-Free Assoc. Prof. Ph. D student Master and Grammars and Related Formalisms Makoto KANAZAWA Ph. D (金沢准教授) students Domain based text mining and knowledge Assoc. Prof. Nigel COLLIER Ph. D (コリアー准教授) students Web analysis using natural language Assoc. Prof. Nigel COLLIER Ph. D (コリアー准教授) students Assoc. Prof. Master and Nigel COLLIER Ph. D (コリアー准教授) students Geo-spatial visualization of natural language data Informatics Quantum Computer architecture for quantum information Assoc. Prof. computation and processing Ph. D communication (根本准教授) students Quantum Quantum devices Assoc. Prof. Master and computation and Kae NEMOTO Ph. D communication (根本准教授) students months 3 to 6 months months 4 2 to 6 months 2 to 6 months Master and Kae NEMOTO 2 to 6 2 to 6 Master and processing Principles of 2 Master and acquisition Social 1 2 to 6 months 2 2 to 6 months Information Systems Architecture Science Research Division 23 24 Software Bidirectional Model Transformation for Software Prof. Master and Engineering Development Zhenjiang HU Ph. D (胡教授) students Parallel High-level Parallel Programming for Multicore Prof. Master and Programming Architecture Zhenjiang HU Ph. D (胡教授) students 2 to 6 months 2 2 to 6 months ※Reference 1 25 Dependable Modeling with Algebraic Specification Language Prof. Master and 3 to 6 Software Shin NAKAJIMA Ph. D months (中島教授) students Engineering 26 Dependable Model Checking C Programs Prof. Ph. D Software Shin NAKAJIMA students 2 months (中島教授) Engineering 27 3 to 6 Dependable Software Development with Event-B Prof. Ph. D 3 to 6 Software Shin NAKAJIMA students months (中島教授) Engineering 3 to 6 Dependable 28 Software Engineering Information 29 Case Studies on Model Checking Web Applications Prof. Master and Shin NAKAJIMA Ph. D (中島教授) Students this supervisor before your application at your institute. months 2 (6 months preferabl) Systems Poplar: Dynamic assembly of software components Prof. using protocol and state information Shinich HONIDEN Architecture Information Autonomic Systems Network interest in wireless Architecture sensor Management of Wireless (本位田教授) Ph. D students 2 2 to 6 months Sensor ※Reference 2 Experience and Prof. 30 Please send email to Shinich HONIDEN (本位田教授) Ph. D students 2 2 to 6 months networks. For more detailed information about this internship, please see the site below. /about/internship_e. html 31 Master and Information Multi-Agent Planning and Scheduling for Smart Systems Technical Systems Prof. Ph. D Shinich HONIDEN student Systems.htm (本位田教授) Architecture 2 2 to 6 months ※Reference 3 3 to 6 Information 32 Systems Architecture Software Testing in the Context of Small Mobile Applications ternships Prof. Shinich HONIDEN (本位田教授) months Master and Ph. D, preference depending 2 on the ※Reference 4 skills of for Master the candidate 33 34 35 36 37 Communication Resource management and Networks broadband wireless networks QoS control in Assoc. Prof. 3 or 6 Yusheng JI (計准教授) Communication Cross-layer design for wireless ad hoc and sensor Networks networks Ph. D Assoc. Prof. student months Measurement and analysis of Internet traffic Assoc. Prof. Master and network Kensuke FUKUDA Ph. D (福田准教授) student Constraint Theory and Practice of Constraint Programming Assoc. Prof. Master and Programming Hiroshi HOSOBE Ph. D (細部准教授) student Networks systems interconnects 3 or 6 (計准教授) Computer Low-power 3 Yusheng JI Interconnection months Master and in multi-processor 2 2 4 to 6 Solid months skills in C or C++ 2 to 6 months Assoc. Prof. Michihiro Ph. D KOIBUCHI students (鯉渕准教授) 2 2 to 6 months programming Digital Content and Media Sciences Research Division 38 Digital Content video and Media classification using local features (esp. TRECVID Sciences HLF task. and image semantic analysis and see: 39 40 42 (佐藤真一教授) preferable) esp. TRECVID instance search. Sciences Digital Content “Beyond Content Based Copy Detection,” explore Prof. Master and and Media potential video mining applications Shin’ichi SATOH Ph. D (Ph. D (佐藤真一教授) preferable) see: detection and action recognition Shin’ichi SATOH Ph. D (Ph. D (佐藤真一教授) preferable) (esp. Prof. and Media TRECVID event detection task. Sciences Digital Content Face Orientation Quantification for Face Sequence Prof. Master and and Media Indexing and Matching Shin’ichi SATOH Ph. D (Ph. D (佐藤真一教授) preferable) Prof. Master and and Media Shin’ichi SATOH Ph. D (Ph. D Sciences (佐藤真一教授) preferable) Prof. Master and Atsuhiro TAKASU Ph. D (高須教授) students video search Content Text stream mining based on latent topic models and Media Sciences Digital Content Machine learning approach to recommender and Media systems Sciences 90 days more than 90 days more than 5 Master and Event see: more than Master and Digital Content Digital 45 Ph. D (Ph. D and Media Digital Content 44 Shin’ichi SATOH identification of specific object in video and image Prof. Sciences 43 Master and Digital Content Sciences 41 Prof. Shin’ichi SATOH Ph. D (Ph. D (佐藤真一教授) preferable) 90 days more than 90 days more than 90 days more than 90 days 2 to 6 months 2 Prof. Master and Atsuhiro TAKASU Ph. D (高須教授) students 2 to 6 months Computer vision Up 6 Rigorous background months (at on mathematics is One of the following topics. -3D Object modeling using a range scanner -Recognizing human activities from video Prof. - Scene categorization and event recognition for 3D Akihiro SUGIMOTO 46 scene modeling (杉本教授) least 3 required. In months; a particular, sufficient Ph. D students longer period 4 Mathematical -Geometric computing theory for integer points engineering Akihiro SUGIMOTO (杉本教授) knowledge of linear is algebra, graph better) Up Prof. 47 to theory and number to 6 theory are important months (at requirements. Ph. D least students months) 3 Programming skills on image processing or computer vision are also required. 48 49 Digital Content text-based communication / analysis and mining of and Media textual corpora Prof. Akiko AIZAWA Sciences (相澤教授) Digital Content Fundamental techniques and systems for media and Media security Sciences html 50 Assoc. Prof. Isao ECHIZEN (越前准教授) Digital Content Privacy in e-Health and Media Assoc. Prof. Sciences html Isao ECHIZEN (越前准教授) Master or Ph. D 1 students more than 90 days Ph. D 3 to 6 students months Ph. D students 3 3 to 6 months _sven.html 51 Digital Content Digital live forensics and Media Sciences html Assoc. Prof. Isao ECHIZEN (越前准教授) Ph. D 3 to 6 students months Basic programming skills preferable Database Emergency information systems for meteorology Application and disaster reduction 52 ship/ Asanobu KITAMOTO (北本准教授) Earth Earth environmental informatics for agriculture, Environment biodiversity and climate change Assoc. Prof. Asanobu KITAMOTO ship/ (北本准教授) 53 Digital Archives Cultural heritage information, 54 Image Analysis 55 Digital 56 Assoc. Prof. 3D informatics modeling for and 2 to 6 but also months master Ph. D preferred 2 to 6 but also months master No limitatio multilingual Assoc. Prof. Asanobu KITAMOTO ship/ (北本准教授) Content-based image retrieval and biological image analysis Assoc. Prof. Asanobu KITAMOTO ship/ (北本准教授) Photography preferred geographic processing Contents Computational Ph. D Ph. D n preferred 2 to 6 but also months master Ph. D preferred 2 to 6 but also months master (Image-based A basic knowledge of and rendering, Image processing) Assoc. Prof. Master and Media Sciences Imari SATO Ph. D (佐藤いまり准教授) students 2 5 to 6 months computer graphics and good programming skills are required. 57 Digital Content R&D in the Foundations of the 3D Internet(open Assoc. Prof. and source OpenSim world simulator) Helmut Master and Media Sciences PRENDINGER Ph. D (プレンディンガー students 3-6 months 准教授) 58 Digital Content Participatory Science / Collaborative Visualization Assoc. Prof. and and Simulation in the 3D Internet (Ambient Helmut Media Sciences Intelligence, Social Mobile Networks, Bio and PRENDINGER Environmental Sciences, Agriculture, Health (プレンディンガー Training, Astrophysics) 准教授) Solid programming skills required (e.g. Java, C++, or C Master and Ph. D students 9 3-6 months Longer stay preferred for good result Digital Content OpenEnergySim: an open source platform for Assoc. Prof. (running software and exploring “Green Transport” in the OpenSim virtual Helmut Media Sciences world (immersive driving with game wheel, traffic PRENDINGER simulation, CO2 emission simulation, collaborative (プレンディンガー evaluation framework, modeling driver behavior) 准教授) and publication) Master and 3-6 months Ph. D students 61 Services Assist. Prof. 63 Master and Digital Content Quality-Assured and Composition and Delivery Fuyuki ISHIKAWA Ph. D Media Sciences (石川助教) students Digital Content Tool Development for Formal Specification Methods Assist. Prof. and Web/Ambient Media Sciences 62 background assumed. 59 60 Sharp) but no specific 2 to 6 months Master and Fuyuki ISHIKAWA Ph. D (石川助教) students Digital Content Modeling and Analysis of Legal Interpretation for Assist. Prof. and Requirements Engineering Fuyuki ISHIKAWA Ph. D Media Sciences (石川助教) students Human Understanding Multiparty Interaction Assist. Prof. Master and Interaction Mayumi BONO Ph. D (坊農助教) students 3 Master and 2 to 6 months 2 to 6 months 3 2 to 6 months Information 64 65 and Consumer behavior analysis of e-commerce & Assoc. Prof. Society Master and e-money Hitoshi OKADA Ph. D (岡田准教授) students Assist. Prof. Master and Masashi UEDA Ph. D (上田助教) students Information Public Policy Issues on IPTV, Broadband, Network Public Policy. Economics, and Open Source Software. 2 2 to 6 months I welcome both 2 Up to natural and 6 months science background students. Collaborative Research Division 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 Collaborative Correlation-based Outlier Detection Visiting Prof. Master and Research Division Michael HOULE Ph. D j-outlier.doc (フール客員教授) students Collaborative Unsupervised Feature Selection Visiting Prof. Master and Research Division Michael HOULE Ph. D j-features.doc (フール客員教授) students Collaborative Cache-based Query Result Estimation Visiting Prof. Master and Research Division Michael HOULE Ph. D j-cache.doc (フール客員教授) students Collaborative Dynamic Query-Result Clustering Visiting Prof. Master and Research Division Michael HOULE Ph. D j-qclust.doc (フール客員教授) students Collaborative Distributed Data Clustering Visiting Prof. Master and Research Division Michael HOULE Ph. D j-pclust.doc (フール客員教授) students Collaborative Multimodal Data Clustering Visiting Prof. Master and Research Division Michael HOULE Ph. D j-morsc.doc (フール客員教授) students Collaborative Rank-based Similarity Search Visiting Prof. Master and Research Division Michael HOULE Ph. D j-simsearch.doc (フール客員教授) students 5 to 6 months 5 to 6 months 5 to 6 months 7 5 to 6 months 5 to 6 months 5 to 6 months 5 to 6 months social ※ Reference 1. (Topic No. 17) Candidates should have mastered the basics of automata theory and be mathematically mature enough to be able to prove new results on their own. See my recent publications and lecture notes for the course “Mathematical Linguistics”, available on my web site, for examples of research on this topic. 2. (Topic No. 29) Requirements: The ideal candidate will have strong knowledge of Java or C#, and knowledge of the Scala language would be a plus. Furthermore, interest in programming languages or software engineering is required. Industrial experience, experience of large scale software development, automata theory, type systems are all beneficial. 3. (Topic No.31) Requirements: The candidate should be experienced in object oriented programming (Java, C++, C#, etc.). Previous experiences in multi-agent systems or computational intelligence (e.g. data mining, multi-objective optimization, search algorithms) or scheduling are highly welcome. 4. (Topic No.32) The internship requires the following skills: Analytical skills: We will conduct surveys on testings and report on several aspects. Basic statistical analysis will be needed. Programming languages: Either or both of the two groups: ◦ C/C++/Objective-C and SmallTalk ◦ Java Experience in studying APIs and technical documents. Good command in English (Japanese language is a plus, but not required). Knowledge about the iPhone SDK and/or Android SDK is a significant plus. 3 months minimum. Up to 6 months depending on candidates' skills.