LABORATORY REPORT PETROLEUM ENGINEERING LABORATORY VI (EG 322) NUMBER OF EXPERIMENT: 4 EXPERIMENT TITLE: CONTACT ANGLE MEASUREMENT USING IMAGING METHOD LAB SESSION/GROUP NUMBER: WEDNESDAY /GROUP1 STUDENT NAME: SATTISH SOMUNAIDU STUDENT ID:1001645032 TUTOR’S NAME: MS NOOR A’SHIQIN BINTI JAAFAR @ MUSTAFA DATE OF EXPERIMENT :20/02/2019 DATE OF SUBMISSION :27/02/2019 UCSI UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF ENGINEERING Table of content No Content Page 1. Introduction 3 2. Objective 4 3. Material and apparatus 4 4. Procedure 4 5. Results and Calculation 5 6. Discussion 5-6 7. Conclusion 6 8. References 7 9. Raw data 8 2 INTRODUCTION The wettability of a formation determines the irreducible water saturation in the reservoir. It determined how easily a fluid moves and had tremendous impact for optimizing oil recovery. The oil versus-water wetting preference influences many aspects of reservoir performance, particularly in water flooding and enhanced oil recovery techniques. Wetting has gotten huge enthusiasm from both crucial and connected perspectives. It plays an essential job in numerous mechanical procedures, for example, oil recuperation, oil, fluid covering, printing, and shower extinguishing. Wettability thinks about normally include the estimation of contact angles as the essential information, which demonstrates the level of wetting when a strong and fluid communicate. Little contact angles (90°) compare to high wettability, while large contact angles (90°) relate to low wettability. Presentation of the crucial science behind wetting and contact edge marvels, trailed by an exhaustive portrayal of the different systems used to quantify contact angles, just as their application and constraints as far as the geometric types of strong examples. Wettability in Reservoirs Reservoir rocks are complex structures, often comprising a variety of mineral types. Each mineral may have a different wettability, making the wetting character of the composite rock difficult to describe. Generally, most of the reservoirs where the primary constituents are quartz, carbonate and dolomite are water-wet prior to oil migration. However, the conditions may be altered by components of the crude oil to become oil-wet. As different types of wettability exhibit different production performances, a water-wet reservoir system is desirable for an efficient oil transport compared to an oil-wet reservoir. Measurement of Wettability When an interface exists between a liquid and a solid, the angle between the surface of the liquid and outline of the contact surface is described as the contact angle (°). The contact angle (wetting angle) is a measure of the wettability of a solid by a liquid. If the observed angle between the surface and the slope of the droplet is lower than 90°, the rock is considered water-wet. If the observed angle is larger than 90°, the rock is considered oil-wet. Figure 1: Differentiation between water-wet and oil-wet 3 Objective To differentiate between water-wet and oil-wet condition. To describe the factors affecting wettability. To identify the wettability between the interface of a solid and liquid by measuring the contact angle between a liquid and a solid Apparatus 1. Phoenix 150 contact angle analyzer 2. 1 mL syringe 3. Clean cotton swabs Materials 1. Crude oil. 2. Cooking oil 3. Distilled water 4. Toluene 5. Ethanol 6. Used Engine Oil Procedures 1. Surfaceware7 program were started. 2. The glass flat on the stage placed 3. The syringe position were adjusted so that the bottom of the needle appears about a fourth of a way down in the live window screen. 4. The baseline were adjusted to be horizontal and about just below the midpoint in the live window screen. 5. one drop of crude oil was carefully applied onto the solid surface with a syringe by moving 4μL. 6. The syringe needle lowered slowly using the thumbscrew on the syringe fixture until the drop comes in contact with the stage. 7. “Measure” in the main menu bar and then “Take a Picture” were clicked. 8. “CA Tools” and then on “Contact Angle” were clicked to open the contact angle tool. 9. The green vertical line adjusted by simply clicking on the window screen to the left of the drop. Avoided the touching of the drop and assured that there is a small space between the line and the drop. The yellow line positioned to the right of the drop where it is not touching it or the wall of the application window. 10. Clicked “Option” in “Contact Angle” window menu bar to set the “Time Interval” (in seconds) and “Number of Measurement” desired. Select: Number of Measurement = 60 Time Interval = 2000 11. In the “Contact Angle” window, the “Start” button were clicked, then the vertical adjusted line so that it passes through the center of the drop. 12. “Measure” clicked. 13.This experiment is repeated with other samples. 4 Result No Material First Reading of contact angle (°) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Crude oil Cooking oil Distilled Water Ethanol Toluene Used Engine Oil 17.41 13.97 31.37 12.94 11.53 12.27 Second Reading of contact angle (°) 14.52 13.25 26.19 13.07 12.81 12.76 Third Reading of contact angle (°) 13.39 11.27 30.56 12.99 14.89 11.59 Average Contact Angle (°) 15.11 12.83 29.37 13.00 13.08 12.21 Calculation Average Contact Angle: First Reading + Second Reading+ Third Reading/ 3 Discussion 1. Explain the differences observed in the contact angles for the different materials. Contact angle can be taken as a proportion of wettability of a strong by fluid. It is an essential factor to be considered as a sign of how great/awful a liquid spreads over a strong surface. The figure underneath shows 3 distinct beads conduct on a surface. The most left has a high contact angle what's more, does not spread over the surface. This conduct is known as nonwetting liquid and is hydrophobic. Then again, the centre liquid spreads well over the surface and has little contact angle, and known to be great wetting liquid and is hydrophilic. In petroleum system, contact angle can be an indication of fluid (oil, gas, water) behaviour inside formation rock during production phase. In the formation, water-wet system is desirable so that oil can move easily through the rock. Since water sticks on the formation rock, oil droplets will not stick to the formation and the flow will not be hindered. Figure 2: Contact Angle 5 From the experiment, we were able to observe different average contact angle possessed by various fluids when in contact with common solid surface, glass plate. The measurement is able to provide a good indication to tell whether it is a good wetting or bad wetting fluid. The experiment was first carried out with distilled water, and the average contact angle was taken to be 29.37°. The following fluid tested was light crude oil, with lower average contact angle of 15.11° and finally used engine oil with reading of 12.21°. The normal contact angle of distilled water is outstandingly more prominent than the rest of the liquids, as appeared with the higher angle of curvature when the water is in contact with the glass plate. This demonstrates distilled water does not spread well superficially contrasted with the other 2 liquids and has lower wettability contrasted with both. Then again, engine oil and crude oil have comparative contact angle and has better wettability contrasted with water. 2. What do low values of contact angle suggest about a liquid and its interaction with a surface? Proceeding with the discussion above, the perception on little contact angle in used engine oil and light crude oil demonstrates that they tend to follow on the solid surface. At the end of the day, used engine oil and light crude oil have a more grounded solid-liquid collaboration when contrasted with distilled water. Used engine oil has the littlest contact angle (15.11°) and consequently have the most grounded solid-liquid communication what's more, can without much of a stretch spread on solid surface. This phenomenon could also be described as cohesion and adhesion. Cohesion refers to ability of fluid to attract one another while adhesion is the interaction between different substance, in this case liquid and fluid. In case of light crude oil, it has high adhesive force compared to cohesive force. 3. Describe a real-world example of a readily observable liquid-solid interaction and explain the rationale with regard to the reservoir condition. One genuine model on liquid-solid cooperation is the arrangement of water beads on certain leaves. The development of water beads demonstrates high contact angle among water and leaves' surface, demonstrating low wettability. Liquid-solid association among water and leaves is feeble, subsequently water can't spread effectively superficially. The outside of the leaves is made out of a material that does not enable water to spread on effectively. Relating this condition, water-wet store does not permit oil beads to adhere to the arrangement effectively. Water-wet repository implies that water have higher wettability to the development shake and covers the little pores in the stone. Subsequently, oil have littler wettability and does not stick on the stone development, which is a good condition in the supply as oil can stream effectively through the development matric and won't stall out in the arrangement. Conclusion Based on the result of this experiment, the angle determined for wettability of crude oil, distilled water, toluene, cooking oil, ethanol and used engine oil as follows 15.11°, 29.37° and 13.08°,12.83°, 13.00° and 12.21°. It can be concluding that distilled water has high wettability and strong interaction between solid and liquid. In this experiment the used engine oil wettability angle is 12.21° (less than 90°), oils are still in the low wettability group. Differentiation between water-wet and oil-wet condition were differentiated. In addition, factors affecting wettability also were explained. Objectives of this experiment were met. 6 References 1. Contact angle. (2019, February 10). Retrieved from 2. (n.d.). Retrieved from 3. Schlumberger. 2017. Water-Wet. Retrieved from: 4. ZISMAN, W. A. (1964). Relation of the Equilibrium Contact Angle to Liquid and Solid Constitution, 1–51. 7