PRESSURE VESSELS Applications of plane stress (Pressure vessels, Beams and Combined loadings) • Plane stress is a common stress condition that exists in all ordinary structures, including buildings, machines, vehicles and aircraft • In this chapter we will investigate some practical applications involving plane stress • We will start with pressure vessels by determining the stresses and strains in the walls of these structures caused because of the internal pressures from the compressed gases or liquids Spherical pressure vessels • Pressure vessels are closed structures containing liquids or gases under pressure • Examples include tanks, pipes, beverage containers and pressurized cabins in aircraft and space vehicles • If pressure vessels have walls that are thin in comparison to their overall dimensions they are known as shell structures • In this section we consider thin – walled (r/t>10) pressure vessels of spherical shape FIG. 8-2 Cross section of spherical pressure vessel showing inner radius r, wall thickness t, and internal pressure p Fig. 8.1) Spherical pressure vessel THIN AND THICK CYLINDERS INTRODUCTION: In many engineering applications, cylinders are frequently used for transporting or storing of liquids, gases or fluids. Eg: Pipes, Boilers, storage tanks etc. These cylinders are subjected to fluid pressures. When a cylinder is subjected to a internal pressure, at any point on the cylinder wall, three types of stresses are induced on three mutually perpendicular planes. They are, 1. Hoop or Circumferential Stress (σC) – This is directed along the tangent to the circumference and tensile in nature. Thus, there will be increase in diameter. 2. Longitudinal Stress (σL ) – This stress is directed along the length of the cylinder. This is also tensile in nature and tends to increase the length. 3. Radial pressure ( pr ) – It is compressive in nature. Its magnitude is equal to fluid pressure on the inside wall and zero on the outer wall if it is open to atmosphere. σC σC p σC σL p σC σL σL pr p σL 1. Hoop Stress (C) 2. Longitudinal Stress (L) pr Element on the cylinder wall subjected to these three stresses 3. Radial Stress (pr) σC σL σL σC pr THIN CYLINDERS INTRODUCTION: A cylinder or spherical shell is considered to be thin when the metal thickness is small compared to internal diameter. i. e., when the wall thickness, ‘t’ is equal to or less than ‘d/20’, where ‘d’ is the internal diameter of the cylinder or shell, we consider the cylinder or shell to be thin, otherwise thick. Magnitude of radial pressure is very small compared to other two stresses in case of thin cylinders and hence neglected. t Circumferential stress Longitudinal Longitudinal stress axis The stress acting along the circumference of the cylinder is called circumferential stresses whereas the stress acting along the length of the cylinder (i.e., in the longitudinal direction ) is known as longitudinal stress The bursting will take place if the force due to internal (fluid) pressure (acting vertically upwards and downwards) is more than the resisting force due to circumferential stress set up in the material. P - internal pressure (stress) σc –circumferential stress p σc σc σc t p dL P - internal pressure (stress) σc – circumferential stress EVALUATION OF CIRCUMFERENTIAL or HOOP STRESS (σC): t p d p dl t d σc σc Consider a thin cylinder closed at both ends and subjected to internal pressure ‘p’ as shown in the figure. Let d=Internal diameter, L = Length of the cylinder. t = Thickness of the wall To determine the Bursting force across the diameter: Consider a small length ‘dl’ of the cylinder and an elementary area ‘dA’ as shown in the figure. Force on the elementary area, dF p dA p r dl dθ d p dl dθ 2 Horizontal component of this force d dFx p dl cos θ dθ 2 Vertical component of this force d dFy p dl sin θ dθ 2 dA dθ p θ t dl d σc σc dA The horizontal components cancel out when integrated over semi-circular portion as there will be another equal and opposite horizontal component on the other side of the vertical axis. dθ p θ t dl d σc σc d Total diametrica l bursting force p dl sin dθ 2 0 d p dl cos 0 p d dl 2 p projected area of the curved surface. Resisting force (due to circumfere ntial stress σ c ) 2 σ c t dl Under equillibri um, Resisting force Bursting force i.e., 2 σ c t dl p d dl pd Circumfere ntial stress, σ c ........................(1) 2 t t σc p dL Assumed as rectangular Force due to fluid pressure = p × area on which p is acting = p ×(d ×L) (bursting force) Force due to circumferential stress = σc × area on which σc is acting (resisting force) = σc × ( L × t + L ×t ) = σc × 2 L × t Under equilibrium bursting force = resisting force p ×(d ×L) = σc × 2 L × t pd Circumfere ntial stress, σ c ........................(1) 2 t LONGITUDINAL STRESS (σL): A The bursting of the cylinder takes place along the section AB P B σL p The force, due to pressure of the fluid, acting at the ends of the thin cylinder, tends to burst the cylinder as shown in figure EVALUATION OF LONGITUDINAL STRESS (σL): t σL p π 2 Longitudin al bursting force (on the end of cylinder) p d 4 Area of cross section resisting this force π d t Let σ L Longitudin al stress of the material of the cylinder. Resisting force σ L π d t Under equillibri um, bursting force resisting force π i.e., p d 2 σ L π d t 4 pd Longitudin al stress, σ L ...................( 2) 4 t From eqs (1) & (2), σC 2 σL Force due to fluid pressure p area on which p is acting π 2 p d 4 Re sisting force σ L area on which σ L is acting σL π d t circumference Under equillibri um, bursting force resisting force π 2 pπd d t i.e., p d σ Longitudin al stress, σ L L ...................( 2) 4 4 t EVALUATION OF STRAINS σL=(pd)/(4t) σ C=(pd)/(2t) σ C=(pd)/(2t) σ L=(pd)/(4t) A point on the surface of thin cylinder is subjected to biaxial stress system, (Hoop stress and Longitudinal stress) mutually perpendicular to each other, as shown in the figure. The strains due to these stresses i.e., circumferential and longitudinal are obtained by applying Hooke’s law and Poisson’s theory for elastic materials. Circumfere ntial strain, ε C : σC σL εC μ E E σL σL 2 μ E E σL (2 μ) E i.e., σ L=(pd)/(4t) σ C=(pd)/(2t) σC=(pd)/(2t) σ L=(pd)/(4t) δd pd εC (2 μ)................................(3) d 4 t E Note: Let δd be the change in diameter. Then final circumfere nce original circumfere nce c original circumfere nce d d d d d d Longitudin al strain, ε L : σL σC εL μ E E σL (2 σ L ) σ L μ (1 2 μ) E E E i.e., δl pd εL (1 2 μ)................................(4) L 4 t E VOLUMETRIC STRAIN, v V Change in volume = δV = final volume – original volume original volume = V = area of cylindrical shell × length d2 4 L final volume = final area of cross section × final length 4 d d 2 L L 2 2 d 4 d 4 ( d ) 2 2 d d L L L ( d ) 2 L 2 L d d d 2 L ( d ) 2 L 2 d d L neglecting the smaller quantities such as ( d ) 2 L, ( d ) 2 L and 2 d d L Final volume d 4 2 L 2 L d d d 2 L change in volume V V d 4 2 L 2 L d d d 2 L 2 L d d d L 4 2 4 d 2 L π 2 d L d L d 2 dv 4 π 2 V d L 4 L dV V L 2 d d = ε L + 2 × εC pd pd (1 2 μ) 2 (2 μ) 4 t E 4 t E i.e., dv pd (5 4 μ).................(5) V 4 t E Maximum Shear stress : There are two principal stresses at any point, viz., Circumfere ntial and longitudin al. Both these stresses are normal and act perpendicu lar to each other. Maximum Shear stress, τ max pd pd 2t 4t 2 i.e., τ max σC - σL 2 σ L=(pd)/(4t) σC=(pd)/(2t) pd .....................(5) 8t σ C=(pd)/(2t) σ L=(pd)/(4t) Maximum Shear stress : Maximum Shear stress, τ max σC - σL 2 pd pd 2t 4t 2 i.e., τ max pd .....................(5) 8t