STAT 457 Final Review Overview ● ● ● Vector Autoregressive Model (VAR) Transfer Function Noise Model (TFN) Co-integration Model, include Error Correction Model Vector Autoregressive Model (VAR) Model Specification: y t = A0 + A1 y t−1 + … + Ap y t−p + ut Where y t = (y 1t , …, y kt , …, y Kt ) for k = 1, …, K . A0 stands for a ( K ×1 ) mean vector, Ai are (K × K) coefficient matrices for i = 1, . . . , p and ut is a 𝐾-dimensional white noise process with time-invariant positive definite covariance matrix E (ut uʹt ) = Σu . ● Stationary Condition Stationary Condition for VAR(p) A(B)y t = ut Where A(B) = (I k − A1 B − … − Ap B p ), B y t = y t−1 and A0 = 0k×1 Still The necessary and sufficient condition for the stationarity of y t is that all solutions (roots) of det(I K − A1 B − . . . − Ap B 2 ) = 0 are greater than one in absolute value. Under VAR(1) equivalent to y t = Φ1 y t−1 + ut Where y t = (y 1t , …, y kt , …, y Kt ) for k = 1, …, K . A0 stands for a ( K ×1 ) mean vector, Ai are (K × K) coefficient matrices for i = 1, . . . , p and ut is a 𝐾-dimensional white noise process with time-invariant positive definite covariance matrix E (ut uʹt ) = Σu . If {λ1 , …, λk } are the eigenvalue of Φ1 , then the absolute value of all eigenvalues λj of Φ1 must be less than 1. o Derivation of the stationary condition. o Calculation (y 1 y 2 )t = ut + (0.5 0.1 0.4 0.3 )(y 1 y 2 )t−1 Q1: 1) Consider the following VAR(1) Model: [y 1t y 2t ] = [ϕ1,11 ϕ1,12 ϕ1,21 ϕ1,22 ][y 1,t−1 y 2,t−1 ] + [a1t a2t ] Where [a1t , a2t ]T satisfies a bivariate white noise process. State how to check the stationary of the above VAR(1) model Q2: 2) Consider a bivariate vector autoregressive model of order one y 1,t =− 0.7 + 0.7y 1,t−1 + 0.2y 2,t−1 + a1,t y 2,t = 1.3 + 0.2y 1,t−1 + 0.7y 2,t−1 + a2,t Suppose that ai,t˜N ID(0, 1), i = 1, 2 and cov(a1t , a2t ) = 0.5 . Show that the above bivariate VAR(1) model is stationary. Q3: 3) Consider a bivariate VAR(p) model p (X 1t X 2t ) = ∑(ϕ(i) ϕ(i) ϕ(i) ϕ(i) )(X 1t X 2t ) + (a1t a2t ) 11 12 21 22 i Answer the following questions: 1. State how to check the stationarity of Equation (1); 2. Describe the methods to select the order for Equation (1), i.e. the value of 𝑝, taught in class. 3. State how to how to test Granger causality for the case that X 1t grander causes X 2t but not the other way around. Based on the same condition, express X 2t as the transfer function noise model of X 1t . Companion Form ● The companion form of a VAR(p)-process is given by ζt = Aζt−1 + v t Where, ζt = (y t y t−1 … y t−p+1 ), A = [A1 A2 … Ap−1 Ap I … … 0 0 0 I … 0 0 … … … … 0 0 0 … I 0 ] Where the dimension of the stacked vectors ζt and v t is (K p ×1) and that of the matrix A is (Kp×Kp). The companion form of a VAR(p) process is also a VAR(1) process ζt = (y 1t y 2t y 1t−1 y 2t−1 ) For VAR(p) model, though it is okay to use the characteristic function for stationarity condition, usually it will be changed to the VAR(1) Companion form for the stationary condition. Q1: Express the above VAR(2) model into its companion form. Q2: 2) Consider the following VAR(2) Model: [y 1t y 2t ] = [a11 a12 a21 a22 ][y 1,t−1 y 2,t−1 ] + [b1,11 b1,12 b1,21 b1,22 ][y 1,t−2 y 2,t−2 ][a1t a2t ] Where [a1t , a2t ]T satisfies a bivariate white noise process. Show how to examine the stationary of the above VAR(2) model by re-expressing it as a VAR(1) model. ● Implied Model Consider a VAR(1) Model ϕ(B)Z t = at Where ϕ(B) = [ϕ11 ϕ12 ϕ21 ϕ22 ] Step 1: Write the adjoint matrix adj[ϕ(B)] = [ϕ22 − ϕ12 − ϕ21 ϕ11 ] Step 2: Write the equation as adj[ϕ(B)]Z t = ϕ(B)at Step3: Expansion the formula for Z 1t and Z 2t Question 1: Consider VAR(1) model: Z t = (0.2 0.3 − 0.6 1.1 )Z t + at What is the implied form for Z 1t and Z 2t Question 2: p (X 1t X 2t ) = ∑(ϕ(i) ϕ(i) ϕ(i) ϕ(i) )(X 1t X 2t ) + (a1t a2t ) 11 12 21 22 i Suppose ϕ(i) = 0 for i = 2, …, p, k , l = 1, 2 . What is the implied model for X 2t kl ● Multivariate Portomanteau Test Portmanteau Tests for Multivariate Time Series m −1 ˜ QBP = T ∑ tr(C jT C −1 0 C j C 0 ) χk2 m−n j=1 m QLB = T 2 ∑ j=1 T −1 −1 ˜ 1 T −j tr(C j C 0 C j C 0 ) χk2 m−n Where n is the number of coefficients excluding deterministic terms of a VAR(p) Model and C j is the auto covariance function of the residuals Granger Causality Test VAR(p) p [y 1t y 2t ] = [α1 α2 ] + ∑ [ϕj,11 ϕj,12 ϕj,21 ϕj,22 ][y 1,t−j y 2,t−j ] + [a1t a2t ] j=1 Then in order to evaluate the Granger Causality, we just need to test ϕj,12 are equal to 0 or not. Likelihood Ratio Test p y 1t = α1 + ∑ ϕj,11 y 1,t−j + e1t j=1 p p j=1 j=1 y 2t = α1 + ∑ ϕj,11 y 1,t−j + ∑ ϕj,12 y 2,t−j + e1t Therefore, define the log-likelihood function and use likelihood ratio test, we could have ˜ − log |Σ| ˆ )˜χp2 n(log |Σ| Model/Order Selection Criteria The following information criteria AIC(n) = ln det (Σˆu (n)) + T2 nk 2 H Q(n) = ln det (Σuˆ(n)) + S C(n) = ln det (Σˆu (n)) + 2ln ln T T ln (T ) T nk 2 nk 2 +n* k F P E(n) = ( TT −n ) det (Σˆ u (n)) * T With Σ̂u (n) = T −1 ∑ ût uˆ ′t and n* is the total number of the parameters and n assigns the lag order. t=1 Portmanteau Test Test the correlation between two series as 0. Test statistics L 2 (k)˜χ2 QL = n2 ∑ (n − k )−1 ruv L+1 k=0 Question 1: Suppose ϕ1 (B)X 1t = θ1 (θ)u1t ϕ2 (B)X 2t = θ2 (θ)u2t (k) (k) q k pk Where ϕk (B) = 1 − ϕ(k) B − … − ϕ(k) pk B and θk (B) = 1 + θ1 B − … − θqk B for k = 1, 2 . Describe how 1 to test Ganger Causality using univariate approach. Question 2: 1) If y 1,t granger causes y 2,t , how can this relationship be specificed in the above VAR(2) model 2) Describe the steps of testing whether y 1,t granger causes y 2,t based on likelihood ratio test. Question 3: Define Granger Causality and state how to test Granger Causality. Transfer Function Mathematical Form of TFN: ∞ y t = α + ∑ v i xt−i + ϵt i ∞ ∞ j j Condition: ∑ |v j | < ∞ . g = ∑ |v j | is the stead-state gain. ● Rational Distributed Lag Model w(B) = w0 + w1 B + w2 B 2 + … = v (B)/v(1) can be approximated as w(B) = ● 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. η0 +η1 B+…+ηr B r 1−θ1 B−…−θs B s = η(B) θ(B) Model Building Process Preliminary identification of the impulse response coefficients v ’s; Specification of the noise term ϵt Specification of the transfer function using a rational polynomial in B if necessary Estimation of the TFN model specified in Step 2 and 3 Model Diagnostic Checks Question 1: Box, Jenkins, and Reinsel (1994) fit a transfer function model to data from a gas furnace. The input variable xt is the volume of methane entering the chamber in cubic feet per minute and the output is the concentration of carbon dioxide emitted y t . The transfer function model is yt = −(0.53+0.37B+0.51B 2 ) xt 1−0.57B + 1 ϵ 1−0.53B+0.63B 2 t a) What are the value of b,s,r for this model b) What i s the form of the ARIMA Model for the error c) If the methane input was increased, how long would it take before the carbon dioxide concentration in the output is impacted? Question 2 An input and output time series consists of 250 observations. The prewhitened input series is modeled by an AR(2) model y t = 0.4y t−1 + 0.2y t−2 + at . Suppose that we have estimated σα = 0.3, σβ = 0.35 The estimated cross-correlation function between the prewhitened input and output time series is shown below a) Find the approximate standard error of the cross correlation function b) Which spikes on the cross-correlation function appear to be significant? [5%] c) Estimate the impulse response function. Tentatively identify the form of the transfer function models—i.e. the values of b,r,s in a transfer function model. Question 3. An input and output time series consists of 300 observations. The prewhitened input series is modeled by an AR(2) model y t = 0.5y t−1 + 0.2y t−2 + at . Suppose that we have estimated σα = 0.2 and σβ = 0.4 . The estimated cross-correlation function between the prewhitened input and output time series is shown below. a) Which spikes on the cross-correlation function appear to be significant? b) Suppose that r = s = 2 . Provide preliminary estimates on w0 , w1 , w2 , η1 and η2 for the impulse response function as follows: ∞ v (B) = ∑ v i B i = i=0 w0 −w1 B−w2 B 2 1−η1 B−η2 B 2 Bb Cointegration Model ● Definition If two I (1) process have a common I (1) trend and I (0) idiosyncratic components, then they are co-integrated. When time series are cointegrated, we said that there exist one or more long-run equilibrium relationships among cointegrated time series. ● Generalization of Cointegration Engle and Granger (1987) provided the following definition of cointegration: The components of the vector z t = (z 1t , …, z kt ) ’ are said to be cointegrated of order d and b, denoted by z t ˜ CI(d, b) if 1) All components of z t are integrated of order d; 2) There exists a vector β = (β1 , β2 , …, βk )′ such that the linear combination k β′z t = ∑ βi z i,t i=1 is integrated of order (d − b) where b > 0, and the vector β is called the cointegrated vector. ● Granger Representation Theorem If X t and Y t are cointegrated, then there exists an ECM representation. Cointegration is a necessary condition for ECM and vice versa. Δrs,t = a10 + αs (rL,t−1 − βrs,t−1 ) + ∑a11 (i)Δrs,t−i + ∑a12 (i)ΔrL,t−i + ϵS,t ΔrL,t = a20 + αL (rL,t−1 − βrs,t−1 ) + ∑a21 (i)Δrs,t−i + ∑a22 (i)ΔrL,t−i + ϵL,t αs , αL > 0, ϵi,t˜W N (0, σ2 ), i = s, L The above equation can be presented as bivariate VAR. Features: 1. Vector autoregressions on differenced I (1) processes will be a misspecification if the component series are cointegrated. 2. Engle and Granger (1987) showed that an equilibrium specification is missing from a VAR representation. 3. However, when lagged disequilibrium terms are included as explanatory variables, the model becomes well specified. 4. Such a model is called an error correction model (ECM) because the model is structured so that short-run deviation from the long-run equilibrium will be corrected. Q1: Suppose that X 1t and X 2t are not weakly stationary. How do you model the joint dynamics of {X 1t , X 2t }? Discuss your decisions based on whether these two series are cointegrated or not. Q2: Discuss the reasons why we have to choose different models based the condition of cointegration Q3: Discuss the implication of Granger representation theorem t o VAR Modelling ● Engel-Granger Modelling process Test X t , Y t are I (1) processes using a unit root test Regress the two time series and test on the regression residuals If regression residuals are stationary, then X t , Y t are co-integrated. Then we could consider the following ECM ΔX t = c1 + ρ1 (Y t−1 − α̂X t−1 ) + βx1 ΔX t−1 + … + βy1 ΔY t−1 + … + ϵxt ΔY t = c2 + ρ2 (Y t−1 − α̂X t−1 ) + γx1 ΔX t−1 + … + βy1 ΔY t−1 + … + ϵyt The Johansen procedure (1988) seeks the linear combination which is most stationary whereas the Engle-Granger tests seek the linear combination having minimum variance. Three ways of modelling cointegration ● Regression formulation ● Autoregression formulation ● Statistical Model – VAR Model z t = Φ1 z t−1 + … + Φn z t−n + ut Then we have Δz t = Γ1 Δz t−1 + … + Γn−1 Δz t−n+1 + Πz t−n + ut Where Γi =− (I k − ϕ1 − … − ϕi ) And Π =− (I k − ϕ1 − … − ϕn ) Likelihood Ratio Test for cointegration ● Trace Test: n λtrace (r) =− T ∑ ln (1 − λi ) i=r+1 ● Maximum Eigenvalue Test λmax (r, r + 1) =− T ln(1 − λr+1 )