Monitoring Plan Project FAD number: VNM100450 Project title: Sport spaces for Safety and Equality at Hanoi schools Project location (community and country): Ba Vi and Hoang Mai districts, Area/s of Global Distinctiveness: Gender classification: Project duration in months: 36 months Project period: 11/2018 to 10/2021 Project Manager CO: Phan Thu Hien - Grant Implementation Manager Date of last update: dd/mm/yy Author of last update: Indicator/s Definition of indicator Methods of data Sources of information Frequency of data Envisaged Documentation Responsibility/ies (*not more than 3 (and unit of measurement) (how to capture the (indicate name of collection for data collection collection dates of information, e.g. report, person/s, the indicators per (e.g. survey, focus group (e.g. students, midwifes, (periodicity, e.g. data collection database, excel, video, function/organisation outcome and output) discussion, interview) village register, staff of half-yearly) (dd/mm/yy) community book, and the e-mail transport authority) teacher book etc.) address) Reporting to Information (e.g. project use/audience (e.g. manager CO or half-year management program manager reports, mid-term and e-mail evaluation, press address) release, etc.) Overall objective/ impact: To contribute to the transformation of power relations and social norms that girls and boys can equally practice sports in safe, secure, inclusive and accessible sport spaces in schools. n/a** Outcome 1. Adolescent girls and boys age 11 to 15 engage in the promotion of gender equality and child protection in and through sport at schools Output/ Result 1.1*: Adolescent girls and boys have acquired knowledge and skills to sensitize their peers, families and communities on gender equality and child protection in sport Number of girls who report that they are confident to Proportion of girls participate in school sport who report that they activities without fear of gener always feel safe and discrimination and equal to participate in experiencing violence the school sport (emotional, physical and activities sexual violence) within the target group or sample of the target group (in %) Proportion of girls and boys from COC clubs promoting and sensitizing on gender equality and child protection in sport Number of girls and boys who participate in designing/organizing at least one communication cum sport event on equal and protective sport theme Baseline and end-line survey in 20 project intervention schools Self-administered Schools girls, teacher questionnaires with school boys and girls, grade 6, 7, 8, (randomly selected) End-line survey in 20 project intervention schools Self-administered Schools girls/boys from questionnaires with all school boys and girls from COC clubs coc clubs only, grade 6, 7, 8, (randomly selected) Number of adolescent girls and boys understand early warning sign of 4 types of Proportion of school violence including adolescent girls and emotional, physical, sexual boys in 20 schools violence and bullying, equipped with Group discussion, langugue of safety and knowledge on gender interview, quarterly data assertiveness, safe and equality, child consolidation protection and SRGBV unsafe touch, safe and unsafe secret and how, when to report the incidents and the gender sterotypes which prevent girls to participate in sport activities School girls and boys - Baseline survey '- Endline survey '- Endline survey Baseline Endline Quarterly 1/3/2019 15/4/2021 reports External consultant and technical partner Plan, district DOET - Indicator tracking table - Final evaluation 15/4/2021 reports External consultant and technical partner Plan, district DOET Final evaluation 31/3/2019 31/5/2019 31/8/2019 31/11/2019 28/2/2020 31/5/2020 31/11/2020 28/2/2021 31/5/2021 teacher book, baseline District DOET and endline reports teachers at schools Plan Half-yearly report Indicator/s Definition of indicator Methods of data Sources of information Frequency of data Envisaged Documentation (*not more than 3 (and unit of measurement) (how to capture the collection for data collection collection dates of indicators per (e.g. survey, focus group (e.g. students, midwifes, (periodicity, e.g. data collection information, e.g. report, database, excel, video, outcome and output) discussion, interview) village register, staff of half-yearly) (dd/mm/yy) community book, transport authority) teacher book etc.) 31/5/2019 31/8/2019 # of adolescent girls Number of registered girls 31/11/2019 and boys in 20 schools who engage and boys in 20 schools who data consolidation Teachers Quarterly teacher book, reports 28/2/2020 in sport clubs in their engage in sport clubs 31/5/2020 Output/ Result 1.2: respective schools 31/11/2020 Girls and boys have 28/2/2021 access to and 31/5/2019 participate in safe and 31/8/2019 Number of football or equal sport activities in 31/11/2019 baseket ball sport clubs schools 28/2/2020 # of sport clubs set up data consolidation newly setup and operate Teachers Quarterly teacher book, reports and regular operating 31/5/2020 regularly weekly 31/11/2020 28/2/2021 31/5/2021 How teachers and parents (disaggregated by sex) to support and defend girls in Extend to which sport clubs teachers Extend of support: Fully (disaggregated by support - partly support sex) and parents no support (disaggregated by Criteria for fully support: sex) support and allocate time to join with, defend girls´ equal participation in football agree for their children to and basketball clubs fully participate in clubs, be able to pay tuition fee or relevant cost, agree to pick up after school time etc. Outcome/Specific objective 2: Families and teachers support girls and boys to practice sport in a Level of engagement gender-equal, inclusive and safe of teachers and parents to prevent and learning environment. respond to SRGBV Proportion of girls and boy who feel supported by their teachers and parents to participate in sport activities (including football and basketball) equally and safe. The frequency of parents/teachers meeting on the topic of SRGBV and their participation in organizing the communication cum sport event on gender and protection on equal and protective sport theme No. of girls and boys feel supported by their teachers and parents to participate in sport activities equally and safe out of total No. of girls and boys in sample of target group (in %) Baseline and end-line survey in 20 project intervention schools: Key informant interviews with parents, teachers and school managers Responsibility/ies (indicate name of person/s, the function/organisation and the e-mail address) Reporting to Information (e.g. project use/audience (e.g. manager CO or half-year management program manager reports, mid-term and e-mail evaluation, press address) release, etc.) District DOET and teachers at schools Plan Half-yearly report Teachers, technical partner Plan, district DOET Half-yearly report report External consultant and technical partner Plan, district DOET -Mid term review - Adjusted activity plan (if needed) - Final evaluation Plan, district DOET -Mid term review - Adjusted activity plan (if needed) - Final evaluation Plan, district DOET - Indicator tracking table - Final evaluation Teachers, parents - Baseline survey '- Endline survey 1/3/2019 15/4/2021 Baseline and end-line survey in 20 project intervention schools: Key informant interviews with parents, teachers and school managers Teachers, parents - Baseline survey '- Endline survey 1/3/2019 15/4/2021 report External consultant and technical partner Baseline and end-line survey in 20 project intervention schools (by a quantitative survey with separated questionaire): FGD with randomly selected girls and boys grade 6,7,9 Schools girls/boys - Baseline survey '- Endline survey 1/3/2019 15/4/2021 report External consultant and technical partner Indicator/s Definition of indicator Methods of data Sources of information Frequency of data Envisaged Documentation Responsibility/ies (*not more than 3 (and unit of measurement) (how to capture the (indicate name of collection for data collection collection dates of person/s, the indicators per (e.g. survey, focus group (e.g. students, midwifes, (periodicity, e.g. data collection information, e.g. report, database, excel, video, function/organisation outcome and output) discussion, interview) village register, staff of half-yearly) (dd/mm/yy) community book, and the e-mail transport authority) teacher book etc.) address) # schools with Output/ Result 2.1: functional safe, equal Fathers and mothers, and inclusive sport school staff participate in spaces creating safe, secure, accessible, and inclusive sport spaces in schools % Proportion of fathers and mother participate in the parents- teachers meetings Output/ Result 2.2: Father, mothers, and school staff support the establishment of child protection mechanisms and structures in and through sport in schools. Level of teachers´ knowledge of gender equality, child protection, noncompetitive sport before and after participating in the training Proportion of schools that have put in place key tools including physical class learning Outcome/Specific sessions, parent objective 3: Decisionteacher meetings, and making government and counseling services to educational authorities engage girls and boys recognize sports as participating in the social driver to promote sports gender-equal, inclusive and safe learning environment # of official documents issued by DoET directing the 20 pilot schools to continue project model activities after the project period No. of schools having functional safe, equal and inclusive sport spaces (operate weekly with adequate equipments to allow girls and boys can access and play safely) Baseline and endline survey, FGDs,... No. of father and mothers participate in the parentsteachers meeting out of data consolidation total number of parents in all 20 project schools (in %) Teachers, school girls, boys and parents Teachers, parents How different teachers understand about gender equality, child protection, non-competitive sport before and after participating in the training? Gender of equality: girls and boys has the same rights, Pre test and post test with resources, opportunities 80 physical teachers Teachers and protections in annual training course Child protection: the protection of children from violence, exploitation, abuse and neglect. Dimention of knowledge for each topic: fully aware, partly aware, not sure, none Child protection No. of schools have put in place 3 main tools (physical class learning sessions, parent teacher meeting, counseling service) over total of 20 schools (in %) How many official document issued by DoET to continue project model activities at 20 pilot schools after the project period? Baseline and end-line survey in 20 project intervention schools: 1. Key informant interviews Schools managers, with school management; district DOET DOET, parents and teachers 2. School year report Key informant interviews with DOET and another stakeholders at final evaluation District DOET Quarterly Periodic 31/5/2019 31/8/2019 31/11/2019 28/2/2020 31/5/2020 31/11/2020 28/2/2021 31/5/2021 31/5/2019 31/11/2019 31/5/2020 31/11/2020 31/5/2021 School reports and monitoring report, baseline, endline reports School reports and monitoring report Reporting to Information (e.g. project use/audience (e.g. manager CO or half-year management program manager reports, mid-term and e-mail evaluation, press address) release, etc.) Teachers, technical partner, Consultants Plan, district DOET - Indicator tracking table - Mid term review - Final evaluation Teachers Plan, district DOET - Indicator tracking table - Mid term review - Final evaluation - Adjusted activity plan (if needed) - Mid term review - Final evaluation Quarterly 31/5/2019 31/8/2019 31/11/2019 28/2/2020 31/5/2020 31/11/2020 28/2/2021 31/5/2021 Monitoring report Training reports Technical partners Plan - Baseline survey - Mid term evaluation - Endline survey '- Yearly 1/3/2019 15/4/2021 31/5/2019 31/5/2020 31/5/2021 report of baseline and endline surveys School year report External consultant and technical partner Schools managers - Indicator tracking District DOET and table Plan - Midterm review - Final evaluation report District DOET Plan Endline survey 15/4/2021 Final evaluation Indicator/s Definition of indicator Methods of data Sources of information Frequency of data Envisaged Documentation Responsibility/ies (*not more than 3 (and unit of measurement) (how to capture the (indicate name of collection for data collection collection dates of person/s, the indicators per (e.g. survey, focus group (e.g. students, midwifes, (periodicity, e.g. data collection information, e.g. report, database, excel, video, function/organisation outcome and output) discussion, interview) village register, staff of half-yearly) (dd/mm/yy) community book, and the e-mail transport authority) teacher book etc.) address) # of dialogues/workshops organized for Output/ Result 3.1: facilitating adolescent Department of Education girls’ participation in and Training, school school sport managers have increased capacity to # of tools available to create safe, secure, accessible and inclusive DOET and school sport spaces in schools managers to create safe, secure, accessible and inclusive sport spaces in school # of schools that integrate key project Output/ Result 3.2: activities into their Relevant stakeholders in school's annual school sports and education year plan recognize the importance of offering equal District DoET plan of opportunities for action to address the adolescent girls and gaps in school sport boys in sport structures and SRGBV in Hanoi at schools school system available Reporting to Information (e.g. project use/audience (e.g. manager CO or half-year management program manager reports, mid-term and e-mail evaluation, press address) release, etc.) How many dialogues/WSs with the topic of how engage girls/promote girls interview participation in baseket ball and football clubs Teachers Quarterly 31/5/2019 31/8/2019 31/11/2019 28/2/2020 31/5/2020 31/11/2020 28/2/2021 31/5/2021 school or district guideline/decision on setting up the safe sport spaces in schools Schools managers, district DOET Endline survey Baseline survey 1/3/2019 15/4/2021 report External consultant and technical partner Plan Final evaluation Schools managers, district DOET Yearly 31/5/2019 31/5/2020 31/5/2021 yearly report Schools managers Plan Half-yearly report reports, minutes of workshops External consultant District DOET Plan Mid term review Final evaluation The school year plan with parents-teacher meetings; safe sport club District DOET decision to 20 schools for project implementaiton and maintaing the model interview Key informant interviews with DOET, school managers Key informant interviews with DOET and school officials in baseline and District DOET final project evaluation and meeting/workshop minutes - Baseline - Mid term evaluation - Endline survey '- Workshops 1/3/2019 '15/4/2021 Continue adding or deleting outcomes, outputs and indicators according to project/programme logframe. **No indicator is needed for the overall objective if it is not directly related to the target group, but the wider population of the country where the project is being implemented. Project progress report and monitoring report Teachers, District DOET Plan Half-yearly report