Uploaded by Jeanette Bacic

Macromolecule Worksheet: Proteins

Mystery Macromolecule #1 …
1) What elements does this polymer contain? _________ What type of Polymer is this?________________
2) Draw a circle around the different monomers that make up this polymer?
3) What are these individual monomers called? ______________________________________
4) What are these monomer/polymers use for? ______________________________________
5) Where are these structures found in the body? ____________________________________
6) BONUS: Can you name each monomer? Look it up on your Chromebook or Cell Phone
#2 …
1) What elements does this polymer contain? _________ What type of Polymer is this?________________
2) Draw a circle around the different monomers that make up this polymer? _______________
3) What are these individual monomers called? ______________________________________
4) What is the chemical formula & name for each monomer? ___________________________
5) What is this macromolecule used for in the body? __________________________________
Mystery Macromolecule #3 …
1) What elements does this macromolecule contain? _________What type of polymer is this?________________
2) Draw a circle around the different parts of each molecule? _______________
3) What are the names of each part of the macromolecules? (Label them also…)
4) There are TWO main categories for these types of macromolecules.
What are the names of each type shown below? Label & give reasons for your answer.
5) What is this macromolecule used for in the body? __________________________________
Mystery Macromolecule #4 …
1) What elements does this polymer contain? _________ What type of polymer is this?________________
2) List the different molecules that make up this polymer?
3) Label the different molecules that make up this polymer?
4) What type of bonding holds the molecules in the middle together? ______________________
5) What is this macromolecule used for in the body? ____________________________________
Mystery Macromolecule #5 …
1) What elements does this macromolecule contain? _________
2) What type of macromolecule is this?________________
3) Draw a circle around the different parts of each molecule? _______________
4) What are the names of each part of the macromolecules? (Label them also…)
5) What is this macromolecule used for in the body? __________________________________
6) Where is this macromolecule produced in the body (be specific)? _____________________
7) What part most easily breaks off and for what reason? (Circle & label as well.)
8) Where does this macromolecule come from /what is it made from? (look it up online.)