DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT OF FRAMELESS LASER HARP Guided by– Mr. S. Ravi Kumar Submitted by Sunny Singh(15K81A04B7) Sumair Akram(15K81A0492) Kishan Kumar(15K81A0483) Samad Khan(14K81A0499) INTRODUCTION Laser harp is a electronic musical instrument. It consists of a number of laser beams representing strings of a real harp. To produce musical notes a laser beam is blocked just like a string is plucked on a harp. LASER HARP was first popularized by Jean Michel Jarre, a French composer, performer and record producer. The laser harp was used at the annual Burning Man event in Black Rock City, Nevada, in 2005 and 2012. It has also been used at many art and cultural events around the world. The first portable bi-color laser harp was invented by Maurizio Carelli in 2008 and is still being produced. COMPONENTS 1. ARDUINO UNO 2. STEPPER MOTOR(UNI-POLAR) 3. LASER 4. BREADBOARD 5. LDR 6. TRIMPOT(5K) 7. MICRO-CONTROLLER(A4899) 8. MIDI-JACK 9. 2N222-TRANSISTOR 10. 2 POWER SUPPLY(12V-DC & 3.7V-DC ) 11. MIDI TO PC USB CABLE 12. USB HUB 13. CAPACITOR (47uF) 14. CONNECTING WIRES 15. MIRROR 16. ARDUINO PROGRAM CODE BLOCK DIAGRAM MIDI LASER POWER SUPPLY ARDUINO UNO SENSOR 12V DC POWER SUPPLY LASER A4899 MICROC-ONTOLLR BI-POLAR STEPPER MOTOR 2N22 TRANSISTOR LASER Laser beam MIRROR STEPPER MOTOR 1A 1B 2A LDR 2B 3.7V DC LASER POWER SUPPLY 5K TRIMPOT GND MICRO VCC VDD CONTROLLE VCC R GND DIR STEP 47µ f P3 P4 MIDI IN TO PC A0 P7 ARDUINO UNO TX P2l;huj21235434154p4215hdcy5 tg5dc 12V DC power supply (MOTOR) 5V GND 220ῼ ARDUINO TO PC OVERVIEW Basic outline of harp A laser beam is shone. A stepper motor with a mirror divides it into five beams. When one or more of the beams are cut, the light sensor detects it. According to the corresponding motor positions, Arduino sends signals to the PC or MIDI output devices. which in turn produces the respective notes. How the beam is created A mirror is attached to the motor. The laser beam is directed to the mirror. The motor rotates in steps, hence stepper motor. With every step the motor takes, the position of the mirror changes. The steps take place fast enough for the beams to appear. How the harp knows which beam has been cut: Every beam has a corresponding motor position. When a beam is cut, it reflects onto the sensor, which detects an increase in light intensity. The arduino then looks for the position of the motor at the instant the beam was cut, and thus identifies the beam in question. World wide users of laser harp PURPOSE Eye catching musical Experience. It can play tunes of different musical instruments. To provide entertainment through advance tech musical atmosphere. GOAL Build a profitable new musical instrument that is both visually and aurally amusing. Play articulations with laser and sensors. Use laser as MIDI controller to manipulate timbre. Laser harps have gained notable popularity recently, with several companies selling them for individual use – but at very high prices (ranging from $60-$150 for even low-end models). Our objective is to recreate a cheaper laser harp. FUTURE SCOPE Technology is developing so fast that new sound synthesis methods and functionality will replace old ones. The design of appropriate and optimal interfaces is therefore continuing to evolve . It opens up a whole new era to the electronic musical industry. CONCLUSION In this project, the design and development of a new kind of electronic musical device was explored. From the results, it is evident that this kind of device is both practical and relatively inexpensive to construct and operate. We successfully implemented the requirements we set out to achieve. The result is a hybrid noncontact electronic musical instrument. The fundamentals of this system are formed, but the overall design, precision and effectiveness can be improved. With further adaption's and improved methods, the possibilities of this device are endless. ARDUINO Micro controller Cross platform Open source and extensible software. Simple, clear programming environment. Open source and extensible hardware LASER LASER stands for Light amplification stimulated emission of radiation. Light emitted from laser is monochromatic. Laser emit light that is highly directional. The light from the laser is said to be coherent. by LDR(LIGHT DEPENDENT RESISTOR) ▪ An LDR is an input sensor, which convert light to resistance. ▪ LDR exhibits photoconductivity. ▪ When the light level is low, the resistor of LDR is high. ▪ LDR play an important role in controlling the electrical appliances based on the intensity of light. Microcontroller a4988 • • • The a4988 is a very common and inexpensive stepper motor controller. It is used in 3D printers and CNC machines where several stepper motors need to be managed. Doing advanced things like Microstepping is easy, without using any special library or tying up computing resources. TRIMPOT: It is a potentiometer( variable resistor). By varying the resistor, It creates a variable voltage source. Is used to calibrate binary voltmeter circuit. Bi-polor stepper motor • It is an Electromagnetic device. • It converts electric pulses into small mechanical steps. • A stepper motor has the following attributes: •Number of steps per rotation •Torque (the weight it can bear) •Step angle accuracy • By manipulating the control pulses, you can make the stepper motor carry out different function such as taking half steps (e.g. 400/rotation instead of 200).