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Aging process multiple choice questions

Aging process multiple choice questions (MCQs), aging process test prep for online learning with college
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Learn growth and development practice test MCQs: changes is intracellular substances during aging
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MCQ on Aging ProcessQuiz Book Download
MCQ: Signs of aging include
A. loss of hair pigment
B. dryness and wrinkling of skin
C. forgetfulness
D. all of Above
MCQ: Changes is intracellular substances during aging includes
A. increased cross linkages of collagen
B. loss of elasticity in elastic tissues
C. loss of resilience in connective tissue
D. all of above
MCQ: Process of aging can be slowed by
A. better nutrition
B. improved living conditions
C. adequate sleep
D. all of above
MCQ: Study of aging is called
A. geronotology
B. histology
C. physiology
D. anthropology