2007-2008 NEW Electrical Engineering Titles
Electrical Engineering ~
Advanced Electronics .......................................... 134
Advanced Systems ............................................... 136
Analog Integrated Circuits.................................... 129
Analog OP Amps ................................................. 133
Circuits ................................................................ 123
Coding and Information Theory ........................... 149
Communications ................................................. 145
Communications IV: Advanced ........................... 148
Communications IV: Signals & Systems ............... 148
Computer Architecture/Microprocessors .............. 153
Computer Engineering: Advanced ....................... 154
Control Systems ................................................... 135
Digital Communications ...................................... 147
Digital Control..................................................... 135
Digital Integrated Circuits .................................... 130
Digital Logic Design ............................................ 150
Digital Signal Processing...................................... 143
Digital Signal Processing Laboratory .................... 144
Electricity & Electronics ....................................... 137
Electromagnetics.................................................. 140
Electromagnetics (Advanced) ............................... 141
Electronics I: Analog/Digital................................. 126
Electronics II: Solid-State ...................................... 130
Electronics III: Optics ........................................... 134
Electronics III: Solid-State (Advanced) .................. 134
High Voltage Engineering .................................... 140
Introduction to Electrical Engg for Non
EE Majors ........................................................ 123
Machinery ........................................................... 136
Microwaves & Antennas ...................................... 141
Neural Networks/Fuzzy Logic .............................. 152
Power Electronic ................................................. 139
Power Systems..................................................... 139
Probability & Random Processes.......................... 149
Professional References ....................................... 157
Robotics/Intelligent Systems................................. 153
Signals & Systems ................................................ 142
Systems/Controls (Robotics) ................................. 136
Telecommunications ........................................... 155
VLSI Digital ......................................................... 133
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NEW Electrical Engineering Titles
2007 New Titles
Introduction to Mechatronics and Measurement
Systems, 3e ..............................................................130
2008 New Titles
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-322279-0 / MHID: 0-07-322279-8
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-296305-2 / MHID: 0-07-296305-0
Fundamentals of Electric Circuits, 3e ......................123
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-325643-6 / MHID: 0-07-325643-9
Data Communications Networking, 4e ...................146
Engineering Circuit Analysis, 7e ..............................124
Electronics Principles, 7e ........................................128
Microelectronic Circuit Analysis and Design, 3e .....128
Principles and Applications of Electrical
Engineering, 5e ........................................................123
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-322033-8 / MHID: 0-07-322033-7
Basic Electronics, 10e ..............................................127
Fundamentals Signals Systems .................................142
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-330950-7 / MHID: 0-07-330950-8
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-328596-2 / MHID: 0-07-328596-X
Introduction to Logic and Computer Design
with CD ...................................................................150
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-331417-4 / MHID: 0-07-331417-X
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-322277-6 / MHID: 0-07-322277-1
Microelectronic Circuit Design, 3e .........................127
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-330948-4 / MHID: 0-07-330948-6
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-326318-2 / MHID: 0-07-326318-4
Principles of Electronic Communication
Systems, 3e ..............................................................145
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-322278-3 / MHID: 0-07-322278-X
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-325032-8 / MHID: 0-07-325032-5
Electricity: Principles and Applications, 7e..............137
Electronics: Principles and Applications, 7e ............126
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-331651-2 / MHID: 0-07-331651-2
Digital Electronics: Principles and
Applications, 7e.......................................................126
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-322275-2 / MHID: 0-07-322275-5
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-322276-9 / MHID: 0-07-322276-3
PSpice for Basic Circuit Analysis, 2e .......................124
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-326319-9 / MHID: 0-07-326319-2
PSpice for Basic Microelectronics ...........................125
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-326320-5 / MHID: 0-07-326320-6
121-160_ELECTRICAL.indd 122
2006-2007 New Titles
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Electrical Engineering
Introduction To Electrical
Engineering For Non EE Majors
International Edition
Fifth Edition
by Giorgio Rizzoni, Ohio State University
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-322033-8 / MHID: 0-07-322033-7
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-125444-1 / MHID: 0-07-125444-7 [IE]
The Hallmark Feature of Rizzoni is:
Extensive use of practical, interesting applications from all areas of
engineering to illustrate principles
• Great Pedagogy to help the students retain knowledge
• What’s NEW--
links, and more.
Also, a section called “Find it on the Web” has been added
throughout. These sections provide web links to global companies
that manufacture the devices mentioned in the text. Students will be
able to quickly look up manufacturer’s data sheets and other useful
information for use in design problems. This material will be revised
and updated.
Rizzoni’s experience as an electrical engineer teaching in a
mechanical engineering department makes him the ideal author
for an EE book for non majors. Through the use of a wide variety
of applications and interesting problems, Rizzoni stimulates and
motivates the non-majors audience.
• A list of learning objectives is presented after each chapter’s
introductory section. Reminders are provided in the margin when a
key topic related to a learning objective is introduced.
• “Make the Connection” sidebars are used to present analogies
between electric circuits and hydraulic, thermal, and mechanical
systems. Examples that illustrate the analogies are included.
• “Focus on Methodology” boxes throughout the text enumerate and
highlight the steps involved in using various methods of analysis. This
feature reminds students to use the procedures for analysis properly,
and highlights the methods (through the use of a shaded box)for easy
• “Check Your Understanding” exercises.
Each and every example in the text is followed by a “Check your
Understanding” exercise. Answers are provided to these exercises so
students can confirm their mastery of the concept in the preceding
• “Focus on Measurements” boxes.
The need for measurements is a common thread to all engineering
and scientific disciplines. To emphasize the great relevance of
electrical engineering to the science and practice of measurements,
a special set of examples has been created to focus on measurement
problems. These examples often relate to disciplines outside
electrical engineering (e.g., biomedical, mechanical, thermal, and
fluid system measurements).
• Operational Amplifier coverage has been moved earlier in the text.
Chapter 8 on Op Amps is the first chapter in the Electronics section,
reflecting the way OP AMPS are discussed in majors Electronics
This chapter is completely self-contained, however, so the instructor
may choose early OR later coverage of op amps.
• Chapter 6 includes complete coverage of Fourier series and Bode
• Chapters 10 (bipolar transistors) and 11 (field-effect transistors) can
be covered (or not covered) in either order.
• A wealth of homework problems offers students repeated
opportunities to apply the concepts they’re learning.
• Computer tools are introduced, and their use is encouraged in the
text’s examples and problems. Students are given the opportunity to
solve problems with a variety of computer tools such as MathCad,
MatLab, etc. Also, a new feature, “Focus on Computer-Aided Tools,”
is found in each chapter.
An Online Learning Center can be found at www.mhhe.com/rizzoni.
This site contains resources for students and instructors. It includes
such things as password-protected solutions for instructors, data
sheets, new instrumentation examples, sample syllabi, an additional
chapter on Communications for schools that cover this material, web
International Edition
Second Edition
by Clayton Paul, University of Kentucky; Syed Nasar, University of
Kentucky; Louis Unnewehr, Sullair Corp, Michigan City
1992 / 816 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-112907-7 / MHID: 0-07-112907-3 [IE]
1 Introduction/Part I•Linear Electric Circuits/2 Circuit Elements and Laws/3
Analysis Techniques for Resistive Circuits/4 The Energy Storage Elements/5
AC Circuits/6 Transients/Part II•Electronic Circuits/7 Diodes/8 Transistors
and Amplifiers/9 The Operational Amplifier/10 Digital Electronic Circuits/Part
III•Electric Power and Machines/11 Polyphase Circuits/12 Magnetic Circuits/13
Transformers/14 DC Machines/15 Synchronous Machines/16 Induction
Motors/17 Small AC Motors/18 Electric Power Systems/Part IV•Control and
Instrumentation/19 Feedback Control Systems/20 Electrical Instrumentation/Part
V•Digital Circuits and Systems/21 Digital Logic Circuits/22 Digital Systems/
Appendixes/A Unit Conversion/B Fourier Series/C LaPlace Transforms/Answers
to Problems/Index
International Edition
Third Edition
by Charles Alexander, Cleveland State University and Matthew
Sadiku, Prairie View A&M University
2007 (November 2005) / Hardcover / 960 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-325643-6 / MHID: 0-07-325643-9
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-110903-1 / MHID: 0-07-110903-X
[IE with Bind-in Card]
Alexander and Sadiku’s third edition of Fundamentals of
Electric Circuits continues in the spirit of its successful previous
editions, with the objective of presenting circuit analysis
in a manner that is clearer, more interesting, and easier to
understand than the competition. Students are introduced to
the sound, six-step problem solving methodology in chapter
one, and are consistently made to apply and practice these
steps in practice problems and homework problems throughout
the text and online using the KCIDE software.
A balance of theory, worked examples and extended examples,
practice problems, and real-world applications, combined
with over 300 new homework problems for the third edition
and robust media offerings, renders the third edition the most
comprehensive and student-friendly approach to linear circuit
analysis. Key: It’s all about Alexander’s Problem Solving
Approach--supported with unmatched quantity and quality of
problems--sets this text apart from the traditional texts
121-160_ELECTRICAL.indd 123
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Electrical Engineering
• C.O.S.M.O.S. Solutions Manual, provided to instructors on
CD, allows for assignment generation, tracking, and distribution.
Instructors also have the ability to edit homework problems.
• A new four color design program
• NEW!! Over 300 new homework problems have been added to
the new edition, with over 1800 total problems provided in the text.
• “Enhancing Your Skills” chapter openers in several chapters
• Knowledge Capturing Integrated Design Environment (KCIDE)
software provided on the Online Learning Center leads students
through end of chapter problems using the six-step problem solving
method, and keeps a record for how problems are solved so students
can share and check their work. An appendix on KCIDE has been
added to the text.
• The six-step problem solving methodology is introduced in
chapter one and carried throughout the text to promote sound
problem solving practices. A bookmark is included with each copy of
the book to remind students of the solution steps (and to mark their
Part 1 DC Circuits: 1 Basic Concepts. 2 Basic Laws. 3 Methods of Analysis. 4 Circuit
Theorems. 5 Operational Amplifiers. 6 Capacitors and Inductors. 7 First-Order
Circuits. 8 Second-Order Circuits. Part 2 AC Circuits: 9 Sinusoids and Phasors. 10
Sinusoidal Steady-State Analysis. 11 AC Power Analysis. 12 Three-Phase Circuits.
13 Magnetically Coupled Circuits. 14 Frequency Response. Part 3 Advanced
Circuit Analysis: 15 Introduction to the Laplace Transform. 16 Applications of
the Laplace Transform. 17 The Fourier Series. 18 Fourier Transform. 19 Two-Port
Networks. Appendix A Simultaneous Equations and Matrix Inversion, Appendix
B Complex Numbers, Appendix C Mathematical Formulas. Appendix D PSpice
for Windows. Appendix E MATLAB. Appendix F KCIDE. Appendix G Answers
to Odd-Numbered Problems
International Edition
writing expressions in Probe, and also to show useful simulations that
tie in to the text material.
• Many new examples have been added, particularly in the transient
analysis chapters (7, 8, and 9), and closely related practice problems
are provided alongside examples.
• Many basic level, “confidence building” end-of-chapter exercises
have been added for the seventh edition, something specifically
requested by students around the world.
• Problem-solving techniques are introduced in Chapter One to
prepare students for developing a methodical approach to circuit
analysis. The step-by-step approach is used in each subsequent
chapter, with a carefully selected example in each chapter re-stating
the problem-solving methodology as a reminder to the students.
• A new full color design has been implemented throughout.
• Design-oriented questions appear at the ends of selected chapters
to help students grasp the complexities of the design process.
• The Online Learning Center offers students eProfessor Videos,
Algorithmic Problems, a Problem Solving Workbook, Network
Analysis Tutorials, FE Exam Review Material, a PSpice Manual, an
extra chapter on State-Variable Analysis, and text updates. And for
instructors the site provides Solutions and PowerPoint slides.
• COSMOS gives instructors the ability to edit all text homework
problems to create assignments, quizzes and tests.
1 Circuit Analysis and Electrical Engineering. 2 Basic Components and Electric
Circuits. 3 Voltage and Laws. 4 Basic Nodal and Mesh Analysis. 5 Useful Circuit
Analysis Techniques. 6 The Operational Amplifier. 7 Capacitors and Inductors. 8
Basic RL and RC Circuits. 9 The RLC Circuit. 10 Sinusoidal Steady State Analysis.
11 AC Power Circuit Analysis. 12 Polyphase Circuits. 13 Magnetically Coupled
Circuits. 14 Complex Frequency and The Laplace Transform. 15 Circuit Analysis in
the s-Domain. 16 Frequency Response. 17 Two-Port Networks. 18 Fourier Circuit
Analysis. 19 State-Variable Analysis--*on Web Site Only. Appendixes Appendix
1 An Introduction to Network Topology. Appendix 2 Solution of Simultaneous
Equations. Appendix 3 A Proof of Thevenin’s Theorem. Appendix 4 A PSpice
Tutorial. Appendix 5 Complex Numbers. Appendix 6 A Brief MATLAB tutorial.
Appendix 7 Additional Laplace Transform Theorems. Appendix 8 Answers to
Odd-Numbered Problems
Seventh Edition
by William H. Hayt (deceased), Jack Kemmerly (deceased), and
Steven M. Durbin, University of Canterbury, New Zealand
2007 (January 2006) / Hardcover / 800 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-326318-2 / MHID: 0-07-326318-4
(with Aris bind-in card)
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-110937-6 / MHID: 0-07-110937-4 [IE]
The book website contains the solutions manual (instructors
only), tutorials, Virtual Professor, COSMOS and much more.
The hallmark feature of this classic text is its focus on the student
– it is written so that students may teach the science of circuit
analysis to themselves. Terms are clearly defined when they
are introduced, basic material appears toward the beginning
of each chapter and is explained carefully and in detail, and
numerical examples are used to introduce and suggest general
results. Simple practice problems appear throughout each
chapter, while problems that are more difficult appear at the
ends of chapters, following the order of presentation of text
material. This introduction and resulting repetition provide an
important boost to the learning process. Hayt’s rich pedagogy
supports and encourages the student throughout by offering
tips and warnings, using design to highlight key material, and
providing lots of opportunities for hands-on learning. The
thorough exposition of topics is delivered in an informal way
that underscores the authors’ conviction that circuit analysis
can and should be fun.
Second Edition
by Joseph G Tront, Virginia Polytech Institute & State University
2007 (January 2006) / Softcover / 128 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-326319-9 / MHID: 0-07-326319-2 (with CD)
Examples will be based on the most current version of PSPice (a
copy of OrCAD PSpice will be packaged on a CD-ROM with this
book) but the principles are applicable to other versions of PSpice.
• The examples (with solutions) will be updated 20% for the new
• Includes step-by-step instructions to support novice users as they
perform schematic capture and circuit simulation.
• Provides detailed explanations and examples of the use of PSpice
in typical problem solving situations.
• Explains some of the salient features of PSpice, including
information on Capture and Probe.
• Chapters are written in a modular format so the organization is
• This manual will work well with either McGraw-Hill circuits’ text:
Alexander/Sadiku’s “Fundamentals of Electric Circuits, 2e” & Hayt/
Kemmerly/Durbin’s “Engineering Circuit Analysis, 6e.”
Practical Applications boxes throughout the book connect material
to real-world situations and tie in concepts of design and problemsolving.
• PSpice examples are included in relevant chapters to introduce
students to practical features such as DC sweeps, transient analysis,
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Electrical Engineering
by Joseph G. Tront, Virginia Polytech Institute & State University
2007 (February 2006)
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-326320-5 / MHID: 0-07-326320-6 (with CD)
The PSpice Manual will be sold as a stand-alone and, also, in
packages with Neamen, Electronic Circuit Analysis and Jaeger,
Microelectronic Circuit Design. Text introduces readers to
the fundamental uses of Pspice in support of Microelectronic
circuit analysis. This book goes beyond basic circuit analysis
to include analysis of more complex electronic problems.
Analysis of diodes, BJTs, JFETs, MOSFETs, and transformers
will be included–all key areas in the Electronics course.
Second Edition
by John O’Malley, University of Florida
1992 / 484 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-047824-4 / MHID: 0-07-047824-4
Schaum's Publication
Introduction/1 Resistance/2 Series and Parallel DC Circuits/3 DC Circuit Analysis/4
DC Equivalent Circuits, Network Theorems, and Bridge Circuits/5 Operational
Amplifier Circuits/6 Spice DC Circuit Analysis/7 Capacitors and Capacitance/8
Inductors, Inductance, and PSpice Transient Analysis/9 Sinusoidal Alternating
Voltage and Current/10 Complex Algebra and Phasors/11 Basic AC Circuit
Analysis, Impedance, and Admittance/12 sh, Loop, Nodal, and PSpice Analyses of
AC Circuits/13 AC Equivalent Circuits, Network Theorems, and Bridge Circuits/14
Power in AC Circuits/15 Transformers/16 Three-Phase Circuits
Step-by-step instructions to support novice users as they perform
schematic capture and circuit simulation.
• Detailed explanations and examples of the use of PSpice in typical
problem-solving situations.
• Explains some of the salient features of PSpice, including
information on OrCAD Capture and Probe.
International Edition
by Syed Nasar, University of Kentucky
Fourth Edition
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-099190-3 / MHID: 0-07-099190-1 [IE]
Schaum's Publication
by Mahmood Nahvi and Joseph A. Edminister, University of Akron
2003 / 400 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-139307-2 / MHID: 0-07-139307-2
Schaum's Publication
1. Introduction. 2. Circuit Concepts. 3. Circuit Laws. 4. Analysis Methods. 5.
Amplifiers and Operational Amplifier Circuits. 6. Waveforms and Signals. 7. FirstOrder Circuits. 8. Higher-Order Circuits and Complex Frequency. 9. Sinusoidal
Steady-State Circuit Analysis. 10. AC Power. 11. Polyphase Circuits. 12. Frequency
Response, Filters, and Resonance. 13. Two-Port Networks. 14. Mutual Inductance
and Transformers. 15. Circuit Analysis Using Spice and Pspice. 16. The LaPlace
Transform Method. 17. Fourier Method of Waveform Analysis. Appendix A
Complex Number System. Appendix B Matrices and Determinants
by Milton Gussow, Johns Hopkins University
1983 / 448 pages
ISBN-13" 978-0-07-025240-0 / MHID: 0-07-025240-8
Schaum's Publication
International Edition
International Edition
by Desoer and Kuh
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-085183-2 / MHID: 0-07-085183-2 [IE]
Second Edition
by Jim Cathey, University of Kentucky—Lexington
2002 / 304 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-136270-2 / MHID: 0-07-136270-3
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-122918-0 / MHID: 0-07-122918-3 [IE]
(International Edition is not for sale in Japan.)
Schaum's Publication
Circuit Analysis: Port Point of View. Semiconductor Diodes. Characteristics of
Bipolar Junction Transistors. Characteristics of Field-Effect Transistors and Triodes.
Transistor Bias Considerations. Small-Signal Midfrequency BJT Amplifiers. SmallSignal Midfrequency FET Amplifiers. Frequency Effects in Amplifiers. Operational
Amplifiers. Switched Mode Power Supplies
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Electrical Engineering
Seventh Edition
by Charles A. Schuler
2008 (February 2007)
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-331651-2 / MHID: 0-07-331651-2
(with MultiSIM CD)
Electronics: Principles and Applications provides a concise,
practical introduction to analog devices, circuits and systems.
Like earlier editions, the Seventh Edition combines theory with
real-world applications in a well-paced sequence, introducing
students to such topics as semiconductors, op amps, linear
integrated circuits, switching power supplies, electronic
communications devices and DSP. The text prepares students
to effectively diagnose, repair, verify, and install electronic
circuits and systems, without overwhelming them with
excessive theory. MultiSim examples are included for optional
simulation activities, with MultiSim circuit files included on a
bound-in CD ROM. Prerequisites are a command of algebra
and an understanding of fundamental electrical concepts.
• Bound-in CD ROM with MultiSIM version 7 circuit simulation
files, for circuits included in both the textbook and Experiments
• CPS from eInstruction is available with Schuler 7/e; PowerPoint
and electronic testbank questions are provided that work directly
with CPS in the classroom.
• New OLC website is available, with new student and instructor
• Concise approach to electronics, with a practical approach
throughout. Just enough theory is presented to support the practical
applications students will need for their careers.
• Student learning is reinforced by Self-Tests included with each
chapter sub-section; and by Summaries, Related Formulas, Review
Questions & Problems and Critical Thinking Questions at the end of
each chapter.
• Popular features such as chapter objectives, highlighted key terms,
color-coded circuit components, and About Electronics have been
retained and updated.
• Modern topics like DSP (chapter 16) and Wireless Networks for
communications (section 12-5) are included.
• Experiments Manual for Electronics:Principles and Applications
contains labs linked to the text, to help students gain hands-on
experience to reinforce subject matter and develop troubleshooting
• Instructor Productivity Center CD ROM contains classroom
PowerPoint presentations for every chapter, Test Generator,
supplemental PowerPoint presentations, electronic Solutions Manual,
and more.
1 Introduction. 1-1 A Brief History. 1-2 Digital or Analog. 1-3 Analog Functions
1-5 Trends in Electronics. 2 Semiconductors. 2-1 Conductors & Insulators. 2-2
Semiconductors. 2-3 N-Type Semiconductors. 2-4 P-Type Semiconductors. 3
Diodes. 3-1 The PN Junction. 3-2 Characteristic Curves of Diodes. 3-3 Diode Lead
Identification. 3-4 Diode Types and Applications. 4 Power Supplies. 4-1 The PowerSupply System. 4-2 Rectification. 4-3 Full-Wave Rectification. 4-4 Conversion of
RMS Values to Average Values. 4-5 Filters. 4-6 Voltage Multipliers. 4-7 Ripple
and Regulation. 4-8 Zener Regulators. 4-9 More Karnaugh Maps. 5 Transistors.
5-1 Amplification. 5-2 Transistors. 5-3 Characteristic Curves. 5-4 Transistor Data.
5-5 Transistor Testing. 5-6 Other Transistor Types. 5-7 Transistors as Switches. 6
Introduction to Small-Signal Amplifiers. 6-1 Measuring Gain. 6-2 Common-Emitter
Amplifier. 6-3 Stabilizing the Amplifier. 6-4 Other Configurations. 6-5 Simulation
and Models. 7 More About Small-Signal Amplifiers. 7-1 Amplifier Coupling. 7-2
Voltage Gains in Coupled Stages. 7-3 Field-Effect Transistor (FET) Amplifiers.
7-4 Negative Feedback. 7-5 Frequency Response. 7-6 Triggering Flip-Flops. 7-7
Schmitt Triggered Devices. 7-8 IEEE Logic Symbols. 8 Large-Signal Amplifiers.
8-1 Amplifier Class. 8-2 Class A Power Amplifiers. 8-3 Class B Power Amplifiers.
8-4 Class AB Power Amplifiers. 8-5 Class C Power Amplifiers. 8-6 Switch-Mode
Amplifiers. 9 Operational Amplifiers. 9-1 The Differential Amplifier. 9-2 Differential
Amplifier Analysis. 9-3 Operational Amplifiers. 9-4 Setting Op-Amp Gain. 9-5
Frequency Effects in Op Amps. 9-6 Op-Amp Applications. 9-7 Comparators. 10
Troubleshooting. 10-1 Preliminary Checks. 10-2 No Output. 10-3 Reduced Output.
10-4 Distortion and Noise. 10-5 Intermittents. 10-6 Operational Amplifiers. 11
Oscillators. 11-1 Oscillator Characteristics. 11-2 RC Circuits. 11-3 LC Circuits. 11-4
Crystal Circuits. 11-5 Relaxation Oscillators. 11-6 Undesired Oscillations. 11-7
Oscillator Troubleshooting. 11-8 Direct Digital Synthesis. 12 Communications.
12-1 Modulation and Demodulation. 12-2 Simple Receivers.
12-3 Superheterodyne Receivers. 12-4 Frequency Modulation and Single Sideband.
12-5 Wireless Networks. 12-6 Troubleshooting. 13 Integrated Circuits. 13-1
Introduction. 13-2 Fabrication. 13-3 The 555 Timer. 13-4 Analog ICs. 13-5 Mixed
IC Signals. 13-6 Troubleshooting. 14 Electronic Control Devices and Circuits. 14-1
Introduction. 14-2 The Silicon-Controlled Rectifier. 14-3 Full-Wave Devices. 14-4
Feedback in Control Circuitry. 14-5 Troubleshooting Electronic Control Circuits.
15 Regulated Power Supplies. 15-1 Open-Loop Voltage Regulation. 15-2 ClosedLoop Voltage Regulation. 15-3 Current and Voltage Limiting. 15-4 Switch-Mode
Regulators. 15-5 Troubleshooting Regulated Power Supplies. 16 Digital Signal
Processing. 16-1 Overview of DSP Systems. 16-2 Moving-Average Filters. 16-3
Fourier Theory. 16-4 Digital Filter Theory. 16-5 Other DSP Applications. 16-6
Limitations of DSP. 16-7 DSP Troubleshooting. Appendix A Soldering. Appendix
B Thermionic Devices. Glossary. Index.
International Edition
Seventh Edition
by Roger L. Tokheim
2008 (January 2007) / Softcover
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-322275-2 / MHID: 0-07-322275-5
(Student Text with MultiSIM CD)
ISBN-13: 978-0-07110850-8 / MHID: 0-07-110850-5
[IE with MultiSIM CD]
Digital Electronics: Principles and Applications is a concise and
practical text that prepares students for entry-level electronics
jobs. Its level and approach are ideal for both electronics and
electricity programs looking for a relatively short, applied book.
The seventh edition has been updated, with new coverage of
microcontrollers, memory, and interfacing. Optional simulation
work with MultiSim is included in the text and accompanying
Experiments Manual, with circuit files included on a boundin CD ROM. Additional student and instructor resources are
included on a new Online Learning Center website.
• Interfacing has been updated and expanded, especially in chapter
5 and chapter 14.
• Memory concepts and examples have been updated in chapter 11.
• MultiSIM v8 simulation files for the circuits included on the CD
ROM bound in with the text and Experiments Manual.
• CPS from eInstruction is available with the text, for in-class
quizzing and classroom management.
• Online Learning Center (OLC) website provides student quizees,
career information, links to key sites, chapter outlines and other
• Accessible writing style, reading level and math presentation are
used throughout the text.
• Gates, circuits and other digital components are presented as subsystems within larger digital system applications.
• Experiments Manual with MultiSim CD ROM helps students gain
practical, hands-on experience, troubleshooting skills, and exposure
to software simulation techniques.
• Instructor Productivity Center (IPC) CD ROM contains Power Point
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Electrical Engineering
presentations for each chapter, EZTestelectronic test generator and
questions, and solutions to all textbook and Experiments Manual
questions and activities.
1 Digital Electronics. 2 Numbers We Use in Digital Electronics. 3 Logic Gates. 4
Combining Logic Gates. 5 IC Specifications and Simple Interfacing. 6 Encoding,
Decoding, and Seven-Segment Displays. 7 Flip-Flops. 8 Counters. 9 Shift Registers.
10 Arithmetic circuits. 11 Memory and Storage. 12 Digital Systems. 13 Computer
Systems. 14 Connecting with Analog Devices
International Edition
Tenth Edition
by Mitchel E Schultz, Western Wisconsin Technical College
2007 (June 2006) / 1,056 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-322276-9 / MHID: 0-07-322276-3
(with MultiSIM CD-ROM)
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-110848-5 / MHID: 0-07-110848-3 [IE]
(A Glencoe/McGraw-Hill Title)
Third Edition
by Richard C. Jaeger, Auburn Univ-Auburn, and Travis Blalock,
University Of VA-Charlottesville
2008 (January 2007) / Hardcover / 1120 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-330948-4 / MHID: 0-07-330948-6
Browse http://www.mhhe.com/jaeger
Microelectronic Circuit Design is known for being a technically
excellent text. The new edition has been revised to make the
material more motivating and accessible to students while
retaining a student-friendly approach.
A pedagogical framework has been added that includes
chapter opening vignettes, chapter objectives, "Electronics in
Action" boxes, a problem solving methodology, and "design
note" boxes.
The number of examples, including new design examples,
has been increased, giving students more opportunity to
see problems worked out. Additionally, some of the less
fundamental mathematical material has been moved to the
• At the request of users and reviewers, the authors have focused on
the fundamentals and given a briefer coverage of Electronics.
• A pedagogical framework has been added that includes chapter
opening vignettes, chapter objectives, "Electronics in Action" boxes,
a problem solving methodology, and "design note" boxes
• Emphasis on design through the use of "Design Examples" and
"Design Notes".
• "Electronics in Action" sections connect the student to the real
world of Electronics with the use of practical applications.
• Consistent problem solving methodology.
Part I Solid State Electronic and Devices. 1 Introduction to Electronics. 2 Solid-State
Electronics. 3 Solid-State Diodes and Diode Circuits. 4 Field-Effect Transistors. 5
Bipolar Junction Transistors. Part II Digital Electronics. 6 Introduction to Digital
Electronics. 7 Complementary MOS (CMOS) Logic Design. 8 MOS Memory
and Storage Circuits. 9 Bipolar Logic Circuits. Part III Analog Circuit Design.
10 Analog Systems. 11 Operational Amplifiers. 12 Operational Amplifier
Applications. 13 Small-Signal Modeling and Linear Amplification. 14 SingleTransistor Amplifiers. 15 Multistage Amplifiers. 16 Analog Integrated Circuits.
17 Frequency Response. 18 Feedback, Stability, and Oscillators. Appendix A
Standard Discrete Component Values. Appendix B Solid-State Device Models
and SPICE Simulation Parameters
Grob’s Basic Electronics, Tenth Edition, is written for the
beginning student pursuing a technical degree in Electronics
Technology. In covering the fundamentals of electricity
and electronics, this text focuses on essential topics for the
technician, and the all-important development of testing and
troubleshooting skills. This highly practical approach combines
clear, carefully-laid-out explanations of key topics with
good, worked-out examples and problems to solve. Review
problems that follow each section reinforce the material just
completed, making this a very student-friendly text. It is a
thoroughly accessible introduction to basic DC and AC circuits
and electronic devices. This tenth edition of this longtime
best-selling text has been refined, updated and made more
student friendly. The focus on absolutely essential knowledge
for technicians, and focus on real-world applications of these
basic concepts makes it ideal for today’s technology students.
• A new beginning chapter, “The Powers of Ten,” initiates the
course with scientific notation, a math skill that every electronics
student must be able to use.
• New Streamlined Design: The new edition of Grob has a
contemporary, streamlined design that underscores the text’s tight
focus on essential topics. Marginal text features--Calculator Tips,
Pioneers in Electronics, and Good to Know--have been selected and
designed to reinforce basic skills and key concepts.
• Superior Examples and Problems: Examples, carefully laid out
in a step-by-step fashion, now include Practice Problems, which
provide the students with immediate feedback. On a similar note,
review problems have been reorganized to follow each sub-chapter
section, allowing an immediate link to the text material just covered.
In addition, selected examples can be used with Multisim files
(provided on the bound-in Multisim CD-ROM) to show students the
use of modern computer simulation techniques in circuit analysis and
• Well-Integrated Ancillary Materials for Students: Ancillary
materials flesh out all aspects of this well-considered text. The
Experiments Manual also includes a Multisim CD-ROM so students
can combine both hands-on and simulated lab work, and a Problems
Manual provides students with an alternative set of skill-building
problems and exercises. The Online Learning Center website
provides a complete overview of the basic math needed in DC/AC
electronics, along with other useful instructor and student resources.
• Instructor Ancillary Content: For the instructor, there is a printed
Instructor Solutions Manual with a bound-in Instructors Productivity
Center (IPC) CD-ROM; the IPC contains the Classroom Performance
System (CPS) for in-class quizzing and classroom management,
instructional PowerPoint slides, and electronic testbanks for all book
• Extensive coverage of Troubleshooting
Preface Introduction to Powers of 10. 1 Electricity. 2 Resistors. 3 Ohm’s Law. 4
Series Circuits. 5 Parallel Circuits. 6 Series-Parallel Circuits. 7 Voltage Dividers
and Current Dividers. 8 Direct-Current Meters. 9 Kirchhoff’s Laws. 10 Network
Theorems. 11 Conductors and Insulators. 12 Batteries. 13 Magnetism. 14
Electromagnetism. 15 Alternating Voltage and Current. 16 Capacitance. 17
Capacitive Reactance. 18 Capacitive Circuits. 19 Inductance. 20 Inductive
Reactance. 21 Inductive Circuits. 22 RC and L/R Time Constants. 23 Alternating
Current Circuits. 24 Complex Numbers for AC Circuits. 25 Resonance. 26
Filters. 27 Semiconductor Diodes: Theory and Applications. 28 Bipolar Junction
121-160_ELECTRICAL.indd 127
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Electrical Engineering
Transistors. 29 Transistor Amplifiers. 30 Field Effect Transistors. 31 Power
Amplifiers. 32 Thyristors. 33 Operational Amplifiers.
International Edition
1 Introduction. 2 Semiconductors. 3 Diode Theory. 4 Diode Circuits. 5 SpecialPurpose Diodes. 6 Bipolar Junction Transistors. 7 Transistor Fundamentals. 8
Transistor Biasing. 9 AC Models. 10 Voltage Amplifiers. 11 CC and CB Amplifiers.
12 Power Amplifiers. 13 JFETs. 14 MOSFETs. 15 Thyristors. 16 Frequency Effects.
17 Differential Amplifiers. 18 Operational Amplifiers. 19 Negative Feedback. 20
Linear Op-Amp Circuits. 21 Active Filters. 22 Nonlinear Op-Amp Circuits. 23
Oscillators. 24 Regulated Power Supplies.
Seventh Edition
by Albert Paul Malvino and David J Bates, Western Wisconsin
Technical College
2007 (April 2006) / Hardcover
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-322277-6 / MHID: 0-07-322277-1
(with Simulation CD)
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-110846-1 / MHID: 0-07-110846-7
[IE with SIM CD)]
(A Glencoe/McGraw-Hill Title)
Browse http://www.mhhe.com/malvino7e
This seventh edition of Malvino’s classic Electronic Principles
offers students a definitive overview of electronic circuits and
devices. Expert knowledge of electronic devices is presented
in a stimulating, clearly written, conversational style. The new,
streamlined book design is full-color throughout, with ample,
clear illustrations. Greater emphasis on modern integrated
circuit (IC) technology, and the revision of nearly one third of
the previous edition’s chapter problems and review questions
refresh this text while retaining its proven approach.
In addition to the text there is a wealth of supplementary
material included for both student and instructor. An upgraded
Experiments Manual, the optional use of MultiSIM software,
an instructor’s manual with an Instructor Productivity Center
CD-ROM, the updated Workbook, and the brand new Online
Learning Center website make this text a powerful learning
tool. Electronic Principles is written for electronics students
who have done course work in basic DC/AC circuit analysis,
along with algebra and trigonometry prerequisites. The book
gives clear, accessible coverage of basic electronics concepts
in the first half of the book, then applies these to the important
electronic circuits and devices most widely used in today’s
• Greater emphasis on modern integrated circuits (IC) technology.
• Extensive Online Learning Center website with resources for
students and instructors.
• Added by co-author David Bates, Worked-Out examples now
contain embedded Practice Problems.
• The new “Good to Know” feature offers practical information
related to topics explained on that page of the text.
• Expanded MultiSIM usage. The optional use of this software provides
“pre-lab” simulations students can work on virtually.
• The upgraded Experiments Manual now includes more on the
testing of individual components along with circuits and systems in
many labs, with optional MultiSIM applications included. The updated
Workbook reflects integration of revised chapter problems and review
• The enhanced Instructor’s Manual with Productivity Center (IPC)
CD-ROM includes instructional PowerPoint presentations, availability
of the eInstruction Classroom Performance System in-class quizzing
and classroom management system, test banks created with EZTest
that can be used in conjunction with CPS to deliver in-class quizzes,
tests, or review.
• Malvino’s Electronic Principles combines proven expertise in
all aspects of electronics with a student-friendly, contemporary
appearance. It is written in a conversational style at a technician
• Optical topics in modern electronics are covered, including fiber
optics and high intensity LEDs.
• Free, bound-in CD-ROM contains Multisim exercises and selected
circuits for simulation.
International Edition
Third Edition
by Donald Neamen, University Of New Mexico-Albuquerque
2007 (February 2006) / Hardcover
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-328596-2 / MHID: 0-07-328596-X
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-125443-4 / MHID: 0-07-125443-9 [IE]
This junior level electronics text provides a foundation for
analyzing and designing analog and digital electronic circuits.
Numerous new pedagogical features continue the tradition of
providing an accessible approach to learning through clear
writing and real-world pedagogy. The third edition includes
numerous design examples, a new Design Application feature,
problem solving technique pointers, Test Your Understanding
questions at the end of every section, and chapter summary
checkpoints to reinforce learning. The author, Don Neamen,
has many years of experience as an Engineering Educator. His
experience shines through each chapter of the book, which
retains a design focus supported by rich, realistic examples and
practical rules of thumb. The Third Edition continues to offer
the same hallmark features that made the previous editions
such a success. Extensive Pedagogy: An Introduction at the
beginning of each chapter links the new chapter to the material
presented in previous chapters. The objectives of the chapter
are then presented in the Preview section and reinforced
at the beginning of each chapter subsection. Test Your
Understanding Exercise Problems with provided answers have
all been updated. New Design Applications are included at the
ends of chapters. These applications lead students through the
design and development of an electronic thermometer. Each
specific design ties into the objectives of the chapter. Specific
Design Problems and Examples are highlighted throughout the
book, along with design pointers which help students tackle
tricky design issues.
• Preview Section Introductions and Objectives list begin each
chapter and are reinforced throughout the chapter.
• Design Application
• Frequency Response of Transistor Circuits, and Transistors
themselves, will remain a separate chapter
• Integration of PSpice. PSpice is integrated into the examples and
problems in the text where appropriate.
• Exercise Problems follows each example in the book
• For select electronic devices, industrial data sheets are included
in the text. This helps students to read and interpret the specs from a
data sheet and allows them to plug the specs into problems from the
Prologue I: Prologue to Electronics. Brief History. Passive and Active Devices.
Electronic Circuits. Discrete and Integrated Circuits. Analog and Digital Signals.
Notation. Summary. Part I: Semiconductor Devices and Basic Applications.
Chapter 1: Semiconductor Materials and Diodes. 1.0 Preview. 1.1 Semiconductor
Materials and Properties. 1.2 The pn Junction. 1.3 Diode Circuits: DC Analysis
and Models. 1.4 Diode Circuits: AC Equivalent Circuit. 1.5 Other Diode Types.
1.6 Design Application. 1.7 Summary. Problems. Chapter 2: Diode Circuits.
2.0 Preview. 2.1 Rectifier Circuits. 2.2 Zener Diode Circuits. 2.3 Clipper and
121-160_ELECTRICAL.indd 128
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Electrical Engineering
Clamper Circuits. 2.4 Multiple Diode Circuits. 2.5 Photodiode and LED Circuits.
2.6 Summary. Problems. Chapter 3: The Field-Effect Transistor. 3.0 Preview. 3.1
Basic Bipolar Junction Transistor. 3.2 DC Analysis of Transistor Circuits. 3.3 Basic
Transistor Applications. 3.4 Bipolar Transistor Biasing. 3.5 Multistage Circuits. 3.6
Design Application. 3.7 Summary. Problems. Chapter 4: Basic FET Amplifiers.
4.0 Preview. 4.1 Analog Signals and Linear Amplifiers. 4.2 The Bipolar Linear
Amplifier. 4.3 Basic Transistor Amplifier Configurations. 4.4 Common-Emitter
Amplifiers. 4.5 AC Load Line Analysis. 4.6 Common-Collector (Emitter-Follower)
Amplifier. 4.7 Common-Base Amplifier. 4.8 The Three Basic Amplifiers: Summary
and Comparison. 4.9 Multistage Amplifiers. 4.10 Power Considerations. 4.11
Design Application. 4.12 Summary. Problems. Chapter 5: Bipolar Junction
Transistor. 5.0 Preview. 5.1 MOS Field-Effect Transistor. 5.2 MOSFET DC Circuit
Analysis. 5.3 Basic MOSFET Applications: Switch, Digital Logic Gate, and
Amplifier. 5.4 Constant Current Biasing. 5.5 Multistage MOSFET Circuits. 5.6
Junction Field-Effect Transistors. 5.7 Design Application. 5.8 Summary. Problems.
Chapter 6: Basic BJT Amplifiers. 6.0 Preview. 6.1 The MOSFET Amplifier. 6.2 Basic
Transistor Amplifier Configurations. 6.3 The Common-Source Amplifier. 6.4 The
Source-Follower Amplifier. 6.5 The Common-Gate Amplifier. 6.6 The Three Basic
Amplifier Configurations: Summary and Comparison. 6.7 Single-Stage Integrated
Circuit MOSFET Amplifiers. 6.8 Multistage Amplifiers. 6.9 Basic JFET Amplifiers.
6.10 Summary. Problems. Chapter 7: Frequency Response. 7.0 Preview. 7.1
Amplifier Frequency Response. 7.2 System Transfer Functions. 7.3 Frequency
Response: Transistor Amplifiers with Circuit Capacitors. 7.4 Frequency Response:
Bipolar Transistor. 7.5 Frequency Response: The FET. 7.6 High-Frequency
Response Transistor Circuits. 7.7 Summary. Problems. Chapter 8: Output Stages
and Power Amplifiers. 8.0 Preview. 8.1 Power Amplifiers. 8.2 Power Transistors.
8.3 Classes of Amplifiers. 8.4 Class-A Power Amplifier. 8.5 Class-AB Push-Pull
Complementary Output Stages. 8.6 Summary. Problems. Prologue II: Prologue
to Electronic Design. Preview. Design Approach. System Design. Electronic
Design. Conclusion. Part II: Analog Electronics. Chapter 9: Ideal Operational
Amplifiers and Op-Amp Circuits. 9.0 Preview. 9.1 The Operational Amplifier.
9.2 Inverting Amplifier. 9.3 Summing Amplifier. 9.4 Noninverting Amplifier. 9.5
Op-Amp Applications. 9.6 Operational Transconductance Amplifiers. 9.7 Op-Amp
Circuit Design. 9.8 Design Application. 9.9 Summary. Problems. Chapter 10:
Integrated Circuit Biasing and Active Loads. 10.0 Preview. 10.1 Bipolar Transistor
Current Sources. 10.2 FET Current Sources. 10.3 Circuits and Active Loads. 10.4
Small-Signal Analysis: Active Load Circuits. 10.5 Summary. Problems. Chapter
11: Differential and Multistage Amplifiers .11.0 Preview. 11.1 The Differential
Amplifier. 11.2 Basic BJT Differential Pair. 11.3 Basic FET Differential Pair. 11.4
Differential Amplifier with Active Load. 11.5 BiCMOS Circuits. 11.6 Gain Stage
and Simple Output Stage. 11.7 Simplified BJT Operational Amplifier Stage. 11.8
Diff-Amp Frequency Response. 11.9 Summary. Problems. Chapter 12: Feedback
and Stability. 12.0 Preview. 12.1 Introduction to Feedback. 12.2 Basic BJT
Differential Pair. 12.3 Basic FET Differential Pair. 12.4 Voltage (Series-Shunt)
Amplifier. 12.5 Current (Shunt-Series) Amplifier. 12.6 Transconductance (SeriesSeries) Amplifier. 12.7 Transresistance (Shunt-Shunt) Amplifier. 12.8 Loop Gain.
12.9 Stability of the Feedback Circuit. 12.10 Frequency Compensation. 12.11
Summary. Problems. Chapter 13: Operational Amplifier Circuits. 13.0 Preview.
13.1 General Op-Amp Design. 13.2 A Bipolar Operational Amplifier Circuit.
13.3 CMOS Operational Amplifier Circuits. 13.4 BiCMOS Operational Amplifier
Circuits. 13.5 JFET Operational Amplifier Circuits. 13.6 Summary. Problems.
Chapter 14: Nonideal Effects in Operational Amplifier Circuits. 14.0 Preview.
14.1 Practical Op-Amp Parameters. 14.2 Finite Open-Loop Gain. 14.3 Frequency
Response. 14.4 Offset Voltage. 14.5 Input Bias Current 14.6 Additional Nonideal
Effects. 14.7 Summary. Problems. hapter 15: Applications and Design of Integrated
Circuits. 15.0 Preview. 15.1 Active Filters. 15.2 Oscillators. 15.3 Schmitt Trigger
Circuits. 15.4 Nonsinusoidal Oscillators and Timing Circuits. 15.5 Integrated
Circuit Power Amplifiers. 15.6 Voltage Regulators. 15.7 Summary. Problems.
Prologue III: Prologue to Digital Electronics. Introduction. Logic Functions and
Logic Gates. Logic Levels. Noise Margin. Propagation Delay Times and Switching
Times. Summary. Part III: Digital Electronics. Chapter 16: MOSFET Digital Circuits.
16.0 Preview. 16.1 NMOS Inverters. 16.2 NMOS Logic Circuits. 16.3 CMOS
Inverter. 16.4 CMOS Logic Circuits. 16.5 Clocked CMOS Logic Circuits. 16.6
Transmission Gates. 16.7 Sequential Logic Circuits. 16.8 Memories: Classification
and Architectures. 16.9 RAM Memory Cells. 16.10 Read-Only Memory. 16.11
D/A Converters. 16.12 A/D Converters. 16.13 Summary. Problems. Chapter 17:
Bipolar Digital Circuits. 17.0 Preview. 17.1 Emitter-Coupled Logic (ECL). 17.2
Modified ECL Circuit Configurations. 17.3 Schottky Transistor-Transistor Logic.
17.4 BiCMOS Digital Circuits. 17.5 Summary. Problems. Appendices.
International Edition
Second Edition
by Hwei Hsu, Fairleigh Dickinson University
2003 / 336 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-140228-6 / MHID: 0-07-140228-4
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-122997-5 / MHID: 0-07-122997-3 [IE]
(International Edition is not for sale in Japan.)
Schaum's Publication
International Edition
by J J Cathey, University of Kentucky
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-100905-8 / MHID: 0-07-100905-1 [IE]
(International Edition is not for sale in Japan.)
Schaum's Publication
International Edition
Fifth Edition
by James J Brophy, University of Utah
1990 / 462 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-100675-0 / MHID: 0-07-100675-3 [IE]
Analog - Integrated Circuits
International Edition
by Behzad Razavi, University of California, Los Angeles
2001 / 704 pages / Hardcover
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-238032-3 / MHID: 0-07-238032-2
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-118839-5 / MHID: 0-07-118839-8 [IE,
1 Introduction to Analog Design. 2 Basic MOS Device Physics. 3 Single-Stage
Amplifiers. 4 Differential Amplifiers. 5 Passive and Active Current Mirrors.
6 Frequency Response of Amplifiers. 7 Noise. 8 Feedback. 9 Operational
Amplifiers. 10 Stability and Frequency Compensation. 11 Bandgap References.
12 Introduction to Switched-Capacitor Circuits. 13 Nonlinearity and Mismatch. 14
Oscillators. 15 Phase-Locked Loops. 16 Short-Channel Effects and Device Models.
17 CMOS Processing Technology. 18 Layout and Packaging
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Electrical Engineering
Digital Integrated Circuits
International Edition
International Edition
Third Edition
by David A. Hodges, University of California—Berkeley, Horace
G. Jackson, University of California, Berkeley and Resve Saleh,
University of British Columbia
2004 / 504 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07- 228365-5 / MHID: 0-07- 228365-3
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-118164-8 / MHID: 0-07-118164-4 [IE]
The third edition of Hodges and Jackson’s Analysis and
Design of Digital Integrated Circuits has been thoroughly
revised and updated by a new co-author, Resve Saleh of the
University of British Columbia. The new edition combines the
approachability and concise nature of the Hodges and Jackson
classic with a complete overhaul to bring the book into the
21st century. The new edition has replaced the emphasis
on BiPolar with an emphasis on CMOS. The outdated MOS
transistor model used throughout the book will be replaced
with the now standard deep submicron model. The material
on memory has been expanded and updated. As well the book
now includes more on SPICE simulation and new problems
that reflect recent technologies. The emphasis of the book is
on design, but it does not neglect analysis and has as a goal
to provide enough information so that a student can carry
out analysis as well as be able to design a circuit. This book
provides an excellent and balanced introduction to digital
circuit design for both students and professionals.
1 Introduction. 2 MOS Devices. 3 Fabrication and Layout. 4 Basic Gates. 5 HighSpeed CMOS Design. 6 Interconnect Design. 7 Clocks and Flip-Flops. 8 Dynamic
Logic Circuits. 9 Memory Design (Part I). 10 Memory Design (Part II). 11 Bipolar
Digital Circuits. 12 GaAs Digital Cicuits
International Edition
Third Edition
by Sung-Mo (Steve) Kang, University of California—Santa Cruz and
Yusuf Leblebici, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
2003 / 672 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-246053-7 / MHID: 0-07-246053-9
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-124342-1 / MHID: 0-07-124342-9 [IE]
The website includes the solutions manual, password-protected for
instructor use. It also includes PowerPoint slides and a CADENCE
software tutorial. Also included is a set of color graphics to illustrate
CMOS fabrication and mask-layout design. (Browse http://highered.
1 Introduction. 2 Fabrication of MOSFETS. 3 MOS Transistor. 4 Modeling of
MOS Transistors Using SPICE. 5 MOS Inverters: Static Characteristics. 6 MOS
Inverters: Switching Characteristics and Interconnect Effects. 7 Combinational MOS
Logic Circuits. 8 Sequential MOS Logic Circuits. 9 Dynamic Logic Circuits. 10
Semiconductor Memories. 11 Low-Power CMOS Logic Circuits. 12 BiCMOS Logic
Circuits. 13 Chip Input and Output (I/O) Circuits. 14 Design for Manufacturability.
15 Design for Testability
by Herbert Taub, City College Of New York; Donald L. Schilling,
City College of New York
1977 / 608 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-085788-9 / MHID: 0-07-085788-1 [IE]
International Edition
Third Edition
by David G. Alciatore, Colorado State University, and Michael B.
Histand, Colorado State University
2007 (November 2005) / Hardcover / 544 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-296305-2 / MHID: 0-07-296305-0
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-125407-6 / MHID: 0-07-125407-2 [IE]
Author Web site containing general textbook information, video
presentations, class project assignments, microcontroller resources,
MATHCAD examples from the text, and more! (Browse http://www.engr.
SYSTEMS provides comprehensive and accessible coverage of
the evolving field of mechatronics for mechanical, electrical
and aerospace engineering majors. The authors present
a concise review of electrical circuits, solid-state devices,
digital circuits, and motors- all of which are fundamental to
understanding mechatronic systems.
Mechatronics design considerations are presented throughout
the text, and in "Design Example" features. The text's numerous
illustrations, examples, class discussion items, and chapter
questions & exercises provide an opportunity to understand and
apply mechatronics concepts to actual problems encountered
in engineering practice. This text has been tested over several
years to ensure accuracy.
A text web site is available at http://www.engr.colostate.edu/
~dga/mechatronics/ and contains numerous supplemental
• NEW--Expanded coverage of microcontroller programming and
interfacing, including new threaded design examples and a detailed
case study.
• NEW--Visual icons throughout the book highlight cross-references
to extensive online resources including video demonstrations,
MathCAD examples, laboratory exercises, and Internet links to useful
• NEW--Expanded chapter on data acquisition with an introduction
to LabView.
• NEW--An introduction to control theory and its application in
mechatronic systems.
• Photographs and descriptions of real devices and mechatronics
systems (e.g. the Segway) have been added.
• Additional clipart has been added as a pedagogical feature.
• Additional system analysis and design examples have been added,
as well as an additional Case Study in the later chapters.
• Various types of voltage sources (power supplies, batteries, AC/DC
converters) have been added to chapter 2.
• An introduction to controls section has been added to chapter 11.
• Microcontroller hardware and software design examples have
been added to the text.
121-160_ELECTRICAL.indd 130
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Electrical Engineering
• Information on PIC processors and how to select them is included.
Also explains how to use and communicate among multiple PICs in
a project.
• Integrates design examples and problems throughout the text.
• The text's focus on measurement systems, circuits and electronics,
interfacing, sensors, and acutators, along with analysis and synthesis
of mechatronic systems, provides a thorough cross-disciplinary and
real-world overview of Mechatronics.
• Content coverage of important subjects like MEMS, cutting edge
sensor technology, and micromachines.
• Provides an overview of measurement systems, circuits,
interfacing, sensors, actuators and design analysis and synthesis of
mechatronic systems.
• Supporting information is available including a typical course
outline and laboratory syllabus, MathCAD files for examples from the
book, Class Discussion Item hints, links to mechatronics resources,
and other supplemental material, is available on the Internet at http://
• Helpful pedagogy includes Integrated Lab Exercises and Class
Discussion items, both of which link theory with practice and handson exploration of mechatronics.
1 Introduction to Mechatronics and Measurement Systems. 2 Electric Circuits and
Components. 3 Semiconductor Electronics. 4 System Response. 5 Analog Signal
Processing Using Operational Amplifiers
6 Digital Circuits and Systems. 7 Microcontroller Programming and Interfacing
8 Data Acquisition. 9 Sensors. 10 Actuators. 11 Mechatronic Systems-Control
Architectures and Case Studies. Appendixes. A Measurement Fundamentals. B
Physical Principles. C Mechanics of Materials
Reststrahlen absorption, optical properties of metals (free carrier
absorption). With these new sections and additional topics, the third
edition is one of the most comprehensive introductory textbooks on
electronic materials devices.
• Chapter 6 has been revised for a better coverage of heterostructure
LEDs and photovoltaics that includes practical examples and white
LEDs. The coverage is explained at the undergraduate level with clear
• Thorough coverage including up-to-date topics: This text
offers in-depth discussions of topics which are important to both
electrical engineering majors as well as materials science majors.
From fresh treatment of piezo- and pyro-electric phenomena and
dielectric devices, to coverage of relatively new materials, such
as the Buckminsterfullerene crystal, high Tc superconductors, the
complicated concepts are always stated in plain language for students
with different backgrounds.
• The third edition is almost unique amongst university textbooks
because it comes with extensive web-support through Web-Materials
which has now become one of the best known electronic materials
websites averaging around something like thirty users at any instant
from every corner of the world. Nearly all of this material is now
included on a FREE CDROM that accompanies the book. Both
students and instructors using the textbook can use the following
supplements from the CDROM or Web-Materials. Use of WebMaterials requires the book to be adopted or recommended as the
major text for the course.
• The following features are available on Web-Materials (http://
ElectronicMaterials.Usask.Ca): Selected Topics in Electronic Materials
and Devices, Selected Topics in Materials Science, Illustrated Color
Dictionary of Electronic Materials and Devices, Tables of Selected
Properties of Materials, Worked Examples and Solved Problem,
Professional Color Overhead Transparency Diagrams in the CDROM
and Extensive Solutions Manual in PDF for instructors.
International Edition
Third Edition
by S.O. Kasap, University of Saskatchewan
2006 / 768 pages / Hardcover
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-310464-5 / MHID: 0-07-310464-7
(with CD-ROM)
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-124458-9 / MHID: 0-07-124458-1
[IE with CD]
The site includes: Selected Topics in Electronic Materials & Devices,
Selected Topics in Materials Science, Illustrated Color Dictionary,
Tables of Selected Properties of Materials, Worked Examples & Solved
Problems, and an extensive Solutions Manual for the instructor. (Browse
Principles of Electronic Materials and Devices, Third Edition,
is a greatly enhanced version of the highly successful text
Principles of Electronic Materials and Devices, Second Edition.
It is designed for a first course on electronic materials given
in Materials Science and Engineering, Electrical Engineering,
and Physics and Engineering Physics Departments at the
undergraduate level. The third edition has numerous revisions
that include more beautiful illustrations and photographs,
additional sections, more solved problems, worked examples,
and end-of-chapter problems with direct engineering
applications. The revisions have improved the rigor without
sacrificing the original semiquantitative approach that both the
students and instructors liked and valued. Some of the new
end-of-chapter problems have been especially selected to
satisfy various professional engineering design requirements
for accreditation across international borders. Advanced topics
have been collected under Additional Topics, which are not
necessary in a short introductory treatment.
• While aimed primarily at the junior undergraduates, the text with
its advanced topics under Additional Topics, and Selected Topics
in the CD, it can easily be used at the senior undergraduate and
graduate courses.
• By selecting suitable topics Selected Topics in the CD (such as
mechanical properties, diffusion, thermal properties etc.) the text can
be also serve as a first course in Materials Science aimed at electrical
engineers, and engineering physics students. It is suitable for both
one- and two-semester courses. By focusing only on those topics
relevant to materials that make up electronic and optoelectronic
devices, the book offers students a deeper and more meaningful
discussion of this material than is offered in general materials science
textbooks. The coverage is up-to-date and the applications are of
special relevance to students of electronics, materials science and
engineering physics.
• Explanatory illustrations and comparative tables: The excellent
illustrations clearly depict the concepts, further assisting in the
learning process. Throughout the text, comparative tables of different
materials and their properties can be used as references in solving
problems. Such tables also give the student a “feel” for the concepts
and materials discussed.
• Interesting photographs of materials, devices and inventions,
including the inventors, that make the book enjoyable to read.
• Chapter flexibility: The chapters are designed such that they lend
themselves to allowing instructors to teach out of sequence or skip
topics as desired. Extensive explanatory section headings and limited
references to other chapters make this possible. The “Additional
Topics” sections also allow instructors to go into more detail when
detail is required.
• Many worked examples and application problems: A three-step
approach is used to show students how to apply concepts discussed.
Examples with solutions appear within most sections of every
chapter. These examples demonstrate both physical concepts and
mathematical foundations. Questions and Problems sections are
found at the end of every chapter. These offer in-depth questions
about concepts introduced, then follow up with problems, which
require the student to apply mathematical skills. Each question and
problem cites the main subject for reference. An asterisk is used next
to the question problem if more advanced mathematical skills are
• New Sections such that cover x-ray diffraction and crystal
structures, conduction in thin films, interconnect technology,
amorphous semiconductors, piezoresistance, white LEDs,
121-160_ELECTRICAL.indd 131
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Electrical Engineering
1 Elementary Materials Science Concepts. 2 Electrical and Thermal Conduction
in Solids. 3 Elementary Quantum Physics. 4 Modern Theory of Solids. 5
Semiconductors. 6 Semiconductor Devices. 7 Dielectric Materials and Insulation.
8 Magnetic Properties and Superconductivity. 9 Optical Properties of Materials.
Appendix A: Major Symbols and Abbreviations. B Elements to Uranium C Constants
and Useful Information
International Edition
by Donald Neamen, University of New Mexico - Albuquerque
2006 / Hardcover / 704 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-298756-0 / MHID: 0-07-298756-1
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-111627-5 / MHID: 0-07-111627-3 [IE]
Site contains solutions for instructors and image set. (Browse http://www.
An Introduction to Semiconductor Devices by Donald Neamen
provides an understanding of the characteristics, operations
and limitations of semiconductor devices. In order to provide
this understanding, the book brings together the fundamental
physics of the semiconductor material and the semiconductor
device physics. This new text provides an accessible and
modern presentation of material. Quantum mechanic material
is minimal, and the most advanced material is designated with
an icon. This modern approach meands that coverage of the
MOS transistor preceeds the material on the bipolar transitor,
which reflects the dominance of MOS technology in today’s
world. Excellent pedagogy is present throughout the book in
the form of interesting chapters openers, worked examples, a
variety of exercises, key terms, and end of chapter problems.
• Book features up-to-date coverage. MOSFETs are covered before
the BiPolar Junction Transistor, reflecting the MOSFETs predominant
role in modern technology.
• Many worked examples are included throughout the text. Each
is followed by an exercise problem that tests mastery of what was
covered in the example.
• Accessible Coverage-does not use a lot of Quantum Mechanics.
More difficult material is marked off by an icon and can be included
or skipped.
• Chapter openers contain both “Historical Insight” and “Present-day
Insight” boxes. The historical boxes put the topics about to be learned
in historical perspective, and the present-day boxes show how what
will be learned is relevant in today’s world.
• Test Your Understanding Excercises are included at the end
of each major section, providing students with an opportunity to
practice what they’ve learned.
Chapter 1 The Crystal Structure of Solids. Chapter 2 Theory of Solids. Chapter
3 The Semiconductor in Equilibrium. Chapter 4 Carrier Transport Phenomena.
Chapter 5 The pn Junction. Chapter 6 Fundamentals of the MOS Transistor. Chapter
7 The MOSFET: Additional Concepts. Chapter 8 Non-equilibrium Excess Carriers
in Semiconductors. Chapter 9 The pn Junction Diode. Chapter 10 The Bipolar
Transistor. Chapter 11 Additional Semiconductor Devices and Device Concepts.
Chapter 12 Optical Devices. Appendix A Selected List of Symbols. Appendix
B System of Units, Conversion Factors, and General Constants. Appendix C
The Periodic Table. Appendix D “Derivation” of Schrodinger’s Wave Equation.
Appendix E Units of Energy-The Electron-Volt. Appendix F Derivation of Density
of States Function. Appendix G Derivation of Shockley-Read-Hall Recombination
Rates. Appendix H Answers to Selected Problems
International Edition
by Betty Lise Anderson, Ohio State University and Richard L
2005 / 656 pages / Hardcover
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-236977-9 / MHID: 0-07-236977-9
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-124152-6 / MHID: 0-07-124152-3 [IE]
Solutions Manual (Password Protected) for instructors only. (Browse
Fundamentals of Semiconductor Devices provides a realistic
and practical treatment of modern semiconductor devices.
A solid understanding of the physical processes responsible
for the electronic properties of semiconductor materials
and devices is emphasized. With this emphasis, the reader
will appreciate the underlying physics behind the equations
derived and their range of applicability. The author’s clear
writing style, comprehensive coverage of the core material,
and attention to current topics are key strengths of this book.
• First 4 Parts of the book (5 Parts total) are followed by
“Supplements” which contain related material to enhance the
course. The content in these supplements is not required for the
understanding of the basic principles of device operation.
• Quantum mechanics is introduced in the chapters of Part 1.
For additional content, more extensive material can be found in
Supplement “A” to Part 1.
• Up-to-date mathematical formulations, which are appropriate for
modern devices.
• Extensive use of energy band diagrams to explain (qualitatively)
device operation.
• The differences in electron and hole mobilities (and diffusion
coefficients) for majority carriers and for minority carriers are
discussed. These differences are important to accurately predict the
behavior of minority carrier devices (BJTs) vs. majority carrier devices
(some FETs).
• Emphasis on heterojunctions due to their increased use in field
effect devices, bipolar devices, and optoelectronic devices.
• SPICE is introduced for the determination of device I-V
characteristics and for steady-state and transient analysis of simple
• Detailed, easy-to-follow examples throughout. These examples
go beyond giving a feel for the numerical value for the quantities
involved but, also, provide an improved understanding of a physical
mechanism under consideration.
• Electrical parameters of MOSFETS and BJTS are compared in
order to solidify the “big picture” and to aid in making critical design
• Solid pedagogy in the form of illustrations, summaries, review
questions, reading lists, and more.
Part 1 Electronic Properties of Materials: 1 Electron Energy and States in
Semi con duc tors. 2 Homogeneous Semiconductors. 3 Current Flow in
Homogeneous Semiconductors. 4 Non-Homogeneous Semiconductors. Part 2
Diodes: 5 Prototype pn Homojunctions. 6 Additional Considerations for Diodes.
Part 3 Field Effect Transistors: 7 The MOSFET. 8 Additional Considerations for
FETs. Part 4 Bipolar Transistors: 9 Bipolar Junction Devices: Statics. 10 TimeDependent Analysis of BJTs. Part 5 Optoelectronic Devices: 11 Optoelectronic
Devices. Appendix A Physical Constants. Appendix B List of Symbols. Appendix
C Fabrication. Appendix D Density of States Function, Density of States Effective
Mass, Conductivity Effective Mass. Appendix E Useful Integrals. Appendix F Useful
Equations. Appendix G: List of Suggested Readings
121-160_ELECTRICAL.indd 132
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Electrical Engineering
VLSI Digital
International Edition
Third Edition
by Donald Neamen, University of New Mexico—Albuquerque
2003 / 704 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-232107-4 / MHID: 0-07-232107-5
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-123112-1 / MHID: 0-07-123112-9 [IE]
1. The Crystal Structure of solids. 2. Introduction to Quantum Mechanics.
3. Introduction to the Quantum Theory of Solids. 4. The Semiconductor in
Equilibrium. 5. Carrier Transport Phenomena. 6. Nonequilibrium Excess Carriers
in Semiconductors. 7. The PN Junction. 8. The PN Junction Diode. 9. Metal
Semiconductor and Semiconductor Heterojunctions. 10. The Bipolar Transistor.
11. The Junction Field-Effect Transistor. 12. Fundamentals of the Metal-OxideSemiconductor Field- Effect Transistor
Analog OP AMPS
International Edition
Third Edition
by Sergio Franco, San Francisco State University
2002 / 672 pages / Hardcover
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-232084-8 / MHID: 0-07-232084-2
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-120703-4 / MHID: 0-07-120703-1 [IE]
1 Operational Amplifier Fundamentals. 2 Circuits with Resistive Feedback. 3 Active
Filters: Part I: 4 Active Filters: Part II: 5 Static Op Amp Limitations. 6 Dynamic Op
Amp Limitations. 7 Noise. 8 Stability. 9 Nonlinear Circuits. 10 Signal Generators.
11 Voltage References and Regulators. 12 D-A and A-D Converters. 13 Nonlinear
Amplifiers and Phase-Locked Loops
International Edition
Third Edition
by Sung-Mo (Steve) Kang, University of California—Santa Cruz and
Yusuf Leblebici, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
2003 / 672 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-246053-7 / MHID: 0-07-246053-9
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-124342-1 / MHID: 0-07-124342-9 [IE]
The website includes the solutions manual, password-protected for
instructor use. It also includes PowerPoint slides and a CADENCE
software tutorial. Also included is a set of color graphics to illustrate
CMOS fabrication and mask-layout design. (Browse http://highered.
1 Introduction. 2 Fabrication of MOSFETS. 3 MOS Transistor. 4 Modeling of
MOS Transistors Using SPICE. 5 MOS Inverters: Static Characteristics. 6 MOS
Inverters: Switching Characteristics and Interconnect Effects. 7 Combinational MOS
Logic Circuits. 8 Sequential MOS Logic Circuits. 9 Dynamic Logic Circuits. 10
Semiconductor Memories. 11 Low-Power CMOS Logic Circuits. 12 BiCMOS Logic
Circuits. 13 Chip Input and Output (I/O) Circuits. 14 Design for Manufacturability.
15 Design for Testability
International Edition
by C.Y. Chang, National Chiao Tung University , Taiwan; S.M. Sze,
National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan
1996 / 726 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-114105-5 / MHID: 0-07-114105-7 [IE]
1 Cleanroom Technology/2 Wafer-Cleaning Technology/3 Epitaxy/4 Conventional
and Rapid Thermal Processes/5 Dielectric and Polysilicon Film Deposition/6
Lithography/7 Etching/8 Metallization/9 Process Integration/10 Assembly and
Packaging/11 Wafer Fab Manufacturing Technology/12 Reliability/Appendix
International Edition
by Theodore F Bogart, Jr., University of Southern Mississippi
1992 / 819 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-112555-0 / MHID: 0-07-112555-8 [IE]
(A Glencoe/McGraw-Hill Title)
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Electrical Engineering
Electronics III: Solid-State
International Edition
International Edition
by Eugene Fabricius, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis
1990 / 969 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-100727-6 / MHID: 0-07-100727-X [IE]
Chapter 1: Introduction to VLSI Layout. Chapter 2: The Physics of Field-Effect
Transistors. Chapter 3: Processing, Scaling and Reliability. Chapter 4: Design Rules
and Layouts. Chapter 5: MOS Inverters. Chapter 6: Superbuffers and Steering Logic.
Chapter 7: Dynamic CMOS and Clocking. Chapter 8: Special Circuit Layouts.
Chapter 9: Regular Arrays of Logic. Chapter 10: Advanced Programmable Logic
Techniques. Chapter 11: Multilevel Minimization and Physical Design. Chapter
12: Testability of VLSI. APPENDIX A: The P-N Junction. APPENDIX B: The Algebra
of Modern Boolean Logic
International Edition
by Jasprit Singh, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
1996 / 537 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-114727-9 / MHID: 0-07-114727-6 [IE]
1 Materials for Optoelectronics Structural Properties/2 Light Propagation in Media/3
Light Propagation in Waveguides/4 Electronic Properties of Semiconductors/5
Transport and Optical Properties of Semiconductors/6 Light Detection and
Imaging/7 The Light Emitting Diode/8 The Laser Diode/9 Modulation and Display
Devices/10 Optical Communication Systems Device Needs/11 Fabrication and
Processing of Devices/Appendixes/A List of Symbols/B Important Properties of
Semiconductors/C Density of States/D The P-N DiodeA Summary
by Randall Geiger, Iowa State University; Phillip Allen, Georgia
Institute of Technology; Noel Strader II, Chief Engineer of CAD
1990 / 969 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-100728-3 / MHID: 0-07-100728-8 [IE]
Electronics III: Optics
International Edition
International Edition
Second Edition
by Simon Sze, Bell Laboratories
1988 / 676 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-100347-6 / MHID: 0-07-100347-9 [IE]
Advanced Electronics
International Edition
by Gregory T. Kovacs, Stanford University
1998 / 944 pages / Hardcover
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-290722-3 / MHID: 0-07-290722-3
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-116462-7 / MHID: 0-07-116462-6 [IE]
Introduction and Overview/Micromachining Techniques/Mechanical Transducers/
Optical Trans-ducers/Ionizing Radiation Transducers/Thermal Transducers/
Magnetic Trans duc ers/Chemical and Biological Trans duc ers/Microfluidic
Third Edition
byAjoy Ghatak
2004 / 464 pages / Softcover
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-058583-6 / MHID: 0-07-058583-0
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-124706-1 / MHID: 0-07-124706-8 [IE]
(Tata McGraw-Hill Title)
This comprehensive and thoroughly revised new edition would
continue to meet the requirements of undergraduate students
of science and engineering. Researchers involved in general
areas of optics and laser would find this book immensely
1. What is Light? PART ONE: GEOMETRICAL OPTICS. 2. Fermat’s Principle
and its Applications 3. Refraction and reflection by Spherical Surfaces 4. Matrix
Method in Paraxial Optics 5. Aberrations PART TWO: VIBRATIONS AND WAVES.
6. Simple Harmonic Motion 7. Forced Vibrations and Origin of Refractive Index
8. Fourier Series and Applications 9. Wave Propagation and the Wave Equation
10. Huygens’ Principle and its Applications. PART THREE: INTERFERENCE. 11.
Superposition of Waves 12. Two Beam Interference by Division of Wavefront
13. Interference by Division of Amplitude 14. Multiple Beam Interferometry 15.
Coherence. PART FOUR: DIFFRACTION. 16. Fraunhofer Diffraction 17. Fresnel
LIGHT. 19. Polarization and Double Refraction 20. Electromagnetic Waves 21.
Reflection and Refraction of Electromagnetic Waves. PART SIX: PTOTONS. 22.
The Particle Nature of Radiation PART SEVEN: SOURCES OF COHERENT LIGHT.
23. Lasers: An Elementary Account. PART EIGHT: SOME CONTEMPORARY
TOPICS. 24. Fibre Optics 25. Introduction to Speckle Metrology. INDEX.
121-160_ELECTRICAL.indd 134
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Electrical Engineering
International Edition
by Behzad Razavi, University of California—Los Angeles
2003 / 384 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-282258-8 / MHID: 0-07-282258-9
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-122972-2 / MHID: 0-07-122972-8 [IE]
The website for the book includes additional resources for the reader,
including a set of PowerPoint slides and web links. (Browse http://
1 Introduction to Optical Communications . 2 Basic Concepts. 3 Optical Devices.
4 Transimpedance Amplifiers. 5 Limiting Amplifiers and Output Buffers. 6
Oscillator Fundamentals. 7 LC Oscillators. 8 Phase-Locked Loops. 9 Clock and
Data Recovery. 10 Multiplexers and Laser Drivers.
International Edition
Third Edition
by Gerd Keiser, GTE Government Systems Corporation
2000 / 552 pages / Hardcover
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-236076-9 / MHID: 0-07-236076-3
(with CD-ROM)
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-116468-9 / MHID: 116468-5
[IE with CD-ROM]
Chapter 1: Overview of Optical Fiber Communications. Chapter 2: Optical
Fibers: Structures, Waveguiding, and Fabrication. Chapter 3: Signal Degradation
in Optical Fibers. Chapter 4: Optical Sources. Chapter 5: Power Launching and
Coupling. Chapter 6: Photodetectors. Chapter 7: Optical Receiver Operation.
Chapter 8: Digital Transmission Systems. Chapter 9: Analog Systems. Chapter
10: WDM Concepts and Components. Chapter 11: Optical Amplifiers. Chapter
12: Optical Networks. Chapter 13: Measurements. Appendix A: International
System of Units. Appendix B: Useful Mathematical Relations. Appendix C: Bessel
Functions. Appendix D: Decibels. Appendix E: Topics from Communication
Theory. Appendix F: Factors Contributing to Dispersionerview.
Control Systems
International Edition
Second Edition
by M. Gopal, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Delhi
2002 / 989 pages / Softcover
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-048289-0 / MHID: 0-07-048289-6
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-123127-5 / MHID: 0-07-123127-7 [IE]
(Tata McGraw-Hill Title)
1. Introduction to the Control Problem. 2. Dynamic Models and Dynamic
Response. 3. Models of Industrial Control Devices and Systems. 4. Basic Principles
of Feedback Control. 5. Concepts of Stability and the Routh Stability Criterion.6.
The Performance of Feedback Systems. 7. Compensator Design Using Root
Locus Plots. 8. The Nyquist Stability Criterion and Stability Margins. 9. Feedback
System Performance Based on the Frequency Response. 10. Compensator Design
Using Bode Plots. 11. Hardware and Software Implementation of Common
Compensators. 12. Control System Analysis Using State Variable Methods.
Appendix A: Mathematical Background. Appendix B: MATLAB Environment.
Appendix C: Control Theory. Quiz. Index
Second Edition
by Joseph DiStefano, University of California, Los Angeles; Allen
Stubberud, UCLA; Ivan William, TRW Space and Technology
1990 / 572 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-017052-0 / MHID: 0-07-017052-5
Schaum's Publication
Digital Control
International Edition
Second Edition
by Madan Gopal, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi
2003 / 1,014 pages / Softcover
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-048302-6 / MHID: 0-07-048302-7
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-123725-3 / MHID: 0-07-123725-9 [IE]
(Tata McGraw-Hill Title)
1 Introduction. 2 Signal Processing in Digital Control. 3 Models of Digital Control
Devices and Systems. 4 Design of Digital Control Algorithms. 5 Control System
Analysis Using State Variable Methods. 6 State Variable Analysis of Digital Control
Systems. 7 Pole-Placement Design and State Observers. 8 Lyapunov Stability
Analysis. 9 Linear Quadratic Optimal Control. 10 Nonlinear Control Systems.
11 Neural Networks for Control. 12 Fuzzy Control. Appendix A : Mathematical
Background. Appendix B : MATLAB Aided Control System Design: Conventional.
Appendix C : MATLAB Aided Control System Design : Neural-Fuzzy. Index
121-160_ELECTRICAL.indd 135
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Electrical Engineering
Systems/Controls (Robotics)
International Edition
by K. S. Fu, deceased, formerly of Purdue University; C.S.G. Lee,
Purdue University; Ralph Gonzalez, University of Tennessee
1987 / 672 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-100421-3 / MHID: 0-07-100421-1 [IE]
International Edition
by Mikell Groover, Lehigh University; Mitchell Weiss, United States
Robots, Inc.; Roger Nagel, Lehigh University; and Nicholas Odrey,
Lehigh University
1986 / 480 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-100442-8 / MHID: 0-07-100442-4 [IE]
Advanced Systems
International Edition
Fourth Edition
by Stephen J Chapman, BAE Systems, Australia
2005 / 720 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-246523-5 / MHID: 0-07-246523-9
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-115155-9 / MHID: 0-07-115155-9 [IE]
Electric Machinery Fundamentals continues to be a best-selling
machinery text due to its accessible, student-friendly coverage
of the important topics in the field. Chapman’s clear writing
persists in being one of the top features of the book. Although
not a book on MATLAB, the use of MATLAB has been enhanced
in the fourth edition. Additionally, many new problems have
been added and remaining ones modified. Electric Machinery
Fundamentals is also accompanied by a website the provides
solutions for instructors, as well as source code, MATLAB
tools, and links to important sites for students.
• Many new problems and examples are included in the fourth
• AC machine emphasis over DC machines (throughout the text).
• Flexible topic coverage allows either AC or DC material to be
covered first (AC-Chaps. 4-7; DC-Chaps. 8-9).
• MATLAB is incorporated in examples, sample problems, and
homework problems (throughout text, see torque-speed char. in
Chap. 7).
• Revised homework problems (throughout text)
• Comprehensive coverage of topics not found in other texts (Chap.
3-Solid State Power Electronics, Chap. 5-Synchronous generators, and
practical details of machinery use).
International Edition
Third Edition
1 Introduction to Machinery Principles. 2 Transformers. 3 Introduction to Power
Electronics. 4 AC Machinery Fundamentals. 5 Synchronous Generators. 6
Synchronous Motors. 7 Induction Motors. 8 DC Machinery Fundamentals. 9 DC
Motors and Generators. 10 Single-Phase and Special-Purpose Motors. Appendix A
Review of Three-Phase Circuits. Appendix B Coil Pitch and Distributed Windings.
Appendix C Salient-Pole Theory of Synchronous Machines. Appendix D Tables
of Constants and Conversion Factors
by Ronald Bracewell, Stanford University
1999 / 640 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-303938-1 / MHID: 0-07-303938-1
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-116043-8 / MHID: 0-07-116043-4 [IE]
1 Introduction. 2 Groundwork. 3 Convolution. 4 Notation for Some Useful
Functions. 5 The Impulse Symbol. 6 The Basic Theorems. 7 Obtaining Transforms.
8 The Two Domains. 9 Waveforms, Spectra, Filters and Linearity. 10 Sampling and
Series. 11 The Discrete Fourier Transform and the FFT. 12 The Hartley Transform.
13 Relatives of the Fourier Transform. 14 The Laplace Transform. 15 Antennas
and Optics. 16 Applications in Statistics. 17 Random Waveforms and Noise. 18
Heat Conduction and Diffusion. 19 Dynamic Power Spectra. 20 Tables of sinc x,
sinc2x and exp(-?x)2. 21 Solutions to Selected Problems. 22 Pictorial Dictionary
of Fourier Transforms. 23 The Life of Joseph Fourier
International Edition
Sixth Edition
by A. E. Fitzgerald, deceased; Charles Kingsley, Massachusetts
Institute of Technology; Stephen Umans, Sc.D., Massachusetts
Institute of Technology
2003 / 608 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-366009-7 / MHID: 0-07-366009-4
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-123010-0 / MHID: 0-07-123010-6 [IE]
1. Magnetic Circuits and Magnetic Materials. 2. Transformers. 3. Multi-Winding
Transformers. 4. Introduction to Rotating Machines. 5. Synchronous Machines.
6. Polyphase Induction Machines. 7. DC Machines. 8. Variable-Reluctance
Machines and Stepping Motors. 9. Single- and Two-Phase Motors. 10. Introduction
to Power Electronics. 11. Speed and Torque Control. Appendix A. Three-phase
circuits. Appendix B. Voltages, Magnetic Fields and Inductances of Distributed
AC Windings. Appendix C. Engineering Aspects of Practical Electric-Machine
Performance and Operation. Appendix D. The dq0 Transformation. Appendix E.
Table of Constants and Conversion Factors for SI Units
121-160_ELECTRICAL.indd 136
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Electrical Engineering
International Edition
by Stephen J. Chapman, BAE SYSTEMS Australia
2002 / 696 pages / Hardcover
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-229135-3 / MHID: 0-07-229135-4
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-122620-2 / MHID: 0-07-122620-6 [IE]
by Syed Nasar, University of Kentucky
1990 / 224 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-045917-5 / MHID: 0-07-045917-7
Schaum's Publication
Part 1 Introduction. 1 Mechanical and Electro-magnetic Fundamentals. 2
Three-Phase Circuits. Part 2 Power Systems Components. 3 Transformers. 4 AC
Machinery Fundamentals. 5 Synchronous Generators. 6 Synchronous Motors. 7
Induction Motors. 8 Transmission Lines. Part 3 Power Systems. 9 Power System
Representation and Equations. 10 Introduction to Power-Flow Studies. 11
Symmetrical Faults. 12 Asymmetrical Faults
Electricity & Electronics
International Edition
International Edition
by Jim Cathey, University of Kentucky—Lexington
2001 / 1,672 pages / Hardcover
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-118970-5 / MHID: 0-07-118970-X [IE]
1 Introduction. 2 Sinusoidal Steady-State Circuits. 3 Magnetic Circuits and Energy
Conversion. 4 Transformers. 5 DC Machines. 6 Induction Motors. 7 Synchronous
Machines. Appendix A Winding Factors. Appendix B Conversion Factors.
Appendix C Magnetic Wire Tables
International Edition
Second Edition
by D P Kothari, Centre for Energy Studies, Indian Institute of
Technology, Delhi and I J Nagrath, Adjunct Professor, BITS Pilani
2001 / 416 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-463765-4 / MHID: 0-07-463765-7
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-120256-5 / MHID: 0-07-120256-0 [IE]
(Tata McGraw-Hill Title)
1 Introduction to electric machines. 2 Magnetic circuits and induction. 3
Transformers. 4 Principles of electromechanical energy conversion. 5 Basic
concepts in rotating machines. 6 Armature windings. 7 DC machines. 8
Synchronous machines. 9 Induction machine. 10 Fractional-kilowatt motors. 11
Motor control by static power converters. Appendix I: Answers to objective-type
questions. Appendix II: Answers to supplementary problems. Appendix III: A quick
revision for answering vivas and interview. Appendix IV: Constructional features
of electric machines and transformers. Suggested further reading.
Second Edition
by Syed A. Nasar, University of Kentucky
1998 / 208 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-045994-6 / MHID: 0-07-045994-0
Schaum's Publication
Seventh Edition
by Richard J. Fowler
2008 (January 2007) / Softcover
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-322279-0 / MHID: 0-07-322279-8
(with Simulation CD)
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-128593-3 / MHID: 0-07-128593-8
[IE with Simulation CD]
This widely-used text prepares students for entry-level jobs
in electronics, electrical trades and related fields. Its level
and approach are ideal for both electronics and electricity
programs looking for a relatively short, applied book covering
DC/AC circuits. Additional chapters on topics such as safety,
transformers, motors, instrumentation, and residential wiring
are also included. No prior knowledge of electricity is assumed;
the only prerequisites are arithmetic and basic algebra. Practical
skills are emphasized throughout the text, and supported in
the hands-on work provided in the companion Experiments
Manual. MultiSim circuit files are provided, on a bound-in CD
ROM, for those who want to bring software simulation work
into their classes and labs.
• OLC website with career information, test questions, Introduction
to MultiSim, equipment lists for labs and links to key sites. Instructors
are provided with PowerPoint, text problem solutions and lab followup on the site.
• Introduction to magnetism in Chapter 7 has been expanded, with
numerous new photos to convey a visual understanding of magnetic
• Modern coverage of voltage dividers and regulators now provided
in Chapter 5.
• Node voltages techniques have been added to Chapter 5,
Complex Circuits.
• Residential Wiring coverage in Chapter 16 now includes circuit
interrupters; and all material has been updated to reflect 2005 NEC
• Brushless DC motor coverage added to Chapter 17.
• PowerPoint lessons have been revised and updated, with video
clips added in several places.
• CPS from eInstruction is available to adopters; it links directly to
the PowerPoint and electronic test questions provided with the text.
• Frequent Self-Test questions and worked examples provide
students with immediate feedback and step-by-step procedures for
learning key concepts and applications.
• Bound-in CD ROM includes MultiSim simulation files for the
circuits included in the text and the Experiments Manual, in MultiSim
7. New simulation examples have been added to the text, lab manual
and CD ROM.
• Practical, easy-to-understand explanation of DC and AC circuits;
students with limited math background will find the book readable
and accessible.
• Experiments Manual for Electricity: Principles and Applications
correlates with the text and helps students gain practical, hands-on
experience and troubleshooting skills. MultiSim files are available for
those who integrate simulation with their lab experiments.
121-160_ELECTRICAL.indd 137
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Electrical Engineering
1.) Basic Concepts. 1-1 Work and Energy. 1-2 Unit of Energy. 1-3 Energy
Conversion. 1-4 Efficiency. 1-5 Structure of Matter. 1-6 Electric Charge. 1-7 Valence
Electrons. 1-8 Free Electrons. 1-9 Ions. 1-10 Static Charge and Static Electricity.
1-11 Static Discharge. 1-12 Uses of Static Electricity. 2.) Electrical Quantities and
Units. 2-1 Charge. 2-2 Unit of Charge. 2-3 Current and Current Carriers. 2-4 Current
in Solids. 2-5 Current in Liquids and Gases. 2-6 Current in a Vacuum. 2-7 Unit of
Current—The Ampere. 2-8 Voltage. 2-9 Unit of Voltage—The Volt. 2-10 Polarity.
2-11 Sources of Voltage. 2-12 Resistance. 2-13 Conductors. 2-14 Insulators.
2-15 Semiconductors. 2-16 Unit of Resistance—The Ohm. 2-17 Temperature
Coefficient. 2-18 Resistivity. 2-19 Resistors. 2-20 Power and Energy. 2-21 Unit of
Power. 2-22 Efficiency. 2-23 Powers of 10. 2-24 Multiple and Submultiple Units.
2-25 Special Units and Conversions. 3.) Basic Circuits, Laws, and Measurements
>h4>3-1 Circuit Essentials. 3-2 Circuit Symbols and Diagrams . 3-3 Calculating
Electrical Quantities. 3-4 Measuring Electrical Quantities. 4.) Circuit Components.
4-1 Batteries and Cells. 4-2 Lead-Acid Cells. 4-3 Nickel-Cadmium Cells. 4-4
Carbon-Zinc and Zinc Chloride Cells. 4-5 Alkaline-Manganese Dioxide Cells.
4-6 Mercuric Oxide Cells. 4-7 Silver Oxide Cells. 4-8 Lithium Cells >h4>4-9
Miniature Lamps and LEDs. 4-10 Resistors. 4-11 Switches. 4-12 Wires and Cables.
4-13 Fuses and Circuit Breakers. 4-14 Other Components. 5.) Multiple-Load
Circuits. 5-1 Subscripts. 5-2 Power in Multiple-Load Circuits. 5-3 Series Circuits
5-4 Maximum Power Transfer. 5-5 Parallel Circuits. 5-6 Conductance. 5-7
Series-Parallel Circuits. 5-8 Voltage Dividers and Regulators. 6.) Complex-Circuit
Analysis. 6-1 Simultaneous Equations. 6-2 Loop-Equations Technique. 6-3
Node Voltage Technique. 6-4 Superposition Theorem. 6-5 Voltage Sources. 6-6
Thevenin’s Theorem. 6-7 Current Source. 6-8 Norton’s Theorem. 6-9 Comparison
of Techniques. 7.) Magnetism and Electromagnetism. 7-1 Magnetism and Magnets.
7-2 Magnetic Fields, Flux, and Poles. 7-3 Electromagnetism. 7-4 Magnetic
Materials. 7-5 Magnetizing Magnetic Materials. 7-6 Magnetomotive Force. 7-7
Saturation. 7-8 Demagnetizing. 7-9 Residual Magnetism. 7-10 Reluctance. 7-11
Magnetic Shields. 7-12 Induced Voltage. 7-13 Magnetic Quantities and Units.
7-14 Electromagnets. 7-15 DC Motors. 7-16 Solenoids. 7-17 Relays. 7-18 HallEffect Devices. 8.) Alternating Current and Voltage. 8-1 AC Terminology. 8-2
Waveforms. 8-3 Types of AC Waveforms. 8-4 Quantifying Alternating Current.
8-5 The Sine Wave. 8-6 AC Generator. 8-7 Advantages of Alternating Current.
8-8 Three-Phase Alternating Current. 9.) Power in AC Circuits. 9-1 Power in
Resistive AC Circuits . 9-2 Power in Out-Of-Phase Circuits. 9-3 True Power and
Apparent Power. 9-4 Power Factor. 10.) Capacitance. 10-1 Terminology. 10-2
Basic Capacitor Action
10-3 Voltage Rating. 10-4 Unit of Capacitance. 10-5 Determining Capacitance. 106 Types of Capacitors. 10-7 Schematic Symbols. 10-8 Capacitors in DC Circuits
10-9 Capacitors in AC Circuits. 10-10 Capacitors in Series. 10-11 Capacitors
in Parallel. 10-12 Detecting Faulty Capacitors. 10-13 Undesired, or Stray,
Capacitance. 10-14 Capacitor Specifications. 10-15 Uses of Capacitors. 11.)
Inductance. 11-1 Characteristics of Inductance. 11-2 Unit of Inductance—The
Henry. 11-3 Factors of Determining Inductance. 11-4 Types of Inductors. 11-5
Ratings of Inductors. 11-6 Inductors in DC Circuits. 11-7 Ideal Inductors in AC
Circuits. 11-8 Real Inductors in AC Circuits. 11-9 Inductors in Parallel. 11-10
Inductors in Series. 11-11 Time Constants for Inductors. 11-12 Preventing
Mutual Inductance. 11-13 Undesired Inductance. 12.) Transformers. 12-1
Transformer Fundamentals. 12-2 Efficiency of Transformers. 12-3 Loaded and
Unloaded Transformers. 12-4 Transformer Cores. 12-5 Types of Transformers.
12-6 Impedance Matching. 12-7 Transformer Ratings. 12-8 Series and Parallel
Windings. 12-9 Off-Center-Tapped Windings. 12-10 Three-Phase Transformers.
13.) R, C, and L Circuits. 13-1 Impedance. 13-2 Adding Phasors. 13-3 Solving RC
Circuits. 13-4 Solving RL Circuits. 13-5 Solving RCL Circuits. 13-6 Resonance.
13-7 Filters. 14.) Electric Motors. 14-1 Motor Classifications. 14-2 Motor Ratings.
14-3 Motor Enclosures. 14-4 Squirrel-Cage Induction Motors. 14-5 Synchronous
Motors. 14-6 Other Types of Motors. 15.) Instruments and Measurements. 15-1
Digital Multimeter. 15-2 Meter Movements. 15-3 Analog Ammeters 15-4 Analog
Voltmeters. 15-5 Meter Loading. 15-6 Analog Ohmmeters. 15-7 Insulation
Testers. 15-8 Wheatstone Bridge. 15-9 Wattmeters. 15-10 Frequency Meters.
15-11 Measuring Impedance. 15-12 Measuring Inductance and Capacitance. 16.)
Residential Wiring Concepts. 16-1 Electrical Codes. 16-2 Power Distribution. 16-3
Service Entrance. 16-4 Cables and Conductors. 16-5 240-V. Branch Circuits. 16-6
120-V Branch Circuits. 16-7 Switched-Receptacle Outlet. 16-8 Multiple Switching.
16-9 Lighted-Handle Switches. 16-10 Circuit Interrupters. 16-11 Feeder Circuits.
16-12 Low-Voltage Control Circuits. 16-13 Electronic Control Circuits. Glossary
of Terms and Symbols. Appendix A Common Tools. Appendix B Soldering and
the Soldering Process. Appendix C Formulas and Conversions. Appendix D
Cooper Wire Table. Appendix E Resistivity of Metals and Alloys. Appendix F
Temperature Coefficients of Resistance. Appendix G Trigonometric Functions.
Appendix H Capacitor Codes and Color Codes.Appendix I The Oscilloscope.
Appendix J Basics of Cramer’s Rule. Index
International Edition
Seventh Edition
by by Paul B Zbar and Joseph Sloop, Gordon Rockmaker, Electronic
Industries Association
2000 / 460 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-821275-8 / 0-07-821275-8
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-120284-8 / MHID: 0-07-120284-6 [IE]
(A Glencoe/McGraw-Hill Title)
Introduction to Experiments. Resistor Color Code and Measurement of Resistance.
Measurement of Voltage. Conductors and Insulators. Switches and Switching
Circuits. Measurement of Direct Current. Ohm’s Law. Series Circuits. Designing
Series Circuit. Voltage-Divider Circuits unloaded). Current in a Parallel Circuit.
Resistance of a Parallel Circuit. Designing Parallel Circuits. Resistance of SeriesParallel Circuits. Direct-Current Meters (shunts and multipliers). Kirchhoff’s
Voltage Law (one source). Kirchhoff’s Current Law . Voltage-Divider Circuits
(loaded). Designing Voltage and Current-Divider Circuits. Troubleshooting
Electric Circuits using Voltage, Current, and Resistance Measurement. Maximum
Power Transfer. Solving Circuits using Mesh Currents. Balanced-Bridge Circuit.
Superposition Theorem. Thevenin’s Theorem. Norton’s Theorem. Millman’s
Theorem. Magnetic Field Associated with Current in a Wire. Inducing Voltage
in a Coil. Applications of the DC Relay. Oscilloscope Operation. Oscilloscope
Voltage and Frequency Measurement. Peak, RMS, and Average Values of AC.
Characteristics of Inductance. Transformers. Inductances in Series and Parallel.
RC Time Constants. Reactance of a Capacitor (XC). Capacitors in Series and
Parallel. The Capacitive Voltage Divider. Impedance of a Series RL Circuit. Voltage
Relationships in a Series RL Circuit Impedance of a Series RC Circuit. Voltage
Relationships in a Series RC Circuit. Power in AC Circuits. Frequency Response
of a Reactive Circuit. Impedance of a Series RLC Circuit. Effects of Changes in
Frequency on Impedance and Current in a Series RLC Circuit. Impedance of
Parallel RL and RC Circuits. Impedance of a Parralles RLC Circuit. Resonant
Frequency and Frequency Response of a Series RLC Circuit. Effect of Q on
Frequency Response and Bandwidth of a Series Resonant Circuit. Characteristics
of Parallel Resonant Circuits. Low-Pass and Hig h-Pass Filters. RC Bandpass and
Bandstop Filters. Nonlinear Resistors - Thermistors. Nonlinear Resistors - Varistors
(VDRS). Appendices. A: Wiring Methods B: Familiarization with Hand Tools Used
in Electronics C: Soldering Techniques.
Second Edition
by Aurthur Beiser, New York University
1993 / 224 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-004439-5 / MHID: 0-07-004439-2
Schaum's Publication
121-160_ELECTRICAL.indd 138
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Electrical Engineering
International Edition
A Text-Lab Manual
Fourth Edition
by by Paul B Zbar and Joseph Sloop, Gordon Rockmaker, Electronic
Industries Association
1993 / 384 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-02-800843-1 / MHID: 0-02-800843-X
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-113780-5 / MHID: 0-07-113780-7 [IE]
(A Glencoe/McGraw-Hill Title)
Power Systems
International Edition
Third Edition
by L. S. Kothari, University of Delhi, and I J Nagrath
2003 / Softcover / 708 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-049489-3 / MHID: 0-07-049489-4
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-124111-3 / MHID: 0-07-124111-6 [IE]
(Tata McGraw-Hill Title)
International Edition
by John Grainger, North Carolina State University; William
Stevenson, Jr., late professor, North Carolina State University
1994 / 784 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-061293-8 / MHID: 0-07-061293-5
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-113338-8 / MHID: 0-07-113338-0 [IE]
1 Basic Concepts/2 Transformers/3 The Synchronous Machine/4 Series Impedance
of Transmission Lines/5 Capacitance of Transmission Lines/6 Current and
Voltage Relations on a Transmission Line/7 The Admittance Model and Network
Calculations/8 The Impedance Model and Network Calculations/9 Power Flow
Solutions/10 Symmetrical Faults/11 Symmetrical Components and Sequence
Networks/12 Unsymmetrical Faults/13 Economic Operation of Power Systems/14
Zbus Methods in Contingency Analysis/15 State Estimation of Power Systems/16
Power System Stability
International Edition
Fourth Edition
by William Stevenson, Jr., North Carolina State University
1982 / 436 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-066584-2 / MHID: 0-07-066584-2 [IE]
1. Introduction. 2. Inductance and Resistance of Transmission Lines. 3. Capacitance
of Transmission Lines. 4. Representation of Power System Components. 5.
Characteristics and Performance of Power Transmission Lines. 6. Load Flow
Studies. 7. Optional System Operation. 8. Automatic Generation and Voltage
Control. 9. Symmetrical Fault Analysis. 10. Symmetrical Components. 11.
Unsymmetrical Fault Analysis. 12. Power System Stability. 13. Power System
Security. 14. An Introduction to State Estimation of Power Systems. 15.
Compensation in Power Systems. 16. Load Forecasting Technique. 17. Voltage
Stability. Appendix A : Introduction to Vector and Matrix Algebra. Appendix B
: General Circuit Constants. Appendix C : Triangular Factorization and Optimal
Ordering. Appendix D : Elements of Power System Jacobian Matrix. Appendix
E : Kuhn-Tucker Theorem. Appendix F : Real-Time Computer Control of Power
Systems. Appendix G : Introduction to MATLAB and SIMULINK. Answers to
Problems. Index.
Power Electronic
Second Edition
by M D Singh and K B Khanchandani
2006 (April 2006) / 800 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-058389-4 / MHID: 0-07-058389-7
(Tata McGraw-Hill Title)
(Details unavailable at press time)
International Edition
Second Edition
by Hadi Saadat, Milwaukee School of Engineering
2002 / 712 pages / Softcover
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-123955-4 / MHID: 0-07-123955-3 [IE with CD]
1 The Power System: An Overview. 2 Basic Principles. 3 Generator - Transformer
Models and the Per Unit System. 4 Transmission Line Parameters. 5 Line Model
and Performance. 6 Power Flow Analysis. 7 Optimal Dispatch of Generation.
8 Synchronous Machine Transient Analysis. 9 Balanced Fault. 10 Symmetrical
Components and Imbalanced Fault. 11 Stability. 12 Power System Control.
International Edition
Third Edition
by Cyril W Lander
1994 / 496 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-707714-3 / MHID: 0-07-707714-8
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-113445-3 / MHID: 0-07-113445-X [IE]
Rectifying Devices. Rectifying Circuits. Converter Operation. DC Line
Commutation. Frequency Conversion. Some Applications. Harmonics. DC
Machine Control. AC Machine Control. Protection. Glossary of Terms. References
and Bibliography.
121-160_ELECTRICAL.indd 139
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Electrical Engineering
High Voltage Engineering
International Edition
Third Edition
by M S Naidu, Indian Institute of Science Bangalore, V Kamaraju,
JNTU College of Engineering, Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh
2003 / 410 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-049464-0 / MHID: 0-07-049464-9
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-123869-4 / MHID: 0-07-123869-7 [IE]
(Tata McGraw-Hill Title)
1 Introduction. 2 Conduction and breakdown in gases. 3 Conduction and
breakdown in liquid dielectrics. 4 Breakdown in solid dielectrics. 5 Applications of
insulating materials. 6 Generation of high voltages and currents. 7 Measurement of
high voltages and currents. 8 Over voltage phenomena and insulation coordination
in electric power systems. 9 Non-destructive testing of materials and electrical
apparatus. 10 High voltage testing of high voltage apparatus. 11 Design, Planning
and layout of high voltage laboratories.
International Edition
Seventh Edition
by William Hayt, (deceased), and John Buck, Georgia Institute of
2006 / 608 pages / Hardcover
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-310463-8 / MHID: 0-07-310463-9 (with CD)
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-124449-7 / MHID: 0-07-124449-2 [IE with CD]
The book website contains the solutions manual, image set and other
resources. (Browse http://www.mhhe.com/haytbuck7)
Engineering Electromagnetics is a “classic” book that has
been updated for electromagnetics in today’s world. It is
designed for introductory courses in electromagnetics or
electromagnetic field theory at the junior-level, but can also
be used as a professional reference. This widely respected
book stresses fundamentals and problem solving and discusses
the material in an understandable, readable way. Numerous
illustrations and analogies are provided to the aid the reader in
grasping difficult concepts. In addition, independent learning is
facilitated by the presence of many examples and problems.
• One of the most significant changes in the seventh edition is
the re-positioning of the transmission lines chapter ahead of the
plane waves chapter. The transmission lines chapter has also been
re-written and expanded so that it can be used at any point in the
course outline (including its use as the initial topic). To facilitate this,
the fields description of transmission line waves is now located in the
waveguides chapter. Also, the topic of transmission lines losses has
been added to the transmission lines chapter.
• The two plane waves chapters have been modified to
accommodate the new ordering. Although an instructor can still use
them ahead of transmission lines if they wish.
• Other additions to the 7e include a new section on optical fibers
in the waveguides chapter.
• Many new end-of-chapter problems have been included. The drill
problems have also been updated. In addition, new examples and
applications have been added.
• The book has an expanded Web site which includes the solutions
manual (for instructors only), downloadable JPEG files of the figures,
as well as other helpful student and instructor resources.
• COSMOS—contains the entire book problem set, enhanced to
include any referenced images or text, as well as the entire solution
set for the book. In addition, this application will help you organize,
distribute, and track problem sets from the text book as you assign
them to your students.
• The book comes packaged with an extensive multi-media CDROM. Key components of the CD include: illustrations, animations,
interactives, quizzes and searchable PowerPoint lectures with
additional learning material. These resources will be of great use to
both the student and the instructor.
• The book has been written with the goal of making it as easy as
possible for the student to learn independently. This has been done
by applying a carefully graduated scale of difficulty within each
chapter and among the chapters themselves, by providing numerical
examples, a large number of drill problems with answers, as well as
end-of-chapter problems.
• The material is more than adequate for a one-semester course.
Professors can omit portions of some of the chapters depending on
the instructional level. Also, the more difficult material has been
placed near the ends of chapters or at the end of the study of some
definite phase of the subject to help bring along varying levels of
1 Vector Analysis. 2 Coulomb’s Law and Electric Field Intensity. 3 Electric Flux
Density, Gauss’s Law, and Divergence. 4 Energy and Potential. 5 Currents and
Conductors. 6 Dielectrics and Capacitance. 7 Poisson’s and Laplace’s Equations.
8 The Steady Magnetic Field. 9 Magnetic Forces, Materials, and Inductance. 10
Time-Varying Fields and Maxwell’s Equations. 11 Transmission Lines. 12 The
Uniform Plane Wave. 13 Plane Waves at Boundaries and in Dispersive Media.
14 Electromagnetic Waves in Transmission Lines and Waveguides. Appendix A
Vector Analysis. Appendix B Units. Appendix C Material Constants. Appendix D
Orgins of the Complex Permittivity. Appendix E Answers to Selected Problems
Fourth Edition
by Mahmood Nahvi and Joseph A. Edminister, University of Akron
2003 / 400 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-139307-2 / MHID: 0-07-139307-2
Schaum's Publication
1. Introduction. 2. Circuit Concepts. 3. Circuit Laws. 4. Analysis Methods. 5.
Amplifiers and Operational Amplifier Circuits. 6. Waveforms and Signals. 7. FirstOrder Circuits. 8. Higher-Order Circuits and Complex Frequency. 9. Sinusoidal
Steady-State Circuit Analysis. 10. AC Power. 11. Polyphase Circuits. 12. Frequency
Response, Filters, and Resonance. 13. Two-Port Networks. 14. Mutual Inductance
and Transformers. 15. Circuit Analysis Using Spice and Pspice. 16. The LaPlace
Transform Method. 17. Fourier Method of Waveform Analysis. Appendix A
Complex Number System. Appendix B Matrices and Determinants.
International Edition
Fifth Edition
by John Kraus, Ohio State University (Emeritus) and Daniel A Fleisch,
Aeroflex-Lintele Corp, and Wittenburg University
1999 / 800 pages / Hardcover
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-116429-0 / MHID: 0-07-116429-4 [IE]
1 Introduction. 2 Electric and Magnetic Fields. 3 Transmission Lines. 4 Wave
Propagation, Attenuation, Polarization, Reflection, Refraction and Diffraction.5
Antennas, Radiation, Radar and Wireless. 6 Electrodynamics. 7 Dielectric
and Magnetic Materials. 8 Waveguides, Resonators and Fiber Optics. 9 BioElectromagnetics. 10 Electromagnetic Effects in High-Speed Digital Systems. 11
Numerical Techniques
121-160_ELECTRICAL.indd 140
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Electrical Engineering
Second Edition
by Syed A. Nasar, University of Kentucky
1998 / 208 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-045994-6 / MHID: 0-07-045994-0
Schaum's Publication
Second Edition
by Joseph Edminister Cornell University
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-021234-3 / MHID: 0-07-021234-1
Schaum's Publication
International Edition
Second Edition
by Theodore F Bogart, University of Southern Mississippi
1992 / 864 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-112920-6 / MHID: 0-07-112920-0 [IE]
(A Glencoe/McGraw-Hill Title)
Electromagnetics (Advanced)
International Edition
Third Edition
by Merrill I. Skolnik
2001 / 784 pages / Hardcover
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-288138-7 / MHID: 0-07-288138-0
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-118189-1 / MHID: 0-07-288138-0 [IE]
1 An Introduction to Radar. 2 The Radar Equation. 3 MTI and Pulse Doppler
Radar. 4 Tracking Radar. 5 Detection of Signals in Noise. 6 Information from Radar
Signals. 7 Radar Clutter. 8 Propogation of Radar Waves . 9 The Radar Antenna.
10 Radar Transmitters. 11 Radar Receiver
Microwaves & Antennas
International Edition
Third Edition
by John Kraus, Professor Emeritus, Ohio State University and Ronald J
Marhefka, Ohio State University
2002 / 960 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-232103-6 / MHID: 0-07-232103-2
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-123201-2 / MHID: 0-07-123201-X [IE]
1 Introduction. 2 Antenna Basics. 3 The Antenna Family. 4 Point Sources. 5
Arrays of Point Sources. 6 The Electric Dipole and Thin Linear Antennas. 7 The
Loop Antenna. 8 End Fire Antennas: The Helical Beam Antenna and the Yagi-Uda
Array. 9 Slot, Patch and Horn Antennas. 9II Slot and Horn Antennas II. 10 Flat
Sheet, Corner and Parabolic Reflector Antennas. 11 Broadband and FrequencyIndependent Antennas. 12 Antenna Temperature, Remote Sensing and Radar
Cross-Section. 13 Self and Mutual Impedances. 14 The Cylindrical Antenna and
the Moment Method (MM). 15 The Fourier Transform Relation Between Aperture
Distribution and Far-Field Pattern. 16 Arrays of Dipoles and of Apertures. 17 Lens
Antennas. 18 Frequency-Selective Surfaces and Periodic Structures by Ben A.
Munk. 19 Practical Design Considerations of Large Aperture Antennas. 20 Some
Examples of Large or Unique Antennas. 21 Antennas for Special Applications. 22
Terahertz Antennas. 23 Baluns, etc. By Ben A. Munk. 24 Antenna Measurements.
By Arto Lehto and Pertti Vainikainen. Appendix A Tables for Reference. Appendix
B Books and Video Tapes. Appendix C Computer Programs (Codes). Appendix D
Absorbing Materials. Appendix E Measurement Error
International Edition
by A Das, Anna University and Sisir K Das, Head, EMC Division,
Sameer Center for Electromagnetics, India
2000 / 640 pages / softcover
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-463577-3 / MHID: 0-07-463577-8
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-118884-5 / MHID: 0-07-118884-3 [IE]
(Tata McGraw-Hill Title)
Introduction. Basic Transmission Line Theory. Propagation of Electromagnetic
Waves. Microwave Transmission Lines. Impedance Transformations For Matching.
Microwave Network Theory and Passive Devices. Microwave Resonators.
Microwave Filters. Microwave Vacuum Tube Devices. Microwave Solid State
Devices and Circuits. Applications of Microwaves. Microwave Radiation Hazards.
Microwave Measurements.
121-160_ELECTRICAL.indd 141
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Electrical Engineering
Signals & Systems
by M.J. Roberts, University Of Tennessee-Knoxville
2008 (January 2007) / Hardcover / 800 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-330950-7 / MHID: 0-07-330950-8
(with Bind-in card)
As in most areas of science and engineering, the most important
and useful theories are the ones that capture the essence, and
therefore the beauty, of physical phenomena. This is true
of signals and systems. Signals and Systems: Analysis Using
Transform Methods and MATLAB captures the mathematical
beauty of signals and systems and offers a student-centered,
pedagogically driven approach. The author has a clear
understanding of the issues students face in learning the
material and does a superior job of addressing these issues. The
book is intended to cover a one-semester sequence in Signals
and Systems for juniors in engineering. This text is created in
modular format, so instructors can select chapters within the
framework that they teach this course.
• The new brief version of Roberts is somewhat shorter than the
comprehensive version and, most importantly, has been modularized
to allow reduced topic coverage without loss of continuity.
• This version includes many exciting new examples with a
practical flavor.
• Roberts continues to offer alternating parallel coverage of
continuous-time and discrete-time signals and systems, something
most professors want.
• Roberts includes unified and consistent notation for all transform
methods to aid retention and understanding of relations among
transform methods.
• Since MATLAB is key to many Signals and Systems courses, a
large number of MATLAB examples and a comprehensive Appendix
on the important MATLAB operators and functions used in signal and
system analysis have been included.
• An ARIS site accompanies the book and features such things
as solutions and ppts for instructors, and concept simulators and
algorithmic problems for students.
1 Introduction. 2 Mathematical Description of Continuous-Time Signals. 3
Mathematical Description of Discrete-Time Signals. 4 Properties of ContinuousTime Systems. 5 Properties of Discrete-Time Systems. 6 Time-Domain Analysis of
Continuous-Time Systems. 7 Time-Domain Analysis of Discrete-Time Systems
8 The Continuous-Time Fourier Series. 9 The Discrete-Time Fourier Series. 10 The
Continuous-Time Fourier Transform. 11 The Discrete-Time Fourier Transform
12 Continuous-Time Fourier Transform Analysis of Signals and Systems. 13
Discrete-Time Fourier Transform Analysis of Signals and Systems. 14 Sampling and
the Discrete Fourier Transform. 15 The Laplace Transform. 16 The z Transform
Appendix A: Useful Mathematical Relations. Appendix B: The Continuous-Time
Fourier Series Pairs. Appendix C: Discrete-Time Fourier Series Pairs. Appendix
D: Continuous-Time Fourier Transform Pairs. Appendix E: Discrete-Time Fourier
Transform Pairs. Appendix F: Laplace Transform Pairs. Appendix G: z Transform
International Edition
Analysis of Signals Through Linear Systems
by M J Roberts, University of Tennessee—Knoxville
2004 / 832 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-293044-3 / MHID: 0-07-293044-6
(with OLC Bind-In Card)
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-123268-5 / MHID: 0-07-123268-0 [IE]
The website will contain solutions, pdf files of figures, concept
simulations, and Frontiers in Signals and Systems featuring the author s
work on biological systems and other interesting applications in the field.
(Browse http://highered.mcgraw-hill.com/sites/0072499427)
Signals and Systems by M.J. Roberts offers a student-centered,
pedagogically driven approach to teaching Signals and
Systems. The author has a clear understanding of the issues
students face in learning the material and does a superior job
of addressing these issues. The book is intended to cover a
two-semester sequence in Signals and Systems for Juniors in
1 Introduction. 2 Mathematical Description of Signals. 3 Description and Analysis
of Systems. 4 The Fourier Series. 5 The Fourier Transform. 6 Fourier Transform
Analysis of Signals and Systems. 7 Sampling and the Discrete Fourier Transform.
8 Correlation, Energy Spectral Density, and Power Spectral Density. 9 The Laplace
Transform. 10 Laplace Transform Analysis of Signals and Systems. 11 The z
Transform. 12 z-Transform Analysis of Signals and Systems. Appendix A: Useful
Mathematical Relations. Appendix B: Introduction to MATLAB. Appendix C: Least
Common Multiples. Appendix D: Convolution Properties. Appendix E: Table of
Fourier Pairs. Appendix F: Table of Laplace Transform Pairs
Appendix G: Table of z Transform Pairs. Appendix H: Complex Numbers and
Functions. Appendix I: Differential and Difference Equations. Appendix J: Vectors
and Matrices. Bibliography
International Edition
by I J Nagrath, formerly Deputy Director, Birla Institute of
Technology and Science, Pilani and S N Sharan, R Ranjan and S
Kumar of BITS, Pilani
2001 / 512 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-463771-5 / MHID: 0-07-463771-1
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-120271-8 / MHID: 0-07-120271-4 [IE]
(Tata McGraw-Hill Title)
Introduction to Signals and Systems. Analysis of Continuous-time Systems - time
domain and Frequency Domain. Analysis of LTI Discrete-time Systems - time
domain and Frequency Domain. Discrete Fourier Transform and Fast Fourier
Transform. State Space Analysis. Stability Analysis of LTI Systems. Analog and
Digital Filter Design. Fundamentals of Random Processes. Matlab Tools for Design
and Analysis of Digital Filters.
121-160_ELECTRICAL.indd 142
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Electrical Engineering
International Edition
by Douglas K Lindner, Virginia Polytechnic Institute
1999 / 984 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-116489-4 / MHID: 0-07-116489-4 [IE]
1 Introduction. 2 Real Functions, Limits & Sequences. 3 Review of Complex
Variables. 4 Review of Matrix Theory. 5 Introduction to Signal Modeling. 6
Introduction to Systems. 7 Fourier Series and Fourier Transforms. 8 Spectral Content
of a Signal. 9 The Laplace Transform. 10 Transfer Functions, Block Diagrams &
State-Space. 11 Intro. to Realization Theory. 12 Convolution Representation &
Fourier Transfer Function. 13 Properties of Systems. 14 The Frequency Response
Theorem. 15 Sig/Sys Analysis in Frequency Domain. 16 Bode Plots. 17 Intro.
to Sampling, Coding & Quantization. 18 Z Transform & Discrete-Time Fourier
Transform. 19 Sampling. 20 Discrete Fourier Transform. 21Discrete-Time System
Representations. 22 Discrete-Time System Properties. 23 Frequency Domain Anal.
of Discrete-Time Systems. 24 Digital Filter Design.
Digital Signal Processing
• The expanded Web site for the book includes a downloadable
version of the solutions manual (available to instructors only) and
a link to the author’s FTP site for updated versions of the MATLAB
• The main text includes a CD-ROM containing all MATLAB
programs, real-life signals that can be used by the reader for
processing, additional exercises, and review materials.
• The main text can be packaged with Digital Signal Processing
Laboratory Using MATLAB, which is intended for a computer-based
DSP laboratory course that supplements a lecture course on Digital
Signal Processing.
• The lab book includes 11 laboratory exercises, with each exercise
containing a number of projects to be carried out on a computer.
The book assumes that the reader has no background in MATLAB
and teaches the reader, through tested programs in the first half of
the book, the basics of this powerful language in solving important
problems in signal processing. In the second half of the book, the
student is asked to write the necessary MATLAB programs to carry
out the projects.
• A key feature of the book is the extensive use of MATLAB-based
examples that illustrate the program’s powerful capability to solve
signal processing problems. The book uses a three-state pedagogical
structure with MATLAB: each chapter begins by developing the
essential theory and algorithms, the material is then illustrated with
examples solved by hand calculation, and finally solutions are
derived using MATLAB. From the start, MATLAB codes are provided
with enough detail to allow the students to repeat the examples on
their computer.
International Edition
A Computer-Based Approach
Third Edition
by Sanjit K. Mitra, University of California at Santa Barbara
2006 / 896 pages / Hardcover
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-304837-6 / MHID: 0-07-304837-2 (with CD)
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-125579-0 / MHID: 0-07-125579-6 [IE with CD]
The expanded Web site for the book includes a downloadable version
of the solutions manual (available to instructors only) and a link to the
authorʼs FTP site for updated versions of the MATLAB M-files. (Browse
Digital Signal Processing: A Computer-Based Approach is
intended for a two-semester course on digital signal processing
for seniors or first-year graduate students. Based on user
feedback, a number of new topics have been added to the third
edition, while some excess topics from the second edition have
been removed. The author has taken great care to organize
the chapters more logically by reordering the sections within
chapters. More worked-out examples have also been included.
The book contains more than 500 problems and 150 MATLAB
exercises. New topics in the third edition include: short-time
characterization of discrete-time signals, expanded coverage of
discrete-time Fourier transform and discrete Fourier transform,
prime factor algorithm for DFT computation, sliding DFT,
zoom FFT, chirp Fourier transform, expanded coverage of ztransform, group delay equalization of IIR digital filters, design
of computationally efficient FIR digital filters, semi-symbolic
analysis of digital filter structures, spline interpolation, spectral
factorization, discrete wavelet transform.
1 Signals and Signal Processing. 2 Discrete-Time Signals and Systems. 3 DiscreteTime Signals and Systems in the Frequency Domain. 4 Digital Processing of
Continuous-Time Signals. 5 Finite-Length Discrete Transforms. 6 Discrete-Time
Signals and Systems in the z-Domain. 7 LTI Discrete-Time Systems in the Transform
Domain. 8 Digital Filter Structures. 9 IIR Digital Filter Design. 10 FIR Digital Filter
Design. 11 DSP Algorithm Implementation Considerations. 12 Analysis of Finite
Wordlength Effects. 13 Multirate Digital Signal Processing Fundamentals. 14
Multirate Filter Banks and Wavelets. 15 Applications of Digital Signal Processing.
Appendix: Random Signals
International Edition
by B. Venkataramani, and M. Bhaskar, Regional Engineering College,
Tiruchirappalli, India
2002 / 424 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-047334-8 / MHID: 0-07-047334-X
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-122897-8 / MHID: 0-07-122897-7 [IE]
(Tata McGraw-Hill Title)
1. An Overview of Digital Signal Processing and its Applications. 2. Introduction
To Programmable DSPs. 3. Architecture of Tms320c5x. 4. Tms320c5x Assembly
language Instructions. 5. Instruction Pipelining in C5x. 6. Application Programs
in C5x. 7. Architecture of Tms320c3x. 8. Addressing Modes and Assembly
Language Instructions of C3x. 9. Application Programmes in C3x. 10. Tms320c54x
Overview. 11. Tms320c54x Assembly Language Instructions. 12. Application
Programs on C54x. 13. An Overview of Tms320c6x DSPS. 14. An Overview
of Motorola DSP563xx. 15. Recent Trends in DSP System Design. Answers to
Selected Questions. Bibliography. Index
• The original MATLAB programs of the second edition have been
updated to run on the newer versions of MATLAB and the Signal
Processing ToolBox. In addition, brand new MATLAB programs and
code fragments have been added to this edition.
• The text makes extensive use of examples to illustrate theory,
design and applications. The 353 simple, but practical examples
expose the reader to real-life signal processing problems throughout
the book. The book concludes with a chapter focused on several
important practical applications of DSP. These applications are easy
to follow and do not require knowledge of other advanced level
121-160_ELECTRICAL.indd 143
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Electrical Engineering
International Edition
by S Salivahanan, Mepco Schlenk Engineering College, Sivakasi, A
Vallavaraj, Caledonian College of Engineering, Sultanate of Oman,
and C Gnanapriya, Infosys Technologies Limited, Bangalore
2000 / 808 pages / Softcover
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-463996-2 / MHID: 0-07-463996-X
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-118982-8 / MHID: 0-07-118982-3 [IE]
(Tata McGraw-Hill Title)
1 Classification of signals and systems. 2 Fourier analysis of periodic and aperiodic
continuous-time signals and systems. 3 Applications of laplace transform to
system analysis. 4 z-transform. 5 Linear time invariant systems. 6 Discrete and
fast fourier transforms. 7 Finite impulse response (fir) filters. 8 Infinite impulse
response (iit) filters. 9 Realisation of digital linear systems. 10 Effects of finite
word length in digital filters. 11 Multirate digital signal processing. 12 Spectral
estimation. 13 Adaptive filters. 14 Applications of digital signal processing. 15
MATLAB programs
by Monson Hayes, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Ga
1999 / 352 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-027389-4 / MHID: 0-07-027389-8
Schaum's Publication
Digital Signal Processing
International Edition
by Charles A Schuler, and Mahesh Chugani
2005 / 352 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-829744-1 / MHID: 0-07-829744-3
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-111331-1 / MHID: 0-07-111331-2 [IE]
(A Glencoe/McGraw-Hill Title)
Browse http://www.mhhe.com/dsp
This new book is intended for two-year and four-year electronics
students, as well as industry practitioners who need to learn
about applied Digital Signal Processing. The text has a very
practical “hands-on” approach, appropriate for those students
who will apply and troubleshoot modern electronic systems.
The authors present critical ideas and then apply them to realworld technician work via software simulations and examples.
These activities will clearly illustrate core concepts to increase
understanding and aid retention. The CD-ROM included
with the text contains five programs that support the handson activities. Three of the programs were specially prepared
for beginners just learning DSP; two present demo versions of
professional software used by DSP designers.
• The approach used in this book presents critical ideas and then
immediately applies them via software simulations and examples.
• The text includes coverage of digital conversion, Fourier Analysis,
analog filters, infinite impulse response (IIR) filters and finite impulse
response (FIR) filters.
• The text includes practical lab applications, which will be
completed using the CD-ROM packaged with the text.
• Instructor’s manual and presentations are available on passwordprotected Instructor’s website.
• Student CD-ROM includes QEDesign 1000--Educational Version.
Chapter 1 Introduction to Digital Signal Processing. Chapter 2 Converting Analog
Signals to Digital Signals. Chapter 3 Correlation and Convolution. Chapter 4
Periodic Functions and Fourier Synthesis. Chapter 5 Discrete Fourier Transform.
Chapter 6 Windows. Chapter 7 Digital Filters. Chapter 8 Practical Implementation
of Filters. Chapter 9 Digital Signal Processing Systems. Chapter 10 Illustrated DSP
Dictionary. Index
McGraw-Hill is interested
in reviewing manuscript
for publication. Please
contact your local
McGraw-Hill office or email to
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121-160_ELECTRICAL.indd 144
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Electrical Engineering
International Edition
Third Edition
by Louis E. Frenzel
2008 (January 2007) / Hardcover
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-322278-3 / MHID: 0-07-322278-X
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-110810-2 / MHID: 0-07-110810-6 [IE, with OLC]
Browse http://www.mhhe.com/frenzel3e
Principles of Electronic Communication Systems is designed
for an introductory course in communication electronics for
Electronics Technology and Electrical Engineering Technology
students who have a background in basic electronics,
algebra and trigonometry. The text covers current, state-ofthe-art technologies used in all forms of modern electronic
communications, using a systems approach to best reflect
current industry practice. This edition contains greatly expanded
and updated material on the Internet, cell phones and wireless
technologies. Practical skills like testing and troubleshooting
are included throughout the new edition. As before, Frenzel's
book is notable for its readability, which is augmented by
numerous four-color line drawings, photographs, examples
and learning features. A brand-new Laboratory & Activities
Manual provides both hands-on experiments and a variety of
other activities, reflecting the variety of skills now needed in
the electronic communications world. A new Online Learning
Center web site is available, with a wealth of learning resources
for students, and teaching materials for instructors.
• New streamlined book design used to highlight learning features,
four-color art figures and photographs.
• Updated coverage of cell phones and wireless technologies in
chapters 20 and 21.
• Systems approach to electronic communications is used, reflecting
current trends in the workplace.
• Internet technologies are covered in new chapter 15, which
includes a section on Internet Security.
• OLC website includes includes the follwing student resources:
self-tests, lab follow-up, links to sites of interest, chapter study
overviews, and career information. Instructors will find online
versions of the instructor's manual, PowerPoint and lab follow-up.
• An all-new Laboratory & Activities Manual is available, with
hands-on labs, simulation routines, and a wide range of activities.
• Television chapter, fully updated, is available on the OLC website,
for those who cover the topic.
• Tests & Measurements are covered in chapter 22, with coverage
of new technologies like JTAG.
• "Good to Know" margin features direct students to key points in
the text.
• Modern coverage of all major communications topics,
concentrating on the key areas students need to master.
• Instructor Productivity Center (IPC) offers complete PowerPoint
lessons and electronic test banks for each chapter, plus the
Instructor's Manual, with complete solutions to text questions and
problems, in electronic form. CPS from eInstruction is also available
for classroom management and testing.
Preface. Chapter 1 Introduction to Electronic Communication. 1-1 The Significance
of Human Communications. 1-2 Communication Systems. 1-3 Types of Electronic
Communication. 1-4 Modulation and Multiplexing. 1-5 The Electromagnetic
Spectrum. 1-6 Bandwidth. 1-7 A Survey of Communication Applications. 18 Careers in the Communications Industry. Chapter 2 The Fundamentals of
Electronics: A Review. 2-1 Gain, Attenuation and Decibels. 2-2 Tuned Circuits.
2-3 Filters. 2-4 Fourier Theory. Chapter 3 Amplitude Modulation Fundamentals
3-1 AM Concepts. 3-2 Modulation Index and Percentage of Modulation. 3-3
Sidebands and The Frequency Domain. 3-4 AM Power. 3-5 Single-Sideband
Modulation. 3-6 Classification of Radio Emissions. Chapter 4 Amplitude Modulator
and Demodulator Circuits. 4-1 Basic Principles of Amplitude Modulation. 4-2
Amplitude Modulators. 4-3 Amplitude Demodulators. 4-4 Balanced Modulators
4-5 SSB Circuits. Chapter 5 Fundamentals of Frequency Modulation. 5-1 Basic
Principles of Frequency Modulation. 5-2 Principles of Phase Modulation 5-3
Modulation Index and Sidebands. 5-4 Noise Suppression Effects of FM. 5-5
Frequency Modulation versus Amplitude Modulation. Chapter 6 FM Circuits.
6-1 Frequency Modulators. 6-2 Phase Modulators. 6-3 Frequency Demodulators.
Chapter 7 Digital Communications Techniques. 7-1 Digital Transmission of
Data. 7-2 Data Converters. 7-3 Parallel and Serial Transmission. 7-4 Pulse Code
Modulation. 7-5 Pulse Modulation. 7-6 Digital Signal Processing. Chapter 8 Radio
Transmitters. 8-1 Transmitter Fundamentals. 8-2 Carrier Generators. 8-3 Power
Amplifiers. 8-4 Impedance Matching Networks. 8-5 Typical Transmitter Circuits
Chapter 9 Communications Receivers., 9-1 Basic Principles of Signal
Reproduction. 9-2 Superheterodyne Receivers. 9-3 Frequency Conversion. 9-4
Intermediate Frequency and Images. 9-5 Noise. 9-6 Typical Receiver Circuits.
9-7 Receivers and Transmitters. Chapter 10 Multiplexing and Demultiplexing.
10-1 Multiplexing Principles. 10-2 Frequency Division Multiplexing. 10-3 Time
Division Multiplexing. 10-3 Pulse Code Modulation. 10-4 Duplexing. Chapter
11 Data Transmission Techniques. 11-1 Digital Codes. 11-2 Principles of Digital
Transmission. 11-3 Transmission Efficiency. 11-4 Basic Modem Concepts. 11-5
Wideband Modulation. 11-6 Advanced Modem Technology. 11-7 Error Detection
and Correction. 11-8 Protocols. Chapter 12 Introduction to Networking and Local
Area Networks. 12-1 Network Fundamentals. 12-2 LAN Hardware. 12-3 Ethernet
LANs. 12-4 Token Ring LAN. Chapter 13 Transmission Lines. 13-1 Transmission
Line Basics. 13-2 Standing Waves. 13-3 Transmission Lines as Circuit Elements
13-4 The Smith Chart. Chapter 14 Antennas and Wave Propagation. 14-1 Antenna
Fundamentals. 14-2 Common Antenna Types. 14-3 Radio Wave Propagation.
Chapter 15 Internet Technologies. 15-1 Internet Applications. 15-2 Internet
Transmission Systems. 15-3 Storage Area Networks. 15-4 Internet Security. Chapter
16 Microwave Communications. 16-1 Microwave Concepts. 16-2 Microwave
Transistor Amplifiers. 16-3 Waveguides and Cavity Resonators. 16-4 Microwave
Semiconductor Diodes. 16-5 Microwave Tubes. 16-6 Microwave Antennas. 167 Microwave Applications. Chapter 17 Satellite Communications. 17-1 Satellite
Orbits. 17-2 Satellite Communications Systems. 17-3 Satellite Subsystems. 17-4
Ground Stations. 17-5 Satellite Applications. Chapter 18 Telecommunication
Systems. 18-1 Telephones. 18-2 The Telephone System. 18-3 Facsimile. 18-4
Paging Systems. 18-5 Integrated Services Digital Network. 18-6 Internet Telephony.
Chapter 19 Optical Communication. 19-1 Optical Principles. 19-2 Optical
Communication System. 19-3 Fiber Optic Cables. 19-4 Optical Transmitters and
Receivers. 19-5 Wavelength Division Multiplexing. 19-6 Passive Optical Networks.
Chapter 20 Cell Phone Technologies. 20-1 Cellular Telephone Systems. 20-2 The
Advanced Mobile Telephone System. 20-3 Digital Cell Phone Systems. Chapter
21 Wireless Technologies. 21-1 Wireless LANs. 21-2 PANs and Bluetooth. 21-3
ZigBee and Mesh Wireless Networks. 21-4 WiMAX and Wireless Metropolitan
Area Networks. 21-5 Infrared Wireless. 21-6 Radio Frequency Identification. 21-7
Ultra Wideband Wireless. Chapter 22 Communication Tests and Measurements.
22-1 Communications Test Equipment. 22-2 Common Communication Tests.
22-3 Troubleshooting Techniques. 22-4 Electromagnetic Interference Testing.
Appendix. Glossary. Index.
121-160_ELECTRICAL.indd 145
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Electrical Engineering
Fourth Edition
by Behrouz A. Forouzan, De Anza College
2007 (February 2006) / Hardcover
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-325032-8 / MHID: 0-07-325032-5
Browse http://www.mhhe.com/forouzan
As one of the fastest growing technologies in our culture today,
data communications and networking presents a unique
challenge for instructors. As both the number and types of
students are increasing, it is essential to have a textbook that
provides coverage of the latest advances, while presenting
the material in a way that is accessible to students with little
or no background in the field. Using a bottom-up approach,
Data Communications and Networking presents this highly
technical subject matter without relying on complex formulas
by using a strong pedagogical approach supported by more
than 700 figures.
Now in its Fourth Edition, this textbook brings the beginning
student right to the forefront of the latest advances in the field,
while presenting the fundamentals in a clear, straightforward
manner. Students will find better coverage, improved figures
and better explanations on cutting-edge material. The
"bottom-up" approach allows instructors to cover the material
in one course, rather than having separate courses on data
communications and networking.
• Strong in-text pedagogy is designed for the beginning student and
includes numerous figures, highlighted points, examples and real
life applications, key terms, chapter summaries, practice sets and an
extensive glossary and list of acronyms.
• Added coverage of TCP/IP and extensive new material on Security
• Text uses a bottom-up approach where students learn about data
communications before learning about networking. This approach
allows instructors to cover the material in one course, rather than
having separate courses on data communications and networking.
• An On-line Learning Center is available to provide extra material
to both students and instructors. Some features of the on-line learning
center include: PowerPoint Slides, Solutions, and Animated Figures
from the text and solutions of odd-numbered problems for students.
(even-numbered solutions for instructor are password protected)
• More than 700 figures provide complete, visual presentation of
the material.
Figures replace the need for students to rely on complex formulas.
• The practice set includes an extensive number of review
questions, multiple choice questions, and extended exercises.
International Edition
Second Edition
by Alberto Leon-Garcia, University of Toronto and Indra Widjaja
2004 / 848 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-246352-1 / MHID: 0-07-246352-X
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-119848-6 / MHID: 0-07-119848-2 [IE]
This website will contain: Solutions Manual for selected problems,
Power Point Slides, figures & lecture notes. (Browse http://highered.
This book is designed for introductory one-semester or oneyear courses in communications networks in upper-level
undergraduate programs. The second half of the book can
be used in more advanced courses. As pre-requisites the
book assumes a general knowledge of computer systems
and programming, and elementary calculus. The second
edition expands on the success of the first edition by updating
on technological changes in networks and responding to
comprehensive market feedback.
Preface. 1 Communication Networks and Services. 2 Application and Layered
Architectures. 3 Digital Transmission Fundamentals. 4 Transmission Systems and
Circuit Switching Networks. 5 ARQ and Flow Control. 6 Local Area Networks
and Medium Access Control. 7 Packet-Switching Networks. 8 TCP/IP. 9 ATM
Networks. 10 Advanced Network Architectures. 11 Network Security. 12 MultiMedia Information and Networking. Epilogue. Appendixes. A Delay and Loss
Performance. B Network Management
International Edition
Second Edition
by Hwei Hsu, Fairleigh Dickinson University
2003 / 336 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-140228-6 / MHID: 0-07-140228-4
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-122997-5 / MHID: 0-07-122997-3 [IE]
(International Edition is not for sale in Japan.)
Schaum's Publication
Part 1 Overview of Data Communications and Networking. 1 Introduction. 2
Network Models. Part 2 Physical Layer and Media. 3 Data and Signals. 4 Digital
Transmission. 5 Analog Transmission. 6 Bandwidth Utilization: Multiplexing and
Spreading. 7 Transmission Media. 8 Switching. 9 Using Telephone and Cable
Networks for Data Transmission. Part 3 Data Link Layer. 10 Error Detection
and Correction. 11 Data Link Control. 12 Multiple Access. 13 Wired LANs:
14 Wireless LANs. 15 Connecting LANs, Backbone Networks, and Virtual LANs.
16 Wireless WANs: Cellular Telephone and Satellite Networks. 17 SONET/SDH.
18 Virtual Circuit Networks: Frame Relay and ATM. Part 4 Network Layer. 19
Network Layer: Logical Addressing. 20 Network Layer: Internet Protocol. 21
Network Layer: Address Mapping, Error Reporting, and Multicasting. 22 Network
Layer: Delivery Forwarding, and Routing. Part 5 Transport Layer. 23 Process-toProcess Delivery: UDP, TCP, and SCTP. 24 Congestion Control and Quality of
Service. Part 6 Application Layer. 25 Domain Name System. 26 Remote Logging,
Electronic Mail, and File Transfer. 27 WWW and HTTP. 28 Network Management:
SNMP. 29 Multimedia. Part 7 Security. 30 Cryptography. 31 Network Security.
32 Security in the Internet: IPSec, SSL/TLS, PGP, VPN, and Firewalls. Appendix
A Unicode. Appendix B Numbering Systems. Appendix C Mathematical Review.
Appendix D 8B/6T Code. Appendix E Telephone History. Appendix F Contact
Addresses. Appendix G RFCs. Appendix H UDP and TCP Ports.
International Edition
Fourth Edition
by A. Bruce Carlson, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Janet Rutledge
and Paul Crilly, University of Tennessee at Knoxville
2002 / 864 pages / Hardcover
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-011127-1 / MHID: 0-07-011127-8
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-121028-7 / MHID: 0-07-121028-8 [IE]
1 Introduction. 2 Signals and Spectra. 3 Signal Transmission and Filtering. 4
Linear CW Modulation. 5 Exponential CW Modulation. 6 Sampling and Pulse
Modulation. 7 Analog Communication Systems. 8 Probability and Random
Variables. 9 Random Signals and Noise. 10 Noise in Analog Modulation
Systems. 11 Baseband Digital Transmission. 12 Digitization Techniques for
Analog Messages and Computer Networks. 13 Channel Coding and Encryption.
14 Bandpass Digital Transmission. 15 Spread Spectrum Systems. 16 Information
and Detection Theory. Appendix: Circuit and System Noise
121-160_ELECTRICAL.indd 146
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Electrical Engineering
International Edition
Third Edition
by Louis E Frenzel, Jr.,
2000 / 448 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-02-804837-6 / MHID: 0-02-804837-7
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-118304-8 / MHID: 0-07-118304-3 [IE]
Digital Communications
(A Glencoe/McGraw-Hill Title)
by Amitabha Bhattacharya, Assistant Professor in the Department of
Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering at the Indian School of
Mines, Dhanbad.
2005 / 715 pages / Softcover
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-059117-2 / MHID: 0-07-059117-2
(Tata McGraw-Hill Title)
Introduction to Communication. Amplitude Modulation and Single-Side
Band. Modulation. Amplitude Modulation Circuits. Frequency Modulation.
Frequency Modulation Circuits. Radio Transmitters. Communications Receivers.
Multiplexing. Antennas, Transmission Lines, and Radio Wave Propogation.
Microwave Techniques. Introduction to Satellite Communications. Data
Communication. Fiber-Optic Telecommunica-tions. Television. The Telephone
Systems and its Applications.
International Edition
Fourth Edition
by George Kennedy and Bernard Davis
1992 / 786 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-112672-4 / MHID: 0-07-112672-4 [IE]
(A Glencoe/McGraw-Hill Title)
International Edition
Digital Communication is the study of transmission of information
that is encoded digitally (as for storage and processing by
computers). This book is an attempt to provide the students
with a simplified, focussed, and comprehensive text on Digital
Communication. The book is ideal for an undergraduate course
on the topic. Salient Features : Provides a systems approach
to Digital Communication right at the foundational level
(block diagrammatic approach to the various systems-Linear,
Non-Linear, Causal etc.); Lucidly written text. (Definition and
presentation of Sampling theorem, Signal space representation
of signal space concepts); Covers digital modulation based on
signal-space concepts. This will facilitate the students to design
the modern digital communication systems on their own;
Every system is judged in terms of its bandwidth efficiency and
power efficiency. All the necessary theory to derive these two
crucial parameters of a communication system is derived from
first principles; The depth and span of coverage (E.g., Depth
of coverage of Sampling Theorem and Quantization), and the
mathematical rigor makes it suitable for a one semester course
on Digital Communication at the UG level.
Part I: Preview. 1. Introduction. 2. Signals and Systems : Fundamental Concepts.
Part II: Baseband Systems. 3. Baseband Transmission Techniques: Formatting. 4.
Baseband Transmission Techniques: Coding. 5. Baseband Reception Techniques.
Part III: Bandpass Systems. 6. Bandpass Signal Transmission. 7. Bandpass Signal
Reception. Appendix A: Q and error functions. Appendix B: Continuous Phase
Modulation (CPM). Appendix C: Decision-Directed Carrier Recovery.
Sixth Edition
by Robert L Shrader
1993 / 864 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-057157-0 / MHID: 0-07-057157-0
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-113665-5 / MHID: 0-07-113665-7 [IE]
(A Glencoe/McGraw-Hill Title)
International Edition
Fourth Edition
by John Proakis, Northeastern University
2001 / 1,024 pages / Hardcover
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-232111-1 / MHID: 0-07-232111-3
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-118183-9 / MHID: 0-07-118183-0 [IE]
1 Introduction. 2 Probability and Stochastic Processes. 3 Source Coding. 4
Characterization of Communication Signals and Systems. 5 Optimum Receivers
for the Additive White Gaussian Noise Channel. 6 Carrier and Symbol
Synchronization. 7 Channel Capacity and Coding. 8 Block and Convolutional
Channel Codes. 9 Signal Design for Band-Limited Channels. 10 Communication
through Band-Limited Linear Filter Channels. 11 Adaptive Equalization. 12
Multichannel and Multicarrier Systems. 13 Spread Spectrum Signals for Data
Communications. 14 Digital Communication through Fading Multipath Channels.
15 Multiuser Communications. Appendix A The Levinson-Durbin Algorithm.
Appendix B Error Probability for Multichannel Binary Signals. Appendix C Error
Probabilities for Adaptive Reception of M-phase Signals. Appendix D Square-Root
Factorization. References and Bibliography. Index
121-160_ELECTRICAL.indd 147
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Electrical Engineering
by James Palmer, Rochester Institute of Technology; David Perlman,
Rochester Institute of Technology
1993 / 400 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-048439-9 / MHID: 0-07-048439-2
Schaum's Publications
1 Numbers and the Binary System/2 Design of Combinational Logic I/3 Design
of Combinational Logic II-Manipulation/4 Hardware and the Mixed-Logic
Convention/5 MSI and LSI Elements/6 Timing Diagrams/7 The Flip-Flop/8
Combinations of Flip-Flops/9 Application Specific Devices/10 Design of Simple
State Machines/11 Electronically Programmable Functions/Appendixes/A: Basic
Boolean Theorems and Identities/B: Standard Logic Symbols/C: Some Comments
on Digital Logic Simulation
Communications IV: Signals &
by Hwei Hsu, Fairleigh Dickinson University
1995 / 352 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-030641-7 / MHID: 0-07-030641-9
Schaum's Publications
Communications IV: Advanced
International Edition
by Ranjan Bose, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi
2002 / 288 pages / Softcover
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-048297-5 / MHID: 0-07-048297-7
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-123133-6 / MHID: 0-07-123133-1 [IE]
(Tata McGraw-Hill Title)
Part I: Information Theory and Source Coding: 1. Source Coding. 2. Channel
Capacity andCoding. Part II : Error Control Coding (Channel Coding): 3.
Linear Block Codes for Error Correction. 4. Cyclic Codes. 5. Bose-Chaudhuri
Hocquenghem (BCH) Codes. 6. Convolutional Codes. 7. Trellis Coded Modulation
(TCM). Part III : Coding for Secure Communications: 8. Cryptography. Index
International Edition
Second Edition
by Gerd Keiser, PhotonicsComm Solutions, Inc.
2002 / 552 pages / Hardcover
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-122650-9 / MHID: 0-07-122650-8
[IE with CD-ROM]
1 Overview of LANs. 2 Network Architectures and Protocols. 3 Data
Communication Concepts. 4 LAN Access Techniques. 5 Ethernet. 6 TokenPassing LANs. 7 ATM LANs. 8 Wireless LANs. 9 Fibre Channel and SANSs. 10
Internetworking. 11 Network Management. 12 Network Security
International Edition
Principles and Systems
by A. Selvarajan, IISc, Bangalore, Subrat Kar, IIT, Delhi and T.
Srinivas, IISc, Bangalore
2002 / 368 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-044556-7 / MHID: 0-07-044556-7
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-122896-1 / MHID: 0-07-122896-9 [IE]
(Tata McGraw-Hill Title)
1. Optical communication - An Overview. 2. Light Propagation in Optical Fibers.
3. Fiber Optics Technology. 4. Optical Sources and Transmitter Circuits. 5. Optical
Detectors and Receivers. 6. Integrated Optics and Photonic Circuits. 7. Wavelength
Division Multiplexing. 8. Coherent Optical Communication. 9. Optical Amplifiers.
10. Photonic Switching. 11. Fiber Optic Communication System Design. 12. Voice
Transmission. 13. Video Transmission. 14. Data Communication and LAN. 15.
Broadband Networks. 16. Soliton Com-munication Systems. Appendix. Index
International Edition
Third Edition
by Gerd Keiser, GTE Government Systems Corporation
2000 / 552 pages / Hardcover
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-236076-9 / MHID: 0-07-236076-3
(with CD-ROM)
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-116468-9 / MHID: 0-07-116468-5
[IE with CD-ROM]
Chapter 1: Overview of Optical Fiber Communications. Chapter 2: Optical
Fibers: Structures, Waveguiding, and Fabrication. Chapter 3: Signal Degradation
in Optical Fibers. Chapter 4: Optical Sources. Chapter 5: Power Launching and
Coupling. Chapter 6: Photodetectors. Chapter 7: Optical Receiver Operation.
Chapter 8: Digital Transmission Systems. Chapter 9: Analog Systems. Chapter
10: WDM Concepts and Components. Chapter 11: Optical Amplifiers. Chapter
12: Optical Networks. Chapter 13: Measurements. Appendix A: International
System of Units. Appendix B: Useful Mathematical Relations. Appendix C: Bessel
Functions. Appendix D: Decibels. Appendix E: Topics from Communication
Theory. Appendix F: Factors Contributing to Dispersionerview.
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Electrical Engineering
International Edition
Second Edition
by Jack R. Smith, University of Florida
1998 / 608 pages / Hardcover
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-059283-4 / MHID: 0-07-059283-7
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-115586-1 / MHID: 0-07-115586-4 [IE]
1 Introduction to Radio Communication Systems/2 Small-Signal Amplifiers/3
Network Noise and Intermodulation Distortion/4 Frequency-Selective Networks
and Transformers/5 High-Frequency Amplifiers and Automatic Gain Control/6
Hybrid and Transmission-Line Transformers/7 Oscillators/8 Phase-Locked Loops/9
Phase-Locked Loop Analysis/10 Frequency Synthesizers/11 Power Amplifiers/12
Modulators and Demodulators
International Edition
Coding and Information Theory
International Edition
by Ranjan Bose, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi
2002 / 288 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-048297-5 / MHID: 0-07-048297-7
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-123133-6 / MHID: 0-07-123133-1 [IE]
(Tata McGraw-Hill Title)
Part I: Information Theory and Source Coding: 1. Source Coding. 2. Channel
Capacity andCoding. Part II : Error Control Coding (Channel Coding): 3.
Linear Block Codes for Error Correction. 4. Cyclic Codes. 5. Bose-Chaudhuri
Hocquenghem (BCH) Codes. 6. Convolutional Codes. 7. Trellis Coded Modulation
(TCM). Part III : Coding for Secure Communications: 8. Cryptography. Index
Second Edition
by John Powers, Naval Postgraduate School
1997 / 340 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-116679-9 / MHID: 0-07-116679-3 [IE]
Probability & Random Processes
1 Introduction/2 The Optical Fiber/3 Fiber Properties/4 Splicers, Connectors, and
Couplers/5. Opticasl Sources/6 Optical Receivers/7 Optical Link Design/8 Fiber
Optic Networks/9 Wavelength-Division Multiplexing.
International Edition
International Edition
by M. K.Liu, University of Arizona
1996 / 728 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-114989-1 / MHID: 0-07-114989-9 [IE]
Part I•Overview/1 Introduction to Optical Communications/2 From Pointto-Point Links to Networking/Part II•Basic Point-to-Point Communication
Blocks/3 Light Sources/4 Optical Fibers/5 Photo Detectors/6 Noise in Optical
Communications/7 Incoherent Detection/Part III•Networking/8 Time Domain
Multiple Access (SONET, FDDI, B-ISDN, etc.)/9 Time Domain Multiple Access/10
Subcarrier Multiplexing/11 Photonic Switching/Part IV•Signal Processing/12
Direct Modulation/13 External Modulation/14 DFB Modulation/15 Coherent
Detection/16 Line Coding and Timing Recovery/17 Optical Amplification/18
Solition Transmission
Fourth Edition
by Athansious Papoulis and S Unnikrishna Pillai, both of Polytechnic
2002 / 864 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-281725-6 / MHID: 0-07-281725-9
(with Errata Sheet)
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-122661-5 / MHID: 0-07-122661-3
[IE] (with Errata Sheet)
Part 1 Probability and Random Variables. 1 The Meaning of Probability. 2 The
Axioms of Probability. 3 Repeated Trials. 4 The Concept of a Random Variable.
5 Functions of One Random Variable. 6 Two Random Variables. 7 Sequences of
Random Variables. 8 Statistics. Part 2 Stochastic Processes. 9 General Concepts.
10 Random Walk and Other Applications. 11 Spectral Representation. 12 Spectral
Estimation. 13 Mean Square Estimation. 14 Entropy. 15 Markov Chains. 16 Markov
Processes and Queueing Theory
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Electrical Engineering
International Edition
Fourth Edition
by Peyton Peebles, University of Florida, Gainesville
2001 / 480 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-366007-3 / MHID: 0-07-366007-8
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-118181-5 / MHID: 0-07-118181-4 [IE]
1 Probability. 2 The Random Variable. 3 Operations on one Random Variable—
Expectation. 4 Multiple Random Variables. 5 Operations of Multiple Random
Variables. 6 Random Processes-Temporal Characteristics. 7 Random ProcessesSpectral Characteristics. 8 Linear Systems with Random Inputs. 9 Optimum Linear
Systems. 10 Some Practical Applications of the Theory. Appendix A Review of the
Impulse Function. Appendix B Gaussian Distribution Function. Appendix C Useful
Mathematical Quantities. Appendix D Review of Fourier Transforms. Appendix E
Table of Useful Fourier Transforms. Appendix F Some Probability Densities and
Distributions. Appendix G Some Mathematical Topics of Interest.
Digital Logic Design
by Alan B. Marcovitz, Florida Atlantic University-Boca Raton
2008 (January 2007) / Hardcover with disk
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-331417-4 / MHID: 0-07-331417-X
Browse http://www.mhhe.com/marcovitz
Introduction to Logic and Computer Design by Alan Marcovitz
takes the successful formula realized in the author’s previous
books and makes it even better. With the inclusion of several
chapters on computer design, Marcovitz now offers everything
a fundamentals-oriented logic design course might include.
Further, this new book is supported by an ARIS site and a host
of new media supplements to make both the instructor’s and
the student’s job easier. As with Marcovitz’s previous books,
the clear presentation of concepts and well-paced writing style
make Introduction to Logic and Computer Design the ideal
companion to any first course in digital logic. Users rave about
the book’s extensive set of examples—well integrated into
the body of the text and included at the end of each chapter
in sections of solved problems— that give students multiple
opportunities to understand the topics being presented.
• Includes coverage of computer design.
• Marcovitz is accompanied by an ARIS website: www.mhhe.
com/marcovitz. The site features a test bank for instructors (over
a semester’s worth of tests keyed to material in the text) as well as
online quizzing for students. It also includes solutions, PowerPoint
slides of most figures and key material, instructor notes, parallel
examples so the instructor can do a different example in class from
the one offered in the book, algorithmic problems to give students
unlimited practice, links, and more.
• An extensive set of examples, well integrated into the body of
the text as well as at the end of each chapter in sections of solved
problems, gives students multiple opportunities to understand the
topics being presented.
• "Test Yourself" sections, designed to help students measure their
comprehension of key material, are included at the end of chapters.
• Answers to selected exercises are included in an easy-to-reference
appendix for the second edition.
• A clear and well-paced writing style makes this text especially
well-suited for students who might otherwise find this course area
particularly challenging.
Introduction to Logic and Computer Design. 1 Introduction. 2 Design Process
for Combinational Systems. 3 The Karnaugh Map. 4 Decoders, Encoders,
Multiplexers. 5 Analysis of Sequential Systems. 6 Design of Sequential Circuits.
7 Larger Sequential Problems. 8 Computer Organization. 9 Computer Design
Fundamentals. 10 The Design of a CPU. 11 Beyond the Central Processing
International Edition
Second Edition
by Stephen Brown and Zvonko Vranesic, University of Toronto
2005 / pages / Hardcover
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-249938-4 / MHID: 0-07-249938-9
(with CD-ROM)
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-124482-4 / MHID: 0-07-124482-4
[IE with CD]
This website contains: PowerPoint Slides, Solutions Manual, and
PageOut (Browse http://www.highered.mcgraw-hill.com/TBD)
Fundamentals of Digital Logic With VHDL Design teaches the
basic design techniques for logic circuits. It emphasizes the
synthesis of circuits and explains how circuits are implemented
in real chips. Fundamental concepts are illustrated by using
small examples, which are easy to understand. Then, a modular
approach is used to show how larger circuits are designed.
VHDL is used to demonstrate how the basic building blocks
and larger systems are defined in a hardware description
language, producing designs that can be implemented with
modern CAD tools. The book emphasizes the concepts that
should be covered in an introductory course on logic design,
focusing on:
• Logic functions, gates, and rules of Boolean algebra •
Circuit synthesis and optimization techniques • Number
representation and arithmetic circuits • Combinational-circuit
building blocks, such as multiplexers, decoders, encoders, and
code converters • Sequential-circuit building blocks, such as
flip-flops, registers, and counters • Design of synchronous
sequential circuits •
Use of the basic building blocks
in designing larger systems • It also includes chapters that deal
with important, but more advanced topics:
• Design of asynchronous sequential circuits
• Testing of logic circuits
For students who have had no exposure to basic electronics, but
are interested in learning a few key concepts, there is a chapter
that presents the most basic aspects of electronic implementation
of digital circuits. Major changes in the second edition of the book
• new examples to clarify the presentation of fundamental concepts
• over 50 new examples of solved problems provided at the end of
• NAND and NOR gates now introduced in Chapter 2
• more complete discussion of techniques for minimization of logic
functions in Chapter 4 (including the tabular method)
• a new chapter explaining the CAD flow for synthesis of logic
• Altera’s Quartus II CAD software provided on a CD-ROM
• three appendices that give tutorials on the use of Quartus II
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Electrical Engineering
• The book emphasizes CAD through the use of Altera’s Quartus
II CAD software, a state of the art digital circuit design package.
This software provides automatic mapping of designs written in
VHDL into Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) and Complex
Programmable Logic Devices (CPLDs). The user will be able to enter
a design into the CAD system, compile the design into a selected
device, simulate the functionality and timing of the resulting circuit,
and implement the designs in actual devices (using the school’s
laboratory facilities).
• A chapter is included that illustrates the most basic aspects of
electronic implementation of digital circuits for students who have
had no exposure to basic electronics.
• New examples have been added to the second edition to help
clarify the presentation of fundamental concepts.
• Over 50 new examples of solved problems appear at the end of
chapters in the second edition.
• The second edition features a new chapter explaining CAD flow
for synthesis of logic circuits.
• Three new appendices give tutorials on the use of Quartus II
• The book teaches the basic design techniques for logic circuits,
emphasizing the synthesis of circuits and explaining how circuits are
implemented in real chips.
• Small, easy-to-understand examples illustrate fundamental
• A modular approach is used to show how larger circuits are
• VHDL is used to demonstrate how the basic building blocks
and larger systems are defined in a hardware description language,
producing designs that can be implemented with modern CAD tools.
1 Design Concepts. 2 Introduction to Logic Circuits. 3 Implementation Technology.
4 Optimized Implementation of Logic Functions. 5 Number Representation
and Arithmetic Circuits. 6 Combinational-Circuit Building Blocks. 7 Flip-Flops,
Registers, Counters, and a Simple Processor. 8 Synchronous Sequential Circuits.
9 Asynchronous Sequential Circuits. 10 Digital System Design. 11 Testing of
Logic Circuits. 12 Computer Aided Design Tools. Appendix A VHDL Reference.
Appendix B Tutorial 1 - Using Quartus II CAD Software. Appendix C Tutorial
2 - Implementing Circuits in Altera Devices. Appendix D Tutorial 3 - Physical
Implementations in a PLD. Appendix D Commercial Devices
International Edition
Second Edition
by Alan B Marcovitz, Florida Atlantic University—
Boca Raton
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-295176-9 / MHID: 0-07-295176-1
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-124249-3 / MHID: 0-07-124249-X [IE - 2 Color
involve improvements in organization and topic coverage.
The text integrates laboratory experiences, both hardware and
computer simulation, while not making them mandatory for
following the main flow of the chapters. Design is emphasized
throughout, and switching algebra is developed as a tool for
analyzing and implementing digital systems. The presentation
includes excellent coverage of minimization of combinational
circuits, including multiple output ones, using the Karnaugh
map and iterated consensus. There are a number of examples
of the design of larger systems, both combinational and
sequential, using medium scale integrated circuits and
programmable logic devices.
• A separate chapter on Iterated Consensus and Quine-McCluskey
has been added for the second edition.
• The second edition features two chapters on sequential systems.
The first chapter covers analysis of sequential systems and the second
covers design. Complete coverage of the analysis and design of
synchronous sequential systems adds to the comprehensive nature of
the text.
• “Test Yourself” sections, designed to help students measure their
comprehension of key material, have been added to the end of
chapters for the second edition.
• Answers to selected exercises are included in an easy-to-reference
appendix for the second edition.
• A clear and well-paced writing style makes this text especially
well-suited for students who might otherwise find this course area
particularly challenging.
• An extensive set of examples, well integrated into the body of
the text as well as at the end of each chapter in sections of solved
problems, gives students multiple opportunities to understand the
topics being presented.
• The text integrates practical circuits with theory by presenting
two types of laboratory experiments. Traditional hands-on hardware
experiments as well as simulation laboratory exercises using popular
software packages are tied closely to the text material to allow
students to implement the concepts they are learning.
• Use of the Karnaugh Map helps students understand the principles
of switching algebra.
• A thorough discussion of the minimization of switching functions
using Karnaugh maps, including 6-variable maps and multiple output
problems, gives students something to sink their teeth into and
doesn’t leave them wondering about the unusual or boundary case.
• Coupling of gate implementation with the algebra helps extend
the students’ range of understanding.
• Color is used as a pedagogical aid.
• The derivation of state tables from word problems further
emphasizes the practical implementation of the material being
1 Introduction. 2 Switching Algebra and Logic Circuits. 3 The Karnaugh Map. 4
Function Minimization Algorithms. 5 Solving Larger CombinationalProblems. 6
Analysis of Sequential Systems. 7 Design of Sequential Systems. 8 Solving Larger
Sequential. 9 Simplification of Sequential Systems. Appendix A: Laboratory
Experiments. Appendix B: Answers to Selected Exercises. Appendix C: Answers
to Chapter Tests
www.mhhe.com/marcovitz — A robust web site complements the text
and assists the instructor by providing solutions, Powerpoint slides of
most figures and key material, sets of examinations from the course, and
alternate parallel examples, so that the instructor can do a different
example in class from the one given in the book. Browse http://www.
Introduction to Logic Design by Alan Marcovitz is intended
for the first course in logic design, taken by computer science,
computer engineering, and electrical engineering students.
As with the first edition, the new edition is distinguised by
a clear presentation of fundamentals and an exceptional
collection of examples, solved problems, and exercises.
Changes found in the new edition reflect reviewer feedback
from both users and nonusers of the first edition and primarily
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Electrical Engineering
International Edition
by Stephen Brown, University of Toronto and Zvonko Vranesic,
University of Toronto, Canada
2003 / 844 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-283878-7 / MHID: 0-07-283878-7
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-124276-9 / MHID: 0-07-124276-7 [IE]
The website will contain: solutions manual for instructors only, web
links, and PowerPoint slides. (Browse http://highered.mcgraw-hill.
1 Design Concepts. 2 Introduction to Logic Circuits. 3 Implementation Technology.
4 Optimized Implementation of Logic Functions. 5 Number Representation
and Arithmetic Circuits. 6 Combinational Circuit Building Blocks. 7 Flip-Flops,
Registers, and Counters. 8 Synchronous Sequential Circuits. 9 Asynchronous
Sequential Circuits. 10 Digital System Design. 11 Testing of Logic Circuits.
A Verilog Reference. B Tutorial 1. C Tutorial 2. D Tutorial 3. E Commercial
International Edition
by Donald Givone, SUNY — Buffalo
2003 / 832 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-255132-7 / MHID: 0-07-255132-1
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-123005-6 / MHID: 0-07-123005-X [IE]
1 Introduction. 2 Number Systems, Arithmetic, and Codes. 3 Boolean Algebra
and Combinational Networks. 4 Simplification of Boolean Expressions. 5 Logic
Design with MSI Components and Programmable Logic Devices. 6 Flip-Flops and
Simple Flip-Flop Applications. 7 Synchronous Sequential Networks. 8 Algorithmic
State Machines. 9 Asnynchronous Sequential Networks. Appendix A: Digital
Circuits. Appendix B: TBD
Neural Networks/Fuzzy Logic
International Edition
by Satish Kumar, Reader in Computer Science and Applications,
Dayalbagh Educational Institute, Agra
2004 / 768 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-048292-0 / MHID: 0-07-048292-6
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-124672-9 / MHID: 0-07-124672-X [IE]
(Tata McGraw-Hill Title)
Neural Networks is an integral component of the ubiquitous soft
computing paradigm. An in-depth understanding of this field
requires some background of the principles of neuroscience,
mathematics and computer programming. Neural Networks: A
Classroom Approach, achieves a balanced blend of these areas
to weave an appropriate fabric for the exposition of the diversity
of neural network models. This book is unique, in the sense
that it stresses on an intuitive and geometric understanding of
the subject and on the heuristic explanation of the theoretical
results. This book is intended for a first course on Neural
Networks and can also serve as a supporting text for courses
on soft computing, artificial intelligence, machine learning
and neuron modeling.
I. Traces of History and A Neuroscience Briefer: 1 Brain Style Computing: Origins
and Issues. 2 Lessons from Neuroscience. II. Feedforward Neural Networks and
Supervised Learning: 3 Artificial Neurons, Neural Networks and Architectures
4 Geometry of Binary Threshold Neurons and Their Networks. 5 Supervised
Learning I: Perceptrons and LMS. 6 Supervised Learning II: Backpropagation
and Beyond. 7 Neural Network: A Statistical Pattern Recognition Perspective. 8
Focussing on Generalization: Support Vector Machines and Radial Basis Function
Networks. III. Recurrent Neurodynamical Systems: 9 Dynamical Systems Review.
10 Attractor Neural Networks. 11 Adaptive Resonance Theory. 12 Towards the Self
Organizing Feature Map. IV. Contemporary Topics: 13 Pulsed Neuron Models:
The New Generation. 14 Fuzzy Sets, Fuzzy Systems and Applications. 15 Neural
Networks and the Soft Computing Paradigm
International Edition
International Edition
Third Edition
by R P Jain, Director, Institute of Engineering and Technology,
2003 / 624 pages / Softcover
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-049492-3 / MHID: 0-07-049492-4
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-123670-6 / MHID: 0-07-123670-8 [IE]
(Tata McGraw-Hill Title)
International Edition
by Fredric M Ham, Florida Institute of Technolog, Melbourne and
Ivica Kostanic, Agilent Technologies, Inc.
2001 / 672 pages / Hardcover
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-025966-9 / MHID: 0-07-025966-6
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-118161-7 / MHID: 0-07-118161-X [IE]
1 Introduction to Neurocomputing. 2 Fundamental Neurocomputing Concepts.
3 Mapping Networks. 4 Self-Organizing Networks. 5 Recurrent Networks and
Temporal Feedforward Networks. 6 Neural Networks for Optimization Problems.
7 Solving Matrix Algebra Problems with Neural Networks. 8 Solution of Linear
Algebraic Equations Using Neural Networks. 9 Statistical Methods Using Neural
Networks. 10 Identification, Control, and Estimation Using Neural Networks.
Appendix Mathematical Foundation for Neurocomputing
by Thomas C. Bartee, IDA
1991 / 640 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-112554-3 / MHID: 0-07-112554-X [IE]
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Electrical Engineering
Robotics/Intelligent Systems
International Edition
by Ramesh C. Jain, University of California-San Diego; Rangacher
Kasturi, Penn State University; Brian G. Schunck, University of
1995 / 549 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-113407-1 / MHID: 0-07-113407-7 [IE]
1 Introduction/2 Binary Image Processing/3 Regions/4 Image Filtering/5 Edge
Detection/6 Contours/7 Texture/8 Optics/9 Shading/10 Color/11 Depth/12
Calibration/13 Surfaces/14 Volumetric Repre-sentations/15 Motion/16 Object
Recognition Computer Engineering: Advanced
Computer Architecture/
systems that incorporate advanced, high-performance processors.
Basic components, such as memory systems, input and output, and
virtual memory, and the ways in which they are interconnected are
described in relative detail to enable a better understanding of the
interaction between high-performance processors and the peripheral
devices they are connected to.
• Chapter 5 on superscalar techniques is the heart of the book—this
chapter presents issues related to superscalar processor organization
first, followed by presentation of specific techniques for enhancing
instruction flow, register data flow and memory data flow.
• Two case study chapters have been included to give the reader
real-life examples of the concepts being studied in previous chapters.
One of the case study chapters is written by the lead architects of the
Intel P6 microarchitecture. This historic micro-architecture provided
the foundation for numerous highly successful microprocessor
• As the text progresses, it provides both a historical perspective
on superscalar machines, as well as survey of existing machines. In
addition, the book highlights emerging techniques and technologies
in the last couple of chapters.
• New for the first edition: Chapter 9, Advanced Instruction Flow
Techniques. This chapter focuses on the problem of predicting
whether a conditional branch is taken or not-taken. There is brief
discussion of branch target prediction, and other issues related to
effective instruction delivery.
• Homework problems are included at the end of each chapter to
provide reinforcement of the concepts presented.
• An expanded book website includes a downloadable version
of the solutions manual, password-protected for instructors. It also
contains PowerPoint slides, sample homework assignments with
solutions and sample exams with answers.
International Edition
by John P Shen, Carnegie Mellon University and Mikko Lipasti,
University of Wisconsin - Madison
2005 / Hardcover / 640 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-057064-1 / MHID: 0-07-057064-7
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-124487-9 / MHID: 0-07-124487-5 [IE]
Website includes a downloadable version of the solutions manual,
password-protected for instructors. There is also presentation material
for instructor use. (Browse http://www.mhhe.com/shen)
Modern Processor Design: Fundamentals of Superscalar
Processors is an exciting new first edition from John Shen
of Carnegie Mellon University & Intel and Mikko Lipasti of
the University of Wisconsin—Madison. This book brings
together the numerous microarchitectural techniques for
harvesting more instruction-level parallelism (ILP) to achieve
better processor performance that have been proposed and
implemented in real machines. Other advanced techniques
from recent research efforts that extend beyond ILP to exploit
thread-level parallelism (TLP) are also compiled in this book.
All of these techniques, as well as the foundational principles
behind them, are organized and presented within a clear
framework that allows for ease of comprehension. This text is
intended for an advanced computer architecture course or a
course in superscalar processor design. It is written at a level
appropriate for senior or first year graduate level students, and
can be used by professionals as well.
• The book clearly conveys key concepts and fundamental
principles by giving the necessary details and not just a mass of
• The first several chapters cover key fundamental topics that lay
the foundation for the more modern topics. These fundamentals
include: the art of processor design, the instruction set architecture
as the specification of the processor, and microarchitecture as
the implementation of the processor; pipelining; and superscalar
• New for the First Edition: Chapter 3 on Memory and I/O
Systems. This chapter examines the larger context of computer
1 Processor Design. 2 Pipelined Processors. 3 Memory and I/O Systems. 4
Superscalar Organization. 5 Superscalar Techniques. 6 The PowerPC 620. 7
Intel’s P6 Microarchitecture. 8 Survey of Superscalar Processors. 9 Advanced
Instruction Flow Techniques. 10 Advanced Register Data Flow Techniques. 11
Executing Multiple Threads.
by Nick Carter, University of Illinois - Champaign
2002 / 304 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-136207-8 / MHID: 0-07-136207-X
Schaum's Publication
International Edition
Fifth Edition
by V. Carl Hamacher, Queen’s University; Zvonko Vranesic,
University of Toronto; Safwat Zaky, University of Toronto
2002 / 832 pages / Hardcover
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-232086-2 / MHID: 0-07-232086-9
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-122624-0 / MHID: 0-07-122624-9 [IE]
1 Basic Structure of Computers. 2 Machine Instructions and Programs. 3 ARM,
Motorola, and Intel Instruction Sets. 4 Input/Output Organization. 5 The Memory
System. 6 Arithmetic. 7 Basic Processing Unit. 8 Pipelining. 9 Embedded Systems.
10 Computer Peripherals. 11 Processor Families. 12 Large Computer Systems.
Appendix A Logic Circuits. Appendix B ARM Instruction Set. Appendix C Motorola
68000Instruction Set. Appendix D Intel IA-32 Instruction Set. Appendix E Character
Codes and Number Conversion
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Electrical Engineering
International Edition
by Fredric M Ham, Florida Institute of Technolog, Melbourne and
Ivica Kostanic, Agilent Technologies, Inc.
2001 / 672 pages / Hardcover
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-025966-9 / MHID: 0-07-025966-6
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-118161-7 / MHID: 0-07-118161-X [IE]
1 Introduction to Neurocomputing. 2 Fundamental Neurocomputing Concepts.
3 Mapping Networks. 4 Self-Organizing Networks. 5 Recurrent Networks and
Temporal Feedforward Networks. 6 Neural Networks for Optimization Problems.
7 Solving Matrix Algebra Problems with Neural Networks. 8 Solution of Linear
Algebraic Equations Using Neural Networks. 9 Statistical Methods Using Neural
Networks. 10 Identification, Control, and Estimation Using Neural Networks.
Appendix Mathematical Foundation for Neurocomputing
International Edition
Second Edition
by Charles M Gilmore
1995 / 544 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-113965-6 / MHID: 0-07-113965-6 [IE]
(A Glencoe/McGraw-Hill Title)
International Edition
by Kai Hwang, University of Southern California
1993 / 672 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-124713-9 / MHID: 0-07-124713-0 [IE]
International Edition
by A K Ray and K M Bhurchandi
2000 / 684 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-463841-5 / MHID: 0-07-463841-6
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-120169-8 / MHID: 0-07-120169-6 [IE]
Part One•Theory of Parallelism/1 Parallel Computer Models/2 Pro gram
and Network Prop er ties/3 Principles of Per for mance and Scalability/Part
Two•Hardware Technologies/4 Processors and Memory Hierarchy/5 Bus/Cache
and Shared-Memory/6 Pipelining and Superscalar Techniques/Part Three•Parallel
and Scalable Architectures/7 Multiprocessors and Multi-computers/8 Multivector
and SIMD Supercomputers/9 Scalable, Multithreaded, and Dataflow Architectures/
Part Four•Software for Paralle Programming/10 Parallel Models, Languages and
Compilers/11 Development of Parallel Programs/12 Unix Extensions for Parallel
(Tata McGraw-Hill Title)
1 The Processors 8086/8088, Architectures, Pin Diagrams and Timing Diagrams.
2 8086/8088 Instruction Set and Assembler Directives. 3 The Art of Assembly
Language Programming with 8086/8088. 4 Stack, Subroutines, Interrupt Structure,
Macros, Timing Delays and Related Programming. 5 Basic Peripherals and
Their Interfacing with 8086/8088. 6 Special Purpose Programmable Peripheral
Devices and Their Interfacing. 7 DMA, Floppy Disk and Crt Controllers. 8
Multimicroprocessor Systems. 9 80286-80287 A Microprocessor with Memory
Management and Protection. 10 The 32-BIT Processors 80386-80387 and 80486.
11 Recent Advances in Microprocessor Architecture: A Journey From Pentium
Onwards. 12 Introduction to Systems Software and Operating Systems. 13
Microprocessor Based Aluminium Smelter Control. 14 A Microprocessor Based
Pattern Scanner. 15 Design of An Electronics Weighing Bridge. 16 An Introduction
to Microcontrollers 8051 and 80196. Summary.
International Edition
Third Edition
by John P. Hayes, University of Michigan
1998 / 624 pages / Hardcover
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-115997-5 / MHID: 0-07-115997-5 [IE]
1 Computation and Computers/2 Design Methodology/3 Processor Design/4
Datapath Design/5 Control Design/6 Memory Organization/7 System
Computer Engineering: Advanced
International Edition
by Raj Kamal, Head, Institute of Computer Science & Electronics ,
Devi Ahilya University, Khandwa Road Campus
2003 / Softcover / 652 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-049470-1 / MHID: 0-07-049470-3
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-123735-2 / MHID: 0-07-123735-6 [IE]
Tata McGraw-Hill Title
1. Introduction To Embedded Systems. 2. Processor And Memory Organization.
3. Devices And Buses For Devices Network. 4. Device Drivers And Interrupts
Servicing Mechanism. 5. Programming Concepts And Embedded Programming
In C And C++. 6. Program Modelling Concepts In Single And Multiprocessor
Systems Software-Development Process. 7. Software Engineering Practices In
Embedded Software Development Process. 8. Inter Process Communication
And Synchronization Of Processes, Task And Threads. 9. Real Time Operating
Systems. 10. Real Time Operating System Programming Tools: Micro C/OS-II and
VxWorks. 11. Case Studies Of Programming With RTOS. 12. Hardware-Software
Co-Design in an Embedded System. Appendices. Index.
121-160_ELECTRICAL.indd 154
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Electrical Engineering
International Edition
by Giovanni De Micheli, Stanford University
1994 / 576 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-113271-8 / MHID: 0-07-113271-6 [IE]
Chapter 1: Introduction. Chapter 2: Background. Chapter 3: Hardware Modeling.
Chapter 4: Architectural Synthesis. Chapter 5: Scheduling Algorithms. Chapter
6: Resource Sharing and Binding. Chapter 7: Two-Level Combinational Logic
Optimization. Chapter 8: Multiple-Level Combinational Logic Optimization.
Chapter 9: Sequential Logic Optimization. Chapter 10: Cell-library Binding.
Chapter 11: State-of-the-art and Future Trends
by Rao Tummala
2007 (March 2007) / Hardcover / 512 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-145906-8 / MHID: 0-07-145906-5
Professional Book
System-on-Package (SOP) is an emerging microelectronic
technology that places an entire system on a single chip-size
package. Where “systems” used to be bulky boxes housing
hundreds of components, SOP saves interconnection time
and heat generation by keep a full system with computing,
communications, and consumer functions all in a single chip.
Written by the Georgia Tech developers of the technology,
this book explains the basic parameters, design functions,
and manufacturing issues, showing electronic designers how
this radical new packaging technology can be used to solve
pressing electronics design challenges.
Third Edition
by William C Y Lee, Chairman of Linkair, Inc.
2006 / 544 pages / Hardcover
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-143686-1 / MHID: 0-07-143686-3
Professional Book
• Complete on the ground engineering coverage of new systems:
3G, 4G, PHS
• Engineering parameters for portable systems: WiFi, Bluetooth
• Wireless Local Loop
• WLAN specs and operation
• Specifications for all major wireless systems, including cdmaOne
• The field’s bestselling engineering reference completely updated
for a new era
Chapter 1 Introduction to Wireless Communications. Chapter 2 Introduction to
Cellular Systems. Chapter 3 Specification of Analog Cellular Systems. Chapter 4
Specification of Digital Cellular Systems. Chapter 5 Specification of Newly Mobile
Systems. Chapter 6 Specification of WLL and WLAN Systems. Chapter 7 Cell
Coverage and Antennas. Chapter 8 Cochannel Interferences. Chapter 9 Types of
Non-Cochannel Interference. Chapter 10 Frequency Management and Channel
Assignment. Chapter 11 Handoffs and Dropped calls. Chapter 12 Operational
Technology and Techniques. Chapter 13 Switching and Traffic. Chapter 14 Data
Links and Microwaves. Chapter 15 System Evaluations. Chapter 16 Intelligent
Cell Concept. Chapter 17 Intelligent and All IP Network. Chapter 18 Mobile
Communications. Related Topics
Third Edition
by Jim Taylor
2006 / 700 pages / Softcover /DVD
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-142396-0 / MHID: 0-07-142396-6
Professional Book
Introduction to DVD. The World Before DVD. DVD Technology Primer. DVD
Overview. Disc and Data Details. Application Details: DVD-Video and DVDAudio. What’s Wrong with DVD. DVD Comparisons to Other Formats. DVD at
Home. DVD in Business & Education. DVD on Computers. Essentials of DVD
Production. The Future of DVD. Appendix A: Quick Reference Data. Appendix
B: Standards Related to DVD. Appendix C: Reference and Information Sources.
Glossary. What’s on the DVD
International Edition
Second Edition
by Daniel Collins
2003 / 522 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-140634-5 / MHID: 0-07-140634-4
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-123155-8 / MHID: 0-07-123155-2 [IE]
(International Edition is not for sale in Japan.)
Professional Book
Preface. Acknowledgments. Chapter 1: Wireless Basics. Chapter 2: Developing
GUIs: Software Control Basics. Chapter 3: Electromechanical Controls Interfacing.
Chapter 4: Electronic Switching Ciruits. Chapter 5: Sensor-Interfacing Basics.
Chapter 6: Using Procedural Languages for Mindstorms Robot Control. Chapter
7: Client-Server Controller for Minstrom Robots. Chapter 8: Simulator Controls
for Mindstroms Robots. Chapter 9: Remote-Control Techniques. Chapter 10:
Virtual Prototyping and Control Using ActiveX Controls. Chapter 11: Virtual Test
Box (VTB) Development: Math-Based Controllers for Mindstorm Robots. Chapter
12: VBA Prototypes: Developing Mindstorms Tools with Advanced Programming
Techniques. Index.
International Edition
by Randall Nichols, President, COMSEC Solutions and Panos Lekkas
2002 / 657 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-138038-6 / MHID: 0-07-138038-8
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-120707-2 / MHID: 0-07-120707-4 [IE]
(Inter national Edition is not for sale in Japan.)
Professional Book
Chapter 1 Why is Wireless Different? Chapter 2 Wireless Information Warfare.
Chapter 3 Telephone System Vulnerabilities. Chapter 4 Satellite Communications.
Chapter 5 Cryptographic Security. Chapter 6 Speech Cryptology. Chapter 7 The
Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN). Chapter 8 Wireless Application Protocol
(WAP). Chapter 9 Wireless Transport Layer Security (WTLS). Chapter 10 Bluetooth.
Chapter 11 Voice Over Internet Protocol. Chapter 12 Hardware Perspectives
for End-to-End Security (E2E) in Wireless Applications. Chapter 13 Optimizing
Wireless Security with FPGAs and ASICs. Bibliography. Index
121-160_ELECTRICAL.indd 155
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Electrical Engineering
International Edition
by Michael Bayer
2001 / 704 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-118915-6 / MHID: 0-07-118915-7 [IE with CDROM]
Part Four: Solutions and Applications. Chapter 43: The Optical Hierarchy of
Motivation. Chapter 44: Players in the Network Game. Chapter 45: Reinventing
the Network. Chapter 46: Toward a New Network Paradigm. Chapter 47: Why
the Evolution? Chapter 48: The Evolving IP Protocol Model. Chapter 49: IP’s
Promise. Chapter 50: Protocol Assemblies: Putting it Together. Chapter 51: One
More time: Putting it All Together. Chapter 52: The Future.
(International Edition is not for sale in Japan.)
Professional Book
What is Computer Telephony. CT Solutions and Benefits. Telephony Concepts.
Devices. Call Processing: Features and Services. CTI Concepts. Switching Fabric.
Media Services Concepts. CT Administration. Telephony CPE and Telephone
Company Services. System Configurations. CT Software Components. CT Solutions.
CD Info. Appendices
International Edition
by Peter Symes
2001 / 346 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-118964-4 / MHID: 0-07-118964-5
[IE with CD-ROM]
(International Edition is not for sale in Japan.)
Professional Book
International Edition
by William C Y Lee
2001 / 450 pages / Softcover
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-116536-5 / MHID: 0-07-116536-3 [IE]
Introduction. What is Compression?. An Introduction to Images. Entropy Coding.
Predictive Coding. Transforms. Quantization. JPEG. Motion Compression. MPEG1. MPEG-2. MPEG-4. MPEG-7 and MPEG-21. Pro-MPEG and MPEG Operating
Ranges. DV Compression. Wavelets. JPEG2000. Audio Compression. Streaming
Media. Closing Thoughts.
(International Edition is not for sale in Japan.)
Professional Book
How Telephones, Wireline, and Wireless Were Born. Why Mobile Radio Systems
are Difficult to Develop. How to Evaluate a Spectrum - An Efficient System.
Important Factors of Choosing a New Digital System. Learn From the Past.
Application of CDMA. What Is Our Future? Internet and Wireless Future.
International Edition
Second Edition
by William C.Y. Lee
1998 / 550 pages / Hardcover
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-115766-7 / MHID: 0-07-115766-2 [IE]
(International Edition is not for sale in Japan.)
International Edition
Professional Book
by Steven Shepard
2001 / 269 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-120292-3 / MHID: 0-07-120292-7 [IE]
(International Edition is not for sale in Japan.)
Professional Book
Part One: The Optical Networking Market-place. Chapter 1: Toward a New
Network Model. Chapter 2: A Corollary: The Data Network. Chapter 3: The Local
Service Providers’ Response. Chapter 4: Service Regions of the Optical Network.
Chapter 5: The Optical Networking Applications Set. Chapter 6: A Brief History
of the Network. Chapter 7: The Traditional Digital Hierarchy. Chapter 8: The
Birth of Optical Networking: Sonet and SDH. Chapter 9: Switching and Routing.
Chapter 10: The Service Provider’s World: Back to Switching and Routing. Chapter
11: Ring Architectures in the Optical Domain. Chapter 12: Amplification and
Regeneration. Part Two: From Copper to Glass. Chapter 13: Overview of Optical
Technology. Chapter 14: Total Internal Reflection. Chapter 15: Later Developments
in Optical Networking. Chapter 16: Fundamentals of Optical Networking. Chapter
17: Optical Sources. Chapter 18: Optical Fiber. Chapter 19: Optical Fiber.
Chapter 20: Putting It All Together. Chapter 21: Fiber Nonlinearities. Chapter 22:
Intermodulation Effects. Chapter 23: Scattering Problems. Chapter 24: An Aside:
Optical Amplification. Chapter 25: Pulling it all Together. Chapter 26: Optical
Receivers. Chapter 27: Photodetector Types. Chapter 28: Optical Fiber. Chapter
29: Multimode Fiber. Chapter 30: Single-Mode Fiber. Chapter 31: Why Do We
Care? Part Three: Corollary Technologies. Chapter 32: Introduction. Chapter 33:
Optical Cable Assemblies. Chapter 34: Fiber Cable Architectures. Chapter 35: The
Special Case of Submarine Cables. Chapter 36: Fiber Installation Options. Chapter
37: Commercial Fiber Products. Chapter 38: An Aside: Freespace Optics. Chapter
39: Summary. Chapter 40: Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM).
Chapter 41: Optical Switching and Routing. Chapter 42: Network Management.
121-160_ELECTRICAL.indd 156
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Electrical Engineering
Professional References
Fourth Edition
by Gary W Johnson, and Richard Jennings
2007 (July 2006) / 752 pages / Softcover
ISBN13: 978-0-07-145146-8 / MHID: 0-07-145146-3
Professional Book
LabVIEW is an award-winning programming language that
allows engineers to create “virtual” instruments on their
desktop. This new edition details the powerful features of the
most recent version of LabVIEW.Written in a highly accessible
and readable style, LabVIEW Graphical Programming illustrates
basic LabVIEW programming techniques, building up to
advanced programming concepts. The CD-ROM contains a
wealth of virtual instruments and software tools.
Completely updated for LabVIEW 8 (publishing June 2005)
Leading book in the field since 1994
New DAQ Drivers
New NI DAQ Cards--makes, models and speeds
Embedding LabVIEW for LINUX
CD-ROM of Virtual Instruments and Tools
Roots. Getting Started. Controlling Program Flow. LabVIEW Data Types.
Timing. Synchronization. Files. Gary’s Approach to Building an Application.
Documentation. Instrument Driver Basics. Instrument Driver Development
Techniques. Inputs and Outputs. Using the DAQ Library. Analog DAQ. Digital
DAQ. Writing a Data Acquisition Program. ?Process Control Applications. Physics
Applications. Data Visualization, Imaging and Sound. LabVIEW RT. LabVIEW
FPGA.Embedded LabVIEW.
by David McMahon
2007 (September 2006) / Softcover / 336 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-147578-5 / MHID: 0-07-147578-8
Professional Book
The fast and easy way to learn signals and systems. This easy-touse guide will help students taking this difficult subject, as well
as professionals who want to brush up on their knowledge.
You will get straightforward information on signal processing,
linear systems, and discrete systems. Advanced topics covered
include Fourier analysis, filtering, spectral density, AM and FM
systems, and the z-Transform.
• An easy to understand overview of signal processing in the time
domain, where students see detailed examples that show how to
calculate energy, power and convolution
• A time-saving guide to linear time-invariant systems.
• An indispensable and eye-opening chapter on Fourier analysis
unlocks the secrets of signal analysis in the frequency domain.
• Instructive chapters on modulation and the z-transform give
students the tools they need to master communications.
• Other topics covered include filtering, spectral density and
correlation, and amplitude, frequency and phase modulation.
• Provides the fundamental tools necessary to understand radar, AM
and FM signal processing, image processing, and signal processing
associated with wireless communications, among other areas.
Chapter 1: An Introduction to Signals Continuous and Discrete Signals; Energy and
Power in Signals; Periodic Signals Computing Energy: Examples Even and Odd
functions. Chapter 2: Linear Time-Invariant Systems Memoryless systems; Causal
and non-causal systems; Linear Systems; Time-Invariance; Stability; Unit Impulse
and Unit Step Functions; Impulse Response Function Convolution. Chapter 3:
Discrete Time Signals; Energy and power in discrete signals; The Unit Impulse
and Unit Step sequences; Properties of Discrete Sequences; Convolution; Discrete
Linear Time-Invariant Systems. Chapter 4: Fourier Analysis; Fourier Series; Fourier
Transform; Inverse Fourier Transform; Properties of Fourier Transform; Spectrum
Plots. Chapter 5: Filtering; What is a filter?; Time and frequency response; Ideal
low pass filters; Band pass transmission; Distortion; Phase delay and group delay.
Chapter 6: Energy Spectral Density and Correlation; The correlation function;
Autocorrelation; Energy spectral density; Power spectral density. Chapter 7:
The Discrete Fourier Transform Definition; Examples; The Inverse Discrete
Fourier Transform. Chapter 8: Amplitude Modulation; Amplitude Modulation;
Double side-band modulation; Suppressed-Carrier Modulation; Single-side band
modulation; Vestigal sideband modulation. Chapter 9: Phase and Frequency
Modulation; Frequency modulation; Phase-Locked loop; FM Waves; Chapter 10:
The z-Transform; Common z-transforms; Properties of the z-transform; Inverse
z-transform; The System Function.
by Andreas Antoniou, University of Victoria, Canada
2006 / 965 pages / Hardcover
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-145424-7 / MHID: 0-07-145424-1
Professional Book
Browse http://www.d-filter.ece.uvic.ca/
An up-to-the-minute textbook for junior/senior level signal
processing courses and senior/graduate level digital filter
design courses, this text is supported by a DSP software
package known as D-Filter which would enable students to
interactively learn the fundamentals of DSP and digital-filter
design. The book includes a free license to D-Filter which will
enable the owner of the book to download and install the most
recent version of the software as well as future updates.
• Focus on DSP applications
• Includes advanced digital filter design
• All examples and problems can be worked in MATLAB or DSP
• DSP Lab allows students to work problems without purchasing
MATLAB or going to the computer center
Preface. Chapter 1: Introduction to Digital Signal Processing. Chapter 2: The Fourier
Series and Fourier Transfer. Chapter 3: The z Transform. Chapter 4: Discrete-Time
Systems. Chapter 5: Application of the z Transform. Chapter 6: The Sampling
Process. Chapter 7: The Discrete Fourier Transform. Chapter 8: Realization
of Digital Filters. Chapter 9: Design of Nonrecursive (FIR) Filters. Chapter 10:
Approximations for Analog Filters. Chapter 11: Design of Recursive (IIR) Filters.
Chapter 12: Recursive (IIR) Filters Satisfying Prescribed Specifications. Chapter
13: Random Signals. Chapter 14: Effects of Finite Word Length in Digital Filters.
Chapter 15: Design of Nonrecursive Filters Using Optimization Methods. Chapter
16: Design of Recursive Filters Using Optimization Methods. Chapter 17: Wave
Digital Filters. Chapter 18: Digital Signal Processing Applications. Appendix A:
Complex Analysis. Appendix B: Elliptic Functions. Index.
121-160_ELECTRICAL.indd 157
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Electrical Engineering
Third Edition
by Eugene R Bartlett
2006 / 400 pages / Hardcover
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-145781-1 / MHID: 0-07-145781-X
Professional Book
Cable is now as much in the broadband business as it is
television. This book explains the fundamentals of coaxial
cable technology and the DSP that controls it, along with the
cable modem and voice over IP technology now drastically
changing the cable operators’ business. Aimed at working
engineers and technicians, it can also be used a textbook for
the a basic cable communications course in a 2 year tech
Coaxial cable basics
Cable modems
DSP for cable
Fiber optics
Voice over IP
Worked examples and problems at the end of each chapter
Chapter 1: Introduction to Cable Communications Systems. Chapter 2: Coaxial
Cable Systems and Networks. Chapter 3: Headends and Signal Processing. Chapter
4: Fiber-Optic Technology in Cable Systems. Chapter 5: Digital Technology
and Cable System Applications. Chapter 6: Subscriber Installation and Terminal
Devices. Chapter 7: Cable Plant Testing and Maintenance Procedures. Chapter
8: Cable System Network Design Considerations.
Third Edition
by John Cadick, Mary Capelli-Schellpfeffer, and Dennis K Neitzel
2006 / 560 pages / Hardcover
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-145772-9 / MHID: 0-07-145772-0
Professional Book
This is an accident-avoiding prescription for electricians,
safety managers, and inspectors, and engineers dealing with
electricity any voltage level. Presenting crucial protective
safety strategies for industrial and commercial systems, the
Handbook references all major safety codes (OSHA, NEC,
NESC, and NFPA) where appropriate, creating a unique, onestop compliance manual for any company’s electrical safety
training and reference needs.
New chapter on electrical maintenance
Complete coverage of the new IEEE 1584
NEC 2005
NFPA 70E 2004
NESC 2002
Foreword. Preface. Chapter 1: Hazards of Electricity. Chapter 2: Electrical Safety
Equipment. Chapter 3: Safety Procedures and Methods. Chapter 4: Grounding
of Electrical Systems and Equipment. Chapter 5: Electrical Maintenance and Its
Relationship to Safety. Chapter 6: Regulatory and Legal Safety Requirements
and Standards. Chapter 7: Accident Prevention, Accident Investigation, Rescue,
and First Aid. Chapter 8: Medical Aspects of Electrical Trauma. Chapter 9: LowVoltage Safety Synopsis. Chapter 10: Medium- and High-Voltage Safety Synopsis.
Chapter 11: Human Factors in Electrical Safety. Chapter 12: Safety Management
and Organizational Structure. Chapter 13: Safety Training Methods and Systems.
by Stan Gibilisco
2006 / 320 pages / Softcover
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-143925-1 / MHID: 0-07-143925-0
Professional Book
• Solve electrical circuit problems
• Make power and energy determinations
• Calculate voltage, current and resistance issues
• Prepare for advanced courses in electricity
• Improve sales and management skills in the area of electricity
• Enhance knowledge of how electrical devices work
• Each section ends with a 50-question, multiple-choice test. The
book concludes with a 100-question final exam
Part One: DC Electricity. 1. Atoms and Charge Carriers. 2. Current, Voltage,
and Resistance. 3. Power and Energy. 4. Series and Parallel Circuits. 5. Cells and
Batteries. Test: Part One--50 questions. Part Two: Ac Electricity. 6. Basics of AC.
7. Power Conversion. 8. Wire and Cable. 9. The Utility Grid. 10. Alternative
Electricity. Test: Part Two--50 questions. Part Three: Magnetism. 11. What is
Magnetism? 12. Types of Magnets. 13. Motors and Generators. 14. Electromagnetic
Waves. 15. Universal Magnetism. Test: Part Three--50 questions. Final Exam--100
questions. Answers to Quiz and Test Questions. Symbols Used in Circuit Diagrams.
Suggested Additional References.
Fourth Edition
by Stan Gibilisco
2006 / 672 pages / Softcover
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-145933-4 / MHID: 0-07-145933-2
Professional Book
The best combination self-teaching guide, home reference, and
classroom text on electricity and electronics has been updated
to deliver the latest advances. Great for preparing for amateur
and commercial licensing exams, this guide has been prized
by thousands of students and professionals for its uniquely
thorough coverage ranging from DC and AC concepts to
semiconductors and integrated circuits.
• Written by Stan Gibilisco, an electronics legend and McGrawHill’s most popular TAB author
• Perfect for hobbyists, students, and those of you who want to get
ahead in tech-related careers
• Packed with everything needed to enhance learning: 600+
illustrations, practical examples, and hundreds of test questions
• Simple current-voltage-resistance determinators
• Power calculations
• Designing acoustical and audio systems
• Designing circuits and systems
• Contains several concise multiple-choice self-test questions
• Helps readers solve problems such as: Simple current-voltageresistance determinations; Power calculations; Preparing for amateur
or commercial license exams; Designing acoustical and audio
systems; Using radiolocation and radionavigation systems; Designing
circuits and systems; and Supplementing study in electricity and
electronics curricula
PART ONE: DIRECT CURRENT. Chapter 1. Basic Physical Concepts. Chapter
2. Electrical Units. Chapter 3. Measuring Devices. Chapter 4. Basic DC Circuits.
Chapter 5. Direct-current Circuit Analysis. Chapter 6. Resistors. Chapter 7. Cells
and Batteries. Chapter 8. Magnetism. Test: Part One. PART TWO: ALTERNATING
CURRENT. Chapter 9. Alternating Current Basics. Chapter 10. Inductance. Chapter
11. Capacitance. Chapter 12. Phase. Chapter 13. Inductive Reactance. Chapter
14. Capacitive Reactance. Chapter 15. Impedance and Admittance. Chapter 16.
RLC Circuit Analysis. Chapter 17. Power and Resonance in AC Circuits. Chapter
18. Transformers and Impedance Matching. Test: Part Two. PART THREE:
BASIC ELECTRONICS. Chapter 19. Introduction to Semiconductors. Chapter
20. Some Uses of Diodes. Chapter 21. Power Supplies. Chapter 22. The Bipolar
Transistor. Chapter 23. The Field-effect Transistor. Chapter 24. Amplifiers and
Oscillators. Chapter 25. Data transmission and Reception. Chapter 26. Digital
Principles. Chapter 27. Measurement and Monitoring. Test: Part Three. PART
121-160_ELECTRICAL.indd 158
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Electrical Engineering
Chapter 29. Integrated Circuits. Chapter 30. Transducers and Sensors. Chapter
31. Audio and High Fidelity. Chapter 32. Personal Communications. Chapter
33. Computers and the Internet. Chapter 34. Robotics and Artificial Intelligence.
Chapter 35. Location and Navigation. Test: Part Four FINAL EXAM. Appendix A.
Answers to Quiz, Test, and Exam Questions. Appendix B. Schematic Symbols.
Suggested Additional Reading and Reference.
by Frank Gross
2006 / 288 pages / Hardcover
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-144789-8 / MHID: 0-07-144789-X
Professional Book
Smart antennas boost the power of a wireless network, saving
energy and money and greatly increasing the range of wireless
broadband. Smart Antennas is a rigorous textbook on smart
antenna design and deployment.
Sidelobe cancellers
Direction of arrival estimation
Channel characteristics
Numerous worked examples
Real world case studies
1. Introduction. 2. Fundamentals of Electromagnetic Fields 3. Antenna
Fundamentals. 4. Array Fundamentals. 5. Principles of Random Variables and
Processes. 6. Propagation Channel Characteristics. 7. Angle-of-Arrival Estimation.
8. Smart Antennas.
by Grant McFarland
2006 / Hardcover / 408 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-145951-8 / MHID: 0-07-145951-0
Professional Book
This unique step-by-step guide is a complete introduction
to modern microprocessor design, explained in simple
nontechnical language without complex mathematics. An ideal
primer for those working in or studying the semiconductor
industry, Microprocessor Design explains all the key concepts,
terms, and acronyms needed to understand the steps required
to design and manufacture a microprocessor. Developed from
a successful corporate training course, this hands-on learning
guide walks readers through every step of microprocessor
design. You'll follow a new processor product from initial
planning through design to production. In Microprocessor
Design, the author converts his real-world design and teaching
experience into an easy-to-follow reference employing an onthe-job-training approach to cover:
The evolution of microprocessors
• Microprocessor design planning
• Architecture and microarchitecture
• Logic design and circuit design
• Semiconductor manufacturing
• Processor packaging and test
This authoritative reference is an excellent introduction for
students or engineers new to processor design and can show
industry veterans how their specialty fits into the overall
design flow. This accessible and practical guide will provide
the reader with a broad working knowledge of the concepts
of microprocessor design, as well as an understanding of the
individual steps in the process and the jargon used by the
Chapter 1: The Evolution of the Microprocessor. Chapter 2: Computer Components.
Chapter 3: Design Planning. Chapter 4: Computer Architecture. Chapter 5:
Microarchitecture. Chapter 6: Logic Design. Chapter 7: Circuit Design. Chapter
8: Layout. Chapter 9: Semiconductor Manufacturing. Chapter 10: Microprocessor
Packaging. Chapter 11: Silicon Debug and Test. Glossary. Index
Second Edition
by Zainalabedin Navabi, Northeastern University
2006 / 384 pages / Hardcover
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-144564-1 / MHID: 0-07-144564-1
Professional Book
This rigorous text shows electronics designers and students
how to deploy Verilog in sophisticated digital systems design.
The Second Edition is completely updated--along with the
many worked examples--for Verilog 2001, new synthesis
standards and coverage of the new OVI verification library.
• Uses Verilog 2001 throughout
• New chapters on test-bench development
• New OVL Verification Library
• New synthesis standards
• CD-ROM contains simulations and synthesis tools, including
Aldec’s complete verilog simulator
• Instructor’s Manua for academic use
Chapter 1: Design Automation with Verilog. Chapter 2: Design with Verilog.
Chapter 3: Combinational Circuits in Verilog. Chapter 4: Sequential Circuits in
Verilog. Chapter 5: Language Utilities. Chapter 6: Test Methodologies. Chapter
7: Verification. Chapter 8: CPU Design and Verification.
International Edition
Fourth Edition
by Dennis Roddy, Lakehead University
2006 / 636 pages / Hardcover
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-146298-3 / MHID: 0-07-146298-8
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-125286-7 / MHID: 0-07-125286-X [IE]
Professional Book
Highly regarded for more than a decade as both a teaching
text and professional tutorial, this classic guide to satellite
communications has been revised, updated, and expanded
to cover global wireless applications, digital television, and
Internet access via satellite.
• In-depth, textbook-style coverage combined with an intuitive, lowmath approach makes this book particularly appealing to the wireless
and networking markets
• New to this edition: Global wireless services, including 3G;
Antenna Options, Error Coding
Chapter 1: Overview of Satellite Systems. Chapter 2: Orbits and Launching
Methods. Chapter 3: The Geostationary Orbit. Chapter 4: Radio Wave
Propagation. Chapter 5: Polarization. Chapter 6: Antennas. Chapter 7: The Space
Segment. Chapter 8: The Earth Segment. Chapter 9: Analog Signals. Chapter 10:
Digital Signals. Chapter 11: Error Control Coding. Chapter 12: The Space Link.
Chapter 13: Interference. Chapter 14: Satellite Access. Chapter 15: Satellites in
Networks. Chapter 16: Direct Broadcast Satellite (DBS) Television. Chapter 17:
Satellite Mobile and Specialized Services. Appendix A: Answers To Selected
Problems. Appendix B: Conic Sections. Appendix C: Nasa Two-line Orbital
Elements. Appendix D: Listings Of Artificial Satellites. Appendix E: Illustrating
Third-order Intermodulation Products. Appendix F: Acronyms. Appendix G:
Logarithmic Units. Index.
121-160_ELECTRICAL.indd 159
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Electrical Engineering
Second Edition
by Sumit Kasera, Flextronics Software Systems
2005 / 502 pages / Softcover
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-058353-5 / MHID: 0-07-058353-6
(Tata McGraw-Hill Title)
Professional Book
Networking technologies are playing a pivotal role in
‘networking’ our world. Among the networking technologies
that are relevant today, ATM is one of the most popular and
pervasive as it seamlessly integrates local area networks and
wide area networks. Further, as it provides a single platform
for voice, video and data, it facilitates convergence. ATM
Networks: Concepts and Protocols is a single-stop reference
on this technology. The revised edition of this book covers the
relevant concepts, the three layers of ATM protocol reference
model, core concepts of ATM networks (including signaling,
routing and traffic management), interworking aspects and
the application of ATM networks. Other notable changes
in the second edition include: 1. Four new chapters on the
application areas of ATM-ATM in MPLS Networks, Voice over
ATM, ATM in DSL Networks and ATM in 3G Networks. 2.
Three chapters on the core concepts of ATM-AAL2 Signalling,
ATM Security and ATM Network Architecture and Interfaces.
3. Glossary and Review Questions. Profusely illustrated, this
book provides fresh perspectives and makes comprehension of
a rather difficult subject very easy. With this coverage, it will
serve the needs of networking professionals and students.
Part I: Background and Introduction. 1.Drivers of the Communication World.
2.Transfer Modes. 3.Overview of ATM. Part II: ATM Protocol Reference Model.
4.ATM Physical Layer. 5.ATM Layer. 6.ATM Adaptation Layer. Part III: Core
Concepts of ATM. 7.ATM Traffic and Service Parameterization. 8.ATM Traffic
Management. 9.ATM Switching. 10. ATM Addressing. 11.ATM Signalling.
12.ATM Routing. 13.AAL2 Signalling. 14.ATM Network Management. 15.ATM
Security. Part IV: Interworking with ATM. 16.ATM Network Interfaces and
Architecture. 17.ATM in LAN. 18.IP Over ATM. Part V: Application of ATM
Network. 19.ATM and MPLS Networks. 20.Voice Over ATM. 21.ATM and DSL
Networks. 22.ATM and 3G Networks.
International Edition
by John H Lau, Express Packaging Systems, Inc., Wataru Nakayama,
University of Maryland, John Prince, University of Arizona and C P
Wong, Institute of Technology
1999 / 564 pages / Hardcover
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-038304-3 / MHID: 0-07-038304-9
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-116508-2 / MHID: 0-07-116508-8 [IE]
(International Edition is not for sale in Australia, Europe &
Professional Book
Part I: Flip Chip and Wire Bond for CSP. Part II: Customized Leadframe Based
CSPs. Part III: CSPs with Flexible Substrate. Part IV: CSPs with Rigid Substrate.
Part V: Wafer-Level Redistribution CSPs.
International Edition
Second Edition
by William C.Y. Lee
1998 / 550 pages / Hardcover
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-115766-7 / MHID: 0-07-115766-2 [IE]
(International Edition is not for sale in Japan.)
Professional Book
International Edition
Second Edition
International Edition
by John Lau, Interconnection Technologies Scientist, Agilent
2000 / 585 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-135141-6 / MHID: 0-07-135141-8
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-118365-9 / MHID: 0-07-118365-5 [IE]
(International Edition is not for sale in Japan.)
Professional Book
by Zainalabedin Navabi, Northeastern University
1998 / 656 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-046479-7 / MHID: 0-07-046479-0
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-115525-0 / MHID: 0-07-115525-2 [IE]
(International Edition is not for sale in Japan.)
Professional Book
Hardware Design Environments. VHDL Background. Design Methodology Based
on VHDL. Basic Concepts in VHDL. Structural Specification of Hardware Design
Organization and Parametrization Utilities for High Level Descriptions. Dataflow
Descriptions in VHDL. Behavioral Descriptions of Hardware. CPU Modeling and
Design. Interface Modeling and Design. Special Application Modeling.
Chapter 1. Integrated Circuit Packaging Trends. Chapter 2. Chip-Level
Interconnects: Wire Bonds and Solder Bumps. Chapter 3. Lead-Free Solders.
Chapter 4. High-Density PCB and Substrates. Chapter 5. Flip Chip on Board with
Solderless Materials. Chapter 6. Flip Chip on Board with Conventional Underfills.
Chapter 7. Flip Chip on Board with No-Flow Underfills. Chapter 8. Flip Chip on
Board with Imperfect Underfills. Chapter 9. Thermal Management of Flip Chip
on Board. Chapter 10. Wafer-Level Packaging. Chapter 11. Solder-Bumped Flip
Chip on Micro Via-in-Pad Substrates. Chapter 12. PCB Manufacturing, Testing,
and Assembly of RIMMs. Chapter 13. Wire Bonding Chip (Face-Up) in PBGA
Packages. Chapter 14. Wire Bonding Chip (Face-Down) in PBGA Packages.
Chapter 15. Solder-Bumped Flip Chip in PBGA Packages. Chapter 16. Failure
Analysis of Flip Chip on Low-Cost Substrates.
International Edition
Second Edition
by Daniel Tabak, George Mason University
1995 / 523 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-113715-7 / MHID: 0-07-113715-7 [IE]
(International Edition is not for sale in Japan.)
Professional Book
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