main topic Wien Med Wochenschr (2011) 161/9–10: 233–239 DOI 10.1007/s10354-011-0882-x Ó Springer-Verlag 2011 Printed in Austria Assessment of exposure to mobile telecommunication electromagnetic fields Christian Bornkessel Test Centre, IMST GmbH, Kamp-Lintfort, Germany Received November 28, 2010, accepted January 18, 2011 Erfassung und Bewertung der Exposition durch elektromagnetische Felder der Mobilkommunikation Zusammenfassung. Die elektromagnetische Exposition der Bevölkerung im Umfeld von Mobilfunk-Basisstationen schöpft nur Bruchteile der empfohlenen Grenzwerte aus. Örtlich maximierte und auf maximale Anlagenauslastung extrapolierte Immissionen liegen bezüglich des Leistungsflussdichte-Referenzwertes maximal im einstelligen Prozentbereich, in der Regel werden nur Werte im oder unterhalb des Promillebereiches erreicht. Der Abstand zur Basisstation ist bis zu einigen 100 Metern kein zuverlässiges Kriterium zur Abschätzung der Exposition; wichtiger sind die Orientierung zur Hauptstrahlrichtung sowie die Sichtverhältnisse vom Messpunkt zur Basisstation. Durch Mobiltelefone werden wesentlich höhere Expositionen beim Nutzer verursacht als durch Basisstationen; sie erreichen bei maximaler Sendeleistung bis zu 80 % des Basisgrenzwertes. Maßnahmen zur Minimierung der Exposition durch Mobiltelefone, z. B. durch Verwendung von Headsets, haben deswegen ein größeres Potenzial als Abschirmmaßnahmen gegenüber Emissionen von Basisstationen. Sowohl Basisstationen als auch Mobiltelefone verfügen über Leistungsregelungsmechanismen, die die Sendeleistung und damit auch die Exposition je nach Gesprächsaufkommen erheblich reduzieren können. Derzeitige wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen beschäftigen sich mit der Frage, ob Kinder durch Mobilfunksysteme stärker exponiert werden als Erwachsene. Schlüsselwörter: Exposition, Basisstation, Mobiltelefon, GSM, UMTS Summary. Typical general public exposures around mobile radio service base stations consume only tiny fractions of exposure levels. Maximal immissions at maximal transmit power of base stations amount to several percent of power density reference levels; typical immission levels are about one tenth of a Correspondence: Christian Bornkessel, M.D., Test Centre, IMST GmbH, Carl-Friedrich-Gauss-Staße 2-4, 47475 Kamp-Lintfort, Germany. Fax: þþ49-2842-981 299, E-mail: wmw 9–10/2011 Ó Springer-Verlag percent or even less. The distance to base stations is no reliable exposure classifier. More important are the orientation relative to the main lobe of the station and sight conditions from measurement point to the base station. Mobile phones cause higher exposures to the user than base stations. At maximal transmit power up to 80 percent of the basic restrictions are consumed. Therefore, actions to minimize exposure to mobile phones, e.g. by using a headset, have a larger potential than shielding against emissions from base stations. Both base stations and mobile phones apply power control mechanisms, capable to significantly reducing the transmit power and the associated exposure depending on the communication traffic. Present research investigates, whether children are more exposed to mobile telecommunication systems than adults. Key words: Exposure, base station, mobile phone, GSM, UMTS Introduction Mobile telecommunication systems like GSM or UMTS consist of mobile phones and a network of base stations. For establishing good coverage, a sufficient number of base stations are necessary. In Germany, e.g. 69,258 sites with one or more mobile radio service base stations were registered at the German Federal Network Agency as of November 2010 [1]). The voice and data information between base stations and mobile phones are transmitted by electromagnetic fields (EMF). While the exposure to the mobile phone radiation is restricted to the mobile phone user and his immediate surroundings, emissions from base stations are large-scale and extend over the whole coverage area. This paper deals with EMF emissions of mobile radio service base stations and mobile phones, the spatial distribution of the electromagnetic fields as well as their maximal and average intensities. Occupational exposures, e.g. for personnel installing or maintaining base station antennas, are not addressed here. Before 233 main topic exposure levels are presented and discussed in the next two sections, some basic aspects of exposure assessment methods are summarized. Exposure limits in terms of basic restrictions are based on intracorporal absorption of radio frequency (RF) EMF. To allow quick assessment, reference levels have been derived linking external field quantities such as electric field strength or power density to exposure limits for worst case exposure conditions. If reference levels are met, compliance with exposure limits can be assumed. If not, proof of compliance is necessary by detailed dosimetric investigations based on measured field quantities. Base stations Exposure assessment EMF immissions around mobile radio service base stations can be assessed by measurements or by numerical calculations. Determination of the individual exposure (i.e. the absorbed power inside the human body by dosimetric studies) is based on such immission assessment. Numerical methods for immission assessment are widely used by radio service network operators in the planning process to predict the coverage provided by the stations. For prediction, different wave propagation models are used. The calculated results depend very much on the accuracy and the assumptions of the used model. Large efforts have been undertaken to adapt prediction models for immission forecast, e.g. to be used in epidemiologic studies. However, in general such models are suited only for a dichotomous exposure classification, but not for an accurate prediction of individual exposure. Measurements allow for determining the actual immission level with good accuracy without the need of detailed knowledge about position and transmitting power of the base station. In contrast to calculations, measurements can be performed only for a given point or small volume, making large-scale immission assessment very time and cost consuming or even impossible. Especially for epidemiologic studies, the usage of mobile exposure dosemeters is a new trend, which may be worn all the day and result in personal exposure profiles. EMF immission assessments around mobile radio service base stations were performed extensively during the past years by different institutions, and most of them were carried out by measurements. For measurements, spectrum analysers are used, which have a high 234 Bornkessel – Exposure to mobile telecommunication EMF sensitivity to provide reliable results also at large distances from the base station. In addition, they allow identifying also other radio sources like broadcast or TV transmitters and hence selectively measuring the mobile radio service base station under investigation. To determine the cumulative immission from all relevant sources the knowledge of the individual contribution of a specific radiation source is important. To assess compliance with frequency-dependent reference levels, in a second step, emissions from base stations must be extrapolated to their maximal output. Measurements with a spectrum analyser assess the electromagnetic immission, expressed either as electric field strength (in V/m) or power density (in W/m²). Both electric field strength and power density may be used alternatively, because they contain identical information and, hence, can be converted into each other, if the measurement point is at least some metres away from the source (in the far field). The measured values are compared with respective immission reference levels. In the framework of this paper, we use the reference levels of ICNIRP 1998 [2], which have been adopted by many countries. Reference levels for GSM 900, GSM 1800 and UMTS base stations, as defined at the lower end of the respective frequency bands, are 41.7 V/m, 58.4 V/m and 61.0 V/m for electric field strength and 4.6 W/m², 9.0 W/m² and 10.0 W/m² for power density. Very often, measured values are expressed in per cent of ICNIRPs reference levels. However, because of the quadratic relation between electric field strength and power density it has to be taken into account that percentages for both quantities are different: 1% of power density reference level equates to 10% of the electric field strength! Two special characteristics of mobile radio service base station immissions require attention during the measurements: Firstly, especially inside rooms RF EMF distributions may be very inhomogeneous with local variations of power densities up to 100 fold within few centimeters. Therefore, measurement points only some cm away from each other may exhibit quite different results. Such variations are accounted for either by measuring the immission at several points (e.g. 3 or 6) within the dimension of a human body with subsequent averaging, or by recording the maximal immission in a volume such as 2 m 2 m 2 m. Secondly, the transmit power of a base station is traffic-dependent, and so is the immission: During night, where data and voice traffic are normally low, the immission is generated by permanently transmitted signalling by control channels of a base station. During daytime emissions typical peak at late afternoon when more channels are Ó Springer-Verlag 9–10/2011 wmw Results One of the largest EMF measurement campaigns in the surrounding of GSM and UMTS base stations has been performed in the German federal state Bavaria during the past years. In the framework of the FEE-project [4] with a common measurement protocol (volume scanning) more than 300 single measurement projects were carried out between 2001 and 2008. In 2009, measurement reports were evaluated and the results were fed into a database, which in the meanwhile has increased up to 1867 measurement data entries. Figure 1 shows the distribution of the measured values of the study within different percentages of the reference levels. It has to be noted that the percentage classes are not distributed equally between 0 and 100%. For immissions below 10% of the electric field strength limit (or 1% of the power density limit), ten different classes are defined, whereas higher immissions are assigned to only one class. The majority of the measurement values are very small with regard to reference levels: nearly half of the values (845 out of 1867) are in the lowest class (up to 1% with regard to the electric field strength, or 0.01% to the power density, respectively). The median is 1.2% (electric field strength) or 0.014% (power density), respectively. In the largest class are only 49 out of 1867 values. Obviously, immissions of that order of magnitude are relatively seldom. The highest immission was found to be 16.4 V/m (corre- 9– 10 900 25 18 13 0 8– 9 37 1000 >1 7– 8 64 6 5– 86 6– 7 4– 5 3– 4 2– 0– 1 1– 2 3 Electric field strength [% of limit] 0.08 2.83 80 0.07 70 2.65 0.06 60 2.45 0.05 50 2.24 0.04 40 2.00 0.03 30 1.73 0.02 20 1.41 0.01 10 1.00 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 Electric field strength [% of limit] operated to carry the increased traffic. Because a base station must comply with exposure limits also at maximal operation, techniques have been developed to extrapolate the measured instantaneous immission to the maximal operational state of the base station [3]. Power density [% of limit] main topic 00.00 450 Distance to base station [m] Fig. 2: Exposure distance profile around a base station with antennas installed at 30 m height, measured at ground level sponding to 27.9%) or 715.2 mW/m² (corresponding to 7.8%), whereas the lowest immission was measured to 1 m V/m (corresponding to 0.003%) or 3 nW/m² (corresponding to 0.00000009%). The spread between maximal and minimal immission is very large with a factor of about 86 million concerning power density percentages. It is therefore interesting to study the influence of several parameters on the actual immission at a given measurement point. The most obvious parameter is the distance to the base station. To test the hypothesis that locations in larger distance to the station exhibit a smaller immission compared to points close to the station, several points along a straight line were measured in [5]. Figure 2 shows the results of the line measurements around a mast with antennas mounted in about 30 m height. Contrary to the usual opinion it can be concluded that the exposure is not continuously increasing when approaching the base station. The highest immissions were not found close to the base station, but at a distance of about 230 m. The reason for this phenomenon is the vertical radiation pattern of typical base station antennas. As 845 Number of points 800 700 600 500 351 400 300 230 149 200 100 49 .0 .0 >1 81 –1 0. .8 1 4 64 –0 0. –0 .6 49 36 0. –0 . 49 36 –0 . 0. .2 5 25 0. 0. 16 –0 .1 6 09 –0 0. 04 –0 . 09 04 0. 1– 0. 0. 0 0. 0– 0. 01 0 Power density [% of limit] Fig. 1: Distribution of the measurement points of the study regarding base station exposure [4] among different percentages of the exposure reference levels wmw 9–10/2011 Ó Springer-Verlag Fig. 3: Vertical radiation pattern of a mobile phone base station Bornkessel – Exposure to mobile telecommunication EMF 235 main topic Fig. 3 shows, a base station antenna does not radiate the power uniformly in all directions (like e.g. a light bulb), but concentrated in a so-called main lobe. Beside the main lobe secondary radiation zones exist (side lobes), in which transmission is again increasing however with reduced power with regard to the main lobe. Between main lobe and side lobe as well as between different side lobes there are areas, where the power transmission is very low. Moving away from the base station, one passes through several radiation maxima and minima, unless the point is reached where the main lobe touches ground. If the antennas are installed high above ground level this may be at several 100 m distance from the station. In the scenario shown in Figure 2, this point is obviously about 230 m away from the base station. Therefore, in the light of these findings the demand for a safety distance from base stations of about 100 m for places of sensitive use like kindergartens and schools as claimed by some groups, might even be counterproductive. In contrast to distance a parameter which is much more important for exposure estimation around base stations is the orientation to the main lobe: At heights similar to that of the antenna, points are inside the vertical main lobe and, therefore, higher immissions may be measured than at places at other angular areas in spite of comparable distance and sight condition. When measuring inside houses vis-à-vis to the base station, the tendency of immission to decrease toward lower floors is typical [4]. Another important parameter is the sight condition: In the Bavarian study it was found, that at points where buildings or vegetation are blocking direct sight, immission in terms of power density percentage was on average 1/30 compared to points with sight to the station. This finding is relevant when comparing the immission inside rooms without sight to the base station with measurement points outside or on balconies having free sight conditions to the station. Whereas all immission data given above were local maximal values, extrapolated to the maximal operational state of the station, it might also be interesting to have information about typical exposures of a person. This is important e.g. in the framework of epidemiologic studies, where not the maximal, but the typical immissions averaged over time and at different (and not maximal exposed) locations are of interest. Studies in the framework of the German Mobile Telecommunication Research Programme reported that typical immissions are about a factor of 10 to 100 (with regard to power density) smaller than the worst case extrapolated immissions [6]. 236 Bornkessel – Exposure to mobile telecommunication EMF Mobile phones Exposure assessment In contrast to base stations, where the whole body may be exposed to emitted fields, the exposure to mobile phones is very local. The phone exposure concentrates on the parts of the body, where the mobile phone is operated. If the mobile phone is held toward the head, the exposure is concentrated within the ear region (Fig. 4), whereas other regions (e.g. trunk) experience almost no exposure. Due to the close distance of the mobile phone to the head (near field condition), electric field strength or power density can no longer be used as dosimetric values. The correct dosimetric quantity for describing exposures of devices with body contact is the specific absorption rate (SAR). The SAR is defined as the amount of power (in W), which is absorbed in human tissue (per unit mass). For localized exposure of a mobile phone, for each 10 g contiguous tissue ICNIRP [2] recommends a basic restriction of 2 W/kg for exposure of head and trunk, and 4 W/kg for exposure of limbs. For intermittent exposure, the SAR has to be averaged over 6 min intervals. While ICNIRP requires the SAR to be spatially averaged over 10 g of contiguous tissue of undefined shape the European standard EN 62209-1 [7] requires averaging over a 10 g cube. Basically, the SAR of mobile phones can be determined by measurement in a head phantom and by numerical calculations. Numerical calculations are performed mainly for research purposes to study the local Fig. 4: Local exposure distribution of a mobile phone in a head model Ó Springer-Verlag 9–10/2011 wmw main topic Fig. 5: Dosimetric assessment system for SAR measurement of mobile phones exposure distribution inside the head or body dependent on the phone type, the frequency and the type of the human model. For the phones and the heads/ bodies numerical models are necessary, the latter composed of different tissue types with spatial resolutions in the mm or sub-mm range. In the certification process, i.e. the process to demonstrate conformity of mobile phones with European Directives before placing them on the market, SAR assessment is necessary. Typically this is done by measurement. For head exposure assessment, the mobile phone under test is mounted beneath phantoms of a human head and torso, which are filled with a liquid simulating homogeneous tissue (Fig. 5). The mobile phone is operated at its maximal transmit power. A robot-driven probe scans the electric field inside the phantom for calculating the SAR value. The head measurements are performed with the phone mounted to the left and right ear at two typical use positions and at all implemented communication options (e.g. GSM 900, GSM 1800, and UMTS). The maximal SAR value is recorded and compared with ICNIRPs basic restrictions. Exposure results SAR data of 70 currently available smartphones and 76 mobile phones show SAR values ranging from 0.168 to wmw 9–10/2011 Ó Springer-Verlag 1.61 W/kg, corresponding to 8.4 and 80.5% of the SAR basic restriction [8]. The median is 0.817 W/kg (40.8%). A comparison of these values with the exposures to EMF from mobile radio service base stations shows, that despite the smaller maximal transmit powers of mobile phones (125–250 mW time averaged) in contrast to base stations (typically 5 to 40 W per channel and sector), the maximal personal exposure to mobile phones is by several orders of magnitude closer to exposure limits. The main reason for this difference is the smaller distance of the phone to the human head or body which over compensates its smaller transmit power. On the other hand, the mobile phone exposure is limited to the time periods of an active phone call, whereas the base station transmits permanently. In the present exposure guidelines, however, this is without consequences, because the exposure limits are defined as threshold levels and not as time-dependent dose values [2]. Numerical simulations with inhomogeneous, anatomically correct head models show differences of the peak spatial average SAR of more than a factor 2 for different head models of adult persons [10], underlining that inter-individual anatomic differences have a large impact on SAR. Furthermore, it was shown that the homogeneous phantom used for the mobile phone certification measurements is conservative enough to cope with the anatomic differences [9]. Bornkessel – Exposure to mobile telecommunication EMF 237 main topic Like base stations, mobile phones can regulate their transmit power, depending on the quality of the connection to the base station. Because for product certification the SAR is measured under maximal transmit power conditions, in real life the exposure to the mobile phones is smaller than that documented above. Real life exposure to mobile phones in relation to maximal exposure was investigated in a project of the German Mobile Telecommunication Programme [11]. In the study, depending on the investigated scenario for GSM operation the average transmit power was between 10 and 70% of the maximal transmit power. The maximal transmit power was achieved only during 5 to 30% of the call time. For GSM it has to be noted, that with every change of a base station cell (which can occur frequently during a car or railway trip) for handover the transmit power is upregulated to the maximum before being adjusted to the required level. This causes an increase of the average transmit power. At UMTS, after each cell change the power regulation mechanism starts from low levels. Discussion Although the personal exposure to GSM and UMTS mobile telecommunication systems is dominated by the mobile phones and not by the base stations, very often the base stations are in the focus of the public discussion. Sometimes the question arises, whether the shielding of homes can reduce the exposure for people living near to a base station. Besides the fact that even in the direct vicinity to base stations shielding measures are of questionable value in the light of the actually low immissions, in practice their shielding effectiveness is very limited: an RF effective shielding requires creation of a complete metallic cage. However, care must be taken since even small opening or even a slit may considerably reduce the shielding effect. Moreover, a shield can be counterproductive, because the electromagnetic fields produced by RF sources inside the house, such as mobile phones or DECT cordless phones, may generate resonances, which may cause even higher local immissions than without shielding. If the personal exposure is to be minimized it makes more sense to start with the mobile phone because of its higher exposure compared to base stations. For example, it is possible to choose a mobile phone with a low SAR value, although conclusions of a low SAR value at maximal transmit power to real life transmit scenarios are somewhat limited. Another option is to use headsets while using the phone, which 238 Bornkessel – Exposure to mobile telecommunication EMF effectively reduces the head SAR in most practical cases [12]. However, devices claimed to be mobile phone radiation protectors are not recommended. Test showed they are either useless or may even cause the mobile phone to increase its transmit power to compensate for the impedance mismatch at the phones antenna provoked by such devices. In the context of exposure minimization, it should not be forgotten that a good connection of the phone to the base station, created by good base station coverage, effectively reduces the exposure to the mobile phone due to the power control mechanisms installed in the phone. A very complex, yet important topic is the question, whether children are more exposed to RF fields of mobile telecommunication systems than adults. This question should be discussed with regard to the higher cumulative exposure of children to such technologies in comparison to adults due to the rapid growth of mobile communication systems during the past years. This refers to both exposure to base stations and mobile phones. As far as base station exposure is concerned, some studies have shown that whole body exposure of children and small persons (shorter than 1.3 m in height) to reference levels under worst case conditions may lead to an excess of basic restrictions (SAR values, averaged over the whole body) at frequencies around 100 MHz and 1–4 GHz [13–15]. A recent study [16] with anatomically correct children models and age dependent tissue parameters quantified the excess of basic restrictions to 30% around 100 MHz more than 50% between 1.5 and 5 GHz for small children. As measurements show, far field immissions of base station fields are generally well below reference levels. However, these results indicate there is a possible inconsistency of the recommended system of basic restrictions and reference levels, which requires further attention. As far as mobile phone exposure is concerned, many partly controversial numerical SAR studies were published during the past years. They investigated possible differences in the energy absorption depending on head size and anatomy, pinna thickness, and dielectric head tissue parameters. Whereas some studies varying the head size reported significant increase of spatial peak average SAR in children heads, other studies could not replicate such findings [9]. While the first investigations used linearly downscaled adult head models for children, models based on anatomically correct MRI scans are presently used. A recent study [17] also investigated possible absorption differences due to different pinna thicknesses and head tissue parameters. Characteristic differences of pinna Ó Springer-Verlag 9–10/2011 wmw main topic thickness between adults and 6–8-year-old children, which may influence SAR differences, could not be observed; data for younger children were not available. With the exemption of bone marrow, no systematic influence of the age dependency of tissue parameters on the local exposure was found. Concerning the peak spatial average SAR, no characteristic differences between investigated children models (3, 6 and 11 years old) and the adult model were found, taking into account the reported inter-individual differences between different adult models. Concerning the local SAR distribution (i.e. without spatial 10 g averaging) differences exist, leading to a higher exposure of some tissues and organs (e.g. the eye) in children due to a closer distance to the phone, where other regions of the childrens head were found to be lower exposed than in adult heads. These results should be taken into account in the interpretation of epidemiologic studies and for research on non-thermal effects. As an outlook into the next few years it can be stated, that the penetration of our life with mobile communication services is further increasing: the new generation of mobile communication technology LTE (Long Term Evolution) is now being introduced with new base stations being installed. The successor of LTE (LTE advanced) is in its final standardization process and ready to start within the next years. With the mobile Internet everywhere LTE technology, especially mobile high data rate applications will increase, eventually overwhelming the classical voice traffic. The new mobile communication technologies will result in new exposure and user scenarios which will have to be actively monitored by radiation protection authorities. Conflict of interest The author declares that there is no conflict of interest. References [2] International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP). Guidelines for limiting exposure to time-varying electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields (up to 300 GHz). Health Phys, 74: 494–522, 1998. [3] Bornkessel C, Schubert M, Wuschek M, et al. Determination of the general public exposure around GSM and UMTS base stations. Radiat Prot Dosimetry, 124: 40–47, 2007. [4] Bornkessel C, Schubert M. 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