Focus CEC Standards 5, 9, 10 Reflection Journal Rubric (EDS 537) Proficient: All elements clearly defined and integrated. Met: Most elements included but not fully explained, lacks some details. Not Met: Elements only listed or many elements missing, no detailed explanations. Elements Topic Single, distinct focus, unified and coherent, well developed, main topic area based on class activities/assigned readings. Organization Logical progression of ideas, fluent, cohesive, use of appropriate transitions. Appropriate Details Details appropriate and varied. Relates to class, text, relevant research, or assigned case study. Provides specific details to illustrate main topics. Mechanics Spelling, grammar, word usage, sentence structure, punctuation, APA style, Reference list using proper APA style. Completeness of Response All aspects of assignment/topic addressed. All guided questions included in reflection. Demonstration of Understanding Well-integrated response reflecting accurate information; opinions backed by data/evidence and/or appropriately referenced. Cited numerous research articles(i.e., peerreviewed articles) throughout paper to support statements. Theory to Practice Presents clear, coherent link between learned information and practical use. Adjusts practice based on data and personal reflection. Describes how information can be used in schools, for teachers, with students. Reflection relates to self and students Offers professional reflection on own role in affecting student learning. Professional Goals Described personal professional goals related to topic. Described specific plans to implement goals. Evidence of Collaboration Describes specific personal collaborative skills used and how/when used. Lists types of skills used to enhance collaboration. Expectations Proficient Indicator Met Indicator Not Met Proficient Indicator Met Indicator Not Met Proficient Indicator Met Indicator Not Met Proficient Indicator Met Indicator Not Met Proficient Indicator Met Indicator Not Met Proficient Indicator Met Indicator Not Met Proficient Indicator Met Indicator Not Met Proficient Indicator Met Indicator Not Met Proficient Indicator Met Indicator Not Met Proficient Indicator Met Indicator Not Met Comments Focus CEC Standards 5, 9, 10