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Genetics Practice Test: Unit 3, IB Biology

IB Questionbank
Unit 3 Genetics Practice test 2
[74 marks]
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In a human with type A blood, what determines the blood group?
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A. Sex chromosomes
B. One or two alleles
C. Multiple alleles
D. Codominant alleles
How are enzymes used during gene transfer involving plasmids?
If a man with blood group O and a woman with blood group AB have children, which blood group(s) could the children have?
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A. Group O only
B. Groups A and B only
C. Group AB only
D. Groups O, A, B and AB
Which individuals are colour blind in this Punnett grid?
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C. Xb Y
D. XB Xb
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What is a possible source of the chromosomes used for pre-natal karyotype diagnosis?
A. The mother’s lymphocytes
B. The mother’s cheek cells
C. The cells from chorionic villi
D. The fetal hair root cells
[1 mark]
What was an aim of genetic modification of organisms?
A. To provide stem cells from embryos for medical use
B. To make crop plants resistant to herbicides
C. To provide sperm cells for in vitro fertilization (IVF)
D. To produce genetically identical sheep
[1 mark]
What causes the presence of three chromosomes 21 in Down syndrome?
A. Crossing over
B. Allele change
C. Non-disjunction
D. Gene mutation
The feather colour of a certain breed of chicken is controlled by codominant alleles. A cross between a homozygous black-feathered
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chicken and a homozygous white-feathered chicken produces all speckled chickens. What phenotypic ratios would be expected from a cross
between two speckled chickens?
A. All speckled
B. 1 black feathers : 1 white feathers
C. Speckled, black feathers and white feathers in equal numbers
D. 1 black feathers : 2 speckled feathers : 1 white feathers
The presence of freckles is a characteristic controlled by a dominant gene. Two parents who are heterozygous for the characteristic
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have three children, all of whom have freckles. Which statement is true if they have a fourth child?
A. There is a 100 % chance that their next child will have freckles.
B. There is a 75 % chance that their next child will have freckles.
C. There is a 50 % chance that their next child will have freckles.
D. The next child will have no freckles as the ratio is 3 with freckles to 1 without freckles.
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10. What maximum number of different genotypes and phenotypes are possible among the children of a mother with blood group A and
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a father with blood group B?
11. Which process can be used to amplify small fragments of DNA?
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A. Gel electrophoresis
B. Polymerase chain reaction
C. DNA profiling
D. Electron microscopy
12. What is a definition of a clone?
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A. A group of cells derived from a single parent cell
B. Differentiated cells that retain the capacity to divide
C. A fetus developed specifically for medical use
D. A group of cells that have lost the ability to differentiate
13. What was an aim of genetic modification of organisms?
[1 mark]
A. To provide stem cells from embryos for medical use
B. To make crop plants resistant to herbicides
C. To provide sperm cells for in vitro fertilization (IVF)
D. To produce genetically identical sheep
14. What is a characteristic of the human Y chromosome?
[1 mark]
A. It is made of DNA and histones covered by phospholipids.
B. It contains some genes that are not present on the X chromosome.
C. It is the largest chromosome in the human karyotype.
D. It has a condensed length of approximately 100 µm.
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15. What is the composition of eukaryotic chromosomes?
[1 mark]
A. DNA only
B. DNA and ribose
C. DNA and RNA
D. DNA and proteins
16. What is the difference between dominant, recessive and codominant alleles?
17. Which genotypes are possible when a male with blood group AB and a female with blood group O have offspring?
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[1 mark]
A. IAi only
B. IAi and IBi
C. IAi and ii
D. IAi, IBi and ii
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18. The following shows a pedigree chart.
[1 mark]
What type of inheritance is shown in this pedigree chart?
A. X-linked recessive
B. Y-linked dominant
C. X-linked dominant
D. Y-linked recessive
19. What happens to DNA fragments in electrophoresis?
[1 mark]
A. They move in a magnetic field and are separated according to their size.
B. They move in an electric field and are separated according to their size.
C. They move in a magnetic field and are separated according to their bases.
D. They move in an electric field and are separated according to their bases.
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20. The flow chart summarizes methods of gene transfer.
[1 mark]
Which enzymes are used in steps I and II?
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21a. This is a pedigree chart of a family with hypophosphatemia, an X-linked condition, in which bone deformities occur because of
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poor absorption of phosphates into the blood.
Using the pedigree chart, deduce the type of allele that causes hypophosphatemia.
21b. Identify the genotype of the individual marked with a star in the pedigree chart, using appropriate symbols for your answer.
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22a. Type I diabetes is a leading cause of death in advanced countries and is associated with various severe or fatal complications,
including blindness, kidney failure, heart disease, stroke, neuropathy, and amputations. Embryonic stem cells are considered to be a
powerful tool in the treatment of diabetes.
In a study, embryonic stem cells were grown in culture and tested for insulin mRNA. A drug was injected into two groups of healthy mice in
order to simulate type I diabetes 15 days prior to the transplant of embryonic stem cells. The mice in the transplant group received
embryonic stem cells that produce insulin mRNA. The control group did not receive the transplant. The graph shows the blood glucose
concentration in both groups.
State the highest mean concentration of blood glucose in the mice with transplants.
..........................mg dL–1
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22b. Outline the cause of type I diabetes in humans.
22c. Describe the reason for testing for insulin mRNA in the embryonic stem cell cultures.
22d. Compare and contrast the concentration of blood glucose resulting from the embryonic stem cell transplant with the control.
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22e. Evaluate the effectiveness of the embryonic stem cell treatment in controlling blood glucose.
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22f. A few years later, a third study used a treatment with umbilical cord stem cells on patients who had suffered from moderate or
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severe type I diabetes for an average of 8 years. They were divided into two groups: group 1 had moderate diabetes and group 2 had severe
diabetes. The patients’ blood was circulated outside the body and exposed to umbilical cord stem cells before returning to the patients’
circulation. The control group had moderate diabetes and received the same treatment but without umbilical cord stem cells.
Compare and contrast the results of the treatment on group 1 with the results of the treatment on group 2.
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IB Questionbank
22g. Suggest an ethical advantage of using this type of therapy over embryonic stem cell therapy.
22h. Using the data from all three studies, evaluate the use of embryonic stem cells as a treatment for type I diabetes.
23a. Meiosis in humans produces cells that participate in fertilization. Outline the processes involved in meiosis.
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23b. Following fertilization, cells in the developing embryo differentiate. Outline a technique for cloning using differentiated animal cells.
23c. Discuss ethical issues of therapeutic cloning in humans.
24a. Define codominant allele, recessive allele, locus and sex linkage.
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24b. ABO blood groups are inherited from parents, but it is possible for a child to have a different blood group from either
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parent. Outline how this can happen using a Punnett grid.
24c. Explain how males inherit hemophilia and how females can become carriers for the condition.
[8 marks]
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Printed for St Andrews International School, Bangkok
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