PROGRAM DESCRIPTION From: Stewart Dent, Software Lead The WaterWorks Utilities Company To: Interns RE: Log files Welcome to The WaterWorks summer intern program. You have been assigned to the software development team as a programmer. BACKGROUND: At the end of each month, our technicians take readings from every residential water meter in their service area. We want to keep each customer informed by providing a quarterly report that summarizes that customer’s water consumption for the quarter. REQUIREMENTS: Write a program that displays a customer’s quarterly report. The program should request the customer’s water usage and then display the quarterly report on the console. • Request the following information: Date the meter was read (mm, dd, yyyy) The meter number (allow up to 8 digits) Size of residence in square feet Gallons used in 1st month Gallons used in 2nd month Gallons used in 3rd month • Then, display the quarterly report ▪ Display leading zeros, if there are any, in the meter number ▪ Display floating point numbers with a resolution of 2 decimal places and align the decimal points. ▪ Use named constants wherever possible. ▪ Assume that the national average water consumption for a residence is 2.095 gallons per square foot of the residence size. • Use WW_Header.cpp (attached) as a starting point for your code. It contains the WaterWorks approved file header, which must be included at the head of all company source code files. Examples follow: Example #1 – where the AVERAGE IS WITHIN LIMITS of average household consumption: Enter Enter Enter Enter 00.44 the date the meter was read (mm dd yyyy) 3 1 2019 the meter number (8 digits) 06974420 the size of residence in square feet 1895 the gallons used in each of 3 months (seperated by a space) 36 4497.23 3798.8 Quarterly report for meter number 06974420 for the period ending 3/1 /2019 Usage month #1: Usage month #2: Usage month #3: Total usage: Average usage: 3600.44 4497.23 3798.80 11896.47 3965.49 gallons gallons gallons gallons gallons per month The average monthly household water consumption for a 1895.00 square foot house is 3970.03 gallons. Your average monthly consumption of 3965.49 gallons is 4.54 gallons below the average. Example #2 – where the average EXCEEDS AVERAGE household consumption: Enter Enter Enter Enter 97.92 the date the meter was read (mm dd yyyy) 3 2 201 the meter number (8 digits) 00042341 the size of residence in square feet 2024 the gallons used in each of 3 months (seperated by a space) 38 5204.99 4204.7 Quarterly report for meter number 00042341 for the period ending 3/2 /2019 Usage month #1: Usage month #2: Usage month #3: Total usage: Average usage: 3897.92 5204.99 4204.70 13307.61 4435.87 gallons gallons gallons gallons gallons per month * The average monthly household water consumption for a 2024.00 squa re foot house is 4240.28 gallons. *Your average monthly consumption of 4435.87 gallons exceeds the av erage by 195.59 gallons.