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Gilded Age Government Role Essay

The Guilded age was a time in history when it was prosperous and full of good things, but no good
things come without a price. The Absence of the Government in the Guilded age was one of the reasons
it progessed so fast but also one of the reasons there wasn't much law in certain parts of the United
States. You can see this easily by just looking at how the west was. Self-appointed vigilantes, and unrest
for civilians. I do think the Government should look into how the economic health of the country is
faring and also better and more effecient ways to improve it. But also not to turn the United States into
a country run by Communism. In this age the people are becoming more and more dependant on the
government for food (Food Stamps) andn for goverment-provided housing, the Government basically
has the people on a leash. An abuse of power could be very destructive. So yes I do think the
Government should be "more involded in people’s lives and businesses" but to an extent.