
Reynolds 1
Taylor Reynolds
Professor Riley
HUM 115-0005
30 January 2019
Chapter 4 Exercise 4.2 Section III
2. Lexical: The word “oar” is being described by the standard definition in the English
3. Persuasive: The term “philosopher” is being described as a delusional person who is
wasting their time, therefore the statement is bias and emotionally charged.
4. Precising: The definition of “beyond a reasonable doubt” provides certainty to a common
term used in court, that may have previously been considered vague.
5. Stipulative: “Litter-butt” is non-established word that has been assigned this definition
for the speaker’s narrative.
6. Precising: The term “affluent” is described as a family with a specific annual income.
7. Lexical: “Labyrinth” is described by the standard definition as it is used in language.
8. Stipulative: “Circler” is a word used for the speaker’s definition of someone who circles
the parking lot.
9. Precising: The term “chronologically tardy” is putting a definition to a term that may
have been vague if not otherwise specified.
10. Persuasive: The speaker is describing the word “faith” as illogical and improbable
therefore, it is opinionated and bias.
Reynolds 2
11. Persuasive: “Tic tac toe” is described as a mindless game that results in inevitable
outcomes, therefore it is bias.
12. Precising: “Intoxicated” is defined with precise definition so there is no mass confusion.
13. Lexical: “Garden” is defined by the standard use in most context.
14. Stipulative: The term “chatthead” is being used by the speaker to represent his/her
interpretation of the word.
15. Persuasive: The term “republican party” is being depicted only in a positive and bias
16. Lexical: The most common definition for “kite” is depicted.
17. Precising: The definition of “full employment” is given as a specific definition that
economist use.
18. Persuasive: “Democracy” is being depicted in a very opinionated and negative light.
19. Lexical: The definition provided for “indolent” is the standard most common use of the
20. Precising: “Normal speech volume” is specified by quantitative statistics in the definition