The Mask You Live in Viewing Guide 1/3

Name: ____________________________________
Period: ____________________________________
The Mask You Live In (Part 1)
A Documentary about our Boys and Men.
Directions: Use this sheet to record details from the film, such as examples and statistics. Identify
vocabulary concepts on the left side. You will use these notes for homework to respond to prompts that
rely on evidence. Be thorough.
Approx. Time
& Relevant
0-3 min
“Being a man” / The “Mask”
3-5 min
“If you really knew me…” examples
5-13 min
Examples of pressure on boys and men not to be or do anything “feminine”
Topics and Issues in the Film
13-15 min
Compare and Contrast “Sex” (biological term) vs. “Gender” (Sociological term)
15-17 min
Gender stereotypes through social conditioning/media influences (Gender
17-22 min
Emotions are human/Men are sensitive and nurturing when we let them
22-28 min
Young boys learn pressures and powers of masculinity early (Toxic Masculinity is
28-32 min
Male teens can struggle to feel close with other males. Many disconnect. (Fear
dissolves support networks)
32-40 min
Coping mechanisms for emotional suppression: acting out, aggression, drinking,
drugs, depression, and suicide
Journal #1 (please base your response on the second half of the film, minutes 1-43)
According to the film, what is “the mask” some people live in? What are some reasons (or causes) why
guys put on “the mask?” What are some of the short and long-term personal effects of putting on the
mask? Use examples and statistics from the film as evidence to support your claims. Highlight evidence
in your response.