Judaism 101

Judaism 101
What do you know about Judaism?
• I can develop an informed understanding of the foundational
characteristics of Judaism
• I can foster a respectful awareness of the significance of the beliefs
and practices for a faith member of Judaism
• I can analyze how Judaism impacts faith members lives
Media Connection:
• An Introduction of Judaism
• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=auM94_yDD40
Notes: Judaism 101
• No we are going to journey through the history and
foundational components of Judaism. This is only to
gain facts on how Judaism developed, what the faith
members believe and how they navigate and impact
our social world.
• This is not an argument to agree or disagree with
Judaism, but a world view study so that we are
promoting literacy of World Religions.
• Please remain respectful at all times
Judaism: What is the human condition?
• Jews Believe:
•God created humans in his image and
endowed them with free will, which
leads to a constant choice between
yetzer ha-ra (bad inclinations) and yetzer
ha-tov (good inclinations).
Judaism: Where Are “We”Going?
• Jews Believe:
• Judaism emphasizes observance in the life
rather than elaborating on the hereafter.
There is however, the expectation of a
Messianic age of peace and justice for
humankind in this world and a belief in Olam
Ha-Ba (the world to come)
Judaism: How Do “We” Get There?
• Jews Believe:
• We accomplish this through living life in accordance with
God’s will and in readiness for the coming of the
Messianic Age. This will be achieved by:
• Being the House of Israel or Chosen People
• Obeying all the mitzot (commandments) of the Covenant that
God has revealed in the Torah
• Living according to the Shema
The Shema
• The Shema is one of only two prayers that are
specifically commanded in Torah. It is the oldest
fixed daily prayer in Judaism, recited morning and
night since ancient times. It consists of three biblical
passages, two of which specifically say to speak of
these things "when you lie down and when you rise
• Media Connection: http://www.jewfaq.org/shemaref.htm
Judaism: Sacred Text
• The Torah: First Five books of the Jewish scriptures
incorporating the law of God , regards as given to Moses
• The Oral Torah in which God explained to Moses but not
written down:
• The Mishnah: a collection of oral law complied by the second
century AD
• The Talmud: Contains debates between rabbis and theological,
philosophical and ethical work