Adler UHC 12e TB Chapter 01

1. One characteristic of human communication is that it is symbolic. In this symbolic
communication, meanings are located in __________.
a. words
b. events
c. people
d. objects
e. places
Answer: C
Page: 32
Bloom’s: Remembering
A-head: Clarifying Misconceptions About Communication
2. In a conversation with himself, Malik says, “I think, therefore I am.” What type of
communication is Malik engaged in?
a. Interpersonal communication
b. Intrapersonal communication
c. Dyadic communication
d. Intradyadic communication
e. Mass communication
Answer: B
Page: 11
Bloom’s: Understanding
A-head: Types of Communication
3. Which communication channel allows for mediated interactive communication with both
small and large audiences?
a. Mass media
b. Print media
c. Electronic media
d. Social media
e. Computer media
Answer: D
Page: 16
Bloom’s: Remembering
A-head: Understanding Social Media
4. By communicating pleasure, affection, and inclusion, we satisfy our __________.
a. social needs
b. physical needs
c. practical needs
d. identity needs
e. practical needs
Answer: A
Page: 24
Bloom’s: Remembering
A-head: Functions of Communication
5. Shonda was sitting in a crowded room that was very warm and stuffy. This was making it
difficult for her to listen to the speaker’s message. What type of noise was interfering with
Shonda’s message reception?
a. Psychological noise
b. Internal noise
c. Physiological noise
d. External noise
e. Semantic noise
Answer: D
Page: 9
Bloom’s: Understanding
A-head: Communication Defined
6. Arbitrary elements used to represent things, processes, ideas, or events in ways that make
communication possible are called __________.
a. messages
b. symbols
c. channels
d. semiotics
e. signs
Answer: B
Page: 7
Bloom’s: Remembering
A-head: Communication Defined
7. When there is a time gap between when a message is sent and when it’s received, one is
using __________.
a. synchronous communication
b. impermanent communication
c. interactive communication
d. asynchronous communication
e. transactional communication
Answer: D
Page: 17
Bloom’s: Remembering
A-head: Understanding Social Media
8. Which model reflects the fact that we usually send and receive messages simultaneously?
a. Linear model
b. Interactive model
c. Interpersonal model
d. Transactional model
e. Proactive model
Answer: D
Page: 10
Bloom’s: Remembering
A-head: Communication Defined
9. Which of the following terms do social scientists use to describe the multiple nonverbal cues
that add clarity to a verbal message?
a. Synchronous communication
b. Permanence
c. Asynchronous communication
d. Message richness
e. Impermanence
Answer: D
Page: 17
Bloom’s: Remembering
A-head: Understanding Social Media
10. The tendency to transmit messages without considering consequences is called __________.
a. disinhibition
b. inhibition
c. synchronicity
d. asynchronicity
e. message richness
Answer: A
Page: 20
Bloom’s: Remembering
A-head: Understanding Social Media
11. The ability to construct a variety of frameworks for viewing an issue is known as
a. perspective taking
b. self-monitoring
c. skill performing
d. cognitive complexity
e. behavioral complexity
Answer: D
Page: 29
Bloom’s: Remembering
A-head: Communication Competence
12. Julia told Kacie that Taylor was “loaded.” Kacie took this to mean that Taylor had had too
much to drink, whereas Julia had meant that he was very wealthy. This is an example of the
concept that __________.
a. communication is simple
b. meaning is in people, not words
c. communication does not always require complete understanding
d. communication is not always a good thing
e. more communication is not always better
Answer: B
Page: 32
Bloom’s: Understanding
A-head: Clarifying Misconceptions About Communication
13. Which of the following is an accurate statement about communication?
a. More communication is better.
b. Communication always requires complete understanding.
c. Communication will solve all problems.
d. Meanings are in words.
e. Communication is not simple.
Answer: E
Page: 33
Bloom’s: Remembering
A-head: Clarifying Misconceptions About Communication
14. When we are searching for words to express an idea, we are involved in the process of
a. processing
b. transmitting
c. decoding
d. encoding
e. assigning meaning
Answer: D
Page: 10
Bloom’s: Understanding
A-head: Communication Defined
15. Complete the following sentence: “Communication is _______.”
a. a guaranteed panacea
b. something that you do to others
c. a simple process
d. not going to solve all of your problems
e. always a good thing
Answer: D
Page: 32
Bloom’s: Remembering
A-head: Clarifying Misconceptions About Communication
16. Which of the following would be considered non-mediated communication?
a. Instant messaging
b. Face-to-face interaction
c. Voice mail
d. Videoconferencing
e. Texting
Answer: B
Page: 16
Bloom’s: Remembering
A-head: Understanding Social Media
17. Which statement best represents the connection between communication, understanding, and
a. Communication maximizes understanding in relationships.
b. Partners can communicate with high satisfaction without necessarily understanding each
other well.
c. To be successful in a relationship, we must always have complete understanding.
d. Successful communication in relationships is dependent upon better understanding.
e. Communication always leads to improved understanding and greater relational
Answer: B
Page: 32
Bloom’s: Remembering
A-head: Clarifying Misconceptions About Communication
18. When we say that communication is relational, what does that mean?
a. Communication is something that we do to others.
b. Communication is important to maintaining commitment in relationships.
c. Communication arises out of our interactions with others.
d. Communication involves a wide range of socially appropriate behaviors.
e. Communication is key to greater satisfaction in relationships.
Answer: C
Page: 6
Bloom’s: Understanding
A-head: Communication Defined
19. Perspective taking is associated with __________.
a. psychological noise
b. physiological noise
c. empathy
d. channels
e. mediums
Answer: C
Page: 29
Bloom’s: Remembering
A-head: Communication Competence
20. Which method of communication provides the greatest level of control over how the message
is composed?
a. Teleconferencing
b. Face-to-face conversation
c. Telephone conversation
d. Handwritten message
e. Video chat
Answer: D
Page: 19
Bloom’s: Remembering
A-head: Understanding Social Media
21. Which of the following statements about communication competence is true?
a. Communication competence is a trait we either possess or lack.
b. To be a competent communicator, one must have complete understanding of a situation.
c. We learn communication competence from our successes and failures.
d. Communication competence is an innately acquired behavior.
e. Competent communicators look at things from one perspective.
Answer: C
Page: 28
Bloom’s: Remembering
A-head: Communication Competence
22. Even though she doesn’t like her very much, Belinda talks with Josie because it makes her
feel less lonely. Belinda is using her interactions with Josie to fulfill her __________.
a. physical needs
b. identity needs
c. psychological needs
d. practical needs
e. social needs
Answer: E
Page: 24
Bloom’s: Understanding
A-head: Functions of Communication
23. Dyadic interaction is sometimes considered identical to __________.
a. intrapersonal communication
b. public communication
c. interpersonal communication
d. social communication
e. group communication
Answer: C
Page: 11
Bloom’s: Remembering
A-head: Types of Communication
24. Cassandra is mad at her friend, Nicole, for spreading rumors about her at school.
Consequently, Cassandra decides to get back at her by posting embarrassing pictures of her
online. She also persists in making hateful and hurtful comments about Nicole on her social
networking page. Cassandra’s behavior can be recognized as __________.
a. flaming
b. cyberstalking
c. disinhibition
d. permanence
e. cyberbullying
Answer: E
Page: 20
Bloom’s: Understanding
A-head: Understanding Social Media
25. Which of the following best exemplifies the linear model of communication?
a. Having a face-to-face conversation
b. Talking on the phone with a friend
c. Watching a video online
d. Instant messaging
e. Having a conversation with yourself
Answer: C
Page: 8
Bloom’s: Understanding
A-head: Communication Defined
26. Telephone, e-mail, instant messaging, faxes, and voice mail are all considered __________.
a. mediated communication
b. linear communication
c. noise
d. urban
e. rural
Answer: A
Page: 8
Bloom’s: Remembering
A-head: Communication Defined
27. In the transactional model of communication, individuals who participate in an interaction
are known as __________.
a. senders and receivers
b. transactors
c. communicators and receivers
d. communicators
e. interactors
Answer: D
Page: 10
Bloom’s: Remembering
A-head: Communication Defined
28. Dyadic communication is communication __________.
a. with oneself
b. between two people
c. between three to seven people
d. between eight to 15 people
e. between16 or more people
Answer: B
Page: 11
Bloom’s: Remembering
A-head: Types of Communication
29. The first e-mail with @ in the address was sent in the __________.
a. 1960s
b. 1970s
c. 1980s
d. 1990s
e. 2000s
Answer: B
Page: 14
Bloom’s: Remembering
A-head: Communication in a Changing World
30. Chris once used his Twitter and Facebook accounts to post photos of him engaging in illegal
drug use. He is now having trouble getting a job after prospective employers view his
accounts. This is an example of social media’s __________.
a. complexity
b. permanence
c. impermanence
d. synchronicity
e. message richness
Answer: B
Page: 17
Bloom’s: Understanding
A-head: Understanding Social Media
31. __________ is the transmission of messages without considering consequences while
__________ is the impulsive transmission of angry and hostile messages.
a. Disinhibition; cyberbullying
b. Flaming; disinhibition
c. Flaming; cyberbullying
d. Disinhibition; flaming
e. Harassment; flaming
Answer: D
Page: 20
Bloom’s: Remembering
A-head: Understanding Social Media
32. Research has indicated a link between heavy reliance on mediated communication and
a. elevated levels of happiness
b. less social anxiety
c. increased loneliness
d. better social skills
e. improved performance at work
Answer: C
Page: 21
Bloom’s: Remembering
A-head: Understanding Social Media
33. Competent communication requires that individuals __________.
a. show an expanded range of responses
b. effectively communicate with all people in every situation
c. have complete understanding of an interaction
d. communicate until they get their point across
e. be true to themselves and respond in ways they feel are appropriate
Answer: A
Page: 28
Bloom’s: Remembering
A-head: Communication Competence
34. Nick has just learned from the CEO that he needs to lay off 15 workers. He cares a great deal
about his employees and wants to convey this information in the best way possible. What
medium should Nick use to tell his employees that they’re fired?
a. E-mail
b. Telephone
c. Voicemail
d. Face-to-face
e. Texting
Answer: D
Page: 19
Bloom’s: Analyzing
A-head: Understanding Social Media
35. Steve received an e-mail from his friend, Lindsay, about a party she is throwing later this
month. In the e-mail, Lindsay writes, “YOU BETTER BE THERE!” Steve is unsure if
Lindsay is mad at him or if she’s just trying to be funny. Steve is having troubled interpreting
the intent of this message because it lacks __________.
a. cognitive complexity
b. empathy
c. richness
d. competence
e. coordination
Answer: C
Page: 17
Bloom’s: Understanding
A-head: Understanding Social Media
36. Which of the following best exemplifies asynchronous communication?
a. Telephone
b. Face-to-face
c. Text messaging
d. Video chat
e. Teleconferencing
Answer: C
Page: 17
Bloom’s: Understanding
A-head: Understanding Social Media
37. You have sensitive information that you want to remain private. The safest medium for
transmitting this information would be __________.
a. Twitter
b. Telephone
c. Handwritten message
d. Texting
e. E-mail
Answer: B
Page: 19
Bloom’s: Analyzing
A-head: Understanding Social Media
38. Seth has a great idea for a new public relations campaign at work. Consequently, Seth writes
a detailed proposal and e-mails it to his boss. It has now been two days, and Seth still hasn’t
heard back about his proposal. Seth assumes that his boss didn’t like his work and sends an
apologetic e-mail with the request that his boss disregard his proposal. Which of the
following best explains why Seth reacted the way he did?
a. Seth has high levels of disinhibition.
b. Seth’s practical needs were not being met by his boss.
c. Seth has low cognitive complexity.
d. Seth lacks commitment to the project and company.
e. Seth lacks self-monitoring ability.
Answer: C
Page: 29
Bloom’s: Analyzing
A-head: Communication Competence
39. David and Chelsea are having an argument. During the course of the argument, Chelsea
reveals that she is upset with David because he spends too much time at work and not enough
time with her. She says she feels abandoned and lonely and needs support. David tries to
reassure Chelsea, but nothing he says seems to make a difference. What would be the most
appropriate course of action for David to take at this moment?
a. Continue talking until Chelsea feels reassured that he’s not abandoning her
b. Recommend that they take a break from the relationship
c. Walk away and continue the conversation when they can discuss the problem rationally
d. Give Chelsea advice to help her with her loneliness
e. Express empathy for Chelsea
Answer: E
Page: 29
Bloom’s: Analyzing
A-head: Communication Competence
40. James is great at talking to his peers but is not so skillful when communicating with authority
figures. This illustrates how communication competence is __________.
a. cognitively complex
b. situational
c. individual
d. asynchronous
e. transactional
Answer: B
Page: 27
Bloom’s: Understanding
A-head: Communication Competence
41. Jin’s teacher discovers that he cheated on his exam. She produces evidence of the cheating to
Jin and says, “If you take responsibility for this, I will only give you a failing grade for the
test.” Jin admits to cheating but then proceeds to make several excuses for his behavior. At
one point, he even blames his teacher for not giving the class enough time to study. Finally,
he begs for the teacher’s forgiveness. The teacher gets angry with Jin and gives him a failing
grade for the test and the class. To avoid failing the class, Jin should have __________.
a. expressed empathy for his teacher
b. shown greater cognitive complexity
c. exhibited better understanding for his teacher’s perspective
d. limited the extent of his communication
e. expressed himself more clearly
Answer: D
Page: 33
Bloom’s: Analyzing
A-head: Clarifying Misconceptions about Communication
42. Your best friend, Laurie, just lost her job. She’s feeling really upset and needs some support.
So, you say: “I’m sorry you lost your job. Want to get something to eat?” Realizing that she
no longer can afford to go out to eat, Laurie starts crying and runs out of the room. What
should you have said to Laurie that would have best met her needs in that moment?
a. “I’m sorry you lost your job. That stinks. What happened?”
b. “I can’t believe you lost your job. What did you do?”
c. “I know how important that job was to you, and I can see how you might be upset.”
d. “I can’t believe it. They were wrong to fire you, and they obviously don’t know what
they’re doing.”
e. “I’m sorry you lost your job. If you need me to be there for you, let me know.”
Answer: C
Page: 29
Bloom’s: Analyzing
A-head: Communication Competence
43. Which type of communication is less personal, controlled by gatekeepers, and sent by
organizations to large audiences?
a. Small group communication
b. Public communication
c. Social media communication
d. Mass communication
e. Interpersonal communication
Answer: D
Page: 13
Bloom’s: Remembering
A-head: Types of Communication
44. Sandy really likes talking to Belinda. Every time she speaks with her, Sandy feels calmer and
less anxious. Sandy is using her interactions with Belinda to fulfill her __________.
a. social needs
b. physical needs
c. practical needs
d. identity needs
e. behavioral needs
Answer: B
Page: 23
Bloom’s: Understanding
A-head: Functions of Communication
45. Union workers in a large manufacturing company have been working with management to
renegotiate their contract. It’s been three weeks, and the negotiations haven’t gotten very far.
While everyone has effectively communicated their demands, neither side wants to
compromise or make concessions. Which of the following is most likely causing the
stalemate between management and employees?
a. Management’s poor communication skills
b. Employees’ lack of self-monitoring ability
c. Asynchronous communication between management and staff
d. Differing environments of employees and management
e. Employees’ lack of cognitive complexity
Answer: D
Page: 9
Bloom’s: Analyzing
A-head: Communication Defined
46. Sheila and Jacob don’t like each other very much. From the very beginning, Jacob has
resented Sheila for stealing his best friend away from him. At the same time, while Sheila
didn’t have a problem Jacob initially, she now ignores him every time they all hang out
together. Neither party has done anything overtly offensive toward one another. If that’s the
case, then which of the following best explains how the animosity between Sheila and Jacob
a. Jacob and Sheila have distinctly different personalities and probably didn’t get along
from the beginning.
b. Sheila sensed Jacob’s resentment and started behaving negatively toward him.
c. Jacob’s resentment manifested itself in negative behavior toward Sheila. This triggered
Sheila to behave negatively toward Jacob.
d. Sheila’s dislike of Jacob caused her to behave negatively toward him. This caused Jacob
to develop negative feelings toward her.
e. Both Jacob and Sheila have resentment toward each other. They behaved in negative
ways toward each other, which caused them to dislike each other.
Answer: C
Page: 7
Bloom’s: Analyzing
A-head: Communication Defined
47. Bobby has been friends with Tamara for years. On her birthday this year, he personally
delivers a single rose to Tamara with a note that says: “Thanks for ten years of friendship.
Happy Birthday. Love, Bobby.” Over the years, Bobby has hand delivered many birthday
notes telling Tamara how much he loves her and values their friendship. This time, though,
Tamara starts to wonder if Bobby now has romantic feelings toward her. What is it about this
particular message that may have caused Tamara to come to this conclusion?
a. The message contained the phrase “Love, Bobby."
b. The message was delivered on her birthday.
c. The message was personally delivered by him.
d. The message contained the phrase, "Thanks for ten years of friendship."
e. The message was delivered with a rose.
Answer: D
Page: 5
Bloom’s: Analyzing
A-head: Communication Defined
48. Alicia spends all day at work on the Internet and then all night on social networking sites
looking at the many interesting things her friends have been doing. She hasn’t been seeing
her family or friends, nor has she been getting out of the apartment. Moreover, Alicia is
becoming depressed and is starting to dislike her life. What is the best advice you could give
Alicia right now?
a. Stop going online altogether
b. Stop visiting social networking sites
c. Seek help from a psychologist
d. Better regulate time spent on the Internet
e. See her family and friends more often
Answer: D
Page: 21
Bloom’s: Analyzing
A-head: Understanding Social Media
49. Marshall McLuhan coined the phrase “the medium is the message.” What does this mean?
a. The meaning of the message determines the medium you choose to use.
b. The way you send a message affects the way the message is perceived.
c. You must have a medium if you want to have a message.
d. An appropriate medium must be used when sending an important message.
e. The way you send a message is more important than the message itself.
Answer: B
Page: 9
Bloom’s: Understanding
A-head: Communication Defined
50. Without much thought, Dwight forwarded an e-mail containing a sexually suggestive joke to
his entire department. Many people were offended by the e-mail and a sexual harassment
complaint was filed with human resources. Dwight’s behavior could be considered a form of
a. flaming
b. cyberbullying
c. permanence
d. cyberstalking
e. disinhibition
Answer: E
Page: 20
Bloom’s: Understanding
A-head: Understanding Social Media
51. Identify and define three types of noise. Provide an example of each.
Answer: External noise includes factors outside the receiver that interfere with message
reception (e.g., construction noise in the background). Physiological noise involves
biological factors in the receiver or sender that interfere with accurate reception (e.g., feeling
ill or tired). Psychological noise refers to forces within a communicator that interfere with the
ability to express or understand a message accurately (e.g., thinking about something else).
Page: 9
A-head: Communication Defined
52. What is “environment” and how does it affect the communication process?
Answer: The environment is the communicator’s field of experience. When communicators
share environments, it increases understanding in the communication process. When
communicators do not share environments, the communication process becomes more
Page: 9
A-head: Communication Defined
53. What are five characteristics of competent communicators?
Answer: (Answers will vary) Competent communicators exhibit a wide range of behaviors,
have the ability to choose the most appropriate behaviors, show skill at performing
behaviors, have empathy or perspective taking, exhibit cognitive complexity, engage in selfmonitoring, and show commitment to the relationship.
Page: 28
A-head: Communication Competence
54. How is cyberbullying different from flaming?
Answer: Flaming is a type of emotional outburst where an individual blasts off angry,
aggressive, and offensive online messages. Cyberbullying is like flaming as it involves the
use of hostile online messages. However, with cyberbullying, the messages are used with the
intent to harass and harm another person.
Page: 20
A-head: Understanding Social Media
55. What is the difference between synchronous and asynchronous communication? Provide
examples of each.
Answer: Synchronous communication occurs in real time. Phone and face-to-face
conversations are examples of synchronous communication. Asynchronous communication
occurs when there is a time gap between when a message is sent and when it’s received. Email, letters, and texting are all examples of asynchronous communication.
Page: 17
A-head: Understanding Social Media
56. According to the textbook, how are individuals affected by mediated socializing? Identify
three different effects of social media mentioned in the textbook. Then, compare your own
experiences with social media to the claims made in the textbook. Do your experiences
coincide with the text or do they diverge? Explain.
Main point: Mediated socializing can have a variety of effects on the individual, many of
which can be negative.
Answers must include:
a) Heavy reliance on mediated communication and social media can negatively impact the
individual on a physiological, psychological, and social level.
b) Identification of three effects of social media according to the textbook (e.g., loneliness,
depression, social anxiety)
c) Explanation of student’s own experiences with social media in comparison to the effects
identified in the textbook
Answers may include:
a) Disinhibition, flaming, and cyberbullying
b) Message permanence
c) Message richness
Page: 21
A-head: Understanding Social Media
57. What is mediated communication and what are three ways it differs from face-to-face
communication? What are some things we can do to communicate more competently using
mediated communication?
Main point: Mediated communication is different from face-to-face communication and
requires special consideration when using it to communicate with others.
Answers must include:
a) Definition of mediated communication. Mediated communication is a type of
communication where people are communicating in different physical spaces using
devices or methods that are not face to face.
b) Three ways mediated communication differs from face-to-face communication (message
richness, synchronicity, permanence)
c) At least two ways one can communicate more competently using mediated
Answers may include:
a) Ways to communicate competently using mediated communication (choose the best
medium, be careful what you post, be considerate, balance mediated and face time, be
b) Discussion of problematic aspects of mediated communication (e.g., cyberstalking,
sexting, depression and loneliness)
c) How people use mediated communication (e.g., information, personal relationships)
Page: 16
A-head: Understanding Social Media
58. What does it mean when we say that communication satisfies many of our needs? Identify
and explain the four needs satisfied by communication.
Main point: Communication is vital to the satisfaction of human needs.
Answers must include:
a) We communicate in order to get what we need, want, and desire.
b) Identification of the four needs (physical, identity, social, practical)
c) Explanation of four needs
Answers may include:
a) Description of how communication plays a central role in our lives
b) The relationship between communication competence and satisfaction of needs
c) Examples of each need
d) Variations of or other needs not identified in the text
Page: 23
A-head: Functions of Communication
59. Compare and contrast the linear and the transactional models of communication. Describe
how the transactional model of communication provides a more accurate picture of human
communication than the linear model.
Main point: The linear and transactional models of communication have a number of
similarities and differences. However, the transactional model more accurately represents the
complexities and relational aspects of communication.
Answers must include:
a) Identification of at least three similar aspects of the model
b) Identification of at least three differing aspects of the model
c) A statement about how the transactional model better explains the complexities and
relational aspects of communication
d) At least two ways the transactional model more accurately explains communication
Answers may include:
a) Similarities between models (message, channel, decoding, environment, noise)
b) Differences between models (sender/receiver versus communicators, encoding versus
responding, simultaneous versus one-way exchanges, feedback)
c) Ways the transactional model is more accurate. It shows that communication is
simultaneous, people are communicating all of the time, and all participants are
communicators and accounts for feedback and nonverbal communication.
Page: 8-11
A-head: Communication Defined
60. What does it mean when we say that communication competence is situational and
relational? Provide example(s) from your life to illustrate this concept.
Main point: Communication competence depends upon not only the situation but also the
person with whom you are interacting.
Answers must include:
a) Explanation of the concept that communication competence is situational
b) Explanation of the concept that communication competence is relational
c) Personal example(s) of how communication competence is relational and situational
Answers may include:
a) Definition of communication competence
b) Other aspects of competent communication (e.g., competence is learned, relational)
c) Secondary inclusion of characteristics of competent communicators (e.g., cognitive
complexity, empathy)
d) Use of the transactional model to explain how communication is situational and relational
Page: 27
A-head: Communication Competence
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