STRUCTURES LAB - II FORCES IN TRUSS MEMBERS [Experiment Number: 08] {October 4th 2018} {Gopalabhatla V S K S S Avinash} {16AE30003} {Aerospace Engineering} {Structures Lab-II } {Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur} 0 STRUCTURES LAB - II Forces in a Truss Aim ➢ To measure the axial strain and hence force in each member of a pin-jointed truss for comparison with calculated theoretical values ➢ To compare experimental results with the member forces calculated by resolution of the forces at joints ➢ Measure strains exerted on each truss member ➢ To view compressive and tensile forces/strains. Apparatus ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ Trusses setup Load Cell 4 Strain gauges Vernier Callipers Experimental Setup Figure 1 showing different components of the setup 1 STRUCTURES LAB - II Theory A t r u s s t h a t i s a s s u m e d t o c o m p r i s e m e m b e r s t h a t a r e connected by means of pin joints, and which is supported at both ends by means of hinged joints or rollers, is described as being statically determinate. Newton's Laws apply to the structure as a whole, as well as to each node or joint. In order for any node that may be subject to an external load or force to remain static in space all the vertical forces, horizontal forces all a s w e l l a s a l l m o m e n t s acting about the node should be equal zero. Analysis of these conditions at each node yields the magnitude of the forces in each member of the truss. These may be compression or tension forces. Trusses that are supported at more than two positions are said to be statistically indeterminate and applying Newton's Laws alone is not sufficient to determine the member forces. In order for a truss with pin -connected members to be s t a b l e , i t m u s t b e e n t i r e l y c o n s i s t i n g o f t r i a n g l e s . I n mathematical terms, we have the following necessary condition for stability: M +R ≥ 2 Member 1: F* sqrt(2) Member 2: -F Member 3: -F Member 4: F Member 5: F* sqrt(2) Member 6: -2*F 2 STRUCTURES LAB - II Procedure • Setup is initiated and the load cell is initially set to a particular force which acts on the truss system. • For every member the Longitudinal strain is obtained and the readings of all these strains and applied forces are noted down in a sheet. • The dimensions and material properties of the trusses are also taken Analysis of Results Error Calculation: The error comes out to be Member 1 24.8% Member 2 12.6% Member 3 23.3% Member 4 8.02% Member 5 12% Member 6 20.3% Discussions • The strain readings are too fluctuating to be noted. So a small change in strain even contributes in significant change in determined force • In order to maintain planar symmetry alternate members were split into 2 on either side of the pins. • 3 STRUCTURES LAB - II Vibration in a Beam Aim ➢ To measure the axial strain and hence force in each member of a pin-jointed truss for comparison with calculated theoretical values ➢ To compare experimental results with the member forces calculated by resolution of the forces at joints ➢ Measure strains exerted on each truss member ➢ To view compressive and tensile forces/strains. Apparatus ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ Trusses setup Load Cell 4 Strain gauges Vernier Callipers Experimental Setup Figure 2 showing different components of the setup 4 STRUCTURES LAB - II Theory A continuous solution can be obtained for the cantilever beam or an analytical model can be developed using the finite element technique in a software package such as MATLAB. Using some basic strength of materials approximations along with the continuous beam vibration equation, an equivalent model can be developed for analysis purposes. The mode shapes for a continuous cantilever beam are given as Figure 3 Natural Frequencies of first 3 modes of vibrations The governing equation and boundary conditions are given below Figure 4 Schematic of Experimental setup 5 STRUCTURES LAB - II Procedure ➢ First the electrodynamic shaker along with the power amplifier and the ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ oscillator give the vibrational force to the beam. Oscillation signal is picked up from the location of beam and signal is amplified and sent to the millivoltmeter. This reading is taken on 1 axis of oscilloscope and the other axis is given signal from oscillator. The first 3 modes of frequencies are to be noted from the oscilloscope by continuously increasing the frequency Whenever the moving ellipse becomes circular the frequency gives mode frequency Observations • • • • • • • • • Length - 30 cm Width - 24.82 mm Height - 1.20 mm Accelerometer - 26.5 cm First Mode Frequency – 10.64Hz Second Mode Frequency – 66.24Hz Third Mode Frequency – 174.6Hz Moment of Inertia, I Young’s Modulus – 2500 N/mm2 Calculations To find the natural frequencies of the beam the governing equation is supposed to be solved with the boundary conditions. The modes of shapes for a continuous cantilever beam are given by After using this in the governing equations and finding the solution we get the natural frequencies for first three modes as 𝜔1 = 1.8752 √( 𝑔𝐸𝐼 𝑔𝐸𝐼 𝑔𝐸𝐼 ) ; 𝜔2 = 4.6942 √( 4 ) ; 𝜔3 = 7.8552 √( 4 ) 4 𝑊𝐿 𝑊𝐿 𝑊𝐿 6 STRUCTURES LAB - II Results Theoretical Natural Frequencies: f1Theo= 10.9053 Hz f2Theo= 68.3474 Hz f3Theo= 191.397 Hz Experimental Natural Frequencies: F1exp= 10.64 Hz F1exp= 66.24 Hz F1exp= 174.6 Hz Error for each frequency is First Mode : 2.43 % Second Mode : 3.08 % Third Mode : 8.77 % Discussions • The boundary conditions play a very important role in the determination of the natural frequencies • The equations can be solved in 4th degree polynomials or 2nd degree based on the number of boundary conditions given. • The nodal shapes were seen in stroposcope when the beam vibrates with the natural frequency then there is a phase lag of 900 between the excitation and the output signal. • Error can be due to approximation of ellipse to be perfect circle during the determination of natural frequency 7