ID Standards HLDD

Integrated Learning
High Level Design Document – Instructional Design Standards Suggestions
Project Name:
Instructional Design Standards
Integrated Learning
High-Level Design Document and standards documentation/templates
Integrated Learning
Business Requirement
Department Requirement
The business requirement for
standardizing the design process
is to provide effective instructorled training and eLearning
courses that engage the learner
and result in improved learner
retention while maintaining a
unified look and feel.
The department requirement for
standardizing the design
process is to enact a consistent,
Roles and Responsibilities
For every instructor-led or
eLearning training course, or
other training-related requests,
the following items will be
completed in this order, using the
provided templates:
 Analysis
o Consulting
o Performance
Analysis Worksheet
 Design
o High-Level Design
Document with Work
o Content Outline/
 Development
o eLearning
 Quality
o ILG Quality Process
o Writing and Brand
o eLearning design
best practices
Sponsor: Jenny Evans
Leads: Cindy Smith, Carly
May 17, 2018
repeatable, scalable process for
analyzing, designing, developing,
implementing, and evaluating
courses while maintaining high
expectations of quality.
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Integrated Learning
High Level Design Document – Workshops Presented in Development Time/Transition Order
Consulting Questions for
Client Meeting
Performance Analysis
Worksheet (PAW)
This document contains eight
questions that the ID can ask
when meeting with a client to
create a new program or
update an existing one. It
asks questions regarding:
 Business need
 Why the course is
 Target audience
 Relation to SP2020
Strategic Plan
 Metrics
 Functionality
 Reviewers
 Timeline
This worksheet should be filled
out after meeting with a client
or SME. It tracks:
 Factors for identifying the
performance problem
 Identifying business need
and measures
 Target audience and
 Testing
 Due Date
 Resources
 Client Constrains and
 Equipment
 Course Life Span
 Existing Training
High-Level Design
Document (HLDD)
Content Outline/Storyboard
Each course owner will write
a High-Level Design
Document and have it
approved by the functional
manager before beginning
development of the course.
The high-level design
document should contain:
 Strategy
 Scope
 Specifications
 Materials
 Roles and Responsibilities
 Breakdown of Project
 Work Plan
Content Outlines should be
created for every new course or
program. The Content Outline
contains the following for each
section of the course:
 Duration
 Purpose
 Topic/Activity
 Notes
Storyboards may be used in
complex courses or in cases
where we are not provided
clear-cut source material. They
should be reviewed by the
client before development
For courses where detailed,
complete source material is
provided, a storyboard and
storyboard review are not
Integrated Learning
May 17, 2018
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Integrated Learning
High Level Design Document – Workshops Presented in Development Time/Transition Order
Instructor-Led Training
ILT courses should be
created in the CCHMC Talent
Development PowerPoint
Template, and all handouts,
job aids, or other performance
support tools should be
created with the CCHMC
Talent Development Word
eLearning courses should be
developed in either the CCHMC
Talent Development Lectora
Template or the CCHMC Talent
Development Storyline
The templates are colorcoded, and should be created
as follows:
 Green:
 Pink:
 Blue
 Light Blue:
The Integrated Learning
Quality Process will consist of
six touchpoints both internally
and externally. These occur
during the following phases:
 Analysis (HLDD, Content
 Design (storyboards, if
being used)
 Development (first draft,
final draft)
 Implementation (testing)
 Evaluation (lessons
Complementary Documents
 Brand Guidelines
 Writing Standards
 eLearning Design Tips
 Elements of Good
Integrated Learning
May 17, 2018
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