Appendix Appendix 1 Questionnaire for Commercial Banks in Maharashtra A. General Information 1. Bank Location Zone: 1:Vidharbha2:Marathwada, 3:Khandesh, 4: Pune Region, 5: Konkan 2. Bank type: 1: Nationalized / Pubic 2: Private sector 3: Foreign 3. Designation level of the respondent: 1: Administrative level 2: Executive level 3: Lower level B. Financing of CDM projects. 4. Is your organization aware of CDM? 1: YES 2: NO 5. Has your organization ever financed CDM project? 1: YES 2:NO If No: Answer Question 10 only. 6. How many CDM Projects have been financed by your organization? Year CDM projects sanctioned CDM projects rejected 2003 – 2008 2008 – 2013 7. What type of CDM projects have been financed by your Organization? (Multiple options can be ticked) Sr.No Type of CDM project Yes 1 Industrial sector energy efficiency 2 Co-generation/Renewable energy projects 3 Agriculture and livestock 4 Municipal solid waste management project 5 Fuel Switch/Transport 488 No 8. 9. Which phase of CDM projects do you finance? (Multiple options can be ticked) Sr.No Phase 1 Planning 2 Construction 3 Operation Yes No What is the approximate duration for sanctioning loan for CDM proposals? Sr.No Duration (Months) 1 Less than 1 Month 2 1 to 3 Months 3 More than 3 Months Yes / No 10. What are the problems /barriers faced during financing of CDM projects? Barriers Strongly disagree (1) Regulations 1 Lack of RBI guidelines 2 Lack of clarity on the legal ownership of the CERs 3 Lack of initiation from Government of India 4 Uncertainty over regulations and policies governing CDM mechanism In-House Expertise 5 Lack of in-house expertise on CDM financing 6 Lack of interest of top management in financing CDM projects 489 Disagree (2) Neutral (3) Agree (4) Strongly Agree (5) 7 Lack of training to bank employees 8 Lack of information on CDM project cycle 9 Lack of well-defined role in CDM for financial Institutions 10 Lack of technical knowhow& employee motivation Issues of proposals 11 Lack of documentation 12 Smaller project scale Risk involvement A Planning phase 13 Feasibility risk 14 Permit / License risk B Construction phase 15 Time over-run risk C Operation Phase 16 Political, legal and regulatory risks Cost concern 17 High upfront cost of validation and verification 18 High transaction cost 19 Capital cost over-run risk 490 11. Which of the following aspects will you recommend to undertake the smooth financing process of CDM projects? Sr No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Aspects Strongly disagree (1) Disagree (2) Regulations Awareness creation among financial institutions Awareness creation among additional concerned ministries Establishing institutional links between Indians and Foreign banks In-house requirement Requirement of CDM promotion agencies In house availability of CDM cell In house availability of trained staff In house availability of infrastructural facilities In house capacity building through workshops/field visits/exhibitions Planning phase Proper feasibility of the project Legal documentation Proper set-up Credibility 14 15 Assurance of guaranteed returns Construction Phase Precise project cycle Precise cost structure 16 Operational phase Precise estimates of revenue generated 17 History of previous transactions 491 Neutral (3) Agree (4) Strongly Agree (5) Appendix 2 Questionnaire for 3 stakeholders associated with CDM viz. Project developers, CDM Service providers, &Manufacturers of solar products and wind turbines A. General Information Name / Address/ Contact No.:----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Location Zone: 1: Vidharbha 2: Marathwada , 3:Khandesh, 4: Desh, 5: Konkan 2. Designation of the respondent: 1: Director 2: Manager 3: CDM Head 4: Assistant Which of the following best describes your organization’s role in Clean 3. Development Mechanism (CDM)? Sr Role Yes No No 1 Project developer 2 Service providers 3 Manufacturers B. CDM Project Initiation 4. According to you delay occurs at which of the following stage in initiating CDM project? (Multiple options can be ticked) Stage 1 National Approval 2 Validation 3 Registration 4 Monitoring 5 Verification 6 CER Issuance 492 5. Please indicate the reasons for delay in initiating the CDM project. (Multiple options can be ticked) Reasons 1 Funding from bank 2 Unavailability of data or document 3 Wrong feasibility of the project 4 Change in methodology 5 Lack of knowledge 6 Unavailability/ Change in Validator /verifier C. CDM Project Implementation 6. Do you feel that a dedicated team is required for CDM related projects? □ YES 7. □ NO Does the following activities affect the success of CDM projects?(Multiple options can be ticked) SrNo Support Activities 1 Awareness Programs 2 Training programs 3 Capacity building 4 Partnerships with other organizations/institutions 5 CDM related research 6 CDM related events such as seminars and conferences 493 8. Rank the following areas in terms of them being challenges in CDM related activities at individual and organizational level. (Give ranking, 1 for MOST important, 2 for next important and so on, 5 for LEAST important) Challenges Rank Technical Financial Domestic policy and regulations International policy and regulations 9. How will you rate the quality of human resource support in terms of the following for CDM related activities? Sr. Qualified Not at all Slightly Neutral Very Extremely No. human resource important important (3) important(4) important(5) experts (1) (2) required on Environment 1 issues Financial 2 analysis Technology 3 support Advertisement 4 expert 10. Do you feel that the organization requires external support for CDM implementation on the following lines? (Tick the appropriate answer. Multiple options can be ticked) Sr. No CDM related activities 1 Identification of Project Opportunities 2 Project Financing 3 Various stages of Project Implementation 4 Training of Staff 5 Verification of CDM project and CERs generated 6 Validation of the CDM project 494 11. How significant do you think are the following as barriers in implementing CDM projects in India? S.N Barrier Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly disagree (2) (3) (4) Agree (5) (1) Technical Related 1 Change in methodology 2 Unavailability of required technology General Awareness 3 Lack of awareness 4 Lack of information on CDM project cycle 5 Absence of historical data on CDM project financing HR related 6 Lack of staff expertise on CDM issues Finance related 7 Lack of clear guidelines& awareness on CDM financing among financial institutions 8 Inadequate insurance cover for CDM projects Regulations 9 Long project cycle 10 Complex CDM procedures 11 Lack of clarity on the legal ownership of the CERs 12 Lack of initiation from Government of India 13 Uncertainty over regulations and policies governing CDM mechanism 14 Lack of RBI guidelines 495 12. Do you think the success of CDM projects in India is adequate in terms of the following parameters? Sr. Perspective No. Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly disagree (1) (2) (3) (4) Agree (5) Profit 1 CDM projects are profit making 2 CER revenue generation Sustainable development 3 CDM projects contribute to sustainable development 4 CDM projects generate employment opportunities Technology transfer 5 Development of CDM proposals 13. The type of finance you have availed for CDM project? Phase Financial Source Planning Self Government Bank Construction Self Government Bank Operational Self Government Bank 496 Yes No If Yes % amount Appendix 3 Questionnaire for Stock Brokers/Investors You are requested to give a rank to each part of Question No.1, 2, & 4 in order of your preference. A. Awareness level & importance of Carbon Footprint/Emissions Management 1. Which factors do you consider while approaching any bank for obtaining finance? (Give ranking, 1 for MOST important, 2 for next important and so on, 5 for LEAST important) If you are an Investor a Past Financial Performance of the bank b Environment protection related activities & disclosures of the bank c Friends advice d Advice of brokers/ consultants e Future Prospects & reputation of the bank If you are a Stock Broker a Past Financial Performance of the Company b Environment protection related activities & disclosures of the bank c Management of the company d Future Prospects of the Company e Performance of Sector based indices 2. How will you rate the impact of Disclosures of Carbon Footprint and Management of GHG emissionswith other items in the overall environmental disclosures of Indian commercial banks? (Plz. Rank 1 for maximum impact 2 for next lesser impact and so on, and 5 for minimum impact) 1 Community welfare 2 Labor/Employees welfare & Development 3 Energy conservation 4 Disclosures of Carbon Footprint and Management of GHG emissions 5 Product and service safety, innovation etc. 3. What is the source of information regarding Disclosures of Carbon Footprint and Management of GHG emissions of the banks? (Multiple options can be ticked). 1 Annual Reports 2 Bank‘s websites 3 Stand Alone Sustainability/Business Responsibility Reports 4 Media 497 4. While planning the Disclosures of Carbon Footprint and Management of GHG emissions activities of the banks, whose interest should be considered. (Please Give ranking, 1 for MOST important, 2 for next important and so on, 4 for LEAST important) 1 Employees/Workers 2 Shareholders/ Investors 3 Customers 4 Community at large 5. According to you Indian banks undertake Disclosures of Carbon Footprint and Management of GHG emissions for which of the following below mentioned factor?(Multiple options can be ticked). 1 To do some good to the society in reality 2 To offset damage done by their acts in surrounding areas 3 To gain publicity (as a marketing tool) 6. Please tick the appropriate column on each of the statements. Sr.No Particulars 1 Every bank should take initiative to invest in activities for reducing Emissions of GHG; improving carbon disclosures and emissions management even if it is not profitable. Large banks should invest more on activities towards reduction of Emissions of GHG; carbon disclosures and emissions management than small banks Nationalized & Private banks should perform more activities towards reduction of Emissions of GHG; carbon disclosures and emissions management than foreign banks. While undergoing activities like reduction of Emissions of GHG; carbon disclosures and emissions management, banks must collaborate with NGO‘s. For reducing carbon footprint & its disclosure, RBI must issue some concrete guidelines. Banking Business is for earning profits not for charity/ reducing carbon footprint 2 3 4 5 6 Strongly Agree (4) Agree(3) 498 Disagree(2) Strongly Disagree (1) B. Relationship between Carbon Footprint/Emissions Management & Financial Performance of banks Sr.No 7. Please tick the appropriate column on each of the statements. Particulars Strongly Agree(3) Agree (4) 1 Disagree(2) Strongly Disagree (1) A bank undertaking low carbon initiatives & laying emphasis on its disclosure enjoys better profits in the short run through increased confidence of customers. A bank undertaking low carbon initiatives & laying emphasis on its disclosure enjoys higher level of confidence of investors in form of higher stock prices. A bank undertaking low carbon initiatives & laying emphasis on its disclosure enjoys more profits in the long run. A bank undertaking low carbon initiatives & laying emphasis on its disclosure can survive hard times more easily A bank undertaking low carbon initiatives & laying emphasis on its disclosure has more reputation and goodwill 2 3 4 5 C. Disclosure of Carbon Footprint/Emissions Management by banks 8. Should a bank disclose information regarding Emissions of GHG, carbon footprint and emissions management? (a) Yes (b) No 9. Where do you feel, the disclosures regarding Emissions of GHG, carbon footprint and emissions management should be located? (Multiple options can be ticked) 1 In Chairman‘s Speech of Annual Report 2 Management discussion and analysis in annual reports 3 In separate Sustainability/Business Responsibility reports 4 In advertisement campaigns 499 10. Which of the following, is the best form of reporting disclosures regarding Emissions of GHG and other gases, carbon footprint and emissions management (multiple options can be ticked) 1 Narrative/Descriptive 2 Quantitative 3 Monetary (expressed in rupees) 4 Photographs, Charts, graphs and tables 11. Are you satisfied with the level of disclosures regarding Emissions of GHG and other gases, carbon footprint and emissions management? Completely Moderately Satisfied (5) Satisfied (4) Satisfied (3) Moderately Completely dissatisfied Dissatisfied (1) (2) 12. As compared to present scenario, whether the environmental disclosures increase, not change, or decrease in respect of following aspects. (Please tick in the relevant box) Sr.No Item 1 Community Increase welfare7 like Schools, hospitals, promotion of arts, sports 2 Labor/Employees welfare & Development 3 Environment conservation 4 Energy conservation 5 Emissions of GHG and other gases, carbon and emissions management disclosures 500 Not change Decrease 13. Is Environmental disclosures regarding Emissions of GHG, carbon footprint and emissions management successful? 1. Yes 2.No If not, what could be the reason? (Multiple options can be ticked) 1 2 3 4 5 Poor ethical decision making Laxity in regulation Confused policies on Environmental disclosures especially carbon emissions Increased cost of disclosure Fear of damage to goodwill if perceived to be less socially responsible due to lesser amount of disclosure 14. Please tick the appropriate column on each of the statements: Sr. No Particulars 1 Banks normally exaggerate Emissions of GHG and other gases, carbon footprint and emissions management disclosures claims Emissions of GHG and other gases, carbon footprint and emissions management disclosures should be made mandatory for Indian banks. Honest and less information on Emissions of GHG and other gases, carbon and emissions management disclosures hasnegative effects rather than positive. Banks disclose information regarding Emissions of GHG and other gases, carbon and emissions management because competitors also disclose those activities There is need for standard instrument to measure Emissions of GHG and other gases, carbon footprint and emissions management. 2 3 4 5 Strongly Agree (4) Agree(3) Name: ………………… Disagree(2) Strongly Disagree (1) Gender: Male/ female Age: Designation: Phone No: ………………. 501 Appendix 4 Selection of 16 commercial banks based on maximum Deposits, Total Assets and Net profit Bank Deposits 2011 Total Assets 2012 Net Profit 2013 2011 2012 2013 2011 2012 2013 Public Banks SBI 933,933 1,043,647 1,202,740 1,223,736 1,335,519 1,566,261 8,265 11,707 14,105 312,899 379,588 391,560 378,325 458,192 478,877 4,433 4,884 4,748 Baroda 305,439 384,871 473,883 358,397 447,321 547,135 4,242 5,007 4,481 Bank of India 298,886 318,216 381,840 351,173 384,535 452,603 2,489 2,678 2,749 Canara Bank 293,437 327,054 355,856 335,945 374,160 412,343 4,026 3,283 2,872 202,461 222,869 263,762 235,984 262,211 311,861 2,082 1,787 2,158 179,356 196,173 226,038 209,757 229,800 268,130 1,252 533 1,015 225602 255500 292614 406234 489069 536795 5,151 6,465 8,325 208586 246706 296247 277353 337909 400332 3,926 5,167 6,726 189238 220104 252614 242713 285628 340561 3,388 4,242 5,179 YES Bank 45939 49152 66956 59007 73662 99104 727 977 1,301 Federal Bank 43015 48937 57615 51456 60627 71050 587 777 838 34365 42362 54117 45636 57596 73307 778 577 803 30194 35195 41334 39014 46984 54836 319 456 613 58,419 63,965 62,002 106,309 121,637 119,758 2,059 1,736 Punjab National Bank Bank of Union Bank of India Central Bank of India Private Banks ICICI Bank Ltd. HDFC Bank Ltd. Axis Bank Ltd. Indusind Bank Ltd. ING Vysya Bank Ltd. Foreign Banks Standard Chartered Bank Citibank N.A. 2,960 56,668 64,698 66,559 111,586 128,428 128,381 2,718 1,425 (National Association) 502 1,922 Detailed list of 3 stakeholders selected for survey Appendix 5 65 Project Developers/Participant Companies Name of Project Developers/ Participant Company Tata Motors Ltd. Pimpri, Pune Name of CDM Project/ Region & City in Maharashtra Bundled Wind Power Projects in Satara & Supa. Region- Desh, City-Satara, Supa Name of Contact Person Maharashtra Energy Development Agency,MHADA Commercial Complex,Yerwada, Pune 3.75 MW Small Scale Grid Connected ―Demonstration Wind Farm Project‖ at Chalkewadi, Region- Desh, City-Satara Pandurang SSK RE Project RegionCity- Mr. Subhash Ramchandra Chaudhri General Manager (Infrastructure Development & Energy Conservation) Mr. K.N.Nibe Manager Telephone: +91 (0)2185 255344 FAX: +91 (0)2185 255233 Vajra and Chaskaman small hydro projects of Vindhyachal Hydro Power Ltd., RegionCity- Mr. M.N.Ramcha ndra Executive Director Promotion of biomass based heat Generation based Systems in India Region-Desh City- Pune Mr. Bharat Pachpandey CDM Head Telephone: 91 22 5634 4676 FAX: 91 22 5634 4678/79,Direct FAX: 022 5634 4676 Direct tel: 022 5634 4678/79 EMail: Telephone: + 918736240709 FAX: + 918736240522,Mobil e: + 919440624194 Direct FAX: + 918736240522 Direct tel: + 918736240709 E-Mail: orirndvp@sancharnet. in Co-operative entity: Shree Pandurang Sahakari Sakhar Karkhana Ltd,Shripur, Taluk Malshiras,Maharashtr a, District Solapur Vindhyachal Hydro power limited (VHPL) (Private entity),214, Dr. D. N. Road, Fort,Empire House,Mumbai Thermax Mr. Mohan B Kulkarni 503 Designation & Department of contact person Asst. General Manager (Const , CPED & Environment) Contact number/email website 91 - 20 - 5613 1111, FAX: 91 - 20 - 5613 1761,Mobile: 09822097275 Direct tel: 91 20 5613 2464 Personal E-Mail: mbk20437@tatamoto, E-Mail: mbk20437@tatamoto URL: Telephone: +91 20 26683633, Fax: +91 20 26683631 E-Mail: M/s Sagar Industries & Distilleries (Pvt) Ltd (SIDPL ),Gat No. 48, VillageDahyane, Taluka:Chandwad Dist:Nashik, 1. Godrej Industries Limited, Eastern Express Highway, Pirojshah nagar, Vikhroli – E,Mumbai SIDPL Methane extraction and Power generation project RegionCity- Mr.N.P.Kalan i Director 11.25 MW wind power project RegionKhandesh City-Dhule Mr. S Varadraj,Fina nce & System Vice President Om Intercontinental Grid connected wind power project in Maharashtra, India by Bhilwara Mr. CP Bhatnagar GMCommercial Sun-n-Sand Hotels Pvt. Ltd.(SNS),39, Juhu Beach,Juhu(registrati on date- 24-9-06) Generation of electricity from 4 MW capacity wind mills by Sun-nSand Hotels Pvt. Ltd. Region:Desh City- Supa Mr. Rajesh Gul Advani Director Mr. Prem S Paunikar Director (Maharashtra Projects) Mr. Avinash Nivrutti Bhosale Owner Mr.Namitesh Roychoudhar y Head, Engineering Dodson –Lindblom Hydro Power Private Limited (DLHPPL) Avinash N. Bhosale (Registration date-22 Mar 08) Lanxess India Private Ltd (LIPL),Kolshet Road,Thane Project 2173 : Modification and retrofitting of the existing 34 MW hydropower plant at Bhandardara -2 Generation of electricity from 12.8 MW capacity wind mills by Avinash Bhosale group at Bhambarwadi, Maharashtra Fuel switch from fossil fuels to biomass briquettes for steam generation at the 504 Telephone: +91(25) 56242185/56255625 FAX: +91(25) E-Mail: m,pbkbharat@hotmai Telephone: 0091 – 022 – 2518 8010/20/30 FAX: 0091 – 022 – 2518 8485,Direct FAX: 0091 – 022 – 2518 8485 Personal E-Mail: s.varadaraj@godrejag E-Mail: gavhlo@godrejagrove URL: http://www.godrejagr +(91)-22-24974400, 24974401 ; 2 Ground Floor Matulya Centre, Senapati Bapat Marg, Lower Parel, Mumbai - 400013 Telephone: 91-2266938888 FAX: 91-2226202170,Mobile: 91 9820702302 Direct FAX: 91-2226201972 E-Mail: m Telephone: +91 22 2682 6819/ 2682 6718 / 2682 6594 FAX: +91 22 2683 4658,Mobile: +91 98206 11688 Personal E-Mail: EMail: Telephone: 91-2025674242 FAX: 91-2025674040,Mobile: 91 9822193991 E-Mail: vivek@abgroupindia. com Telephone: +91 22 2531 1234 FAX: + 91 22 2545 5071 M/s Alkyl Amines Chemicals Ltd.,132, Dr. Annie Besant Road,207 A, Kakad Chambers,Worli, Mumbai chemicals manufacturing plant of Lanxess India Pvt. Ltd (LIPL), Maharashtra, India- Kurkumbh, 1.5 MW Biomass / Bagasse Based Cogeneration Power Project . Mr. Kirat Patel Executive Director,Corpo rate Office Bundled 9.00 MW Wind Power Generation Project Region: Marathwada City- Beed 4.2 MW Wind power project in Maharashtra, by Bharat Forge Limited Mr. Aniruddha Agrawal Manager accounts Mr. A.S. Karanth (Authorised by BFL to coordinate the CDM project) Bundled Wind Power Project at village adwadi in nashik district in Maharashtra Region: Khandesh CityNashik district, Adwadi ―14.65 MW Wind Power Project‖ in Maharashtra by BF Utilities Ltd Mr. S.K. Shivraj MD Mr. Anil V. Whabi Sr. Vice President,Finan ce Pfizer Limited, Thane Belapur Road, K.U. Bazar Post, Turbhe,Thane, Mumbai,(M.S.), India Boiler Fuel Conversion from RFO to Biomass Based Briquettes at Pfizer Limited, Thane (M.S.), India Mr. S.R.Pandian Senior Manager,Plant Engineering Parakh Agro Industries Limited,Parakh House,Plot No. 1, and 2. Marketyard,Gultekdi, 8.3 MW Wind Electricity Generation Project by Parakh Agro Industries Limited in Dhule, Mr.Prakash Parakh Managing Director Gangadhar Narsingdas Agrawal Group Bharat Forge Limited (BFL),Pune Cantonment,Mundha wa,Pune(Registration date-14 Jan 07) Shivashri Techno Homes Private Limited BF Utilities Ltd,Mundhawa,Pune 505 Telephone: 022 – 24930699, 24931385 Fax: 022 – 24930710,Mobile: 09821128489 E-Mail: m URL: m 9822984256, 8322704131; Telephone: +91-2026702445 FAX: +9120 26702777,Mobile: +91-9823135460 Direct FAX: +91-20-26823061 EMail: askaranth@bharatforg 669 84100 Telephone: +91 20 26822552 FAX: +91 20 26823061,Direct tel: +91 20 26702430 E-Mail: whabi@bharatforge.c om Telephone: 91-2256932000 FAX: 91-2256932444,981934828 2 E-Mail: m URL: Telephone: + 91 20 2426 1733 FAX: + 91 20 2426 3211 E-Mail: m,Personal E-Mail: prakashparakh@parak Pune Reliance Industries Limited,ThaneBelapur Road, Koparkhairane,BCA28, 2nd Floor, PHQ, Dhirubhai Ambani Knowledge City (DAKC),Navi Mumbai (Registration date-04 May 07) Priyadarshini Polysacks Ltd.,Station Road,F/41, Trade Centre,Kolhapur,Mah arashtra M/s. A.A. Energy Limited,No.101,Nika las Tower, Central Bazaar Road, Ramdaspeth,Nagpur (registration date-261-11) New Asian Infrastructure Development Private Limited Paharpur Cooling Towers Ltd. Panama Wind Energy Private Limited, Pune(registration Maharashtra Region: Khandesh CityDhule Demand side energy efficiency projects at RILPG. URL: /index.html Mr. Kisor K Mukherjee General Manager,Proje cts Telephone: + 91 22 67270585 FAX: + 91 22 67270699,Mobile: + 91 986 7561946 E-Mail: Kisor.mukherjee@ril. com URL: 3.7 MW Bundled Wind Power Project at Priyadarshini Polysacks Ltd. Dhulia District Region: Khandesh CityDhule Biomass based power generation project at in Maharashtra, India (De saiganj Wadsa in Gadchiroli district of Maharashtra) Hydro-based power generation project by New Asian Infrastructure Development Private Limited in Maharashtra, India Village: Nilwande,Taluka: Akole, District: Ahmednagar Pune (India) OSRAM CFL distribution CDM Project Mr. Pritam N. Sanghvi Director,Admi nistration Telephone: 0231 – 2655542, 2661233 Fax: 0231 – 2652241,Mobile: +91 – 9371103503 E-Mail: priyadarshini_polysac Mr. Swapnil Agrawal Director Mr. Murali Krishnamoort hy Manager Telephone: +91-7126638432 FAX: +91-7122420688,+919822571 145, E-Mail: aaenergyltd@yahoo.c om Shri Aurobindo Marg, Lokhandwala Co mplex, Andheri West, New Asian House, Mumbai,022 4036 5656 / 2636 170; 022 4036 5600 / 5615; m Mr. Chandan Bhattacharjee Divisional Manager,Sales 100 MW Wind Power project is operational in the Mr. Akhilesh Tripathi Manager 506 506 Navkar Chambers, 5th Floor, 'B'Wing, AndheriKurla Road, Andheri(East) Mumbai 400059 Phone : +91-22-4043 2432, +91-22-2859 5924-26 Fax : +91-22-2851 4913 E-Mail : m 809, Nucleus, 1 Church Road, Pune - 411001, India. date11 oct 2009) District of Satara in Maharashtra Region: Desh City- Satara Priyadarshini Sahakari Soot Girni Ltd.,104 S. V. Road, santacruz (West),4/A, vikas Centre,Mumbai Biomass based thermal energy generation by M/s Priyadarshini Sahakari Soot Girni Ltd. at Shirpur in Maharashtra. Region: Khandesh City-Shirpur Mr.Amrish Rasiklal Patel Chairman M/s. Nagreeka Foils Limited,3 Mathew Road,7, Kala Bhavan,Mumbai 1.2 MW Wind Power Project in Maharashtra Mr.Vinod Garg Authorised Signatory,Com mercial M/s Vishwaj Energy Pvt. Ltd.,Agarkar Road, Shivaji Nagar,Shinhgad, Opp. BMC College,Pune Priyata Intercontinental,Sena pati Bapat Marg, Lower Parel,Matulya Centre, #2 Ground Floor,Mumbai ―6.5 MW Bundled Small Hydro Electric Project in Maharashtra State, India‖ Mr.Vishwajit Patangrao Kadam Director,Mana gement Priyata Intercontinental Wind Power Project, Village: Birenwadi, Tal. Tasgaon India Mr.Vijaykum ar Todi Vice President (on rolls of Om Intercontinenta l) Deepak Fertilisers & Petrochemicals Corporation Ltd.,Plot K-1; MIDC,Taloja,Mahara shtra N2O reduction project at the WNA III nitric acid plant of Deepak Fertilisers & Petrochemicals Corporation Ltd. (―Deepak‖), India. 1.Mr. G. Arumugam, Vice President Operations (Productions site legal representative ); 2.Mr. R. P. Karnik, Chief Operating Officer Vice President 507 Tel : +91-20-26125060 +91-20-26126070 Fax :+ 91-20-26120580 Email Telephone: +91-222660 01 48 FAX: +91-22-2661 62 46 ,9820020999,Direct Tel: +91-22-2661 31 77 Personal E-Mail: ,E-Mail: sales@priyadarshinim URL: www.priyadarshinimi Telephone: 91-2223670365 FAX: 912223612579,932268420 4 E-Mail: URL:,D irect tel: 91-2261447580 Personal EMail: Telephone: +91 020 2565 9445 Fax: +91 020 2565 4875 EMail: vishwajenergy@yaho Telephone: +91 –22 – 24974400, 24974401 FAX: +91 – 22 – 24950588, 24951098 E-Mail:,Perso nal E-Mail: URL: Telephone: (022)27412411 FAX: (022)27412413,Mobile: +91 (98) 2010 2654 Direct FAX: +91 (20) 2668 0630 Direct tel: +91 (20) 6645 8015, E-Mail: contact@deepakfertlis URL: Yashwantrao Mohite Krishna Sahakari Sakhar Karkhana Limited M/s Jsons Foundry Pvt. Ltd. M/s Dr. Writer‘s Food Products Private Limited,14A, The Club, Near Mangal Anand Hospital,Swastik Park,Chembur, Mumbai Gadre Marine Export Pvt Ltd,MIDC (Mirjole Block),Plot FP-1.Ratnagiri Malu Paper Mills Limited,Near Telephone Exchange, Central Avenue,4th floor, Heera Plaza,Nagpur,Mahara shtra Yashwant Energy Private Limited,Near Veterinary Hospital, Chandoli Road, Shirala,District Sangli,Maharashtra 16 MW bagasse based cogeneration project at Yashwantrao Mohite Krishna SSK Limited, Maharashtra, India Region: Desh Village: Shivnagar, Taluka: Karad, District: Satara 4.00 MW Bundled Wind Power Project at Rajasthan & Maharashtra, India Region: Desh Chavaneshwar, Koregaon, Satara 1.05 MW Biomass / Bagasse Based Co-Generation Power Plant in Maharashtra, India (Project Representativ e) Mr.K.B.Patil MD PO Shivnagar, Taluka-Karad, District-Satara 415108; +91-2164266222 to 266225 , 2342 266226,ymkrishnassk Mr. V.P.Jagdale Director G – 13, MIDC, Kupwada Block 416436; 233-2644603 / 4/5; 9423566120; m Mr.Vaman Apte Chairman,Corp orate Office Telephone: 022 – 25240431/ 2526 0211,09820065644, FAX: 022 – 25260212 E-Mail: Methane Recovery from waste water treatment in Seafood Industry in Maharashtra Mr. Deepak Gadre Director 6 MW Biomass residue based cogeneration unit by MPML at Village Heti (Surla), District Nagpur in Maharashtra, India Household biogas project in Maharashtra Mr. Girish Malpani CFO Mr.Abhijit Shivajirao Naik Managing Director,CDM & Administration Telephone: + 912352-230967 / 230533 / 231002 / 231003 FAX: + 912352230968,9823020132 E-Mail: deepak@gadremarine. com Telephone: +91-712 276 0308,Mobile: +91 98222 27354 E-Mail: gmalpani@malupaper .com URL: Telephone: +91-2345272975,272560 FAX: +91-2345272699,Mobile: +919423272303 Direct FAX: +912345-271504 Direct tel: +91-2345285100 E-Mail: yashwantenergy@gm 508 Fresenius Kabi India Private Limited, A-3, MIDC,Ranjangaon Boiler Fuel Conversion from RFO to Biomass Based Briquettes at Fresenius Kabi India Private Limited, Ranjangaon (M.S.), India Mr.Gajanan D. Sathe DirectorTechnical & President Standard Solutions Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai,Mahapalika Marg,3rd Floor, Annex Building,Mumbai(r egistration date- 7 feb 2010) Nicholas Piramal India Limited, Mumbai Agra Road,Balkum Village, Dist.Thane (M.S.), India Gorai Landfill closure and Gas Capture Project, Mumbai, India Mr. RA Rajeev Additional Municipal Commissioner (City) Boiler Fuel Conversion from FO to Biomass Based Briquettes at Nicholas Piramal India Limited, Thane (M.S.), Mr.Anant Y.Mene Chief Manager,Quali ty Assurance Mahindra Ugine Steel Company Limited (MUSCO),Jagdishna gar, Khopoli,Mumbai Energy Efficiency Improvement by Installing High Efficiency Walking beam furnace at Mahindra Ugine Steel Company Limited (MUSCO), Jagdishnagar, Khopoli, Maharashtra. Avoidance of methane emissions from Agricultural and Agroindustrial Wastes through Composting in Pune, Maharashtra Region: Desh City- Village Bakori, Taluka Haveli, Pune Mr.K V Ramarathnam Managing Director Mr. Ashwini Malhotra MD Eco Valley Farms and Foods Limited 509 Telephone: 91-2138232283/84/85 FAX: 91-2138232282,Mobile: 919823332064 Direct FAX: 91-2026059258 Direct tel: 91-2026053602/3/4/5/6/7 E-Mail: gajanan.sathe@fresen URL: Telephone: 91-2222620149 FAX: 9122-22624283 E-Mail: URL: Telephone: 91-2225343508 / 09 FAX: 91-22 25348834,Mobile: 919322196883 Direct FAX: 91-22-25413209 Direct tel: 9122-6768 6666 E-Mail: amene@nicholashpira URL: www.nicholaspiralma Telephone: 91 2192 – 263318/263347/2635 89 FAX: 91 2192 – 263785 E-Mail: ramarathanam.k@ma URL: Gat # 323/331, Village Bakori, Taluka Haveli,pune,412 207; 9225541164 / 9272225085,020 66322345; ashwini_malhotra@w eikfield M/s D. J. Malpani,Kasera Dumala,Malpani Estate,Sangamner, DistAhmednagar,Mahara shtra 15 MW Wind Energy Project in Maharashtra Mr. Prafulla Khinvasara Purchase Manager Jain Irrigation Systems Limited,P. O. Box: 72, N.H. No. 6,Jain Plastic Park,Jalgaon Solar Photovoltaic Power Project at Jalgaon, Maharashtra Region: City- Dr.Santosh Deshmukh Sustainability Balaji Amines Limited Avoidance of fossil fuel by burning hydrogen for thermal application in chemical plant in Osmanabad district of Maharashtra, India Region: Marathwada District:Osmanab ad; Village: Tammalwadi Dam spillage based small hydro powe r project in Maharashtra, India Region: Desh near Phatakwadi village, Kolhapur district, Grid-connected electricity generation from renewable sources at Satara by M/s Bajaj Auto Ltd. (BAL) using wind Power. Region: City- Mr. A Pratap Reddy MD Mr. Vijay Joshi Director Tarabai Park, Mohite House,Kolhapur, 416003;; +91-231-2669991, 2653233 ; vijay.joshi@dminfa.c om Mr. Kevin P D‘sa Vice President (Finance) Renewable wind energy generation in Maharashtra by EMCO Limited. Region: City- Mr.Nitin Mittal Senior Manager,Busin ess Development Telephone: (020) 27472851 extn 6601,Mobile: 9890500020 FAX: (020) 27407391 E-Mail: n URL: Telephone: 0091-2243344032 FAX: 0091-2225820571,Direct FAX: 0091-2225830565 Direct tel: 0091-22-43344032 Mohite & Mohite (Engineers & Contractors) Pvt. Ltd. Bajaj Auto Ltd., Mumbai-Pune Road, Akurdi,Corporate Office,Pune EMCO Limited,Plot No. F-5, Road No. 28,Wagle Industrial Estate,Thane 510 Telephone: +91 2425 225035 Fax: +91 2425 225035,Mobile: +91 9822322145 Personal E-Mail: m E-Mail: m Telephone: +91 – 257 – 2260033/44 , Mobile: +91 – 94030 80103, FAX: +91 – 257 – 2261155/44 EMail: URL:,Perso nal E-Mail: deshmukh.santosh@j BALAJI AMINES LTD. "Balaji Tower", No. 9/1A/1, Hotgi Road, Asara Chowk, Solapur, Maharashtra, INDIA. 0091-217-2451500 ; 0091-217-2451521; 984953425; Email:info@balajimin Siddhayu Ayurvedic Research Foundation (P) Limited,Great Nag Road,Baidyanath Bhawan,Nagpur,Mah arashtra REI Agro Limited M.S.M. Energy Limited, Hyderabad Magarpatta Township Development and Construction Company Limited,13 Sholapur Bazar Road, Off East Street,‗Megaspace Building‘ (Corporate Office),‗Megaspace Building‘ (Corporate Office) Bhushan Steel Limited,Khopoli Pen Road, Sajgoan, Khalapur, Raigad,Power Plant Building Personal E-Mail: nitin.mittal@emcoind E-Mail: m URL: Telephone: 0712 – 6644920 FAX: 0712 2743453,Mobile: 9823099399,Personal E-Mail: pranavketan@hotmail .com Wind based power project in Maharashtra by Siddhayu Ayurvedic Research Foundation Pvt. Ltd. Region: CityProject 4301-20.8 MW Grid connected wind electricity generation project at Dhule, Maharashtra(11 june 12) (District – Dhule Taluka – Sakri Villages – Bramhanvel, Khori and Titane ) Project 1110 : 10 MW biomass based renewable energy generation for the grid in Parbhani District of Maharashtra, India(26 july 07) (District: Parbhani Taluk: Parbhani Village: Borawand ) Integrated Solid Waste Management, Processing and Utilisation System of the Township Project. Region: City- Mr. Pranav Kumar Suresh Kumar Sharma Director Mr. Akshay Jhunjhunwala Chief Executive M-9818199090. Direct Fax- +91 - 11 29552403. Direct Tel+91- 11 - 30906777 . Mr. Dharmesh Rajendrabhai Patel Managing Director Direct Fax-91- 402354 1339.Direct Tel91- 40- 2355 0597, 2355 0598 Mr. S.M. Manepalli Chairman & Managing Director CDM Project of Fuel Switch from Heavy Fuel Oil (HFO) to Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) in Mr. G. K. Banerjee General Manager (Power Plant Division) Telephone: +91 20 26342797 +91 20 26341940 FAX: +91 20 26345541 E-Mail: cmd@magarpattacity. com imran@frenzgreenear,Personal EMail: URL: www.magarpattacity. com Telephone: +91 2192 302000, Ext:- 2731 (Off) FAX: + 91 2192 274294,9975492518, E-Mail: 511 Boiler. Region: City- gkbanerjee@bhushan,goutam035 imran@frenzgreenear 66/67,Nariman Bhavan, Nariman Point, Mumbai, 400021 ; Telephone: 022 - 2288 3061-2-34 FAX: 022 - 2202 9364 ; 022 - 6624 6205 E-Mail: URL: Telephone: 91 22 24156388/89/90 FAX: 91 22 24156390,982005949 0, Savita Oil Technologies Ltd. Bundled wind power projects in Maharashtra and Karnataka states in India Region: Khandesh CityDhule Mr Chandrakant Laxmikant Kale Director M/s Dhanji Developers,Bhandark ar Road,303/359, Palai Complex,Matunga (C.R.), Mumbai 7.5 MW wind power project by Dhanji Developers at Arwadi, Sinnar Taluka,Nashik District, Maharashtra, India. Region: City50.4 MW Tata Wind Farm - in Maharashtra. Region: City- Mr.Rajesh Dhanji Gala CDM Head Mr.Rahul Chandrakant Shah Headcommercial,Str ategy and Business Development Telephone: +91 22 67171207 FAX: +91 22 66658626,922330113 9 E-Mail: URL: Generation of electricity from 14.55 MW capacity wind mills 1.Mr. Satendra Navlakha 2.Mr. R P Suman 1.Partner , Wind 2. Consultant ‗8 MW biomass based co– generation project‘ at Yash Agro Energy Ltd in Chandrapur district, Maharashtra. 20 MW Enercon Wind farms (SAI) Pvt. Limited in Maharashtra. Mr. Nitin Krishnakant Mudholkar Executive Director,Mana gement 0226816688,26816622, 9422038311,9371011 478,e mail:navlakha@eth.n et,, URL:navalakhagroup. com Telephone: 0712 – 3257389,0942310683 2 / 09373108832 Fax: 0712 - 2227477 E-Mail: Mr. Yogesh Mehra Managing Director,Corpo rate The Tata Power Company Limited,34, Sant Tukaram Road, Carnac Bunder,Business Development Department, Corporate Center‘A‘ Block,Mumbai(regist ration date-01 Jun 10) Navlakaha Translines,50-A, Hadapsar Industrial Estate,Pune Yash Agro Energy Ltd. (YAEL),Bajaj Nagar,64, Sahas, 1st Floor,Nagpur Enercon (India) Limited,A-9, Veera Industrial Estate, Veera Desai Road, Andheri (W),Enercon Tower,Mumbai 512 Telephone: +91-226692 4848 FAX: +91-22 67040473 / 66921175,Direct FAX: +91-22-6692 Zoom Bio-Fertilizer Private Limited,Shivsagar Estate, Dr Annie Besant Road,6th Floor, Devchand House, C Block,Worli, Mumbai Municipal Solid Waste based Composting at Kolhapur, Maharashtra. Mr Anil Kumar Menon Vice President,Proje cts Sterlite Optical technologies Limited [SOTL],E1, E2, E3,MIDC, Waluj,Aurangabad,M aharashtra Energy efficiency project at SOTL, Aurangabad Mr.Lalit Kishore Kaviraj Associate Manager – Power & Utilities,Engin eering M/s Mula Sahakari Sakhar Karkhana Ltd.,Sonai, Taluka – Newasa, District Ahmednagar 16 MW bagasse based cogeneration project at Ahmadnagar, Maharashtra by M/s Mula Sahakari Sakhar Karkhana Ltd. Mr.S.T.Chau dhary Managing Director,Admi nistration Rajendra Mechanical Industries Limited, 11, CAMA Industrial Estate,Goregaon (East),Mumbai, Maharashtra, India 4.8 MW Bundle Wind Power Project by Rajendra Mechanical Industries Ltd., at Brahmanwel, Dist. Dhule, (M.S.), India. Rishabh Saraf/Vinod Jalan/Mukesh Daxini Managing Director/Vice President Comml./Sr Manager Comml. India Gypsum Limited,Adheri Kurla Road, Andheri (E),5th Level, Leela Business Park,Mumbai Manufacturing of energy efficient building material at India Gypsum Ltd, Maharashtra Mr. Sanjay Bahl Finance Director 513 1177 Direct tel: +91-226702 2832,98200 40301 Dire E-Mail: yogesh.mehra@enerc URL: t Telephone: 91-2266531100 FAX: 912266531145,932327174 4,E-Mail: info@zoomdeveloper, Zoomfertilizer@yaho URL: www.zoomdevelopers .com Telephone: + 91-2402558468 FAX: + 91-2402564598,98232 77943,Direct tel: +91240-2558596. E-Mail: kaviraj_l URL: www.sterliteoptical.c om Telephone: 91 – 2427 – 3231303 to 231306 FAX: 91 – 2427 – 231307 E-Mail: , mulasug_anr@sancha Telephone: 022-2685 1998 FAX: 022-2685 2335,Mobile: 09324647657 Direct tel: - 022 32451755 EMail: rishabh@remigroup.c om URL: Telephone: +91 22 40212121,989274570 2,Direct tel: +91 22 40212344, FAX: +91 22 40212102 E-Mail: Shree TatyaSaheb Kore Warna Sahakari Navshakti Nirman Sanstha, Ltd.,Near Sampark Karyalaya,‗B‘ Type Building No2,Warnanagar,Mahar ashtra Ecolutions Green Energy India Pvt. Ltd,15, Mahinder Chambers,W.T Patil Marg, Opp Dukes Factory, Chembur,Mumbai 8.5 MW Bundled Hydro Electric Project at Kolhapur District of Western Maharashtra, India. Mr. Sureshkumar Shankarao Powar Project Officer 45 MW Wind Energy project of Ecolutions Green Energy India Pvt. Ltd. in Maharashtra, India. Mr. Kiran Patil Director 514 URL: m Telephone: +91-2328224081-89 Extn No. 300 & 331 FAX: +912328 222900,224090,22222 2,9850514637 EMail: m, Telephone: +91 22 25201742 FAX: +91 22 25201744 E-Mail: jayshri.jamliya@ecol URL: http://www.ecolutions .in,Direct FAX: +91 2225201744 Personal e-mail: kiran.patil@ecolution Appendix 6 List of 20 CDM Service Providers Name of Organization Wat-Ere-Source Technologies Private Limited Region Address Desh, Pune Veer Capital Management Private Limited, Mumbai Kokan, Mumbai Cleantech Solutions Desh, Pune Ultra Tech Kokan, Thane Ecolutions Carbon India Private Limited Kokan, Mumbai Green Designs LLP Vidarbha, Nagpur Standon Consulting Kokan, Mumbai W. S. Atkins Kokan, Mumbai Industrial Energy Savings Company Kokan, Thane RRB Energy Limited Desh,Satara Office No. 2, Kedar Empire, Near Paud Rd Flyover Infront Of Sndt College, Karve Road, Pune No. 205, Stock Exchange Tower Dalal Street, Mumbai - 400001 U-4, Shubhashree Woods, Pimple Saudagar, Aundh Camp, Pune - 411027 Unit No.-224, Jai Commercial Complex, Eastern Express Highway, Opposite Cadbury Factory, Khopat, Thane - 400601, Unit No. 15, Ground Floor, Mahinder Chambers, 619/28, W.T. Patil Marg, Opposite Dukes Factory Chembur, Mumbai - 400071 No. 507, Ashirwad Nagar , Nagpur - 440024 No. 602, Melobourne, Shastri Nagar, Andheri West , Mumbai - 400053 C/308, Crystal Plaza New Link Road, Mumbai - 400 063 45, Tulip, Glendale Housing Complex, Gladis Alvares Road Off Pokhran Road, No. 2, Thane - 400601 Plot No. 3 & 7, Second Floor, Opposite Mane Hospital, Visawa Park, Godoli , 515 Contact Number 020-66402963, 9423040992 022-22721845 9665045359 9953352470 022-25200500 8378028802 9322260941 9820526435 8447530954 9421214025 Shrikant Bachhav & Associates Kandesh, Nashik Leelavati Automation Pvt Ltd Kokan, Mumbai Jina Energy Pvt. Ltd Kokan, Mumbai Eeshwin Enterprises Kokan, Mumbai Dow Kokan, Mumbai Green Circle Consultants India Pvt. Ltd. Kokan, Mumbai Ravin Group Kokan, Mumbai Spitzen Energy Solutions Private Limited Desh, Pune Urjas Energy Solutions Kokan, Mumbai Genetrix Green Energy Solution Pvt Ltd Desh, Pune 516 Satara – 415002 Ashiyana, Opposite N. B. T. Law College, College Road ,Nashik - 422 005 D-11, Block No. 4 Mira Mansion Third Floor, Sion Circle, Sion West, Near Indra Market,Mumbai 400022 No. 39/3, Tarvotti Bhavan, 203, P Dmello Road, Opposite St. George Hospital, Fort ,Mumbai - 400001 E 710, Venecia, Lodha Cassa Bella Dombivli East,Mumbai 421201, G Block, C/62, 2nd Floor, Vibgyor Towers, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra East ,Mumbai - 400 051 Green Circle Flat No. 6, Ground Floor, Shakuntala Niwas, M.G. Road, Borivali (E), Mumbai - 400 066 403, 4th Floor, Ackruti Trade Centre 403, 4th Floor, Ackruti Trade Centre Road 7, MIDC Andheri (E) Mumbai – 400093 52-53, Aditya Shagun Mall, NDA Pashan Rd, Bavdhan Budrukh, Pune, Maharashtra 411021 CM-03, 4th Floor, KReSIT Building IIT Bombay, Powai Mumbai 400076 Genetrix Green Energy Solution Pvt Ltd,Kothrud pune 9422754301 8373904622 9953358014 8049473355 9920091525 022 28943090, 28943060 02229215000,292 15011 020 6653 1923 022 28620267, 39167256 20 29 2401 Appendix 7 List of 60 Manufacturers of Solar equipments & wind turbines Company Category A H Kulkarni & Associates Soalr Water Heater A One Communicatio n/ Usha Telesystems Solar Generator & Invertors A R Power Electronics Solar Generator & Inverters Aardee Globiz Solar Energy Equipments & Systems Balaji Electricals Solar Generator & Inverters Bharti Electronics Solar Lights & Lighting Systems Borosil Glasswork Ltd Solar Water Heater Address Pune Sr. No. 326, 4th floor, Hari Krupa Building, Rasta Peth, pune, 411011, Building No. 3, F No. 16, Vishrantinagar, Sinhgad Road, Vitthalwadi, Hingne Khurd, Pune, 411051 430,Shop No 4a, Adumbar Heritage, Napatgiri Chowk, Nr. Lok Seva Bank, Mangalwar Peth, Mangalwar Peth, Pune, 411002 5 Mit Garden, Opp Nagarwala School Hostel GATE, Kalyani Nagar,Pune, 411014 Shop No 6 Prasun Corner, Ganapati Chowk, Opp Vodaphone Centre, Viman Nagar, Pune411014 Near St Stand, Sancheti Hospital, Shivaji Nagar, Pune-411015 C/O Sudhakar L Rayate Shivkrupa Plot No 45 Aoudumbar Clny A,Warja Naka Karvenagar, Contact No. Name of contact person/ email 02026130238, 26133320 Mr. A H Kulkarni 02024346345, 9371003614 Mr. Sanjay Ukeushatelesystems@redif 02066826803 Mr Asif Siddiqui(Owner), Mr Shahid , 02066827728 Mr Rohit Nikam(Md)aardeeglobiz@yahoo.c om 02066823087 Mr Reddy, Mr Kulkarnibalajielectricals2@gm 9604609385 Mr Nitin Controllubhartielectronics@gma 02067406300, 9860375854 Mr Darshan m. Website: 517 Pune-411052 Chintamani Solar Systeam Solar Water Heater Compak Systems & Services Solar Generator & Inverters Crystal Corporation Solar Generator & Inverters Deepak Enterprises Solar Water Heater Dzine Master Solar Energy Equipments & Systems(Solar Panel Dealers, Solar Panel) Desun Systems Solar Energy Equipments & Systems (Solar Lantern Dealers, Solar Lighting System, Solar Equipment Manufacturer s) Solar Water Heater Eco Systems Nr Naygode Ind Estate Nanded Phata, Sinhagad Road, Pune411041 S No 33/8/5 Ajay Apt, Sinhagad Rd Manikbaug, Opp Hero Honda Showroom, Sinhagad Road, Pune411041 JAI Ganesh Vision Br1/315 B Wing, Nr Dalvinagar Railway Bridge, Akurdi, Pune411035 Shop No 1 Sukhkarta Appartment, Nr Morya Gosavi Mandir, Chinchwadgao n, Pune411033 S No 13/1/1 Flat No 2 Balaji Ashirwad Apt Krushnraj Colony,Pimple Gurav,Ramkru shan Mangal Kendra, Pimpri, Pune411018 9763074594 Mr Ganesh Shinde 02024358892, 24358892, 9822454367 Mr Dinesh Ghumareghumreyy@rediffmail. com 02066115824, 9823059488, 9805559488 Mr Amol Shindecrystalpower@redifma 02027442848, 60306952, 9822919998, 9881101109 Mr Deepak Gite, Mr Sunil Thakaredeepak_g_2000@yaho 02065107717, 9860321101, 9970798864 Mr Sameer Kanse(Partner), MS Vardhani Kulkarni(Partner)dzinemasters@gmail.c om Kumbarwada, Near Water Tank, Pimprigaon, Pune-411018 9890395846 Mr Deepak Kumbhardeep_kumbhar@yahoo .com, Website:www.solarpro Sh 122 Patil Plaza,Nr Mitramandal 02024332783, 9730255747, Mr Vijay Gawadeecosystempune@gmail .com, Website: 518 ECS Solar System Solar Lights & Lighting Systems Electronica Hitech Engineering Pvt Ltd Solar Water Heater Energetic Solutions Solar Energy Equipments & Systems Energy Marketers Solar Water Heater Energy Solar Solar Water Heater (Solar Energy Equipment Manufacturer s, Solar Water Heating System) Solar Generator & Inverters Enertech UPS Pvt Ltd Environ Energy Corporation Fairdeal Solar Water Heater (Solar Energy System, Solar Water Heating System Manufacturer s) Solar Cooker Chowk, Parvati, Pune411019 Flat No 15 Ram Height, Narhe Rd, Manaji Nagar Nr Nawle Hospital, Sinhagad Road, Pune411011 No 44 Electra Chambers, Satara Road, 3 D Destination Laxminarayan Theatre, Sadashiv Peth, Pune-411030 Shop 19 Ideal Park Soc, Kothrud, Pune411029 601 11b Lokmanya Nagar, Lbs Road, Navi Peth, Pune411030 S No 1180/7 Flat No 4 A Wing Indraj Apt, Fergusson College Rd, Shivaji Nagar, Pune-411005 9890044785 www.ecosystempune.c om 9226338635, 9011149434 Mr Madan Jagtap(Owner) 02030435400,976 6362835 Mr Santosh(Pramadikarn), Mr Sarang 02032910151, 32517151, 9890023467 02024321115, 24496999, 9970450000, 9422186842 Mr S S Badeshardul_bade@yahoo.c om. Website: Mr Gopal, Website: www.energymarketers. in 02066027280, 32227007. Fax: 02032227000, 9371012000 Mr Kaustub Shaha(Proprietor)energiesolar@energies, Website: B4 Kushal Park Flat No. 1-2 Sr No.76/9/3/1, Bhusari Colony, Paud Road, Nr Shree Shighari Shankar Math,, Kothrud,Pune411029 02066239327. Fax: 02025282895, 22923172 Mr Kaushik Deshpande(Partner), Mr Vijay Deshpande(Director) m, Website: 1559, Tilak Road, Nr Hotel Durvankur Opp Hotel Suyash, Sadashiv Peth, Pune-411030 02066820594 Mr Sunil Shedge, MS Deepasunil.v@environenergy, manjunath.ah@environ, Website: .in Reg Off 3/4 36 9890008064, Mr Abhijit Sidhapura 519 Corporates Sales & Services (Solar Energy System, Solar Cooker Manufacturer s) Fortune Compuhard Pvt Ltd Solar Water Heater Ghagare Engineering Pvt Ltd Solar Energy Equipments & Systems Global Power Solutions Solar Water Heater Green Power Solutions Solar Water Heater(Solar Water Heater Dealers, Solar Product Dealers, Solar Water Heater) Solar Water Heater Honeywell Automation I Ltd Jain Irrigation Systems Ltd Solar Lights & Lighting Systems Power Equipments Solar Water Heater Vistar Solar Energy Ratnaprabha Apt,Shreeram Soc Next To Kakade City, Warje, Pune411029 272 Fortune House Pratap Co Op Housing Soc, Sahakar Ngr No 2, Sahakar Nagar, Pune-411009 S No 105/30 Ghagare Resi, Off Karve Rd, Bh Kasat Sari Showroom, Karve Road Deccan, Pune411004 202 Commercial Wing,Nibm, Kondhwa, Pune-411048 455,Shaniwar Peth, Pune,Pune411030 9860900028 02024455945 Mr Subhash Gondal S No 56/57,Nr Kirloskar Pneumatic, Hadapsar Indl Estate, Pune411013 02066039400, 66072728. Fax: 66039800, 66039860 Flat No 1 Floor I 46/10 Shakuntal Apt, Law College Rd, Nr Abhinav School, Erandwane, Pune-411004 Manik Moti Complex, Shop No. 117, H-2, Building,, Katraj Mumbai Byepass, Katraj, Opp J.S.P.M, Katraj Mumbai Road,, Katraj, Pune411046 42 A/1-B 02025434872, 25434873, 25411920, 9422283429 Mr Anurag Anand, Mr Swastikacorpcomindia@honey Website:www.honeyw m Ravi 02024221843, 24220833, 9422517376, 9422324201 Mr B.J.Ushipkar(Proprieto r), Mr Pradeepfortune_pune@dataone .in 02030424685, 25433123. Fax: 02025433123,982 2048329 Mr Rajendra t, ghagare_engg@relianc Website: www.ghagareconstruct 9326014460 Mr Vijay 02066827559 Mr Rahul Rajendra Gudmeti(Partner), MS Pankaja Rahul Gudmeti(Partner)rahulgudmeti@hotmail .com, powerequipments@gm, rahulgudmeti@gmail.c om 020- Mr Joshi(Managing 520 Electronics Pvt Ltd Equipments & Systems Alps Environmental Technologies Pvt Ltd Solar Energy Equipments & Systems(Solar Energy Equipments Manufacturers ) Ami Solar Systems Solar Battery Aqua Engineering Solar Energy Equipments & Systems(Solar Energy Equipments Dealers, Solar Energy Equipments & Systems) Solar Battery Aries Industries Borosil Glasswork Ltd Solar Water Heater Conservation & Recycling Services Pvt Ltd Solar Lights & Lighting Systems (Solar Energy Equipments Dealers, Solar Product Dealers, Solar Lighting System Manufacturers ) Nilgiri Apt Karve Pune 38, Karve Rd, Opp, Sndt College, Above Joshi Wadewale, Erandwane, Pune-411004 Mumbai Plot No 210, 2nd Floor, Tirupati Udyog, I B Patel Road, Goregaon East, Mumbai, 400063 207 Pioneer Indl Est, Subhash Road, Jogeshwari, Mumbai400060 6 1st Flr Haji Habib Bldg, Dr Ambedkar Road, Dadar East, Mumbai400014 F-2 Agarwal Indl Estate 139-G B, S V Road, Jogeshwari West, Mumbai400102 No 44 Khanna Construction House, Dr R G Thadani Marg, Worli Naka, Mumbai400018 Gala No 15,Ground Floor,Sunmill Compound, Next To Dena Bank, Lower Parel, Mumbai400013 25431207, 25439267. Fax: 02025434704 Director), Mr Amay Singh(Customer Engeeniaring Servises), Website: www.vistarelectronics. com 02226859011, 26852531. Fax: 02226859011, 26852531, 9820064832 MS Pooja Pimparkar(Director) , bhushan@alpsenviro.c om. Website:www.alpsenvi Mr Shailen Dalal, mr Mahesh Doshi. amisolar@mantraonlin, info@amisolarysystms Website: www.amisolarysystms 02228200297, 66089712. Fax: 02226486504, 28200297. 9821284525, 9821284525, 9820861773 02224150324, 24181209. Fax:24181209 , 24135638 Mr A S Dandekar. gautamdandekar@yah 02226788851, 9869352786, 9323234939 Mr Devendra Shetye. ariesindustries@gmail. com. Website:www.ariesind 02267406300, 9920922864 Mr Balaji Naiknaware. m. Website: 9324319959, 9322445260 Mr Anil Vashirdeanil_vashirde@rediffm 521 D F X Systems Pvt Ltd Solar Energy Equipments & Systems Daksha Technologies Pvt Ltd Solar Battery Eazy Power Solar Lights & Lighting Systems (Solar Power System Controller Manufacturers , Solar Lighting System Manufacturers ) Solar Water Heater Goradia Impex Pvt Ltd Jain Irrigation Systems Ltd Solar Products Ketko SAN Miniature Lamps Pvt Ltd Solar Water Heater G/9 Shilpin Center, G D Ambekar Marg, Near Shriram Wadala Udyog Bhavan, Wadala, Mumbai400031 104, Dimple Arcade, Western Express Highway, Thakur Complex, Asha Nagar, Kandivili EastMumbai400101 G-2 Silver Jade, Tarun Bharat, Opp Davelwadi, Chakala, Andheri East. Mumbai400099. 02224116002, Fax: 02224116167. 9322842596, 9967534560 Mr T M Navalkar(Director), Mr Amol Vaidya(Marketing Manager) Website:www.dfxsyste 02228545610, 66925927, 28543870. Fax: 02228543870. 9004075927, 9867260060 Mr T, m, m Website:www.dakshat 9619016135, 9820106887 Mr Viraj Rane(partner), Mr Walter Desouza(Partner) 366, S V P Rd, Near H N Hospital, Prathana Samaj, Charni Road, Mumbai400004 02223872711, 23872712, 23872713, 23872714. Fax:-02223870378. 9892374556, 9223354909, 9223388035 41-43 Jain House 2nd Flr, Dr D N Road Police Court Lane, Near Handloom HSC, FortMumbai400001 307 Nana Chawk, Tardeo Road, Grant Road-Mumbai400007 02222620011, 22620022, 22620033, 22610011. Fax: 02222621177, 26421177 Mr Raj Goradia(Director), Mr Bharat Jadav(Import Executive)goradia@goradiaimpe, trading@goradiaimpex .com, , steel@goradiaimpex.c om, m, scrap@goradiaimpex.c om Mr Anil B Jain, Mr Shrikant Pati, Mr Vijaykumar. m, m. m Mr Rajesh m. Website:www.ketkoin 02223888695, 23888685. 9820244741, 9820244740 522 Om Microelectroni cs Solar Lights & Lighting Systems (Solar Lantern Manufacturers ) Phoenix Imports & Exports Solar Water Heater Pjex International Solar Energy Equipments & Systems Renewable Energy Solutions & Technology Solar Energy Equipments & Systems(Solar Panel Manufacturers ) SAI Enterprises Solar Products Saur Engineers & Consultants Pvt Ltd Solar Lights & Lighting Systems 409,4th Floor, Retiwala Industrial Estate, H A Palav Marg, Near Rani Baug, BycullaMumbai400027 3 B, Ratilal Mansion, 28, Dr Parekh Street, Near Prarthana Samaj, Next To Madhav Ashram, Behind Girgaon Court, Opera HouseMumbai400004 B Wing, Ground Floor, Bharat Chambers, 399 Kalbadevi Road, 86 Babu Genu Road, Opposite Bhatia Mahajanwadi, KalbadeviMumbai400002 Shop No 1,2 & 3, Bethleham Apartments, S V P Road, Near Bhagwati Hospital, Borivili WestMumbai400103 11 Tinwala Building, Tribhavan Road, Near Lamington Road, Lamington Road-Mumbai400004 Plot No 108, Room No D 8, Akshay Co Operative Society, Opp Swami Vivekanand High School, Gorai No 1, 02265844175, 23732855,932 3153504 Mr Ankur Puranikomenergysavers@redif, ommicro@rediffmail.c om. Website: 02223841797. 9987591587, 9321671269, 9022702636 Mr Paaurush Jadhav. jadhav_paurush@yaho Website: .in 02222093927, 66378663, 66379350, 22054018. Fax: 02222093927, 22054018. 9820014869, 8097516460, 9324363261, 9223399256 Mr Piyush Joshi(Business Development Officer), Mr Ashwin Joshi(Director), pjexinternational@gm, 9920388873, 9221545364 Mr Yogesh Warungasesales@thesolarproduct 02230026102, 23082437. 9892376102, 9867170399 Mr Anoop Lalwani. 02228600570. 9821116443, 9867499812 Mr Milind Thakur(Finance Director), Mr Ashutosh Thakurthakur.milind@yahoo., ashutosh_thakur@yah 523 Borivili WestMumbai400092 Shree Aditya Solar Systems Solar Energy Equipments & Systems Twincity Sunlife Pvt Ltd (Corporate Office) Solar Water Heater (Solar Equipments Dealers, Solar Water Heater Manufacturers ) Ashish Agencies Solar Energy Equipments & Systems Energy Tech Solar Products Kalpana BioGAS & Solar System Solar Energy Equipments & Systems Solar World Solar Products Chirayu Enterprises Solar Water Heater Anand Agencies Solar Water Heater(Solar Cooker Dealers, Solar Water Heater) C1/2 Kinara Chs Bavan Bungalow, Bandar Road, Near Wit Centre, BycullaMumbai400027 2/22 2nd Floor Evergreen Industrial Estate, Shakti Mill Lane, MahalaxmiMumbai400011 Nagpur S/66, Amravati Road, Near Datta Mandir, Bharat Nagar, Nagpur440033 02227454835. Fax: 02227464687. 9322274254 Mr G A Shrikhande 02224954596, 32444820. Fax:02224939644. 9892838403, 9820226393 Mr Vikram Shetty, Mr Kunal Website:www.twincity 022-2550327, 2523809. 9423101625, 9422807660 Dhadiwal Complex,Oppo site Moil, Katol Road,Nagpur440013 Sr4, 2nd Floor, Habitat Hansraj Apartment, Great Nag Road, Baidyanath ChowkNagpur440009 248,Opposite Bharat Gas, Reshim Baug,Nagpur440009 Satara Gangapuri Wai, Satara415001 Kolhapur Tarabai Park Kolhapur416003 (712)3263344, 9822471144 Ms Tanuja Kokardekar(Owner), Mr Atul Kokardekar(Power Consultant)a_kokardekar@rediffm Mr Vikram (712)2552286. 9921423985, 9657879528 Ms Kalpana Bhandarwar, Mr Vijay Bhandarwarbobybhandarwar@gma 9657995856 Mr Sachin Sonisolar_world@rediffma 9960296297 Mr.Pradeep (231)6998400. 9890087805, 9272169323 524 Mr Padma Sinhaanandagencieskop@ya Aster Teleservices Pvt Ltd Solar Water Heater Orb Energy Solar Water Heater Pacific Enterprises Solar Water Heater S Winds & Solar Solar Water Heater S7 Kingscourt,Shi vaji Park, Kolhapur E-1166,Near Tara Complex, Opposite Federal Bank, Takala Chowk,Kolhap ur,416001 Nashik Palika Bazaar, Near Water Tank, Mahatma Nagar-Nashik422007 Flat No 1yashoamti Soc,Shakti Nagar Heerawadi Panchvati, Nashik-422004 9850818344, 9326053499 Mr Sanjeev Variersanjayvarier66@rediff (231)2525155.9881 039011 Mr Ajit Bilaskar.kolhapur@orb Website:www.orbener (253)2354333. 9326399591 Mr Milind Barve.milind@pacifics 9011558997, 9272633483 Mr Pradeep Ghose(Proprietor)ghosepradeep@yahoo. 525 Appendix 8 List of 50 stock brokers Name Region City Contact No./Email id Shri Sanjay Mantri Desh Pune 25532079, 25531884 Satara 98 50 909525 Pune 25450107, 34543210. Securities Ltd. Kolhapur 0231 668 6848 Shri R S Daga. Pune 24472300, 24472301 / 02 Shaunak Financial Solutions Private Limited Sagar Stocks& BrokersPvt. Ltd. Motilal Oswal 25672021, 24460161 Ranawat Investments. Pune 24471431, 24465556. 26345333 Sajag Securities Pvt. Ltd Sangli 0233 6600566 Shri M N Ranade Pune 25466150, 25435229 Prakem Investments Pune 25531394, 25537238 Pune 25458277 / 78 / 79 Mrs.Rajul K Shah Mumbai 56347313, 56347310 Sirsalewala Stock Mumbai 22003541, Puneet Shares & Fin. Pvt. Ltd. kokan 22003542. Option Pvt. Ltd. 22003543,22094576, Centrum Securities 22023838, 22046096 Pvt.Ltd. Mumbai Shri Shaival Gandhi Mumbai 26611227, 26611228 Thane 25672207, 25678792 Shri A S KarkhanisInvestment Trade Centre M/s Mitra Stock Option 25410199, 25410200, Pvt.Ltd Thane 25364199, 25363474 BNR Securities Thane 022-67308719 Anup Kandalkar Thane 022-49186081 Shri Tirupati Securities Ratnagiri 2352-270350, 9422053360 Dreams Broking Pvt Ratnagiri 2354 241311 Ltd (Devrukh) 526 Karvy Stock Broking Vidarbh Nagpur 9823198477 PCM Investment a- Nagpur 0712 2736091 Sharekhan Amrava Nagpur 0712 6618071 Kotak Securities ti & Nagpur 0712 2249711 Nirmal Investments Nagpur Chandrapur 7172-255714, 253366 Balaji Investments Divisio Chandrapur 7172-251053, 9561207198 Bulls Eye Share n Trading Co 0712-2246651, Akola 9890977174 Gangasahai Shares And 0724-2440761, Finance Akola 9823036166 Ltd Yamatmal 7232 244884 India Infoline LTD Yamatmal 7232-244197, 9665657429 Aurangabad 91-240-2476855 Advisor Aurangabad 9822267588 Kela Share Services Aurangabad 9850304220 Aurangabad 0240 - 2350431 Stock Holding Corporation Of India Kohinoor Securities & Marath Investment wada B G Pawar Financial Shriram Chits (Mah) Ltd. Kantilal Chhaganlal Wealth Management Solution Jalna 2482-238979, 9405060732 Jalna 9922112681 Jalna 9422290190 Amol Pramodkumar Paithankar Messrs Vyankatesh Investments Nirmal Bang Securities Pvt Ltd Nanded 2462-255125, 9371480491 Advisory Nanded 9175313680, 8796124054 Growell Securities Nanded 2462-245120, 9922266199 Jalgaon 0257-321888, 9372934645 Limited Jalgaon 0257-2236649, 2236648 Apollo Sindhoori Jalgaon 0257-3204140, Tejasvi Insvestment Saigajanan Investments Khande J R G Securities sh 527 Capital Investment Ltd 9371912850 Sai Commodities & Brokers (Pachora, Jalgaon ) Jalgaon 2596-240911, 9975708866 0253-6609804, Kotak Securities Ltd Nashik 9765569967 Reliance Securities Ltd Nashik 0253-3918123, 3918115 Nashik 9930959075 Dhule 0257 2232604 Ltd Dhule 2562-238180, 9423979357 Dwarka Shares Dhule 2562-241881, 241981 Acumen Capital Market India Ltd Radheshyam Stock Brokers PVT. LTD Venkatesh Stock & Broking Services Pvt 528 Appendix 9 List of Investors in Maharashtra Sn Name Region and City Company Contact 1 Ajay Deshpande Desh-Pune Tata Motors 8554999894 2 Yashashri Deshmukh Desh-Pune Infosys 9823080885 Desh-Pune Yardi Softwares India 9271702647 3 Siddharth Nandurdikar Pvt. Ltd 4 Snehal Nifadkar Desh-Pune Minda Stoneridge 9850098459 5 Ajay Zare Kokan-Mumbai Dimension Data 9167496551 6 Durga Bansode Desh-Pune Academics 9850831467 7 Mandar Dekhane Desh-Pune Capgemini 9850597391 8 Marathwada- 9916425252 Prashant Dahibhate Aurangabad Infosys 9 Santosh Tare Kokan-Mumbai JNPT 9930597311 10 Manoj Kshirsagar Khandesh-Jalgaon Business 9970446151 11 Amol Sakrikar Desh-Pune Barclays 9552593950 12 Anupama Chaudhari Khandesh-Jalgaon Academics 9881376212 13 Bari Khandesh-Jalgaon LIC 9422280396 14 Madhuri Jadhav Desh-Pune Post 7588232232 15 Komal Chopra Desh-Pune Academics 9890951451 16 Manish Kothari Kokan-Mumbai Kotahri Metals Ltd. 8956688273 17 Masal Desh-Pune Business 9850426563 18 Mudgerikar Desh-Pune Docter 9766645160 19 Ajay Kulkarni Desh-Kolhapur Business 9423284087 20 Ajay Ketkar Desh-Sangli Pari Robotics 9021755366 21 Aditya Pophli Desh-Pune Flextronics 9890308027 22 Rohan Aloni Desh-Pune Infosys 8308820475 23 Mitali Aphale Kokan-Mumbai Capgemini 9820875116 24 Nachiket Kulkarni Desh-Pune ARAI 9890098441 25 Yogesh Deshpande Desh-Pune Biorad Medisys 9763217913 26 Marathwada- 7588644040 Dhananjay Mande Aurangabad Accountant 27 Aditya Joshi Desh-Pune Cognizant 9890052499 28 Rishikesh Bangale Khandesh-Nashik Datar Genetic Ltd. 8605901621 29 DR. Abhishek Deole Khandesh-Dhule Academics 8888864055 30 Roshan Valecha Vidarbha -Nagpur Bank of New York 9021922134 529 Mellon 31 Desh-Pune Indiabulls Securities Pritesh kasar 9158215171 Ltd. 32 Sonal Kumar Desh-Pune WNS Global Services 8087680449 33 Sanket Kumat Desh-Pune HCL Technologies 9421611400 34 Dr. Harshvardhan Vidarbha-Wardha Deshpande 35 Rushikesh Joshi 36 9823881655 Docter Desh-Pune Infosys Vidarbha-Nagpur Rohit Joshi 9766107068 0712- Persistent 2283120 37 Harshad Joshi Desh-Pune TCS 9850808630 38 Ashish Joshi Desh-Pune I GATE Ltd. 9922960788 Desh-Pune Synerzip Softech India 9960548217 39 Abhay Joshi 40 pvt. ltd. Khandesh-Nashik Sagar Joshi 41 9822856009 Pvt. Ltd. Desh-Pune TVS Logistics Services Devendra Joshi 42 Supreme Equipments 8237768492 Ltd Desh-Pune ACG Pharma Tech Pvt. Aishwarya Namjoshi 9881137192 Ltd 43 Anant Joshi Desh-Pune PTC Ltd. 982258409 44 Abhishek Joshi Kokan-Mumbai CA 9930652433 45 Sachin Joshi Desh-Pune Cognizant Technologies 9423727631 Kokan-Mumbai Tata Communications 9833537047 46 Sameer Joshi Ltd 47 Swapnil Joshi Kokan-Mumbai Doctor 9833170990 48 Harshad Joshi Desh-Pune Tata Technologies 8888330230 49 Gaurav Gokhale Kokan-Mumbai Capgemini 9821075516 50 Amol Gokhale Kokan-Mumbai Business 9987244774 51 Anand Gharpure Khandesh-Nashik Sonic Multitech Pvt.Ltd 9420827881 Desh-Pune Larsen and Toubro 9665023272 52 Sachchidanand Aphale 53 Sarang Kirtane 54 Infotech Ltd Desh-Pune Rise and Shine Biotech 7774050782 Kokan-Mumbai Zim World Freight Pvt. 9821765084 Ameya Randive 55 Hemant Padhye Ltd Kokan-Mumbai 530 Bank of Maharashtra 9867249303 56 Jayesh Gokhale Desh-Pune Infosys 9819306315 57 Chinmay Bhandari Kokan-Mumbai Prana Studios Pvt.Ltd. 9881725558 58 Anand Deshpande Kokan-Mumbai Accenture 9892758814 59 Khandesh- 9422188312 Niraj Korhalkar Ahmednagar Applied Materials 60 Hemant Malshe Kokan-Mumbai TCS 9930528242 61 Anand Phanse Kokan-Mumbai PwC 9323125402 62 Rohan Rajwade Desh-Pune TCS 9552538891 63 Rajas Vaze Desh-Pune CA 9420495121 64 Kokan-Mumbai Prashant Rajpurohit 65 9819808674 (Dombivli) SVC Bank Desh-Pune Kirloskar Ebara Pumps Anup Tapaswi 9422526066 Ltd 66 Viraj Bhargave Kokan-Mumbai Ugam Solutions 9920901720 67 Neeraj Kulkarni Desh-Pune Atheer Labs 9850115395 68 Prajyot Hukeri Kokan-Mumbai XL Dynamics 9860896948 69 Niraj Chouk Desh-Pune Jayem Automotive Ltd. 9561840288 70 Vikrant Deshpande Kokan-Mumbai Parle Agro 9823093676 71 Neeraj Damle Desh-Pune Siemens 9850981954 72 Viraj Zadgaonkar Kokan-Mumbai TCS 8600104764 73 Vishnu Karmarkar Kokan-Mumbai CA 9920120385 74 Dhiraj Chitnis Desh-Pune Valmont India 9422002081 75 Dhanraj Devale Desh-Pune Quick Link 9527092954 76 Rajat Vaidya Kokan-Mumbai Roche 9892042046 77 Neeraj Pachpor Desh-Pune Amdocs 9975060070 Desh-Pune Nevis Networks Pvt. 8983371994 78 Kedar Kulkarni 79 Harshvardhan Ltd. Desh-Pune 9850972891 Akolkar Aspect Ratio 80 Paresh Joshi Desh-Pune Hoerbiger India Pvt Ltd 9923465935 81 Neeraj Pujari Desh-Pune Cybage Software 8888890245 82 Sandeep Kshirsagar Desh-Pune Digital Froup InfoTech 9673995156 83 Sujay Kulkarni Desh-Pune Symantec India 9822364574 84 Swapnil Deshmukh Desh-Pune Serum Institute of India 8806292525 85 Nikhil Palwe Desh-Pune Cargill India Pvt Ltd 8698101306 86 Abhijit Kusurkar Desh-Pune Castrol India Ltd. 9922376024 531 87 Kedar Kulkarni Desh-Pune Barclays Tech 9960172211 88 Shreyas Mahajan Desh-Pune Barclays 9970435187 Desh-Pune John Deere India Pvt 9689881068 89 Sourabh Keskar 90 Niraj Kulkarni 91 Ltd Desh-Pune iGate Patni 9371595186 Desh-Pune Infonox Software Pvt. 9975081898 Prafulla Paranjape Ltd. 92 Yash Paranjape Desh-Pune Synechron Technologies 9595740004 93 Nikhil Bakshi Desh-Pune Cummins 985064510 94 Kedar Joshi Desh-Pune Emerson 9604420168 95 Amey Kulkarni Desh-Pune Agreeya Mobility 9960565514 96 Omkar Kulkarni Desh-Pune Amdocs Ind Pvt Ltd 9970679594 97 Bhooshan Karandikar Desh-Pune Kalyani Forge 9422403759 98 Vikas Harshe Desh-Pune Crisil Ltd 8149723938 99 Sushrut Anil Athaley Desh-Pune Cognizant 9665701115 100 Adwait Kulkarni Desh-Pune Praj Industries Ltd 8983732732 532 Appendix 10: Analysis of banks in Asia with GRI Reporting Year Name of Name of bank Report type country 2014 1 Korea Samsung Asset Management GRI-G4 2 Turkey Akbank GRI-G3 3 Jordan Arab Bank GRI-G3.1 4 Sri Lanka Asian Alliance Insurance GRI-G3.1 5 Bangladesh Bank Asia GRI-G3.1 6 Lebanon Bank Audi GRI-G4 7 Israel Bank Hapoalim GRI-G4 8 Israel Bank Leumi GRI-G3 9 Oman Bank Muscat GRI-G3.1 10 China Bank of Communications GRI-G4 11 Indonesia BNI GRI-G4 12 Korea BS FINANCIAL GROUP INC GRI-G3.1 13 China China Everbright International GRI-G3.1 Limited 14 Sri Lanka Citizens Development GRI-G4 Business Finance 15 Indonesia Danamon GRI-G4 16 Philippines Development Bank of the GRI-G3.1 Philippines (DBP) 17 Korea DGB (The Daegu Bank Ltd) GRI-G4 18 United Arab Dunia Finance (DF) GRI-G4 Emirates 19 Philippines ESQUIRE FINANCING INC. GRI-G3.1 20 Israel First International Bank of GRI-G3.1 Israel 21 Turkey Garanti Bank GRI-G4 22 Thailand Government Savings Bank GRI-G3.1 23 Korea Hana Financial GRI-G3.1 24 China Hang Seng Bank GRI-G3.1 25 Sri Lanka Hatton National Bank (HNB) GRI-G3.1 26 India HDFC Bank GRI-G3.1 27 Sri Lanka HNB Assurance PLC GRI-G4 28 China Hong Kong Exchanges and GRI-G4 Clearing Limited 29 Bangladesh IDLC GRI-G3.1 30 India IndusInd Bank GRI-Referenced 533 31 Turkey Isbank GRI-G3.1 32 Israel Israel Discount Bank GRI-G3.1 33 Thailand KASIKORN BANK PCL GRI-G3.1 34 Korea KB Financial Group GRI-G4 35 Thailand Krungthai Bank GRI-G3.1 36 Kuwait Kuwait Finance Housing GRI-G3.1 37 Korea Kyobo Life Insurance GRI-G3.1 38 Malaysia Maybank GRI-G4 39 Sri Lanka Mercantile Investments and GRI-G3.1 Finance PLC 40 Israel Mizrahi-Tefahot Bank GRI-G3.1 41 United Arab National Bank of Abu Dhabi GRI-G4 Emirates (NBAD) 42 China Ping An Insurance GRI-G3.1 43 Malaysia PricewaterhouseCoopers GRI-G4 (PwC) Malaysia 44 Bangladesh Prime Bank Limited GRI-G3.1 45 Korea Samsung Asset Management GRI-G4 46 Korea Samsung Fire & Marine GRI-G4 Insurance 47 Korea Samsung Securities GRI-G3.1 48 Philippines Security Bank Corporation GRI-G3.1 Philippines 49 Turkey Sekerbank T.A.S. GRI-G3.1 50 China Shanghai Pudong GRI-G4 Development Bank 51 Korea Shinhan Financial Group GRI-G4 52 Thailand Siam Commercial Bank GRI-G4 53 Singapore Singapore Exchange (SGX) GRI-Referenced 54 China Sinolink Securities GRI-Referenced 55 Japan Sompo Japan Insurance GRI-G3.1 56 Turkey Türkiye Kalk?nma Bankas? GRI-G3.1 57 Saudi Arabia The National Commercial GRI-Referenced Bank (NCB) 58 Thailand The Stock Exchange of GRI-G3.1 Thailand (SET) 59 Thailand TISCO Bank Public Company GRI-G3.1 Limited 60 Sri Lanka Union Assurance PLC GRI-G3.1 61 Mongolia XacBank GRI-Referenced 534 Turkey Yap? Kredi GRI-G3.1 1 Indonesia Adira Finance GRI-G3.1 2 Turkey Akbank GRI-G3 3 Jordan Arab Bank GRI-G3.1 4 Bangladesh Bank Asia GRI-G3.1 5 Indonesia Bank BRI GRI-G3.1 6 Thailand Bank for Agriculture and GRI-Referenced 62 2013 Agricultural Co-operatives 7 Israel Bank Hapoalim GRI-G3.1 8 Indonesia Bank Jateng GRI-G3.1 9 Israel Bank Leumi GRI-Referenced 10 Oman Bank Muscat GRI-G3 11 China Bank of China GRI-G3.1 12 China Bank of Communications GRI-G3.1 13 China Bank of Shanghai GRI-G3 14 Philippines Bank of the Philippine Islands GRI-G3.1 (BPI) 15 Bangladesh BEIL GRI-G3.1 16 Indonesia BNI GRI-G3.1 17 Korea BS FINANCIAL GROUP INC GRI-G3.1 18 China Changjiang Securities GRI-Referenced Company 19 China China Cinda Asset GRI-Referenced Management Co. Ltd. 20 China China Construction Bank GRI-G3 21 China China Development Bank GRI-G3.1 22 China China Everbright Bank GRI-G3.1 23 China China Everbright International GRI-G3.1 Limited 24 China China Guangfa Bank GRI-G3.1 25 China China Life Insurance GRI-G3.1 26 China China Merchants Bank GRI-G3 27 China China Merchants Securities GRI-Referenced 28 China China Minsheng Banking GRI-Referenced Corp.,Ltd. 29 China China Universal Asset GRI-Referenced Management Company 30 Indonesia CIMB Niaga GRI-G3.1 535 31 Sri Lanka Citizens Development GRI-G3.1 Business Finance 32 Sri Lanka Commercial Bank of Ceylon GRI-G4 PLC 33 China CreditEase GRI-G3.1 34 Japan Daiwa Securities Group GRI-G3.1 35 Indonesia Danamon GRI-G3.1 36 Japan Development Bank of Japan GRI-Referenced 37 Philippines Development Bank of the GRI-G3.1 Philippines (DBP) 38 Korea DGB (The Daegu Bank Ltd) GRI-G3.1 39 Taiwan E. SUN FHC GRI-G3.1 40 Philippines ESQUIRE FINANCING INC. GRI-G3.1 41 China Everbright Securities GRI-Referenced 42 Turkey Garanti Bank GRI-G3.1 43 China GF Securities GRI-Referenced 44 Thailand Government Savings Bank GRI-G3.1 45 China GuoYuan Securities GRI-Referenced 46 Korea Hana Bank GRI-G3.1 47 Korea Hana Financial GRI-G3.1 48 China Hang Seng Bank GRI-G3.1 49 Israel Harel Insurance GRI-G3.1 50 Sri Lanka Hatton National Bank (HNB) GRI-G3 51 Sri Lanka HNB Assurance PLC GRI-G3 52 China Hong Kong Exchanges and GRI-G3.1 Clearing Limited 53 China Hua Xia Bank GRI-G3 54 China ICBC (Industrial and GRI-G3.1 Commercial Bank of China) 55 Bangladesh IDLC GRI-G3.1 56 India IndusInd Bank GRI-Referenced 57 China Industrial Bank Co. Ltd GRI-G3.1 58 Korea Industrial Bank of Korea GRI-G3.1 59 Turkey Isbank GRI-G3.1 60 Jordan Jordan Ahli Bank GRI-G3.1 61 Korea KAMCO GRI-G3.1 62 Thailand KASIKORN BANK PCL GRI-G3.1 63 Korea KB Financial Group GRI-G3.1 64 Korea Korea Securities Depository GRI-G3.1 (KSD) 536 65 Japan KPMG Japan/KPMG AZSA GRI-G3.1 Sustainability 66 Thailand Krungthai Bank GRI-G3 67 Kuwait Kuwait Finance Housing GRI-G3.1 68 Korea Kyobo Life Insurance GRI-G3.1 69 India Mahindra & Mahindra GRI-G3.1 Financial Services 70 Malaysia Maybank GRI-G3.1 71 Sri Lanka Mercantile Investments and GRI-G3.1 Finance PLC 72 Japan Mitsubishi UFJ Financial GRI-G3.1 Group 73 Japan Mizuho Financial Group GRI-G3.1 74 Japan MS & AD Holdings GRI-G3.1 75 United Arab National Bank of Abu Dhabi GRI-G3.1 Emirates (NBAD) Korea National Pension Services 76 GRI-G3.1 (NPS) 77 Japan NKSJ Holdings GRI-G3.1 78 China Ping An Insurance GRI-G3.1 79 China Postal Savings Bank of China GRI-Referenced 80 Korea Samsung Asset Management GRI-G3.1 81 Korea Samsung Fire & Marine GRI-G3.1 Insurance 82 Korea Samsung Securities GRI-G3.1 83 Korea Shinhan Financial Group GRI-G3.1 84 Thailand Siam Commercial Bank GRI-Referenced 85 Singapore Singapore Exchange (SGX) GRI-Referenced 86 Japan SMBC Nikko GRI-Referenced 87 Japan Sumitomo Mitsui Financial GRI-G3.1 Group (SMFG) 88 Japan Sumitomo Trust and Banking GRI-G4 89 Japan T and D Holdings GRI-G3.1 90 United Arab The Abraaj Group GRI-Referenced The National Commercial GRI-G3.1 Emirates 91 Saudi Arabia Bank (NCB) 92 Saudi Arabia The Saudi Investment Bank (SAIB) 537 GRI-G3.1 Thailand 93 The Stock Exchange of GRI-G3.1 Thailand (SET) 94 Thailand TISCO Financial Group GRI-G3.1 95 Turkey TSKB-TURKIYE SINAI GRI-G3.1 KALKINMA BANKASI 96 Korea Woori Investment & Securities GRI-G3.1 97 Mongolia XacBank GRI-Referenced 98 China Xia Men International Bank GRI-G3.1 99 India Yes Bank GRI-G3 100 China Zhejiang Jinqiao Sponsion GRI-G3 1 Turkey Akbank GRI-G3 2 Jordan Arab Bank GRI-G3.1 3 Israel Bank Hapoalim GRI-G3.1 4 China Bank of China GRI-Referenced 5 China Bank of Communications GRI-Referenced 6 China Bank of Ningbo GRI-Referenced 7 China Bank of Shanghai GRI-G3 8 Philippines Bank of the Philippine Islands GRI-G3 2012 (BPI) 9 Bangladesh BEIL GRI-G3.1 10 Indonesia BNI GRI-G3 11 China China Cinda Asset GRI-G3 Management Co. Ltd. 12 China China Citic Bank Corporation GRI-G3 Limited 13 China China Construction Bank GRI-G3 14 China China Guangfa Bank GRI-G3.1 15 China China Life Insurance GRI-G3.1 16 China China Merchants Bank GRI-G3 17 China China Merchants Securities GRI-Referenced 18 China China Pacific Insurance GRI-G3.1 19 China China Universal Asset GRI-Referenced Management Company 20 China Chongqing Rural Commercial GRI-G3.1 Bank 21 Malaysia CIMB Foundation under GRI-G3.1 CIMB Group 22 Japan Daiwa Securities Group GRI-G3.1 23 Japan Development Bank of Japan GRI-Referenced 538 24 Philippines Development Bank of the GRI-G3 Philippines (DBP) 25 Korea DGB (The Daegu Bank Ltd) GRI-G3.1 26 Qatar Doha Bank GRI-G3.1 27 Korea Dongbu Insurance GRI-G3.1 28 Taiwan E. SUN FHC GRI-G3.1 29 Thailand Government Savings Bank GRI-Referenced 30 China Guangzhou Securities GRI-Referenced 31 China GuoYuan Securities GRI-Referenced 32 Korea Hana Bank GRI-G3.1 33 Sri Lanka Hatton National Bank (HNB) GRI-G3 34 Sri Lanka HNB Assurance PLC GRI-G3 35 China Hong Kong Exchanges and GRI-G3.1 Clearing Limited 36 China Hua Xia Bank GRI-G3 37 Korea Hyundai Marine & Fire GRI-G3.1 Insurance 38 China ICBC (Industrial and GRI-G3.1 Commercial Bank of China) 39 Bangladesh IDLC GRI-G3.1 40 India IndusInd Bank GRI-Referenced 41 China Industrial Bank Co. Ltd GRI-G3.1 42 Thailand KASIKORN BANK PCL GRI-Referenced 43 Korea KB Financial Group GRI-G3.1 44 Japan KPMG Japan/KPMG AZSA GRI-G3 Sustainability 45 Kuwait Kuwait Finance Housing GRI-G3.1 46 Korea Kyobo Life Insurance GRI-G3 47 Philippines LANDBANK OF THE GRI-G3.1 PHILIPPINES 48 Sri Lanka Mercantile Investments and GRI-G3.1 Finance PLC 49 Korea Mirae Asset Securities GRI-G3.1 50 Japan Mizuho Financial Group GRI-G3.1 51 Japan MS & AD Holdings GRI-Referenced 52 United Arab National Bank of Abu Dhabi GRI-G3 Emirates (NBAD) 53 Oman National Bank of Oman GRI-G3.1 54 Japan NKSJ Holdings GRI-Referenced 55 Japan Resona GRI-G3.1 539 Korea 56 Samsung Fire & Marine GRI-G3.1 Insurance 57 Korea Samsung Securities GRI-G3.1 58 China Shanghai Liangmao Futures GRI-Referenced Brokerage Co. Ltd 59 Korea Shinhan Financial Group GRI-G3.1 60 Singapore Singapore Exchange (SGX) GRI-G3.1 61 Japan SMBC Nikko GRI-Referenced 62 China Sompo Japan Insurance GRI-Referenced (China) Co. Ltd. Japan 63 Sumitomo Mitsui Financial GRI-Referenced Group (SMFG) 64 Japan Sumitomo Trust and Banking GRI-Referenced 65 Japan T and D Holdings GRI-Referenced 66 United Arab The Abraaj Group GRI-G3.1 The National Commercial GRI-G3 Emirates Saudi Arabia 67 Bank (NCB) Saudi Arabia 68 The Saudi Investment Bank GRI-G3.1 (SAIB) 69 Thailand TISCO Financial Group GRI-G3 70 United Arab Union National Bank (UNB): GRI-G3 Emirates 71 Mongolia XacBank GRI-G3 72 China Xia Men International Bank GRI-G3 China AEGON-Industrial Fund GRI-Referenced 2011 1 Management Company 2 China Agricultural Bank of China GRI-G3 3 Turkey Akbank GRI-G3 4 Jordan Arab Bank GRI-G3 5 Philippines Asian Development Bank GRI-G3 (ADB) 6 Israel Bank Hapoalim GRI-G3 7 Israel Bank Leumi GRI-G3 8 China Bank of Communications GRI-G3 9 China Bank of Hangzhou GRI-Referenced 10 China Bank of Ningbo GRI-Referenced 540 11 Philippines Bank of the Philippine Islands GRI-G3 (BPI) 12 Indonesia BNI GRI-G3 13 China China Banking Association GRI-Referenced 14 China China Citic Bank Corporation GRI-G3 Limited 15 China China Construction Bank GRI-G3 16 China China Development Bank GRI-G3 17 China China Merchants Bank GRI-G3 18 China China Merchants Securities GRI-Referenced 19 China China Pacific Insurance GRI-G3 20 China China Universal Asset GRI-Referenced Management Company 21 Taiwan Chinatrust Financial Holding GRI-G3.1 Co. 22 China CreditEase GRI-G3 23 Korea DAEWOO Securities GRI-G3 24 Japan Daiwa Securities Group GRI-G3 25 Philippines Development Bank of the GRI-G3 Philippines (DBP) 26 Korea DGB (The Daegu Bank Ltd) GRI-G3.1 27 China GuoYuan Securities GRI-Referenced 28 Korea Hana Bank GRI-G3 29 China Hangzhou United Bank GRI-G3 30 Sri Lanka Hatton National Bank (HNB) GRI-G3 31 China Hong Kong Exchanges and GRI-G3 Clearing Limited 32 China Hua Xia Bank GRI-G3 33 China ICBC (Industrial and GRI-G3 Commercial Bank of China) 34 India IndusInd Bank GRI-G3 35 Korea Kookmin Bank (KB) GRI-G3 36 Korea Kyobo Life Insurance GRI-G3 37 Philippines LANDBANK OF THE GRI-G3 PHILIPPINES 38 Malaysia Maybank GRI-G3 39 Japan Meiji Yasuda Life Insurance GRI-Referenced Company 40 Japan Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group 541 GRI-Referenced 41 Japan Mitsui Seimei GRI-Referenced 42 Japan Mizuho Financial Group GRI-G3 43 Japan MS & AD Holdings GRI-Referenced 44 India Multi Commodity Exchange of GRI-G3.1 India (MCX) United Arab National Bank of Abu Dhabi Emirates (NBAD) 46 Japan Nikko Cordial GRI-Referenced 47 Japan Nipponkoa Insurance GRI-Referenced 48 Sri Lanka People's Leasing Co. Ltd. GRI-G3 49 China Ping An Insurance GRI-G3 50 Japan Resona GRI-G3 51 Korea Samsung Securities GRI-G3 52 China Shanghai Pudong GRI-G3 45 GRI-G3 Development Bank 53 China Shenzhen Development Bank GRI-G3 54 Korea Shinhan Financial Group GRI-G3 55 Singapore Singapore Exchange (SGX) GRI-G3.1 56 Korea Sinhan Financal Group GRI-G3 57 Japan Sompo Japan Insurance GRI-Referenced 58 Japan Sumitomo Mitsui Financial GRI-Referenced Group (SMFG) 59 Japan Taiyo Life Insurance Company GRI-Referenced 60 United Arab The Abraaj Group GRI-G3 The National Commercial GRI-G3 Emirates 61 Saudi Arabia Bank (NCB) 62 Thailand TISCO Bank Public Company GRI-G3 Limited 63 Turkey TSKB-TURKIYE SINAI GRI-G3.1 KALKINMA BANKASI 64 Korea Woori I.S GRI-G3.1 65 Mongolia XacBank GRI-G3 1 Turkey Akbank GRI-G3 2 Israel Bank Hapoalim GRI-G3 3 China Bank of China GRI-G3 4 Philippines Bank of the Philippine Islands GRI-G3 2010 (BPI) 542 5 Indonesia BNI GRI-G3 6 China China Banking Association GRI-Referenced 7 China China Citic Bank Corporation GRI-G3 Limited 8 China China Development Bank GRI-G3 9 China China Merchants Bank GRI-G3 10 China China Pacific Insurance GRI-G3 11 Japan Daiwa Securities Group GRI-G3 12 Philippines Development Bank of the GRI-G3 Philippines (DBP) 13 Korea DGB (The Daegu Bank Ltd) GRI-G3 14 Korea Dongbu Insurance GRI-G3 15 Korea Hana Bank GRI-G3 16 SriLanka HNB Assurance PLC GRI-G3 17 China Hong Kong Exchanges and GRI-G3 Clearing Limited 18 Korea Hyundai Insurance GRI-G3 19 Korea Hyundai Marine & Fire GRI-G3 Insurance 20 China ICBC (Industrial and GRI-G3 Commercial Bank of China) 21 Israel Israel Discount Bank GRI-G3 22 Korea KAMCO GRI-G3 23 Korea Kookmin Bank (KB) GRI-G3 24 Korea Korea Securities Depository GRI-G3 (KSD) 25 Malaysia Maybank GRI-G3 26 Japan Meiji Yasuda Life Insurance GRI-G3 Company 27 Japan Mitsubishi UFJ Financial GRI-G3 Group 28 Japan Mitsui Seimei GRI-G3 29 Japan Mizuho Financial Group GRI-G3 30 Japan MS & AD Holdings GRI-G3 31 India Multi Commodity Exchange of GRI-G3 India (MCX) 32 33 United Arab National Bank of Abu Dhabi Emirates (NBAD) Japan Resona GRI-G3 GRI-G3 543 Korea 34 Samsung Fire & Marine GRI-G3 Insurance 35 Korea Samsung Securities GRI-G3 36 Korea Shinhan Financial Group GRI-G3 37 Singapore Singapore Exchange (SGX) GRI-G3 38 India Small Industries Development GRI-G3 Bank of India (SIDBI) 39 Japan Sompo Japan Insurance GRI-G3 40 Thailand Standard Chartered Thai GRI-Referenced 41 Japan Sumitomo Mitsui Financial GRI-G3 Group (SMFG) 42 Japan Sumitomo Trust and Banking GRI-G3 43 Japan T and D Holdings GRI-G3 44 Japan Takefuji GRI-G3 45 Saudi Arabia The National Commercial GRI-G3 Bank (NCB) 46 Japan Tokio Marine Insurance GRI-G3 47 Turkey TSKB-TURKIYE SINAI GRI-G3 KALKINMA BANKASI 48 Mongolia XacBank GRI-G3 Philippines Asian Development Bank GRI-G3 2009 1 (ADB) 2 Israel Bank Hapoalim GRI-G3 3 Israel Bank Leumi GRI-G3 4 China Bank of China GRI-G3 5 Philippines Bank of the Philippine Islands GRI-G3 (BPI) 6 China China Banking Association GRI-Referenced 7 China China Development Bank GRI-G3 8 Korea DAEWOO Securities GRI-G3 9 Japan Daiwa Securities Group GRI-G3 10 Korea DGB (The Daegu Bank Ltd) GRI-G3 11 Korea Hana Bank GRI-G3 12 SriLanka HNB Assurance PLC GRI-G3 13 China ICBC (Industrial and GRI-G3 Commercial Bank of China) 14 Israel Israel Discount Bank GRI-G3 15 Japan KPMG Japan/KPMG AZSA GRI-G3 Sustainability 544 Japan 16 Meiji Yasuda Life Insurance GRI-G3 Company Japan 17 Mitsubishi UFJ Financial GRI-G3 Group 18 Japan Mitsui Seimei GRI-G3 19 Japan Mizuho Financial Group GRI-G3 20 Korea NongHyup GRI-G3 21 China Ping An Insurance GRI-G3 22 Japan Resona GRI-G3 23 Korea Shinhan Financial Group GRI-G3 24 Singapore Singapore Exchange (SGX) GRI-G3 25 Japan Sompo Japan Insurance GRI-G3 26 China SPD Bank GRI-G3 27 Japan Sumitomo Trust and Banking GRI-G3 28 Japan T and D Holdings GRI-G3 29 Japan Takefuji GRI-G3 30 Saudi Arabia The National Commercial GRI-G3 Bank (NCB) 31 Japan Tokio Marine Insurance GRI-G3 32 Mongolia XacBank GRI-G3 1 India ABN AMRO INDIA GRI-G3 2 Israel Bank Hapoalim GRI-G3 3 Philippines Bank of the Philippine Islands GRI-G3 2008 (BPI) 4 China China Development Bank GRI-G3 5 Japan Daiwa Securities Group GRI-G3 6 Korea DGB (The Daegu Bank Ltd) GRI-G3 7 SriLanka HNB Assurance PLC GRI-G3 8 Korea Hyundai Insurance GRI-G3 9 Korea Hyundai Marine & Fire GRI-G3 Insurance 10 Korea Industrial Bank of Korea GRI-G3 11 Japan Mitsubishi UFJ Financial GRI-G3 Group 12 Japan Mizuho Financial Group GRI-G3 13 Japan Resona GRI-G3 14 Korea Shinhan Financial Group GRI-G3 15 Korea Standard Chartered Korea GRI-G3 16 Japan Sumitomo Trust and Banking: GRI-G3 545 17 Japan T and D Holdings GRI-G3 18 Japan Takefuji GRI-G3 19 Mongolia XacBank GRI-G3 Philippines Asian Development Bank GRI-G3 2007 1 (ADB) 2 Israel Bank Leumi GRI-G3 3 Korea DGB (The Daegu Bank Ltd) GRI-G3 4 Korea Dongbu Insurance GRI-G3 5 Korea Hana Bank GRI-G3 6 Korea Industrial Bank of Korea GRI-G3 7 Japan Mitsubishi UFJ Financial GRI-G3 Group 8 Korea NongHyup GRI-G3 9 Korea Shinhan Financial Group GRI-G3 10 Japan Sumitomo Trust and Banking GRI-G3 11 Mongolia XacBank GRI-G3 1 Cambodia Acleda Bank GRI-G2 2 Korea DAEWOO Securities GRI-G3 3 Japan Daiwa Securities Group GRI-G2 4 Korea Hyundai Marine & Fire GRI-G3 2006 Insurance Korea Shinhan Financial Group GRI-G2 Japan Nikko Cordial GRI-G2 Japan Daiwa Securities Group GRI-G2 Japan Daiwa Securities Group GRI-G2 1 Japan Daiwa Securities Group GRI-G2 2 Japan Tokio Marine Insurance GRI-G1 Japan Nikko Cordial GRI-G1 Japan Nikko Cordial GRI-G1 5 2005 1 2004 1 2003 1 2002 2001 1 2000 1 1999 Nil 546