Subject / Course: Language Arts Grade Level: 7 Topic: Media Literacy - TV Advertisements AT Name: Mrs. Nu Tee 1. TC Name: Miss Kathleen Corless Date: October 15, 2018 Time of Class: 8:10 a.m. to 8:50 a.m. (Immediately after announcements; french to follow at 8:50 a.m.) Room # / Location: Room 201 (next to east staircase on the second floor) Lesson Overview / Summary (via The Big 3 Questions (UbD summary) Provide a general overview of your lesson so that anyone can quickly see where the learner is going and what the learner needs to do to get there.) i. What is it that students will learn and be able to do? By the end of the class, students will be able to identify the key elements that make an effective commercial. ii. How will you know that they learned or are able to do “it”? Students will watch two commercials and create a list of the strategies they identified in the ad. Students will also write a reflection in their journals, stating which commercial they thought was the most effective and least effective with rationale. iii. How will you guide them through the process to get them to “it”? Show 2 different TV commercials -”Like A Girl” and “Sprite Ad”. After viewing both the ads, students will work in groups of 4 and 5 (3 groups of 4, 3 groups of 5 ) and write down the different strategies that were used in each commercial. After 5 minutes, 2 “roamers” from each group will move clockwise to another group, sharing their ideas that were generated from their initial group, as well as adding new ideas on their paper for 2 minutes. In this group the students will also discuss what they each liked about the commercials. The roamers will follow this process until they have visited each group. As a class, we will discuss the different strategies they found in each commercial and how they enhanced the commercial’s message. iv. Big Idea or Overarching Principle--What one idea do you want your students to take away from this lesson? Advertisers use a variety of strategies to make an effective commercial that is appealing and excites its target audience. 2. Instructional expectations (Specific expectation(s) or PART of an expectation from the ON Elementary Curriculum and ON Secondary Curriculum to be assessed and other learning opportunities that occur throughout lesson) a) Specific Expectations: 1.3 evaluate the effectiveness of the presentation a nd treatment of ideas, information, themes, opinions, issues, and/or experiences i n media texts ( e.g., explain why the editorial/photo essay in this e-zine did or did not convince you of its position; debate whether violence in televised professional sporting events adds to or detracts from their appeal) (This is the first lesson on media. Students will already have an understanding of what media is, have had a brief introduction to the different forms of media and how it can impact us [Gr.6]. We will use this lesson to talk about the strategies commercials use to sell their products) b) Other learning opportunities (K-8) other learning opportunities (9-12) ❏ Responsibility – specifically, ❏ Organization – specifically, identifies, gathers, evaluates, and uses information, technology, and resources to complete tasks (During small groups and class discussion, will identify the strategies used in the commercials and evaluate the effectiveness) ❏ Independent Work – specifically, ❏ Collaboration – specifically, share information, resource, and expertise and promotes critical thinking to solve problems (During small groups and sharing ideas with other groups in class). ❏ Initiative – specifically, ❏ Self-regulation – specifically, ❏ Other – specifically, 3. Content: Only list content related material – NOT how you will teach it; This is a reference section for you, the teacher or anyone else who uses your lesson plan, regarding content; Might include diagrams, facts, maps, definitions, terminology, examples, anything that may be necessary for you to understand to address students’ questions, extend their thinking or scaffold learning; If easier, add attachment and indicate here to “see attachment”; ADD or DELETE rows as needed. Content Name Bandwagon Celebrity endorsement Intentionally Controversial Effective Strategy Emotion Media Media Text Plain Folk Promotion Repetition Jingle TV Commercial Content Details Sells a product or service by convincing the customer that others are using it and they should join the crowd. This technique implies that everyone else is involved so why aren’t you? Media Literacy Grade 7-8 Using famous people to sell the product and ideas Media Literacy Grade 7-8 Intended to provoke a response and reaction from the viewer – to create a conversation and by doing so to draw more attention to an issue or product Media Literacy Grade 7-8 Intended to persuade the viewer to a point of view using music, catchy slogans, celebrity appearance, animation, the appeal of the product itself, appeal to emotions, “Plain Folks,” Testimonials, Promotions, humour, repetition, controversial, etc. Found through variety of websites on google (Common Advertising Techniques) i.e. 5 most common advertising techniques Powerful emotion creates a strong psychological connection in the customer. i.e. Humour, fear, flattery, powerful message, sad. 5 most common advertising techniques Means of communication (Audio, visual, print) Language Ontario Curriculum Document Glossary A product that is communicated through a medium i.e. TV commercial, advertisements, email, film, video, etc. Language Ontario Curriculum Document Glossary Having people just like us use the same product Media Literacy Grade 7-8 Coupons, sweepstakes, games with prizes and gifts with purchases create excitement, and participation encourages customers to build a relationship with the sponsoring product or service. Found on 5 most common advertising techniques Hearing or seeing something over and over makes a product stick in your head so you remember the brand or product. Media Literacy Grade 7-8 A short slogan, verse, or tune designed to be easily remembered, especially as used in advertising. Google Dictionary Intended for or appealing to a large audience. The purpose is to try to change behaviour or promote a cause/item and they try to sell you something Sourced from the 2 4. Pre-assessment and Addressing Needs: Consider the students you will be teaching and anything that will affect their learning or your teaching strategies (e.g., include academic, social/emotional, physical and diversity needs, + provide strategies to address the needs and/or accommodations/modifications (if - how you will differentiate learning for student? N.B. use initials of students rather than full names). Students Pre-assessment: a) Academic Needs: Addressing Needs: (OTF Resource, and/or ELL for K OR ELL 1 - 8 OR ELL - limited prior schooling 3 - 12) Prior Knowledge: In grade 6, students were exposed to the different types of media, their purposes, and intended audiences. As a class we will review what media is, and how it impacts us. Class as a whole, working below grade level. Check often for comprehension; walk around classroom to make sure students are on task. P.P. IEP for Self-Advocacy. Consult IEP. Frequently check for understanding. Model asking for help. Coloured sticky note on his desk, signalling he needs help. Positively reinforce efforts and improvements. Sits with M.M. and A.N.because comfortable with them. From OTF Resource. M.M. IEP for giftedness. Behavioural/Social/Emotional Needs: The class as a whole cannot sit for extended periods of time E.F. struggles with transitions Refer to IEP. Focus instruction on higher order thinking skills (analysis, synthesis, divergent thinking, and evaluation). Provide leadership opportunities. Provide opportunities for self-directed research. From OTF Resource. Activity that allows students to get up and walk around the classroom. Use a visual schedule on desk and timer for daily transition. Provide advance notice of changes. Use a calendar or agenda to plan for changes. From OTF Resource Physical Needs: Diversity Needs: D.D., B.B.. and T.B. speak little english F.L. Indigenous student just arrived from Northern Ontario (Feeling Disengaged) Give clear, simple and explicit instructions. Provide students with bilingual dictionaries to ensure students understand the criteria. Introduce new vocabulary and add to word wall, including visuals. Check Frequently check for comprehension. ELL 1-8 Resource Sits at the front of the class so can get extra help. Be in frequent contact with parents, administration and other teachers. Provide choices in activities and use differentiated instruction. Provide opportunities for success and provide rewards for on-task behaviours. From OTF Resource 3 b) Learning Environment: (describe or sketch the learning environment to include the setup of workspaces, equipment, materials, relevant to lesson, etc. – you may wish to include a map/layout of the classroom on a separate sheet a nd reference here) P.P. sits with M.M. and A.N. because comfortable asking them questions. - Desk group at the front so have good view of sticky notes on desk M.M. sits with P.P. ad D.D. to assist them if they need help throughout the day (small leadership role) T.B., B.B., and D.D. scattered throughout desk groups to integrate with english speaking students - Word wall at the front of the classroom next to whiteboard for them to refer to F.L. at the front of the classroom to get extra care during the lesson and can easily engage in lesson FOR ACTIVITY: Students will be staying at their desk group for the small group activity → Desk Group 7 will join desk group 4, 5, and 6. Desk Groups 1-3 will remain the same. During the activity “3 stray, 2 remain” - 2 students from each group will move clockwise to other groups to share their ideas (1 → 2; 2→ 4; 4→ 6; 6 → 5; 5→ 3; 3→ 1) 5. Required Resources: (List A LL resources required to conduct this lesson such as website URLs, paper, pencils, lab equipment, markers, rulers, paint, books, maps, videos, posters, handouts, number of copies, etc.) ● Like A Girl ( ● Sprite Ad ( ● LCD Projector ● Chart Paper (6) ● Markers (6) ● Journals (27) ● Chrome Books (6) - Signed out the day before for first period 4 6. Agenda: ( Consider a quick overview of the lesson and l ist key elements in lesson to write or draw on white/blackboard as an agenda for students and you to follow; keep it concise and catchy; for non-readers, use symbols or images) ☐ Will be posted on (Where will you place the agenda?): Class WhiteBoard at the front of the room ☐ Will use images to support text because: Today: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 7. Commercial Strategies Small Group Brainstorming Reason To Roam Class Discussion Reflection Learning Goals and Success Criteria: (Learning Goals identify what students are expected to know and be able to do – in student friendly, clear language – based on the expectations and other learning opportunities; shared with students at the beginning of a learning cycle (i.e., lesson, unit, point in a unit, etc.) EXAMPLE of development. Success Criteria (describe in very specific terms, what successful attainment of the learning goals look like/sound like; how will students specifically provide evidence of their learning to demonstrate their knowledge and skills, also refer to achievement charts for the subject; co-constructed with students?) a) Learning goals: We are learning to identify different strategies used to make an effective commercial. b) Success criteria: We will know that we have learned it when we: a. Create a list of strategies used in commercials that made it effective and excites its’ audience. b. View commercials and are able to pick out what strategies were used in each one. 8. Scaffolding via Gradual Release of Responsibility and Planning the Feedback: Provide step-by-step description of how you will introduce and organize the instruction. How will you introduce lesson? How will you motivate them? How will students be engaged in a meaningful way? How will you organize the learning experience? Include specific sequence of instruction; What will you say/do? How will you model? What will students do? How will you transition from one part of lesson to another? How will you distribute materials? What specific questions will you ask? What are a few students’ anticipated responses or actions? How will you gradually release responsibility? What will students do with others? How will the lesson end? How will key components be summarized or reviewed? Feel free to add or delete rows as needed. Timing Description e.g., (1:00 – 1:05 pm) & Strategy Summary Agenda Item: BEFORE CLASS Level of scaffolding: ☐ “I do it” (demonstration or modelling) ☐ “You do it together” (guided practice) “We do it” (shared practice) ☐ “You do it” (independent practice) 5 BEFORE CLASS STARTS: - Write Agenda on the Whiteboard - Set up Powerpoint (Review Slides) - Videos embedded in the powerpoint - Distribute 1 chrome book per desk group - Distribute 1 Chart paper per desk group - Distribute reflection journals on each students’ desk - Ensure D.D. T.B. and B.B. have bilingual dictionaries on desk for lesson - Organize visual schedule for the morning on E.F.’s desk Agenda Item: Commercial Strategies Like A Girl ( Sprite Ad ( 8:10 a.m. 8:25 a.m. SUMMARY As a class create a list of strategies advertisers use to make a commercial effective and appealing to the audience Level of scaffolding: ☐ “I do it” (demonstration or modelling) ☐ “You do it together” (guided practice) ☐ “We do it” (shared practice) ☐ “You do it” (independent practice) Sequence of instruction/strategies for this component of lesson: AFTER Attendance and Announcements: Teacher: If you can hear me clap once. If you can hear me clap twice. - When all are attentive. T: Last year you talked about what media is. Who can tell me what it is and how does it impact us? Anticipated Response: A form of communication (TV, ADs, Radio, newspaper). It can change your behaviour, put something/product in your head, can change your attitude towards something - Or a similar response T: That's right. Media is a form of communication and can be used for a lot of reasons like giving you information, entertainment, or a way of talking to people. Nowadays media is all around us. It used to only be through Newspapers, Radio, TV and Posters. Now media is all around us, and apart of our daily lives, especially through social media. Throughout this unit we are going to look at different forms of media. Today we are going to be talking about TV commercials. How many of you actually watch commercials when you’re watching TV? Who can explain to me what the purpose of a TV Commercial is? Anticipated Response: Trying to sell you something/get you interested in the product. T: Yes, they are trying to convince you to buy a product or a service. They do this by using a different marketing strategies Like creating controversy. Does anyone know what that this means or has seen it before? AR: (If they understand) Getting a response or reaction from the viewer T: Yes that’s exactly what it means! The ad provokes/gets a response and reaction from the viewer – to create a conversation and by doing so to draw more attention to an issue or product. Can anyone think of examples of controversy? - IF THEY DON’T UNDERSTAND → Teacher: Controversy means the ad p rovokes/gets a response and a reaction from the viewer – to create a conversation and by doing so to draw more attention to the issue or product. Can anyone think of examples of controversy? 6 AR: video games, religion, politics, Donald Trump T: Yes, all those things cause a lot of controversy. With your elbow partner, brainstorm different strategies commercials use to sell a product so that we can create a list for the class. - Circulate for 2 minutes - Check with D.D., B.B., T.B., F.L. and P.P. understand the instructions - Check to see if D.D. B.B. and T.B. are having difficulties with the content/ if bilingual dictionaries are sufficient T: What were the different strategies you came up with? AR: Music, slogans, celebrities, having “regular people,”Animation, humour, repetition, promotions, bandwagon, emotional, humour They will give their ideas and write them down on the Whiteboard (Later will be transferred to chart paper for students to refer back to throughout the semester). - They will also explain what they think each of the strategies mean (So that ELL students will have an understanding of what each strategy means). if they haven’t included any of the strategies above, try to guide them to them) - For the harder strategies, write them on the board and ask if anyone knows the meaning or has seen the word before. T: I’m going to show you two commercials now. As you’re watching them I want you to think about how the creators of the commercials sell the viewer their games and see if you can recognize any of the marketing strategies being used. Show the two TV commercials - “Like A Girl” and “Sprite Ad” (Video Links embedded in powerpoint) - Throughout the discussion check P.P. desk for sticky note (Indication that he needs help) Assessment (purpose) Why assess? ☐ for learning (diagnostic or formative) ☐ as learning (formative) ☐ of learning (summative) How will you gather evidence of student learning? ☐ observations of: Student Engagement and participation in discussion. Are they Responding Accurately? ☐ student/teacher conversations (whole class, small group, individual questioning) regarding as: - Do their answers reflect an understanding of what media is? - Listen to responses regarding media strategies, are they accurately coming up with strategies used in commercials? 8:25 a.m. 8:30 a.m. SUMMARY: Students will work in small desk groups ☐ student tasks / products that provide students with ways to demonstrate learning, specifically: Agenda Item: Small Group Brainstorm Level of scaffolding: ☐ “I do it” (demonstration or modelling) ☐ “You do it together” (guided practice) ☐ “We do it” (shared practice) ☐ “You do it” (independent practice) Sequence of instruction/strategies for this component of lesson: - Put up Slide with instructions as to what the activity is 7 to compile a list of strategies used in the commercials that were viewed. T: We are now going to move into a small group activity. For the first 5 minutes, you will be working with your desk group. Group 7, you will be divided between groups 4, 5 and 6. If you look at the board (powerpoint) I have listed where you are each going. In this group you will write down ideas on the chart paper that’s on your desk, of why you think these commercials were or were not effective (or good - for ELL students); What strategies did you see? After 5 minutes the timer will go off and 2 students from each group will move clockwise to another group. You will have 2 minutes to share your ideas that group and discuss what you liked about the commercials. . You will continue to each group until you have gone to each group. There will also be a 2 minute timer. This should take us 10 minutes. Each group has a chrome book so you can refer back to the commercials if needed. REMEMBER you are only to use it to look at the two commercials already opened. You are not to be looking at other YouTube Videos. On the board I have also given a diagram of which direction each group will be moving. Thumbs up if you understand? AR: hopefully all are thumbs up (if not repeat the instructions) - Check with D.D., B.B., T.B., F.L. and P.P. understand the instructions T: Ok lets get started! (Start 5 minute timer) - As students are working, I will assess (see below) - Throughout the discussion check P.P. desk for sticky note (Indication that he needs help) - Check frequently to see if D.D. B.B. and T.B. are having difficulties with the content/if bilingual dictionaries are sufficient - When about 2 minutes left, give a two minute warning, and a 30 sec warning -> especially for E.F who struggles with transitions Assessment (purpose) Why assess? ☐ for learning (diagnostic or formative) ☐ as learning (formative) ☐ of learning (summative) How will you gather evidence of student learning? ☐ observations of: Do they understand the instructions? Participation in activity rather than off task (using chrome books to rewatch commercial and not surf the internet); Students working in small groups and listening to one another, sharing ideas in a collaborative way. Is one person doing all the work? Are they all contributing? Are they helping each other if someone doesn’t understand? ☐ student/teacher conversations (whole class, small group, individual questioning) regarding as: Are the students accurately identifying the different strategies used in each commercial? ☐ student tasks / products that provide students with ways to demonstrate learning, specifically: Students are brainstorming and writing a list of effective strategies they saw in the two commercials. Agenda Item: “Reason to Roam” 8:30 a.m. 8:40 a.m. SUMMARY A continuation of the activity. Two Level of scaffolding: ☐ “I do it” (demonstration or modelling) ☐ “You do it together” (guided practice) ☐ “We do it” (shared practice) ☐ “You do it” (independent practice) Sequence of instruction/strategies for this component of lesson: Teacher: If you can hear me clap once. If you can hear me clap twice. - When all are attentive 8 students from each group will share their ideas with other table groups. Ok class, we are going to be moving into the next part of the activity. Two students from each group will move clockwise to another group. You will have 2 minutes to share your ideas with that group and discuss what you liked about the commercials. Those who are staying in your groups will add any new ideas to your list and you can also share what you liked about the commercials. You will continue to each group until you have gone to each group. There will also be a 2 minute timer. Again, if you look on the board there is a diagram of which direction each group will be moving. I want you right now to quickly decide who the two people moving around will be. (wait a minute for them to decide on who is moving) Ok do you have your two roamers? Thumbs up AR: hopefully all are thumbs up (if not repeat the instructions and give a few more moments to decide) Thumbs up if you understand the instructions AR: hopefully all are thumbs up (if not repeat the instructions) - Check that D.D., B.B., T.B., F.L. and P.P. understand instructions T: OK I am starting the two minute timer! - As students are working, I will assess (see below) - Throughout the discussion check P.P. desk for sticky note (Indication that he needs help) - Check to see if D.D. B.B. and T.B. are having difficulties with the content/if bilingual dictionaries are sufficient - When about 2 minutes left, give a two minute warning, and a 30 sec warning -> especially for E.F who struggles with transitions Assessment (purpose) Why assess? ☐ for learning (diagnostic or formative) ☐ as learning (formative) ☐ of learning (summative) How will you gather evidence of student learning? ☐ observations of: Students are moving to the right table groups. P articipation in activity rather than off task. Do they understand the instructions? (Thumbs up/down). Students working in small groups and listening to one another, sharing ideas in a collaborative way. Is one person doing all the work? Are they all contributing? ☐ student/teacher conversations (whole class, small group, individual questioning) regarding as: Are they discussing what they liked about the commercials? Do their responses reflect an understanding of the effective strategies used in the commercials? ☐ student tasks / products that provide students with ways to demonstrate learning, specifically: Students are adding to their initial list of strategies used in each commercial Agenda Item: Class Discussion 8:40 a.m. 8:47 a.m. Level of scaffolding: ☐ “I do it” (demonstration or modelling) ☐ “You do it together” (guided practice) ☐ “We do it” (shared practice) ☐ “You do it” (independent practice) Sequence of instruction/strategies for this component of lesson: Teacher: If you can hear me clap once. If you can hear me clap twice. - When all are attentive T: Alright class. I first want to thank you all for following instructions throughout the activity, you should all be at your original table groups. I want to hear some of the strategies you came up with 9 SUMMARY As a class discuss the different strategies that were used in each of the two commercials for both of these ads. Let’s start with the “Like a girl Ad.” What sort of strategies did they use in that ad? AR: Music, Emotional, Regular People, a little bit of humour. T: Yes that’s right. The biggest thing in the ad, especially for me, was the powerful message that it was sending. Can someone explain what that message was? AR: Girls can do anything, and “Like a girl” shouldn’t mean a bad thing (Or something Similar) T: Exactly! Always was empowering young girls and women and giving them confidence. They turned a phrase that had become an insult into a good and powerful message. From that commercial, was anyone able to figure out or know what that ad was selling? - it is most likely the girls will know over the boys. However, they might not be aware that it was for feminine products. (If they don’t know the product) T : The ad was for Always which is a company that sells pads and tampons when girls have their period. Girls get it at puberty; some of you may already be familiar with this product. (If they do know the product and comfortable with responding) AR: It’s for pads. T: How many of you liked this message and felt empowered by it? AR: hands up T: I’m glad everyone feels that way. We all should be confident and change the way people think “Like A Girl” stands for. Is anyone able to explain to me why they used regular people in this ad and not have celebrities/famous people? AR: It helped us connect with the message, it showed us that we all think “Like A Girl” is a bad thing, if celebrities were the ones explaining Like a girl means to them, it would not have been effective/good. T: Do you think this was an effective/good way to sell their product? Even if they didn’t say out loud what they were selling? If you think it was effective I want you to also explain why you think that. AR: Yes, because they are empowering women and telling them to be confident. (Responses can vary) T: I agree, does everyone else agree? AR: Everyone would say yes or no. - if anyone disagrees ask them to explain why. T: Right, they are trying to give us the confidence to be ourselves, and when your moms or even you when you’re older, are at the grocery store and you have 3 different brands of pads, you are more likely to buy Always because of this powerful message they are putting out. Now let's look at the “S prite Ad,” and identify some strategies used in that ad. AR: Celebrities, music, repetition, Bandwagon and humour. T: Yes! They had Lebron James, and Lil Yachty to endorse to sprite. Does Anyone know what endorse means? 10 AR: Endorse means they are supporting the product. T: Yes, celebrities support the product. Why do you think they use celebrities in commercials? AR: So that if we see them using it, we will want to use that product also. T: Yes! They are hoping that by using a celebrity it will get us to be just like them and buy the clothes or products that they support. Now, you guys said they used “Bandwagon” as one of the strategies. Can anyone explain to me what bandwagon means again and how they used it in that ad? AR: It means that since other people are drinking sprite, you should too. They said in the ad that since cool people are drinking it and Lebron said #wannasprite. T: Exactly! You all noticed that Lebron said Sprite about a thousand times! Did anyone find it effective/good and I want you to explain why or why not. AR: Yes because the sprite is now stuck in my head OR No because I found it annoying - Varied Responses depending on their preference T: What were some of the things that you liked about each commercial? AR: Varied responses based on their preferences T: Was there anything that you didn’t like about the commercials? AR: Varied responses based on their preferences - As students are participating in class discussion, I will assess (see below) Throughout the discussion check P.P. desk for sticky note (Indication that he needs help) Check to see if D.D. B.B. and T.B. are having difficulties with the content/if bilingual dictionaries are sufficient Assessment (purpose) Why assess? ☐ for learning (diagnostic or formative) ☐ as learning (formative) ☐ of learning (summative) How will you gather evidence of student learning? ☐ observations of: Are students participating in the class discussions? ☐ student/teacher conversations (whole class, small group, individual questioning) regarding as: See Questions above; are students responding in a manner that is accurate and reflect an understanding of strategies used in the commercials with rationale? Do they understand the meaning of the Always commercial? ☐ student tasks / products that provide students with ways to demonstrate learning, specifically: Agenda Item: Reflection 8:47 a.m. 8:50 a.m. SUMMARY Students will Level of scaffolding: ☐ “I do it” (demonstration or modelling) ☐ “You do it together” (guided practice) ☐ “We do it” (shared practice) ☐ “You do it” (independent practice) Sequence of instruction/strategies for this component of lesson: 11 reflect on the lesson and respond to the questions in their journals. T: OK class, we have about 2 minutes before french (giving E.F. notice of how much time until next class) I want you to write in your journals which of the two commercials you thought was the most effective (was the best - for ELL Students) and give 2 reasons why. And then I want you to write why you thought the other one was not as effective with 1 reason why. - Jo urnals are already on their desk - Questions will be displayed on the powerpoint - As students are writing, I will assess (see below) Check P.P. desk for sticky note (Indication that he needs help) Check to see if D.D. B.B. and T.B. are having difficulties with the content/if bilingual dictionaries are sufficient Check that D.D., B.B., T.B., F.L. and P.P. understand instructions Assessment (purpose) Why assess? ☐ for learning (diagnostic or formative) ☐ as learning (formative) ☐ of learning (summative) How will you gather evidence of student learning? ☐ observations of: Students are completing the questions in their individual journals. Look for students’ facial expressions - are they struggling? ☐ student/teacher conversations (whole class, small group, individual questioning) regarding as: ☐ student tasks / products that provide students with ways to demonstrate learning, specifically: Written journal entry of which commercial they thought was most effective and which one was not and why. 12 Reflective Practice: (Select and respond to a prompt below. Please do not continually use the same prompt after each lesson. Consider the rationale behind WHY you have selected today’s prompt.) Reflective prompts: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. How do I know the students learned? What could I improve? How do I think the lesson went in general? Why? What evidence supports this? How might I have improved my questioning strategies? Why? What next steps will support this? How might I improve my own instructional practice? Why? What specific areas of the lesson could I have improved? Why? How might I improve my future lessons? What questions do you have now that you have implemented this lesson? Why do you have those questions? How will you address your question? What went really well in your teaching? Why do you think it went well? What was most challenging for you in planning and implementing this lesson? Why? How did you or will you address this challenge? How did this lesson reflect your vision of teaching and learning? What did you learn about yourself as a “teacher” after planning and implementing this lesson? Why? What are your next steps? One that that really surprised me during this lesson was….because…. Now that I have implemented the lesson, I am particularly proud of _____because_____ Reflection via Selected Prompt #_____: 13