Research Topic Student Sheets

Research Topic 1: Toxicology
Step 1: Independently answer each question
Step 2: Add information in your expert groups.
1. What does toxicology mean?
2. Give an example of the saying “the dose makes the poison”. In other words, what is a substance that
is beneficial in certain quantities but harmful in larger quantities?
3. What does it mean that the LD50 of botulinus toxin is 0.00001 mg/kg?
4. Name several factors that determine the level of toxicity?
5. How is the study of toxicology related to the death of Janette Williams?
Research Topic 2: Exposure, Routes of Entry, and Dose-Response
Step 1: Independently answer each question
Step 2: Add information in your expert groups.
1. What are three routes for exposure to a chemical?
2. What other factors determine the response to exposure of a chemical?
3. Do you think all routes of exposure are equivalent for a specific toxin? Explain.
4. What is the first thing that you do if….
a. You splash a harmful chemical on the skin of your
b. A harmful chemical mist irritates your eyes?
c. The smell of a noxious gas makes you feel dizzy?
5. Sketch the shape of a dose-response curve. What does this shape imply (mean)?
Research Topic 3: Household Product Labels
Step 1: Independently answer each question
Step 2: Add information in your expert groups.
1. Name and rank the 4 signal words found on labels of hazardous household products.
2. What term describes the property of a hazardous substance if it can…
destroy human tissue by a chemical reaction and
severely burn skin or eyes?
harm human tissue only after repeated exposure?
harm human tissue after one or more exposures
but the damage is reversible and tissue can be
readily undergo combustion?
explode if heated?
Cause long term negative effects in humans?
3. What symbol can you design for a product that contains a strong sensitizer?
Research Topic 4: Risk/Benefit Assessment
Step 1: Independently answer each question
Step 2: Add information in your expert groups.
1. Explain the concept of Risk-Benefit assessment.
2. Give an example of a decision relevant to your life involving risks and benefits.
3. Give two examples of the Risk-Benefit assessment for a household product of your choice. Explain
both the risk and the benefit of the household product.
Household Product
4. Why is a Risk-Benefit assessment important?