COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING UNIVERSITY TENAGA NASIONAL MENB453: NUCLEAR POLICY, SECURITY AND SAFEGUARDS ASSIGNMENT 3 SECTION : 01 LECTURER : MADIHAH BINTI MUJAINI,CIK SUBMISSION DATE: 18/1/2019 Name Paaveentran a/l Subramaniam Student ID.No ME098515 NUCLEAR PROLIFERATIONS AMONG STATES Nuclear proliferation can be described as a wide spread of nuclear weapons –applicable nuclear technology and information to other nations which are not recognized as “Nuclear weapon states “by the Treaty on the non-proliferation of Nuclear Weapons , which also known as the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty (NPT). Nuclear proliferation has been against by many nations and without nuclear weapons, the governments of which fear that the countries which have more nuclear weapons could cause the increase of possibility of nuclear warfare. Since there were much opposition to nuclear proliferations by many governments, they have decided to put on efforts to prevent nuclear proliferations involved treaties, institutions. Multilateral arrangements and technology controls which can be used to oppose nuclear proliferations among states. The first will be the Treaty on the Non-proliferation of Nuclear weapons (NPT) who’s objective to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons and weapons technology, to promote cooperation to prevent the abuse of nuclear energy and achieving nuclear disarmament. The Treaty are known as the foundation of the global nuclear non-proliferation regime and pursuit of nuclear disarmament. To achieve this goal of non-proliferation in between states parties, the Treaty had established a safeguard system under the responsibility of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). The NPT has three main goals: Preventing the spread of nuclear weapons Promoting the peaceful uses of nuclear energy to the many applications in medicine, agriculture, industry and other fields Promoting the reduction of nuclear weapons and disarmament Safeguards are used to verify compliance with the Treaty through inspections conducted by the IAEA. The Treaty promotes cooperation in the field of peaceful nuclear technology and equal access to this technology for all States parties, while safeguards prevent the diversion of fissile material for weapons use. There are also additional protocol IAEA made to strengthen the safeguard system, thus includes the proclamation of the IAEA’s authorities to conduct special inspections and the use of new tools for the detection of clandestine nuclear facilities. Next, the establishment of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological(Biological) and toxin weapons and on Their Destruction” (BWC) have shown that the parties are required not to develop, produce, stockpile or acquire biological weapons that have no peaceful or protective purpose. BWC today have found ways to strengthen the treaty and help ensure full compliance by its parties, for example: Enact criminal legislation; Establish a procedure for international investigations of suspicious disease outbreaks or alleged incidents of BW use; Develop standards for security of pathogenic microorganisms and safety standards; and Commit States Parties to support the World Health Organization's global disease surveillance and response capabilities, as well as to provide rapid emergency medical and investigative services, if requested, in the event of a serious outbreak of an infectious disease. In addition to that, they also have established The Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) which bans chemical weapons and ordered the destruction of existing chemical weapon stockpiles. The CWC also prohibits the production or use of toxic chemicals for weapon purposes. In technology wise, the Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR) plays a role in control the number of nuclear weapons. Missiles are considering being the most dangerous delivery systems due to their fast time target, high in-flight survivability and cannot be recalled once launched. MTCR aggressive enforcement in export controls have made it difficult for the proliferators to obtain items for their programs. The treaties and agreements that comprise the multilateral non-proliferation regime and the initiatives they promote may seem far-removed from the day-to-day actions on exports and commerce we all face. But each non-proliferation treaty or regime that has emerged creates new tools in the fight against proliferation and provides concrete examples of steps we all can take to make our own national efforts more effective.