Begin by lying back on a comfortable surface ... on a bed or in a chair, in a quiet place free of interruptions. Feel your body begin to sink into that surface and feel yourself become comfortable. Let your muscles shift and move as you start to relax. For the next twenty minutes or so, this is just your time, no one else's. Settle back and enjoy the freedom that listening to the tape brings you. Any worries can be set aside. If they are important, they can come back when the tape is over. Any pressing projects will still be there later if they are truly important. You have learned to unplug the telephone before starting your tape if you are likely to be interrupted. As your body finds its most comfortable position, you let your eyes gently close down. The muscles around your eyelids are the most sensitive in the body and the quickest to relax - as you listen to the tape, your eyelids get heavy, as if they are held down by delicate little weights .... And since this is just your time, your eyes simply won't feel like opening again until the tape ends. You are already beginning to feel that pleasant feeling of mental and physical relaxation. Now imagine a very beautiful beach on a tropical lagoon. It is not important whether you actually 'see' it in your mind's eye ... If you can imagine that beach, it is there for you ... picture or imagine the waves breaking ... the smell of the shore ... the sound of the surf and the seabirds flying... if you sense or imagine it, or hear your voice describe, or just feel it, your beautiful beach is there and it's real for you I want you to sense, see or hear that beautiful beach. Put it in your mind as if it were below you, down a pathway or at the bottom of a set of stairs. As I count from 10 down to 1, I want you to imagine that you are walking down that stair case or hillside, closer and closer to that wonderful tropical beach and its beautiful lagoon. With each and every number you hear, you feel your pleasant state of mental and physical relaxation double.... 10...doubling that relaxation, moving toward that beautiful beach.... 9...all troubles and worries begin to drain away, and you relax more soundly and move down the path or stairway to your beach 8...As you move down the path, your body and mind follow you down, relaxing more surely with every count... 7...Every part of you deserves a vacation, even your busy outer mind deserves a vacation, and the next twenty minutes is a chance for your mind to rest and recharge itself as you walk toward that beach, doubling your relaxation at every step.... very relaxed now, that you may even begin to feel a light and pleasant tingling in your hands and feet.... the tingling is a sign of relaxation and as soon as you begin to feel it, that is your mind's signal to let go and double your relaxation again.... 5....Halfway down and doubling the relaxation with each count... 4...Even your busy thoughts take a much deserved rest.... your mind quiets and simply sits back in peace... 3...Notice how much slower and more regular and deeper your breathing is now than when we started this exercise...and as you notice that deep quiet breath, it is another signal for your mind to double and triple its relaxation.... 2...Very relaxed now, doubling that relaxation again....mind, body, emotions all taking a much needed rest... 1...Doubling your relaxation and very comfortable now, so peaceful, relaxed and comfortable... Take another step fully special, private tropical beach paradise you have created. Find a place where you can imagine sitting down and soaking up the peacefulness and Tranquillity that are all around you. Just rest, feeling how good your body feels to be relaxed, feeling how good your mind feels to be taking a rest.... Touch the thumb and forefinger together on one hand and then release them. That is the signal for your mind to take you to this wonderful and relaxed place every time you do it. Any time you close your eyes and bring your thumb and forefinger together, it will be a signal for your mind to bring you to this wonderful state of relaxation, and onto this perfect beach you have created as a private mental get-away.... Deeply asleep now, not asleep like at night, but just a gentle sleep of the nervous system...fully alert and aware, but very relaxed and very peaceful. Deeply asleep.... Sometimes our poor overworked outer minds don't know how to rest because they don't have enough practice taking a vacation, and so they keep sending thought after interfering thought to disturb our rest because that is all they know how to do... But remember this - .every thought has to have an energy source. Every thought needs energy to stay in your mind. So when an interfering thought comes from your busy outer mind, you can help your mind take a much needed rest by simply unplugging the thought. It is as if every thought has an electric cord that plugs into your mind. You can help your mind take a rest by imagining that you are unplugging your thoughts every time one comes up to disturb your relaxation. Just reach up and pull that thought's electric power cord right out of the wall. See or imagine yourself doing that every time a thought comes up. As you pull the cord, the thought simply shrivels up and drifts away, knowing that it can come back later if it is really important. Bring your thumb and forefinger together again and release. That is also the signal for your mind to pull the power cord on any interfering thought from your busy outer mind..... your signal for your outer mind go back and get the rest it deserves so much. Every time you touch your thumb and forefinger together it is a signal to your mind to pull the power cord out of interfering thoughts and just to let you drift in this peaceful, tranquil feeling of serenity and relaxation. And the interfering thoughts just shrivel up and drift away. Now think about your beautiful private tropical beach paradise again. There is a warm sun shining on the beach, and as you notice the sunshine, a special ray of the sun comes and shines especially for you....The sunlight pours over your body just like a wonderful healing golden oil, or like warm honey...It is so beautiful here. You can hear the wind in the palm trees and the sounds of the gentle ocean breakers rolling up the beach. The sand is so warm that you can imagine how it would feel if your legs were buried in the warm and inviting. The sun overhead is a brilliant golden ball in a perfectly blue and cloudless sky shining down on the radiant blue green of the tropical sea and pure white sand in your little lagoon. Birds fly overhead and fish are jumping. You look and listen and there is no one else on this beach, it is all yours. You find yourself floating on the peaceful water of the lagoon in a lovely yellow boat. you can feel the gentle waves of the lagoon rocking your boat just like it was a cradle. Outside the lagoon, a coral reef protects you from the power of the mighty ocean and you can hear the ocean breaking loudly on the reef. A pelican flies over and you watch as it comes in to land and float a few feet away from your boat. Everything is so is a tropical paradise. You notice that in the bottom of your boat there are a number of old leaves. You realize that each leaf is a symbol for some obstacle to you learning to relax and heal. Some of the leaves are big and some are small, but each one is some obstacle in your mind to relaxing and healing. You pick up the largest leaf and hold it in front of you. It is the largest obstacle to you learning to relax and heal. As you do, you may become aware of its name and what it symbolizes. It is OK if you don't consciously understand what the leaf symbolizes for you, because your powerful inner mind, your subconscious mind, knows exactly what it means. As you look at the leaf, you realize that it has actually been there helping you, and even though it is an obstacle now, at one time it was a friend protecting you from something or helping you with some problem in your life. And as you look at the leaf and let your powerful inner mind come to understand it, you realize that you no longer need it. So you thank the leaf for all its past service to you, with true gratitude in your heart because the obstacle has been a servant in the past. But then you tell the leaf, "I don't need you any longer...I am learning better ways to deal with that problem you came to help me with and I no longer need you to get in the way of my relaxation and healing." Then you gently release the leaf into the water and watch it float off toward the reef where the pounding surf, brilliant sunlight and pure water work to recycle the leaf and release its energy back into your system to help you heal. Then you pick up the next largest leaf and hold it in front of you. It is the next largest obstacle to you learning to relax and heal. Your inner mind, and perhaps your conscious mind recognize this leaf and know its name. It is another obstacle to healing that began in some way to help you with some problem in the mind, or to protect you from something that was too big for your mind to handle at the time. And as you look at the leaf and let your powerful inner mind come to understand it, you realize that you no longer need it. So you thank the leaf for all its past service to you, with true gratitude in your heart because the obstacle has been a servant in the past. But then you tell the second leaf, "Thank you for your past service, but I don't need you any longer... I am learning better ways to deal with that problem you came to help me with and I no longer need you to get in the way of my relaxation and healing." Then you gently release the leaf into the water and watch it float off toward the reef where the pounding surf, brilliant sunlight and pure water work to recycle the leaf and release its energy back into your system to help you heal. And somehow, something almost magic begins to happen in your mind. You realize that the next time you are able to close your eyes in a quite place and revisit this place in your minds eye, you will be able to relax much more deeply....and in that relaxation, your inner mind is exploring ways to help you heal or change in whatever ways you wish to change or grow. You understand with pride and satisfaction, that you are learning to relax and be yourself, to find your own special path to personal change and healing, to taking control in your own life. You realize that you do have the ability to relax, and even more important the ability to heal, and to begin making positive and beneficial changes in your life. Touch your thumb and forefinger lightly together again and then release them. As you release, it is your mind's signal to return you to that your beautiful beach. Any time you touch and release the thumb and forefinger together, it will immediately take you to this wonderful place of powerful inner knowledge and change. Of course you will only do so in a place where it is safe and convenient to close your eyes and relax for a moment. Deeply asleep... and when you hear the words "deeply asleep" as you listen to my voice, you instantly and immediately begin moving your mind into this place of powerful inner relaxation. Now take a full two minutes to just float in this wonderful and peaceful state, enjoying your beach, letting your mind simply float in this wonderful state of peaceful relaxation, knowing that this state of mind is the place from which all change and healing begins ... {two minutes quiet here} ... If you are using my voice before going to sleep at night, you can reach over and turn off your tape player, and you will sink into a long deep and very restful sleep, and even your dreams will help you learn more and more about changing and healing your life. You are sleeping twice as well now as you used to.... If you are going to get up after listening to my voice, I am going to count from one up to five, and as I do, your mind and body rise with me back to the world and your regular state of awareness.... 1.....Beginning to rise just like a bubble rising from the bottom of a deep lake. Knowing that you have done a great job of learning to relax and take yourself to the peaceful place where healing and change begin. 2....Rising higher, beginning to return to awareness of the room and the environment, feeling like every part of you had been bathed in the purest and most wonderful spring water...totally refreshed 3...rising higher and faster now, moving rapidly up toward the surface, feeling amazed at how well you are learning to relax and knowing that anything can be changed or healed from a place of calm. 4....higher and higher, almost back to the surface, but bringing some of the peace and calm with you. Once you begin to relax, the ability is yours forever...the more you practice, the more it becomes yours 5....All the way back up to the surface now. You feel your eyes begin to open and you return to the room and this time and place fully alert and feeling wonderful.