Economics Paper

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Christian Alexander
Professor Underwood
English 1113
October 21, 2018
Economics Paper
The necessities in life are what will get people through life on a daily basis. A poor
person does not have the necessities to live daily. If a person has necessities and does not use
them he is not poor, he does not see what they are. The bare necessities are what a person needs
to live. They are food, water, clothes, and air. A person cannot live without these items. If people
try to live without the bare minimum they could die. The daily necessities are a job, a house, a
means of transportation, a telephone and a television. People can live without some of these
items, but if a person does not have a home or a car they are normally considered poor. Most
people take advantage of the bare necessities because they do not understand what it means to be
poor. Poor people and people in middle class are very similar people. The middle class is people
who live day by day to make money. Some do not have a job or a car, but most middle class
people have a home and clothes to wear. In the end, for a person to be poor they will have no car,
no job, no home, no clothes or no phone. People cannot be poor and live in a nice home and have
a job, have a phone or have nice things.
A thirty-year-old person that has a full time job with health insurance and that gets
enough money to have a one room apartment with a television and a telephone is not poor. This
person has a good life to live. A person should not want to skip meals to save money to go on a
vacation. A person’s health is more important than a vacation for a week or longer. Health and
the basic necessities come before fun and games in a person’s life. This person would not be
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considered poor but he would be considered middle class because he does not have a car or a lot
of money or a big, lavish home or a nice, fancy life. People do not need all of these fine items to
make a life good to live. Life is about what a person makes it to be. All people should try to be
conservative once in their life to save some money for down the line.
There are many poor people around us than we see. Poorness is everywhere in daily life.
Poor people have no life; most of them do not have a home or a car so they have nowhere to
sleep at night. Some poor people do not even have a family or people to check on them. Some
people, who are poor, are poor because of bad choices they made in their lifetime, but people are
not supposed to judge other people. Some poor people will see only the problem ahead and not
the solution. No one should be judged in their life. So what they made a bad decision that is not a
grudge to hold the rest of someone’s life. If a person just will look around the corner they will
see poor people everywhere. Just look under the bridges in New Orleans, Louisiana, there are a
lot of poor people living under bridges. This is what a poor person has to endure.
The judgement of people is supposed to be left to the man up above not all of the people
on Earth who thinks they should judge everyone around them. These people have not seen the
other person’s problems, nor have they walked in the other person’s shoes. This means that other
people have no right to judge them. Nobody is perfect in their life. A bad decision will not cost
someone their life but repeated bad decisions can make a person poor and take their life and
well-being away from them. Poorness is not something a person can run away from.