5th Grade Library Skills Scavenger Hunt Worksheet

5TH Grade Library Skills Scavenger Hunt
Version A
"Hello my fellow detectives! Today we have an
important assignment. We have to help Mrs. Robinson
find all of her keys. She can't work without her keys!
You can find Mrs. Robinson's keys by answering the
questions below and inserting the first letter of the
answer in the blanks below. Good luck sleuths!"
Question 1
Question 2
Question 3
Question 4
Question 5
Question 6
1. According to the PAC's in the MMS library, what is the call number for the
book Zoomrimes: Poems about Things that Go by Sylvia Cassedy?
2. According to the World Book encyclopedia, what type of poetry was Countee
Cullen known for?
3. In the poetry book One Hundred Years of Poetry for Children, what is the last
name of the poet who wrote "The Boyhood of Dracula?" (Hint: Use the Titles
4. In the Robert Frost biography, what is the title of the Robert Frost poem on
page 69?
5. According to the e.e. cummings "Unofficial Starting Point" website, what do
cummings' initials stand for? (Hint: use Alta Vista.com)
6. According to the 2000 World Almanac, in which city was poet Gwendolyn
Brooks born? (Hint: Look on page 352)