Chemistry Lab Report Format

Chemistry I lab format
Class period
Title of Experiment
Purpose: Write a brief purpose for the lab. Include the objective of the lab.
Materials: List any materials used during the lab
Procedure: Write a summary of the procedure. Include anything you changed or adjusted. This should
be in paragraph form and written in the past tense.
Data: Include any data you collected during the lab including observations, measurements or items that
need to be attached. All tables, graphs and pictures must be labeled and include units if necessary.
Calculations: Not all labs will contain this section: When you need to do any form of calculation for a
lab you need to show that here in this section. If you are doing multiples of the same calculation you
need only show 1 example. Remember to label each calculation with what you are determining.
Conclusions: Write you answers to any conclusion or analysis questions here in paragraph form.
Other formatting:
-labs should be typed or printed in clear handwriting if necessary
-On labs where you work in a group please turn in only 1 lab report.
-Labs should be shared with Ms. Baker on google drive. Make sure you change my settings to
can edit
-Title your document: your names class period title of report
Ex. Cassy Baker & Judy Goebel 7th Bunsen burner lab
-When I am finished grading your paper I will place it in the shared folder under your class
period's folder
Font: 12 pts, Times New Roman, 1 inch margins
Lab write ups are typically due 3-4 days following the lab please follow any lab instructions or check
the assignment board for when the lab is due