Heros From Another World Chapter 2

Chapter 2
As my vision returned to me and the word returned to
color, I found myself sitting in a strange room. My eyes
looked around, trying to make sense of things before my
eyes focused on an old man who sat on a yellow pedestal.
Once he noticed me paying attention to him, he
spoke to me.
“I am Rauru, one of the ancient sages… Ages ago,
we ancient Sages built the Temple of Time to protect the
entrance to the Sacred Realm… This is the Chamber of
Sages, inside the Temple of Light… The Temple of Light
situates in the very center of the Sacred Realm, is the last
stronghold against Ganondorf’s evil forces. The Master
Sword--the evil-destroying sword that you pulled out of the
Pedestal of Time--was the final key to the Sacred Realm.”
I was about to ask him where I was, but he seemed
to know my question before I could answer it.
“Don’t worry. Your friend has already come by and is
waiting for you… Link.”
Link? I thought to myself. My name is not Link.
Unsure of why I decided to look down at my body. I
knew I felt taller, but I did not think I was that different, but I
was wrong.
I had blonde hair that partially covered one of my
eyes, although most of it was covered by a green cap. I
wore a green tunic that mostly covered a white undershirt,
except for a few parts at the sleeves and collarbone.
Where the undershirt cut off, my fingerless gloves
started. They went from my lower arm to the tips of my
fingers. Looking further down, I noticed I was in white
leggings with leather boots on my feet.
“Do not fret young one. Everything will be fine for you
in the end, but for now, you have a task that you need to
complete. You will hear more about it later, but there is
something you must know Link. Although the Door of Time
and entrance to the Sacred Realm was done in the name of
peace, the King of Thieves, Ganondorf used the power of
the Triforce and wrecked havoc across the land, and is now
claimed as the King of Evil.”
Rauru paused for a bit, giving the opportunity for me
to take in this unknown amount of information. There were
so many questions I had for him, and I had no idea on
whether or not they could be answered by this mysterious
sage. Even though he shared much information, it still felt as
though he knew more than he was putting off.
“My power now has only little influence, even in this
Sacred Realm… Namely this Chamber of Sages. But there
is still hope… The power of the Sages Remains. When the
power of all the Sages is awakened, the Sages’ Seals will
contain all the evil power in the void of the Realm… I, Rauru,
am one of the Sages. Keep my spirit with you… And, find
the power of the other Sages and add their might to your
Rauru then proceeded to raise his arms up before
materializing a yellow medallion out of thin air.
“That is the Light Medallion, you Link and your friend
must find and awaken the other Sages. You will get
medallions from each of them. I wish you and your friend
good luck on your journey.”
The world then faded back to white, leaving me time
to think as I floated in the essence of nothingness. He knew
I was with someone, but where was Olivia. I hadn’t seen her
since coming to this strange world. Even though he shared
so much information with me, it felt as though he still was
holding back information, and I wouldn’t be getting any more
of it from him.
The light faded into pitch black before fading back to
color, I stood in another unknown area. I found myself
standing in a stone building still with no sign of Olivia
anywhere. I resisted the urge to call out to her because
according to the Sage, this land was full of monsters.
I began to walk out of the room I was in, but a
moment later, it felt like I was being watched. I slowly turned
my head around and drew a sword from my back that I didn’t
even know was there until that moment as I faced someone
who could potentially be a threat.
The person in front of me had red eyes that could
pierce one’s very soul. They sported blonde hair and a white
strip of cloth that covered the top of their head and
everything below the nose.
“Who are you?” I asked cautiously, surprised how my
voice sounded exactly the same even though everything
else seemed to be so different.
“I could say the same for you, although I recognize
that voice,” they spoke back to me.
“Your voice seems familiar as well. Although I am
trying to find someone, do you have any idea if you have
seen a girl with blonde hair and blue eyes.”
“I’ll only answer if you tell me if you have seen a girl
with brown hair, brown eyes, and glasses.”
I thought for a moment before realizing that this
person was trying to find me.
“That’s me. Well at least me before I ended up
changing somehow. Wait… do you go by the name Olivia?”
“It is you!” I cried before running into the arms of a
friend I thought I lost.
“What is going on. Where are we?”
“I don’t know, but I am happy you are here because I
know that we together can face a challenge better than I can
alone. You are the best”
“Thanks, Lily, but you’re better.”
“No your better Olivia.”
“You are”
“No, you are”
“You are”
“You are”
Our argument lasted saying that the other person
was better before I came up with a compromise.
“Okay, we are only as good as we are with each
“I’m okay with that compromise.”
After being reunited with my friend, the next thing we
needed to figure out was where we were at.
“Olivia, what is the last thing you remember us doing
before we appeared in this new world?”
“The last thing I remember was us playing Ocarina of
Time and Link pulling out the Master Sword”
“That's the last thing I remember too.”
After we both silently pondered on our predicament,
Olivia jumped up and she had a conclusion.
“You don’t think…”
“That we are IN the game?” I finished
Both of us were stunned to be in a game that we
both enjoyed so much.
“Now what do we do?” I asked.
“Maybe just investigate. I don't think our knowledge
of the game is going to be of much use to us because we
are the two main characters.”
“Probably won’t be that useful.”
After a moment of aimlessly wandering around the
temple before an idea sparked.
“How about we practice the different songs because I
think the songs will still be very important.”
“That seems like a good idea.”
We decided to start with an easy song. Zelda’s
“It seems so different playing it versus pushing
buttons to play it, but for some reason, I feel like I know how
to play each note, even though I have never touched a harp
before,” Olivia stated.
“Same with the Ocarina. Weird.”
We continued trying to play the song, but no matter
how much we tried, it never seemed to sound right.
“Hold on Liv,” I said. “Do we even know the right
notes for the song, or are we just going on what it sounds
like alone.”
“How about we put everything down for a minute and
“Okay. This is starting to annoy me anyway.”
We sat down on the floor of the Temple of Time.
While we sat in silence, I reached into a pocket I had no idea
even existed until that moment.
My fingers wrapped around something and I brought
my hand out of my pocket. When my hand was out, I was
holding a book titled Songs
“I think we may have just found our saving grace,” I
said to Olivia.
“Stop wasting time and flip open the thing already.”
I listened and opened the book up to the first page.
The name of the song was at the top of the page, and
underneath it, was a line of sheet music.
Luckily for us, the first song was Zelda’s Lullaby.
“D F C D F C” I mumbled to myself”
“You ready to give it another go Lily?”
Me walking over to where I set the Ocarina down
was all my friend needed to know before she walked over to
where she put her harp down at.
I blew smoothly through the instrument as Olivia
gently plucked the strings of the harp. Upon finishing the
song, some unknown force made both of us want to
continue playing the song past the 6 notes.
The melody played was beautiful and I felt emotion
through every moment of it.
Once the song was finished, we both looked at each
other amazed with how the music we played had sounded.
“Ready to play another one?” I asked.
“Only after we play this one more time.
And we did, we played Zelda’s Lullaby again, this
time the notes came much easier before the same unknown
force as before took over as we played the music.
“What song is next on the list?” Liv asked.
I turned the page and noticed Epona’s song. After
scanning over the notes, I pulled out the Ocarina and
The unknown force kicked in as the songs were
being played. The same process went by for each of the
songs. Saria’s Song, the Sun’s Song, and the Song of Time
were all being played.
“When we get back, the two of us should start a band
playing these songs,” I said. “We already have them all
memorized by now.”
My companion only giggled. After playing the 6
songs that were in the booked, we realized there were more
empty pages that were not filled out just yet.
Those will probably be for other songs that we will
learn later on I thought.
With the songs learned, we decided to take a small
break before going out into whatever awaited us on the
outside of the cathedral we were inside.
“What do you think about everything that is going on
right now, Liv?”
“It’s crazy, the only thing is, we don’t know how long
we have been away for or anything like that.”
“I suppose it is something to be concerned over, but I
believe that we will be able to get home. But hey, it's not
every day you get the chance to be in the world of your
favorite video game.”
“You ready to head out yet?”
“Only if you are.”
We both got up and made our way to the door that
would take us to an unknown world beyond the place we
were residing in.
As we pushed open the big door that was sheltered
us, we were only in surprise at what we saw.