HTI-Msc seminar-2018-2019-Introduction

TAUCHI – Tampere Unit for Computer-Human Interaction
HTI M.Sc. Thesis Seminar
2018-2019 - Introduction
Markku Turunen (
M.Sc. Programme in Human-Technology Interaction
University of Tampere, 12.9.2018
TAUCHI – Tampere Unit for Computer-Human Interaction
• Seminar introduction
• Thesis process and structure
TAUCHI – Tampere Unit for Computer-Human Interaction
TAUCHI – Tampere Unit for Computer-Human Interaction
Course information
• Part of the “M.Sc. package” (thesis + seminar: 45 cu)
• Moodle:
TAUCHI – Tampere Unit for Computer-Human Interaction
Target audience
• Students who have completed most of their other
• Want to start their thesis work
• Aim to finish within a year
• No need to have any specific topic or supervisor for the
1st meeting (when you join the seminar) – however, a
topic needs to be identified before the 2nd meeting.
TAUCHI – Tampere Unit for Computer-Human Interaction
To support the
student's progress
in the thesis work
TAUCHI – Tampere Unit for Computer-Human Interaction
• Runs from September 12, 2017 to May/July, 2018
Meetings each month, remote connection possibility.
Students continue in the seminar until their thesis are ready.
Credits given when the thesis has been approved.
Presentations of status reports or thesis presentations.
TAUCHI – Tampere Unit for Computer-Human Interaction
Progress Reports
• Progress reports:
All participants update their progress reports each meeting by returning their
progress monitoring report to the Moodle.
• In addition, you should always submit your progress report (by) e-mail to your supervisor.
Students also present their status reports in the meetings:
• focus on most relevant issues (no need to present all details).
TAUCHI – Tampere Unit for Computer-Human Interaction
Thesis presentations
• Thesis presentations:
– students present their work three times in the seminar in more
comprehensive ways than in the short status reports:
• (1) initial presentation, (2) middle presentation, (3) final presentation
Students need to notify at least one week before the meeting than there will
be a thesis presentation in the seminar (to coordinate presentations).
• Supervisor needs to be notified as well.
Also, students submit their thesis drafts both to the supervisor and to the
TAUCHI – Tampere Unit for Computer-Human Interaction
Topic proposals
• Students who are starting their thesis work, submit their “topic
proposal template” to the Moodle.
TAUCHI – Tampere Unit for Computer-Human Interaction
TAUCHI – Tampere Unit for Computer-Human Interaction
HTI thesis process
• Familiarize yourself with the topic (e.g., this meeting)
• Complete the “topic proposal template” (abstract and research
questions) and submit it to the Moodle
– also notify by e-mail the head of the HTI M.Sc. Programme (Markku Turunen)
• Your topic will be discussed among the supervisors; a supervisor
candidate will be chosen according to the expertise and
• A discussion between you and your possible supervisor
• Signature of the supervision agreement
• Participate in the HTI M.Sc. Seminar
• Otherwise, follow the generic thesis guidelines
TAUCHI – Tampere Unit for Computer-Human Interaction
Typical HTI thesis structure
Introduction (2-3 pages)
Part I (“theory”):
Background (literature) 1 – 3 chapters
Part II (“own work”):
Description of the main subject (e.g., design, application, study)
Conclusions (2 – 3 pages)