
What is cultism?
Definition of cultism: this concept implies any activity of secret cults when only participants know about
methods and members of such organizations. Cultists declare their allegiance and follow all the orders
that senior leaders give them. The deeds of these groups caused the suffering and death of many innocent
citizens. They became painfully popular and struck the country's educational institutions like a dangerous
virus, destroyed the life of youth through despicable acts like, torture, fraud, painful inscriptions on the
bodies of new members, Voodoo rituals, murders, drinking of human blood and urine, use of hard drugs,
intimidation of surrounding people, armed robberies, kidnapping.
Origin of cultism in Nigeria How did this all start? Initially, the goals of the cults were peaceful enough.
For example, Wole Soyinka with 6 friends created a society called to protect the poor and needy people
from discrimination. All the participants were decent students. However, over time, cultism began to
acquire violent features that led to its subsequent degeneration. Many cults appeared whose activities
were of an increasingly dangerous nature. The most famous of them are the following groups: Pyrates
confraternity, 1952, University College, Ibadan. Eiye confraternity, 1965, University of Ibadan.
Buccanneers confraternity, 1972, University of Benin. Neo-black movement (black axe), 1983, University
of Benin. Eternal fraternal order of the legion consortium, 1983, University of Calabar. Supreme Vikings
confraternity, 1984, University of Calabar. The more popular cultism became the crueler its methods.
Violence was manifested from the first steps of newcomers in secret society. In order to pass the
initiation, it was necessary to be tortured. Male students were beaten with sticks. It was a cruel test of
endurance. Girls had to have an intimate contact with several men at once. Those who passed these tests
had to drink alcohol mixed with blood. This oath was evidence of adherence to the cult. As a result, many
people were maimed and died seeking illusory fanatical goals
What are causes of cultism in Nigeria?
What makes people join organizations that endanger their own lives and people around? Consider several
significant factors:
For a strange reason, some students do not want to assert themselves by winning in the mathematics or
sports competitions - they just show strength through violence. Youthful maximalism forces them to
assert authority in rather dangerous ways. Participation in the cult gives a false sense of superiority.
Revenge is another important motive. If someone has mocked a student, he looks for companions to
carry out a brutal massacre against the offender. Having established a friendship with cruel people, they
hope to translate their revengeful desires into reality.
Also, an attractive factor is protection. If a student is intimidated by some organization, he can join a rival
group. Although most of the students noticed that such organizations do not provide any protection, on
the contrary, make them vulnerable and threatens their lives.
Popularity and recognition. Many want to create the image of a big boy or girl who has high status in
student communities. Often young people enter sects following their peers.
Friends' beliefs have a strong influence on students' worldview. That's why it's important to choose the
right friends that will not make a person turn off the right path.
Consequences of cultism
Whatever eloquent are the slogans propagated by the cults’ leaders, in the majority of cases the result of
their activities is negative:
Innocent people die during the violent clashes.
The philosophy of most cults refutes traditional human values and imposes negative patterns of thinking.
The crime rate noticeably increases as the cultists are ready to use any means to achieve their goals, even
if they are contrary to the law. The activities of the cults are a huge danger for all members of society.
Youth becomes more violent. In their eyes, human life has no value. The culture of peaceful resolution of
conflicts is lost. Instead brute force is used.
Society acquires a negative image. The country loses its favorable appearance and is likened to a
medieval community.
The standard of education falls. The prestige of schools and universities declines. Because of this, many
citizens remain uneducated.
Members of the cult do harm not only to others but also to themselves by abusing drugs and neglecting
their own health. All this causes a devastating impact on health and significantly worsens the quality of
It has been established in the course of this study that the problem of cultism, among others, is a symptom
of society, which is embroiled I moral decadence and where institutionalized and personal violence has
become a way of life.
Realizing the havoc which cultism has wrecked on both members and non-members of the academic
community, all hands must be on deck to combat the menace. Besides, if the tertiary institutions’
administration would come back to its glorious past as well as prepare the nation for the better days, there
is the need to rediscover and teach the people concerned the goals of university education.
It is therefore imperative on the part of the stakeholders in the university education (the churches, the
mosques, parents, school administrators and the society at large) to fuse effort to eradicate the menace
before it destroys the whole educational system. Besides, government should be more aggressive in her
quest to eradicate cultism in the tertiary institutions.
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