Explanation For those who want to know ===================================
Electrolysis i In chemistry and manufacturing, electrolysis is a technique that uses a direct electric current (DC) to drive an otherwise non-spontaneous chemical reaction. Electrolysis is commercially important
as a stage in the separation of elements from naturally occurring sources such as ores using an electrolytic cell. Very Different from Voltrolysis cell Electrolysis uses a variety of salts electrolyte to cause a dielectric breakdown and high amp draw to disassociate chemical bonds creating a exothermic heat in the process.
Voltrolysis by Stanley Meyer In Chemistry and Ionization and Disassociation of Gas is a technique Using no Electrolyte
and uses a a Indirect Voltage Source a Voltage Plasma Field Based on a DC to Cause the Ionic Dissociation of Chemical Bonds in Liquids and Gas Chemistry. The primary coil is electrically isolated (no electrical connection between primary and secondary coil) to form Voltage Intensifier Circuit Voltage amplitude or voltage potential is increased when secondary coil is wrapped with more turns of wire.
Isolated electrical ground (J) prevents electron flow from input circuit ground causing a Charge on Cell Plates
and a Volt Based Plasma Field which acts as a Catalyst to dissociate chemical Bonds. Very Different from Electrolytic cells and Not Electrolysis as no electrolyte. A Low Amp high Voltage Solution Similar to how a Fluro Light Works with a choke/ballast restricting amps Having a Cold Process with little of no Exothermic Reaction heat as no electrolyte no shorting of cell and no grounding the dissolved gases which makse the water a fuel a carrier.?
So Use Volts not amps and BIngo your alot closer
The Water Fuel Cell technology encounters a credibility gap because it appears to run counter to the long established laws governing our interpretation of Nature. In fact, the water Fuel Cell is entirely natural. It merely demonstrates a new and revolutionary way of harnessing what nature has always had on offer. It does not infringe the two main laws of thermodynamics, i.e.:
THE FIRST LAW: "The total energy of a theromdynamic system remains constant although it may be transformed from one form to another." In the case of Water Fuel Cell technology, the system is global. The
energy required to drive the engine comes from the zero-point energy contained in the water, a virtually
inexhaustible source. The exhaust from the engine is water vapour which returns to the atmosphere.
THE SECOND LAW: As originally formulated by R. Clausius in 1865, this law states that "The entropy of the World strives towards a maximum". As recently formulated by Prigogine and Stengers, this law "contains
two fundamental elements: (1) a negative one that expresses the impossibility of certain processes (e.g. heat flowing from a cold to a hot source) and (2) a positive, constructive one. It is the impossibility of certain processes that permits us to introduce a function, entropy, which increases uniformly and behaves as an attractor for isolated systems". It is at maximum when the system is in equilibrium. Non-equilibrium is the source of order and brings order out of chaos. Since Water Fuel Cell technology postulates non-equilibrium, it can be said to be supported by the positive element of this Law.?
Gas Processor Purpose remove electrons from ambiant air and hho to stop it forming to water , and thus creat a new (not HHo gas) one that is thermal explosive with more force than heat power. below is a rough guide to doing thay Daniel Donatelli the circuit stan had on gas processor part sent in micro pulses we can do very fast pulses on 3 different t circuits to and from gas processor 1st circuit drives in pwm 5 khz up 12 volt pulses
going though a h bridge transformer up to high voltage which includes ballasts/ chokes to restrict amps like a fluro light start box set , it is gated with a over lay gate 5 khz in the gate off time the electrodes
\ are used to extract electrons from gas it happens in pico second times if possible or fast as circuit can allow we have a 2nd circuit draw off electrons from the gas that power is used to go into a 9xd or similar power cap and control 12 volt and adjust abot amps lets say 5 to 10 amp its drives a picosecond driver and
vcsell laser diode array which pulses and shines into the gas processor as well these light pulse help keep
gas energizes and knock arround electrons for extraction it is a storm in the of voltage and light the NM of
electrons is under debate but we know the broad spectrum is Cool White that will hit every spectrums like a aura,
and it you alternated with uv you would hit most of them and get the goals across all of them energy state orbits
it happen instantly, the things is the oxygen electrons are in pairs so that are fairly easy to knock off compared to other atoms so time to build below is a diagram from stan shown back concept the 9xd and pico laser diode drive
not shown the following 2 circuit are the circuit 1 and circuit 2 alternating
The Hydrogen Industry and on Demand Industry is Global and Using Voltage not amps like a Fluro Light Transformer and ballast does and no electrolyte use is the way this avoids the amps draw and thus the water releases extra
electrons which are already held there like a battery nothing is consumed or lost as it is a global system just like charge build up of lightening the energy is not used it is moved causing magnetsium on the plates and acts as a catalyst which we avoid and restricts amps , we use only volts from alternator not the amps KEY POINT and thus very different Please Join these FB Groups We have alot of people building and sharing advanced technology and
Please Remember Subscribe to 1 Year Subscription to Fuel Training Data and I send you links for 2 data sites of Meyers items and parts with log in s
This is the most important example this is a tank circuit we make volts 12 volts we put into a 200 turn or similar transformer, our comes higher volts, it goes into chokes , chokes are tuned wound to resonance to cell resistance, ( choke can be another transformer with primary as choke and secondary not used and shorted to its self to keep it neutral) there is also a Diode to stope volts leaving cell a oneway in no way out item, this means it causes a bounce or ring in in the circuit as voltage is bounced inside and held there we, tune with coil and
cell as it is a lc tank circuit ,, ================================================
we have a dielectric layer inside the outer tube the cathode of wet cell, this layer can be just water polarized or a ceramic build up or coating or dielectric varnish or most common is quartz tube for the purpose (like you see in air ionizers) , basically it is a capacitor layer,
the voltage builds up there, the water goes between the layer and negative centre tube, so we have a water capacitor wet cell. =================================================== The Circuit Driver a PWM we have 5 hkz pulse with a overlayed 5 khz gate the gate rests cell briefly , to to avoid the dead short , ================================================ which would ground out capacitance build up and prevent capacitence effect in cell so we can not have salt or electrolyte in this system. ================================================ . we have a diode the diode holds the voltage in the wet cell capacitor water voltrolysis cell, during gate period of circuit so no back spike blows up our pwm cicuirt during the gat time . and does not ionize our choke transformer coils, with back spike. ================================================ Having this excellent design causes a ringing or a bounce which keeps voltage we sent in in the cell and cell charged up with volts and with very little current or amp draw, just as a fluro light works, ================================================ Except if we put a capacitor in a fluro light it would build up voltage very very high too and start splitting the gas beyond just emitting light ) this is what we do we let it compound and scale to do just that ) ================================================ ( so as a example lets say we put in 900 to 1500 volts, the gate occurs, the voltage try to leave during gate time . But it can not as no dead short, no salts, no ground and no exit due to diode, or h bridge isolating cell circuit ,
=================================================== so voltage is bounced back to water cell and hits it again like a rebounded wave ,
like another pwm in, the voltage has a slight drop let say cell goes to 1100 volts from the 1500 put in as a example only so people can visualize , ================================================ the gate than the gate opens from pwm again and it sends in another 990 to 1500 volts pulsed in in 5 khz this creates a step charge the voltage capacitance climbs with each pulse "THE STAN MEYER STEP CHARGE" ================================================ , This Voltage adds to the first remaining voltage held in the dielectric layer in the west cell that the water is exposed too , =============================================== example 1100 volts + 900-1500 = aprox 2000 to 2500 now in cell , the gate occurs again voltage trys to leave but can't
it bounces and reflected back into cell, and we hit it again and again and again, ================================================ what happens is we build up the voltage on the dielectric layer it starts to ionize the water the h20 polarizes and it starts to have very great magnetisium on the dielectric layer and
on anode and cathode in the wet cell with no salt no electrolyte . ================================================ , the water splits gases are separated use no current or amps as we use the magnetisium of the voltage build up = VOLTROLYSIS
================================================ electrons flood the cell as the energy bouncing around start knocking them off into water and add these electrons further
add to held charge and our pwm & voltage intensifier efforts . ================================================ , , now this is the basics, this is what happens this is why and how voltage gets in there, the more tuned the chokes and pwm are with the tank circuit using ppl the better and faster it does that, ================================================ now it does get such high voltage that the bounce can turn dc (which we have to have) to be ac, we do not want that , so we use a hbridge to switch in a extract circuit during gate this is happening fast , it pulls out extract electrons being freed from broken bonds that would create a ac, so we draw it down, we run it into
a 9xd voltage regulator that regulator can run a picsecond driver for vcsell diodes white band cold, which can hit all the nm band of light we can also have uv also well, we want to have a full auro faced back into cell, this will create a light storm these knock more electrons off faster. , ================================================ Now we have very power gas it is a h and o with electrons stripped off it will no reform back to water unless it gets more electrons, so we do not want salt in there no electrolyte, but we also do not want to ground the cell , the cell water or the gas, (THIS IS A COLD PROCESS WATER STAY UNDER 40 C cold to touch ) ( cold water is like a sponge it hold gas) ( we can meter mic fill the water) so as gas or water with dissolved gas in it leaves cell all pipe manifold engine block etc must be positive charged so no negative electrons can ground gas to inert state. ================================================ when the spark finally happens the force is explosive not implosive any more, and thus has greater force than just heat, as the gas struggle to find electrons the rip apart neighboring water and other
other gases to get them and often that includes nox and no which is in the water and air ================================================ Now you know this and you understanding clearly what is occurring please teach it . ================================================ Part 2 is the gas processor , as do need to mix some air into the engine we know we absolutely can not use ambient air as that would give electrons back to our new non HHO gas or water fuel mix, , so we must control the ambient air access which means manifold and air intake no leaks, we use a diaphragm to control the ambient airs access so only what engine needs is vacuumed into the gas processor , ================================================ the gas process is the same system as described above except it strips and separates the n and the o into unstable elements that find it hard to reform with missing electrons , we do all of this with the new key skill of making sure nothing can ground back out ingredients, we do everything we can thing off to extract electrons all along the way to the cylinder than means + engine block too. ( not the whole car just the fuel line
and engine block) ================================================ So I would Invite you all to copy paste save and share this to as many forums and website and inventive ways as you can, This is the Stan Meyer Culture Please Remember Subscribe to 1 Year Subscription to Fuel Training Data and I send you links for 2 data sites of Meyers items and parts with log in s
PS by the way this new Gas will burn bright as the sun and emit as much light as the sun ENJOY THE TECHNOLOGY.
Begin Here Secure Supplies
Explanation For those who want to know ===================================
Electrolysis i In chemistry and manufacturing, electrolysis is a technique that uses a direct electric current (DC) to drive an otherwise non-spontaneous chemical reaction. Electrolysis is commercially important
as a stage in the separation of elements from naturally occurring sources such as ores using an electrolytic cell. Very Different from Voltrolysis cell Electrolysis uses a variety of salts electrolyte to cause a dielectric breakdown and high amp draw to disassociate chemical bonds creating a exothermic heat in the process.
Voltrolysis by Stanley Meyer In Chemistry and Ionization and Disassociation of Gas is a technique Using no Electrolyte
and uses a a Indirect Voltage Source a Voltage Plasma Field Based on a DC to Cause the Ionic Dissociation of Chemical Bonds in Liquids and Gas Chemistry. The primary coil is electrically isolated (no electrical connection between primary and secondary coil) to form Voltage Intensifier Circuit Voltage amplitude or voltage potential is increased when secondary coil is wrapped with more turns of wire.
Isolated electrical ground (J) prevents electron flow from input circuit ground causing a Charge on Cell Plates
and a Volt Based Plasma Field which acts as a Catalyst to dissociate chemical Bonds. Very Different from Electrolytic cells and Not Electrolysis as no electrolyte. A Low Amp high Voltage Solution Similar to how a Fluro Light Works with a choke/ballast restricting amps Having a Cold Process with little of no Exothermic Reaction heat as no electrolyte no shorting of cell and no grounding the dissolved gases which makse the water a fuel a carrier.?
So Use Volts not amps and BIngo your alot closer
The Water Fuel Cell technology encounters a credibility gap because it appears to run counter to the long established laws governing our interpretation of Nature. In fact, the water Fuel Cell is entirely natural. It merely demonstrates a new and revolutionary way of harnessing what nature has always had on offer. It does not infringe the two main laws of thermodynamics, i.e.:
THE FIRST LAW: "The total energy of a theromdynamic system remains constant although it may be transformed from one form to another." In the case of Water Fuel Cell technology, the system is global. The
energy required to drive the engine comes from the zero-point energy contained in the water, a virtually
inexhaustible source. The exhaust from the engine is water vapour which returns to the atmosphere.
THE SECOND LAW: As originally formulated by R. Clausius in 1865, this law states that "The entropy of the World strives towards a maximum". As recently formulated by Prigogine and Stengers, this law "contains
two fundamental elements: (1) a negative one that expresses the impossibility of certain processes (e.g. heat flowing from a cold to a hot source) and (2) a positive, constructive one. It is the impossibility of certain processes that permits us to introduce a function, entropy, which increases uniformly and behaves as an attractor for isolated systems". It is at maximum when the system is in equilibrium. Non-equilibrium is the source of order and brings order out of chaos. Since Water Fuel Cell technology postulates non-equilibrium, it can be said to be supported by the positive element of this Law.?