Photoshop Activity: Set Card of Group Photo / Invitation Card For this activity, you need to collect the pictures of your group mates. Then combine them in 1 picture. As much as possible, select the higher quality in order to have a better output. Photoshop Steps: 1. Open your photos in Photoshop. 2. Remove the background of each photo. Steps in removing Background. 1.) Double Click the layer from Background rename to Layer 0. 2.) use Quick Selection Tool for selecting background. 3.) use Polygonal Lasso Tool to select remaining unnecessary edges. 4.) you can also use Eraser to delete edges. Command in enlarging your eraser or brush - press [ or ] 3. Create New PSD File. (This will be your Canvass) File – New – (under Preset, select Photo, then Size chose Landscape, 5x7 with 300 Resolution) 4. Drag the edited photos into your canvass. Then rearrange the size and position of each photo. (Use Ctrl T – Free Transform) Then adjust the size 5. Add a desired background (Taken from the Web or Created using Gradient Tool) 6. Add Text of your favorite Quote or Motto(or Invitation message). Use a font of your choice and color combination. 7. Add names of those in the picture. 8. Additional Special Features: Use Image > Adjustments > Curves - to Enhance the Color of your Photo. Use Layer > Layer Style > Select Blending Options - to enhance your image or Text Design Use Pen Tool for Removing Background. Use Healing Brush to remove pimples, Black heads or wrinkles 9. Save in .JPG format then Turn-in Submit also Original Photos used, Unedited. Criteria Canvas Size 7” wide-5” tall Points 10 Name typed with a Blended Option Effects 10 All Pictures of the members of the group included 10 Easily identifiable Quote or Invitation 10 High Quality pictures/graphics 10 Backgrounds erased from all images—overall quality of selections 10 Deductions Pictures/graphics placed on blending colors 10 Name still recognizable 10 Use of Special Features like Color Adjustments/ Healing Tools, Etc. 10 Saved as JPG on with original Photos 10 100 Total Points