Java Programming Language LESSON 4 ( B OXED TYPES, OVERLOADING, OVERRIDING, I NHERITANCE ) Hayk Avdalyan Java boxed types Primitive type Wrapper class boolean Boolean byte Byte char Character float Float int Integer long Long short Short double Double Hayk Avdalyan Cast/Parse What do you think about the code above? Hayk Avdalyan Cast/Parse ERROR Cannot cast from String to int Hayk Avdalyan Cast/Parse The correct way Hayk Avdalyan Cast/Parse Also a) The Byte class provides the parseByte method, b) The Long class the parseLong method, c) The Short class the parseShort method, d) The Float class the parseFloat method, and e) The Double class the parseDouble method. Hayk Avdalyan Access Modifiers Hayk Avdalyan Constructors Constructors have the same name as the class They do not have any return type Hayk Avdalyan Method overloading Within the same class, you can create two methods of the same name but differs in the number of arguments and their types. This is called method overloading. Note that changing the return type alone is not allowed to overload a method Hayk Avdalyan Inheritance Hayk Avdalyan Inheritance (IS-A) and (HAS-A) Hayk Avdalyan Method overriding Method overriding occurs when a class inherits a method from a super class but provides its own implementation of that method Hayk Avdalyan Method overriding OR Hayk Avdalyan Task Create your own project using inheritance (minimum 5 objects) Hayk Avdalyan