Advances in Environmental Research 6 Ž2002. 533᎐540 Selective adsorption of chromiumž VI/ in industrial wastewater using low-cost abundantly available adsorbents M. Dakiky U , M. Khamis, A. Manassra, M. Mer’eb Faculty of Science and Technology, Al-Quds Uni¨ ersity, P.O. Box 20002 East Jerusalem Abstract The removal of poisonous CrŽVI. from industrial wastewater by different low-cost abundant adsorbents was investigated. Wool, olive cake, sawdust, pine needles, almond shells, cactus leaves and charcoal were used at different adsorbentrmetal ion ratios. The influence of pH, contact time, metal concentration, adsorbent nature and concentration on the selectivity and sensitivity of the removal process was investigated. The adsorption process was found to follow a first-order rate mechanism and the rate constant was evaluated at 30⬚C. In the case of wool, the rate constant was the highest Ž39.6= 10y3 miny1 . and the cactus leaves gave the lowest value Ž6.8= 10y3 miny1 .. Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms were applicable to the adsorption process and their constants were evaluated. The thermodynamic equilibrium constant and the Gibbs free energy were calculated for each system. The ⌬G o for the absorption by wool Žy2.26 kJ moly1 . and that for the cactus leaves Ž2.8 kJ moly1 . supported the findings that wool was the best among the selected adsorbents for the selective removal of CrŽVI. at pH 2 and an adsorbent concentration of 16 g ly1 at 30⬚C, for which the removal was 81% out of 100 ppm CrŽVI. after 2 h of stirring. A comparison between a simulated sample containing 100 ppm CrŽVI. and a true wastewater sample containing 100 ppm CrŽVI., 19 ppm Al, 30 ppm Mg, 49 ppm Ca, and 10 ppm B, showed that the adsorption process is satisfactory and selective for CrŽVI.. 䊚 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: ChromiumŽVI.; Adsorption; Adsorption isotherm; pH effect; Adsorbent; Thermodynamics 1. Introduction Chromium occurs most frequently as CrŽVI. or CrŽIII. in aqueous solutions. The two oxidation states have different chemical, biological and environmental properties ŽWorld Health Organization, 1988.. CrŽIII. is relatively insoluble, and an essential micronutrient ŽSaner, 1980., while CrŽVI. is a primary contaminant U Corresponding author. Fax: q972-2-2796960. E-mail address: ŽM. Dakiky.. because of its toxicity to humans, animals, plants and microorganisms ŽUS Department of Health and Human Services, 1991; Cieslak-Golonka, 1995.. Chromium has widespread industrial applications; hence, large quantities of chromium are discharged into the environment. The major industries that contribute to water pollution by chromium are mining, leather tanning, textile dyeing, electroplating, aluminum conversion coating operations, plants producing industrial inorganic chemicals and pigments, and wood preservatives ŽUdy, 1956.. The level of chromium in discharged wastewater should be reduced, or recycled if possible. 1093-0191r02r$ - see front matter 䊚 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. PII: S 1 0 9 3 - 0 1 9 1 Ž 0 1 . 0 0 0 7 9 - X 534 M. Dakiky et al. r Ad¨ ances in En¨ ironmental Research 6 (2002) 533᎐540 Several methods are utilized to remove chromium from industrial wastewater. These include: reduction followed by chemical precipitation ŽZhou et al., 1993.; ion exchange ŽTiravanti et al., 1997.; reduction ŽSeaman et al., 1999.; adsorption ŽDahbi et al., 1999.; electrochemical precipitation ŽKongsricharoern and Polprasert, 1996.; solvent extraction ŽPagilla and Canter, 1999.; membrane separation ŽChakravarti et al., 1995.; cementation ŽLin et al., 1992.; evaporation; reverse osmosis; foam separation; freeze separation; and biosorption ŽAksu and Kutsal, 1990; Aksu et al., 1996.. Adsorption is an effective and versatile method for removing chromium, particularly when combined with appropriate regeneration steps. This solves the problems of sludge disposal and renders the system more economically viable, especially if low-cost adsorbents are used ŽBailey et al., 1999.. Several recent publications utilized different inexpensive and locally abundantly available adsorbents Že.g. activated carbon ŽLeyva-Ramos et al., 1995., agricultural by-products ŽSamantaroy et al., 1997., waste materials ŽNamasivayam and Yamuna, 1995., and charge minerals ŽSingh et al., 1992.. However, the literature is still insufficient to cover this problem, and more work and investigations are needed to deal with other locally available and cheap adsorbents to eliminate CrŽVI. from industrial wastewater samples with different compositions and characteristics. The simultaneous quantitative determination of the micronutrient CrŽIII. and the carcinogenic CrŽVI. is of great importance in environmental analysis and biological studies. Different speciation techniques are applied prior to detection. Chromatography ŽPantsar-Kallio and Manninen, 1996., solvent extraction ŽNygren and Wahlberg, 1998., co-precipitation ŽZou et al., 1996., capillary ion electrophoresis ŽJia et al., 1996. and electro-deposition ŽBermejo-Barrera et al., 1998. are the methods most utilized. In this paper, wool, olive cake, sawdust, pine needles, almond shells, cactus leaves and charcoal, all abundant, low-cost locally available adsorbents, were studied to determine their efficiency in removing chromium from simulated contaminated samples. The effects of pH, contact time, adsorbent concentration and metal ionradsorbent ratio were investigated at 30⬚C. 2. Experimental 2.1. Materials All primary chemicals used were of analytical reagent grade. K 2 Cr2 O 7 , CrCl 3 ⭈ 6H 2 O, NaOH, and H 2 SO4 were purchased from Merck. The seven adsorbents used in the study: wool, olive cake, sawdust, pine nee- dles, almond shells, cactus leaves and coal, were taken from local Palestinian natural resources. Wool, freshly cut from sheep, was washed with water and detergent, dried to constant weight at room temperature and then sized to 1-cm-long fibers prior to use. The other adsorbents were cleaned, dried to constant weight and ground to pass through a 50-mesh screen Žparticle size, 200 m.. No further characterization or analysis was performed on the adsorbents. 2.2. Instruments A Varian Vista charged-coupled device axial simultaneous inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometer ŽVesta CCD ICP-AES. was used for chromium determination. The pH of the solutions was measured with a 3310 Jenway pH meter using a combined glass electrode calibrated with buffers of pH 2, 4, and 7. The solutions were shaken with a Untritronic-OR ŽSelecta P. thermostated electronic shaker. Centrifugation was performed on a Sigma 2-3 centrifuge. 2.3. Method Stock solutions Ž5000 ppm. of CrŽVI. and CrŽIII. were prepared by dissolving 7.0719 g of AR grade K 2 Cr2 O 7 and 12.8111 g of AR grade CrCl 3 ⭈ 6H 2 O, respectively, in 500 ml of deionised, double-distilled water. Standard solutions of the required CrŽVI. and CrŽIII. concentrations were prepared by appropriate dilution. Batch adsorption studies were carried out for different adsorbents using 100-ml conical flasks containing 25 ml of the test solutions at the desired initial chromium concentration and pH. The required amount of the adsorbent material was then added and the flask contents were shaken for the required contact time at 30⬚C in an electric thermostated shaker. The contents of the flask were filtered through filter paper, centrifuged and the supernatant was analyzed for final pH, and final chromium concentration using ICP. The percentage removal of chromium was calculated as follows: % removal of Cr s Ž Cint y Cfin . = 100rCint where Cint and Cfin are the initial and final chromium concentrations, respectively. Throughout the study, the contact time was varied from 30 to 300 min, the pH from 1.0 to 10, the initial chromium concentration from 20 to 1000 ppm and the amount of adsorbent from 2 to 24 g ly1. A comparison between true wastewater samples from an aluminum powder coating factory and laboratory-simulated synthetic samples was performed. The kinetic parameters for the adsorption process M. Dakiky et al. r Ad¨ ances in En¨ ironmental Research 6 (2002) 533᎐540 535 were studied on the batch adsorption of 100 ppm of CrŽVI. at 30⬚C at pH int 2. The contact time was varied between 0.5 and 2.0 h and the percent removal of CrŽVI. was monitored. The data were fitted to the Lagergren equation ŽNamasivayam and Yamuna, 1995.: 3. Results and discussion log Ž qe y q . s log qe y K ad tr2.303 The selected adsorbents Žwool, pine needles, sawdust, olive cake, almond shells, cactus leaves and coal. were used at concentrations ranging from 2 to 24 g ly1 in a batch adsorption technique at 30⬚C. At 8 g ly1 of adsorbent, the removal of CrŽVI. was found to be between 68.7% Žfor wool. and 19.8% Žfor almond shells.. Increasing the adsorbent concentration resulted in an increase in the percentage removal of CrŽVI. ŽFig. 1.. At 16 g ly1 of wool, the removal of CrŽVI. from solution was found to be 81.3%. The variation in the sorption capacity between the various adsorbents could be related to the type and concentration of surface groups responsible for interaction with the metal ions. The selected adsorbents are from two different classes of fibers. Wool is a protein-based animal fiber, with many amino and carboxylic groups that may play a major role in metal binding. The other adsorbents are cellulose-based plant fibers, with many hydroxy groups that may bind the CrŽVI. ion. The presence of a particular functional group or binding site does not necessarily guarantee its accessibility as a sorption site, due to the possible coexistence of steric, conformational, or other types of barriers. The advan- Ž1. where q is the amount of CrŽVI. Žmg gy1 adsorbent. removed at time t, qe is the amount of CrŽVI. removed at equilibrium and K ad is the rate constant of adsorption Žminy1 .. The adsorption isotherms for the CrŽVI. removal were studied using initial concentrations of CrŽVI. between 20 and 1000 ppm at adsorbent concentration of 80 g ly1 at 30⬚C. The data obtained were then fitted to the Langmuir adsorption isotherm ŽNamasivayam and Yamuna, 1995.: Cerqe s 1rQbq CerQ Ž2. where Ce is the equilibrium concentration of adsorbate Žmg ly1 ., qe is the amount adsorbed at equilibrium Žmg gy1 adsorbent., and Q Žmg gy1 . and b Žl mgy1 . are the Langmuir constants related to the adsorption capacity and energy, respectively. The adsorption data were also fitted to the Freundlich isotherm ŽNamasivayam and Yamuna, 1995.: log qe s log K f q 1rnlogCe 3.1. Effect of adsorbent type and concentration Ž3. where qe is the amount of adsorbate adsorbed per unit weight Žmg gy1 adsorbent., Ce is the equilibrium concentration Žmg ly1 . of adsorbate and K f is the Freundlich constant. The thermodynamic equilibrium constant Ž K co . for each system was obtained at 30⬚C by calculating the ⬘ apparent equilibrium constant Kc at different initial concentrations of CrŽVI. and extrapolating to zero: K c⬘ s CarCe Ž4. where Ca is concentration of CrŽVI. on the adsorbent at equilibrium in mg ly1 and Ce is the concentration of CrŽVI. in solution in mg ly1. The Gibbs free energy Ž ⌬G o . for the adsorption process was obtained at 30⬚C using the formula: ⌬G o s yRT ln K co Ž5. where R is the ideal gas constant Ž8.314 J moly1 Ky1 . and T is temperature in K. Fig. 1. Effect of adsorbent concentration on CrŽVI. removal by selected adsorbents: pH 2; wCrŽVI.x s 100 ppm; contact time, 2 h; and temperature, 30⬚C. 536 M. Dakiky et al. r Ad¨ ances in En¨ ironmental Research 6 (2002) 533᎐540 tage of wool for the removal of CrŽVI. ions from solution over the other adsorbents may arise from both the high concentration of the sorption sites and the loose nature of the fiber, allowing easier penetration of the metal ion to the sorption sites. 3.2. Effect of pH An increase in the pH of all solutions from the initial value, pH int , took place in all samples after stirring of the batch mixture for 2 h with a sample solution containing 100 ppm CrŽVI.. For all adsorbents, the percentage removal of CrŽVI. from solution was affected dramatically by the pH int at which the batch adsorption was performed. The percentage removal reached a maximum value at a pH int of approximately 2.0 ŽFig. 2.. It is well known that the dominant form of CrŽVI. at this pH is HCrO4y ŽNamasivayam and Yamuna, 1995.. Increasing the pH will shift the concentration of HCrO4y to other forms, CrO42y and Cr2 O 72y. It can be concluded that the active form of CrŽVI. that can be adsorbed by all adsorbents chosen in this study is HCrO4y. The increase in pH with contact time from pH int to pH fin can be explained by hydrolysis of the adsorbent in water, which will create positively charged sites. Upon adsorption of HCrO4y, a net production of hydroxide ions will occur, as shown in Eq. Ž6.: y. y qŽ ⬅OHq 2 q HCrO4 l ⬅OH 2 HCrO4 Ž6. This change in pH is very small at low pH, since the Table 1 Relationship between pH and adsorption selectivity Adsorbent Removal Ž%. pH 2 Wool Olive cake Sawdust Pine needles Almond Coal Cactus pH 5 CrŽVI. CrŽIII. CrŽVI. CrŽIII. 69.3 47.1 53.5 42.9 23.5 23.6 19.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.8 8.4 13.8 13.0 2.3 2.4 8.2 58.3 74.8 96.8 79.4 60.0 99.4 55.2 wCrx s 100 ppm; adsorbent dosage, 8 g ly1 ; contact time, 2 h; and temperature, 30⬚C. solutions are well buffered by the acids used in this pH range. This mechanism is in agreement with the findings of previous studies on other adsorbents ŽNamasivayam and Yamuna, 1995.. It is worth mentioning that, on conducting similar experiments on CrŽIII. under the same conditions, no removal of CrŽIII. by any of the adsorbents was observed, due to repulsion of the positive CrŽIII. ions by the positively charged active centers on the adsorbents at this pH ŽTable 1.. Hence, this process is very selective for the removal of the toxic form of chromium from any matrix under these conditions ŽpH 2.. The adsorption of CrŽIII., on the other hand, occurs at higher pH values and reaches a maximum at pH 5. At this pH, the number of negatively charged groups on the adsorbent matrix increases and enhances the removal of the CrŽIII. species by coulombic attraction, as shown in Eq. Ž7.: q q 2 Ž ⬅Oy . q Cr Ž OH. 2 l Ž ⬅Oy. 2 Cr Ž OH. 2 Ž7. CrŽVI. adsorption is highly reduced at pH 5 due to the same mechanism Žsee Table 1.. 3.3. Effect of time Fig. 2. Effect of pH on the removal of CrŽVI. by selected adsorbents: wCrŽVI.x s 100 ppm; adsorbent dosage, 8 g ly1 ; contact time, 2 h; and temperature, 30⬚C. Fig. 3 shows the effect of contact time on the batch adsorption of 100 ppm CrŽVI. at 30⬚C and pH int 2. It is obvious that the increase in contact time from 0.5 to 2.0 h increased the percentage removal of CrŽVI.. A further increase in contact time had a negligible effect on the % removal. The nature of the adsorbent and its compactness affected the time needed to reach equilibrium. For wool, this time was 1.5 h. For the other adsorbents, a contact time of 2 h was needed for equilibrium to be established, and hence all experiments on the physical properties of adsorption were conducted after 2 h of contact time. From the time versus % removal curves, the kinetics of CrŽVI. adsorption on the different adsorbents was found to follow M. Dakiky et al. r Ad¨ ances in En¨ ironmental Research 6 (2002) 533᎐540 Fig. 3. Effect of contact time on the removal of CrŽVI. by selected adsorbents: pH 2; wCrŽVI.x s 100 ppm; adsorbent dosage, 8 g ly1 ; and temperature, 30⬚C. the first-order rate law derived by Lagergren ŽEq. Ž1... Fig. 4 shows the Lagergren plot for all adsorbents. The linearity of these plots indicates that a first-order mechanism is indeed followed in this process. The rate constants for each system were calculated from the linear least-squares method and are given in Table 2. 3.4. The adsorption isotherms The relation between the initial concentration of 537 Fig. 4. Lagergren plot for the adsorption of CrŽVI. by selected adsorbents: pH 2; wCrŽVI.x s 100 ppm; adsorbent dosage, 8 g ly1 ; and temperature, 30⬚C. CrŽVI. and its percentage removal from solution was studied for all adsorbents included in the study. The initial CrŽVI. concentrations tested were 20, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500 and 1000 mg ly1 at an adsorbent concentration of 8 g ly1. The adsorption process was found to follow the Langmuir adsorption isotherm ŽEq. Ž2... Linear least-squares fitted plots were obtained for the Table 2 Adsorption constants for the removal of CrŽVI. by the selected adsorbents at pH 2 and 30⬚C Adsorbent Wool Olive cake Sawdust Pine needles Almond Coal Cactus Adsorption kinetics Lagergren Rate constant Kad Žminy1 . 3.96= 10y2 8.99= 10y3 9.00= 10y3 1.18= 10y4 8.80= 10y3 7.44= 10y3 6.80= 10y3 Adsorption isotherms Langmuir Q Žmg gy1 . b Žmg ly1 . 41.15 33.44 15.823 21.50 10.616 6.78 7.082 7.15 = 10y3 4.70= 10y3 9.17= 10y3 5.44= 10y3 5.46= 10y3 11.50= 10y3 6.13= 10y3 Adsorption thermodynamics Freundlich Kf N Equilibrium constant KC Gibbs free energy ⌬Go ŽkJ moly1 . 2.23 0.489 0.877 0.27 0.141 0.207 0.094 2.459 1.450 2.295 0.948 0.3388 0.3712 0.3296 y2.26 y0.94 y2.02 0.134 2.73 2.50 2.80 2.295 1.575 2.29 1.44 1.46 1.68 1.419 538 M. Dakiky et al. r Ad¨ ances in En¨ ironmental Research 6 (2002) 533᎐540 low concentration region ŽFig. 5., where the adsorption isotherms obeyed the Langmuir equation; both Q and b were evaluated and are given in Table 2. However, the interpretation of the plots as straight lines in the low concentration region does not exclude the possible interpretation as two straight lines when the concentration limit is extended to higher values. The adsorption process was also found to obey the Freundlich isotherm ŽEq. Ž3.., where the plots of log qe vs. logCe resulted in a linear correlation ŽFig. 6.. The K f values were calculated from the linear least-squares fitting and are given in Table 2. The results obtained showed that wool has the largest capacity and affinity for the selective removal of hexavalent chromium ions from solutions under the conditions studied. Wool was found to fit better to the Langmuir isotherm, which is based on the formation of layers on the active sites, while the other adsorbents fit better to the Freundlich isotherm, which is an empirical expression for the adsorption process ŽAtkin, 1998.. This is attributed to the difference in the micro and macro structures of the adsorbents. The adsorption of CrŽVI. is controlled by three diffusion steps Žfrom bulk solution to the film surrounding the adsorbent, from the film to the adsorbent surface, and from the surface to Fig. 6. Freundlich plot for the adsorption of CrŽVI. by selected adsorbents: pH 2.0; adsorbent dosage, 8.0 g ly1 ; contact time, 2.0 h; and temperature, 30⬚C. the internal sites. and the binding of the metal ions to the active sites. Wool, as a polypeptide loose fiber, has a high absorption capacity in acidic medium. The three diffusion steps occur very rapidly, allowing a high concentration of CrŽVI. metal ions to bind electrostatically to the active sites in a monolayer mechanism at low concentration ŽFig. 5., in which the concentration of active sites is relatively high. At higher concentrations of CrŽVI., saturation of the binding sites will occur and the formation of multilayers will take place. However, the other adsorbents are cellulose fibers that shrink in acidic solution, increasing their compactness. This makes the diffusion steps relatively slow, and diffusion becomes the rate-determining step in the binding of CrŽVI. to the active sites of these adsorbents. The adsorption in this case is random, due to the existence of a distribution of energetically different active sites. An empirical equation is more suitable to fit such behavior. For the wool fiber, the mode of binding is electrostatic interaction between the metal ion . ŽHCrO4y. and the active sites Ž ᎐NHq 3 , whereas for the cellulose adsorbents, it is hydrogen bonding. 3.5. Thermodynamics of adsorption Fig. 5. Langmuir plot for the adsorption of CrŽVI. by selected adsorbents: pH 2; adsorbent dosage, 8 g ly1 ; contact time, 2 h; and temperature, 30⬚C. The process of chromiumŽVI. adsorption can be summarized by the following reversible process, which represents a heterogeneous equilibrium: Cr Ž VI . in solution l Cr Ž VI . y adsorbent M. Dakiky et al. r Ad¨ ances in En¨ ironmental Research 6 (2002) 533᎐540 539 Table 3 CrŽVI. removal by wool from simulated samples w100 ppm CrŽVI.x, and aluminum powder coating wastewater samples w100 ppm CrŽVI., 19 ppm Al, 30 ppm Mg, 49 ppm Ca, and 10 ppm Bx at different wool concentrations Wool Žgrl. Uptake Žmgrg. 4 8 12 16 13.1 8.5 6.4 5.0 Simulated Removal Ž%. True 10.0 7.0 5.5 4.4 Simulated True 52.1 68.7 77.2 81.3 40.0 56.2 65.8 70.6 Contact time, 2 h; and temperature, 30⬚C. 3.6. True sample ¨ ersus simulated one Fig. 7. Apparent equilibrium constants versus equilibrium concentration for the adsorption of CrŽVI. by selected adsorbents: pH 2; adsorbent dosage, 8 g ly1 ; and temperature, 30⬚C. In this case, the activity should be used instead of concentration in order to obtain a unitless equilibrium constant ŽAtkin, 1998.. To achieve the standard state where the concentration can be used instead of activity, extrapolation of the apparent equilibrium constant to the limit of infinite dilution is made Fig. 7. At this condition, the activity coefficient is equal to unity and the concentration is then equal to activity. The thermodynamic equilibrium constant obtained is used to calculate all other thermodynamic parameters ŽTable 2.. The Gibbs free energy for the adsorption process was obtained at 30⬚C using Eq. Ž5. ŽTable 2.. The Gibbs free energy indicates the degree of spontaneity of the adsorption process, where more negative values reflect a more energetically favorable adsorption process. The negative ⌬G o values obtained in this study for some adsorbents confirm the feasibility of these adsorbents and spontaneity of the adsorption. The ⌬G o value for wool Žy2.26 kJ moly1 . shows that it has the largest capacity and affinity for the selective removal of CrŽVI. compared to the other adsorbents used in this study. A similar ⌬G o value Žy2.53 kJ moly1 . was reported for the removal of CrŽVI. by biogas residual slurry under similar conditions ŽNamasivayam and Yamuna, 1995.. Comparing a true sample taken from an aluminum coating factory w100 ppm CrŽVI.x and a laboratory simulated sample w100 ppm CrŽVI.x showed that the percent removal of CrŽVI. from the simulated sample was higher than that for the industrial effluent ŽTable 3.. The percentage removal of CrŽVI. from the aluminum powder coating wastewater as a function of initial CrŽVI. concentration in the effluent sample is also shown in Table 4. The difference between the CrŽVI. uptake from the simulated sample and the effluent sample is attributed to the presence of other ions and impurities in the effluent, in which a slight hindrance to the CrŽVI. adsorption may occur compared to the pure CrŽVI. simulated sample. 4. Conclusion Selective removal of the poisonous hexavalent form of chromium from solutions was possible using several abundantly available low-cost adsorbents. Natural wool from sheep was the most effective, for which the re- Table 4 A comparison between simulated samples and true aluminum powder coating wastewater samples at different initial CrŽVI. concentrations wCrŽVI.x Žppm. Uptake Žmgrg. 100 300 500 1000 8.5 19.8 26.9 34.5 Simulated True 10.0 18.1 26.5 30.5 Conditions: pH 2; adsorbent dosage, 8 grl; contact time, 2 h; and temperature 30⬚C. 540 M. Dakiky et al. r Ad¨ ances in En¨ ironmental Research 6 (2002) 533᎐540 moval reached 70% of CrŽVI. at 30⬚C. The optimum pH for removal was found to be 2, at which CrŽVI. exists mostly as the most easily adsorbed form, HCrO4y. Increases in the concentration of adsorbent, initial CrŽVI. concentration and contact time were found to increase the % removal of CrŽVI.. The kinetics of the CrŽVI. adsorption on the different adsorbents was found to follow a first-order rate mechanism. The Gibbs free energy obtained for wool as an adsorbent showed that it has the largest capacity and affinity for the selective removal of the metal. More studies are needed to optimize the system from the regeneration point of view and to investigate the economic aspects. Acknowledgements The authors are grateful to the National Aluminum and Profiles Company in Nablus, the Al-Tawfeeq Tanning Factory in Hebron, and the Al-Najafa Electroplating Factory for their help and assistance during this study. Our gratitude is extended to the Center for Chemical and Biological Research at Al-Quds University for carrying out the ICP measurements. The generous support from the Palestinian Ministry for Environmental Affairs is highly appreciated. References Aksu, Z., Kutsal, T., 1990. A comparative study for biosorption characteristics of heavy metal ions with C. ¨ ulgaris. Environ. Technol. 11, 979᎐987. ¨ Aksu, Z., Ozer, D., Ekiz, H., Kutsal, T., Calar, A., 1996. Investigation of biosorption of chromiumŽVI. on C. crispata in two-staged batch reactor. Environ. Technol. 17, 215᎐220. Atkin, P.W., 1998. Physical Chemistry, 6th Oxford University Press. Bailey, S.E., Olin, T.J., Bricka, R.M., Adrian, D.D., 1999. A review of potentially low-cost sorbents for heavy metals. 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