Curved Mirror Webquest: Concave & Convex Mirrors

Name: ________________________
Activity: Curved mirror Webquest
Draw a sketch of:
Concave Mirrors
Convex Mirrors
Constructing the image of a point.
1. Any two rays will tell us where the image of a point will be located. With
spherical mirrors we know where three different rays go.
2. Concave mirrors bring parallel rays of light to a point at the principal
3. A convex mirror makes parallel rays of light separate as if they came from
a virtual focal point.
4. The three rays (fill in the location of the reflected rays of light)
a. A ray parallel to the principal
axis will go,
b. A ray of light, which goes
through the center of
will, ____________________
c. A ray of light which goes
through the principal focus
*Use the Animations for the Concave and Convex Mirror sections to help with the
sketches in Case 1 – 8. The Molecular expressions Animations are helpful as
Case 1. Object at an infinite distance from the mirror
Description of the image in case 1. (Circle the correct answer)
1. Real or Virtual
2. Forms a Point
3. Location of image: ____________________
Case 2. Object at a finite distance beyond the center of curvature
Description of the image in case 2. (Circle the correct answer)
1. Real or Virtual
3. Larger, Smaller, or the Same size
2. Inverted or Erect
4. Location of Image: ___________________
Case 3. Object at the center of curvature
Description of the image in case 3. (Circle the correct answer)
1. Real or Virtual
2. Inverted or Erect
3. Larger, Smaller, or the Same size
4. Location of Image: ___________________
Case 4. Object between the focal point and the center of curvature
Description of the image in case 4. (Circle the correct answer)
1. Real or Virtual
2. Inverted or Erect
3. Larger, Smaller, or the Same size
4. Location of Image: ___________________
Case 5. Object at the focal point
Description of the image in case 5. (Circle the correct answer)
What happens with the reflected rays?
Case 6. Object between the mirror and the focus
Description of the image in case 6. (Circle the correct answer)
1. Real or Virtual
2. Inverted or Erect
3. Larger, Smaller, or the Same
4. Location of Image: ___________________
Answer the Check your Understanding questions #1-7 in the Image
Characteristics for Concave Mirrors section.
Case 7: Images formed by convex mirrors
Description of the image in case 7. (Circle the correct answer)
1. Real or Virtual
2. Inverted or Erect
3. Larger, Smaller, or the Same
4. Location of Image: ___________________
Case 8: Object moved closer to the convex mirror.
Description of the image in case 8. (Circle the correct answer)
1. Real or Virtual
2. Inverted or Erect
3. Larger, Smaller, or the Same
4. Location of Image: ___________________
Answer the Check your Understanding questions #1-10 in the Image
Characteristics for Concave Mirrors section.
In this section you will use the mirror equation to determine the location of the
image, focal length, and size of the image.
Through the WebQuest, write the two mirror equations. (focal length and
Mirror Equation:
Magnification Equation:
1 =
So =
*All distances measured from the vertex (center of the mirror along the principal
Variable identification:
f - is the focal length
So – size of the object
Si – size of the image
do – object distance from the vertex
di - image distance from the vertex
Example problems: (all objects are 2 cm tall)
1. Object is located 5 cm from a concave mirror, with a focal length of 2.5
a. Where is the image formed?
b. What is the size of the image?
c. Draw a ray diagram to confirm the math and describe the image.
2. Object is located 12 cm from a convex mirror, with a focal length of 4 cm.
a. Where is the image formed?
b. What is the size of the image?
c. Draw a ray diagram to confirm the math and describe the image.
* Use the Curved Mirror Intro link, and click on the Converging and Diverging
Mirror Virtual Lab.
3. Create four example problems (2 concave and 2 convex ) for another group to
solve. Write them below, create an answer key and turn this page into your